《The Forgotten Luna》Chapter 30



We stopped for lunch at the halfway point, Alyce being kind enough to get clothes out for each of us as we all slipped behind trees to shift back. She had pulled out the extra burritos from one of the packs and looked at me, “Do we have time to start a fire and warm them, or are we eating a cold lunch?”

I glanced at the sky, “If we can be moving again in an hour then we should be fine.”

“That should be doable, these won’t take long.” She set to work collecting some kindling and wood, finding a suitable place to make a fire. In less than 10 minutes she had a decent one going. She lined half the burritos up along the edge of the fire, using stones to keep them off the ground, “Is there a river nearby? I’d like to get some water to put this out before we leave.”

“Maybe half a mile east. I will send Titus to get some. He usually carries some basic supplies, including a collapsible bucket and shovel.”

“Thank you.” She smiled at me and it lit up my world.

“Anything for you. You didn’t have to feed us again, you know. We could have hunted in wolf form, that’s what we usually do.”

“I wanted to. No sense exerting more energy than necessary when we’re traveling.”

“You’re amazing, you know that?”

“Thank you,” She blushed and turned the burritos over to warm the other side. After a few minutes she was handing the first round out to the younger pack members, who thanked her and settled down to eat, and then she was setting up the remaining burritos to warm for the rest of us.

I noticed many of my pack members watching her, or staring at her. By now my entire pack knew what had happened to her, news travels fast. They seemed in awe of her, as was I. I don’t think any of us would have expected someone who had gone through what she had to be as selfless as she was. She truly cared about those she deemed her people. She took care of everyone else before worrying about herself and it made me wonder how many times she took punishments that should have been doled out to someone else.

“I’m going to check on everyone if you’re ok here, Half-Pint?”

“I’m fine, go on. These will be ready in about 10 minutes.”

“Alright,” I leaned down and kissed her before leaving her to do her thing and walking over to where my father was sitting with Mat, Titus, Jake and Faith. Kami and Victor were off talking with some of the pack members. I sat down next to my father, looking over my pack before watching my mate.


“She really is something isn’t she?” My father asked.

“She leaves me in awe every time I talk to her.” I agreed with him, “I was actually just wondering how many times she took the fall to protect others. She worries about everyone else and never herself.”

“More times than you really want to know,” Mat provided answers to my questions and then some, “Not once did she ever speak up for herself, or speak out against someone else. I’ve watched her intentionally draw attention to herself to protect a young teen who was learning the kitchen and accidentally broke a dish. Alyce is the only pack member who ever saw the inside of the hole for punishment, she made sure of it. I don’t think any of the Omegas would have survived it. I don’t think she would have either if she were actually an Omega.”

“I’ve stitched her up at least a dozen times over the last four years. They were usually sure to reopen the old scars. Sometimes they would wound her so she didn’t need stitches and would just build up the scars. I know they bother her, make her self conscious, but she never lets it show. It took me a while, but I’ve gotten her to the point that she will let it all out and not hold it in, but only when she’s with us and she feels safe will she let herself be vulnerable. I’ve tried to teach her that everything she goes through can be turned to her favor. It can be turned into a strength without letting it turn her cold. I did my best to teach her to compartmentalize so she could get through the torture and still know who she is.” Faith added.

“I couldn’t offer her much other a safe haven in our home and a skill as a distraction. That was originally why I taught her to cook, to distract her when she was younger. Then we discovered she had a natural and amazing skill in it and that would save her sometimes, because Andrew would want her presentable to cook and tend to dinners, both big and small. We’re all proud of the woman she is becoming. Despite everything, she has never lost herself.” Jake spoke up, he was often a man of few words, so I listened when he spoke, because it was usually important, or meaningful.

“I can’t thank you all enough for looking out for her. Without you all I may not have found her, at least not in any form of herself that wasn’t a shadow. I’m also thankful you came with us. She will make an amazing Luna, but I think the transition to a normal pack life will be easier for her with you guys around.” I looked at the three of them, “I owe you more than I could ever repay.”


“You just take care of her and keep her safe, help her find the answers she seeks, the truth she needs, no matter how bad, and that will be payment enough,” Jake said.

“Don’t treat her like glass either. I tried that approach once…” Mat rubbed his jaw, “It doesn’t end well. She doesn’t need protection in the form of keeping her in the dark. Include her, give her all of the details, trust me, she’ll appreciate it and respect you more for it.”

“And don’t pity her. She will shut you out in an instant. She can’t stand pity. Empathy, sympathy, those are ok, but never pity.” Faith spoke quickly as Alyce was making the rounds with the last round of burritos, and she was nearly to us.

“That’s sound advice from those who know her son, I suggest you remember it and when in doubt or unsure, seek their counsel. They know her best.”

“I will. Thank you all again.”

“Well y’all look far too serious over here. Everything ok?” Alyce asked as she handed us each a burrito.

“Just giving Tristan some insight on how to best avoid a punch to the jaw from you.” Mat laughed.

Alyce squeezed herself in between myself and Mat, “Scooch your big butt over Mattie, or I’ll punch the other side and make them even.”

“You’re the one with a big butt. Mine’s perfect.” He scoffed at her, but scooted down a bit.

“Yeah, perfectly flat!” She stuck her tongue out at him.

“Still looks better in spandex than yours. Don’t be jealous.”

“You wish.”

“Wait… Spandex?” I looked at them both questioningly as I worked on eating my burrito.

“It was part of a costume for a party that Andrew threw.” Alyce shuddered a bit, “It was traumatizing, let’s just leave it at that.”

“She’s probably right on that one… Some things can never be unseen.” Mat shuddered right along with her and I decided to drop it.

“Fair enough. So, I’m pretty sure these are even better when they’ve been sitting and the flavors have soaked in.” I changed the subject.

Titus and Father were quietly observing our group with some amusement as they ate. Kami wandered over and joined us as well.

“Alyce, will you still cook for us sometimes, even after you become Luna?” Kami asked, I swear she had no shame.

“I’d be happy to, but only if you’re going to get your hands dirty and help.”


“Alyce, you don’t have to. Don’t let her sucker you in.” I gave Kami a hard look.

“It’s fine. I really do enjoy cooking. I find it therapeutic.”

“Alright, but don’t feel obligated. You can tell her no if you need or want to.”

“I will, I promise. Now finish up, we need to start getting everyone shifted so I can get their clothes back in their packs.”

“Yes Ma’am.” I laughed and tucked her into my side, kissing her softly

I heard my father whispering to Titus, “She’s good for him, keeps him in line.”

“Mmm, whipped…” Titus replied.

“I can hear you.” I looked over at them with a glare.

“No idea what you’re talking about my boy. Come on Titus, let’s round up those who are done, we can help Alyce by taking care of those that are done eating.”

“I’ll put out the fire and be right there to help you Daemon.”

The two of them jumped to their feet and wandered off quickly. Alyce was giggling. I loved the sound of it, “Why don’t you rest for a few more minutes and I’ll go help Father prepare the other wolves.”

“Kami, Faith and I can help too,” Jake volunteered and I didn’t argue. Alyce had done enough and deserved a short rest too, plus she would likely be getting us all clothes when we got home. Wolves by nature were not bothered by nudity, but she insisted and no one wanted to deny her, so we let her.

“I’ll keep Alyce company,” Mat offered, “Keep an eye on her.”

“Sounds good.” I nodded at him, giving him a look of thanks.

“Hey! I can take care of myself, you know!”

“We know, but you also can’t shift out here, it doesn't hurt to be on the safe side.” Mat rebutted.

She pouted and gave in, he had a point and she knew she couldn’t argue with the logic of it, “Fine.”

Ten minutes later everyone but Mat and myself were shifted and ready to go. I walked over to where I had left Mat and Alyce and she turned while we stripped and shifted. I nudged her to let her know it was safe to turn around. She did so and ran a hand through each of our fur before she tucked our clothes into our bags and held Mat’s up so he could grab it easier.

“Alright Mr. Growly, our bags next. You sure they’re not bothering you the way I have them positioned over your back with the strap?”

I huffed and nodded at her. She’d asked me multiple times throughout our trip, *I’m sure, Love.* I grumbled through the mind-link at her, *Now get on and let’s get you home.* I crouched down and she climbed on, getting herself settled. I waited for her tap on my shoulder and then I howled, bringing everyone into formation and we were off again.

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