《The Howling Dust》Chapter 8
Addi was never imagining that this Tal affairs would became like this, he always knows that Tal was not to be trusted with very important matter like advise the King, he just a mage albeit a very strong one, he doesn’t even know how to maneuver between different interest of the many factions in the court less advised the King about solution to conflict between the kingdom. But he could understand where King Yurin’s fondness of him coming from, The King was just a third prince before both of his older brother dead, he serving in the army as a commander and known to had no interest in his father’s thrown at all, content to live his life as a soldier fighting in the field, rarely coming home if The late King not summoned him, it understandable choice for the life of a prince in the royal court was like some sort of war except you did it with smile and favor instead sword and curse. Complacent with his normal live as a soldier the prince took a village girl as a wife; it wouldn’t be a problem of course if nothing happens to his two brothers since there were many ways to address it. But an assassin took his older brother life and war killed the other one which made the third prince Yurin who had no ambition at all a crown prince. And the noble would never accept a peasant for a queen, so the prince had no other choice but divorces his peasant wife and took the noble one. It was rumored that the prince still deeply in love with the peasant and sometimes he quietly visited her, of course Addi as head of public affairs know better for it was true.
So when later appear a heroic archmage with a peasant background the king can’t help himself made this war hero as his advisor and a closed confidant without consulting to his court, many speculate it was the king’s way to lessen his guilt for divorce his beloved wife.
Knock on the door interrupted his musing; someone was coming, and he hoped that this Gordon boy can come soon so he would finish this before tomorrow.
A young man coming inside the guest room accompanied by two men that he meet before, this village chief and the leader of the hunter guild, he doesn’t bother to remember their name as he deemed them not important, detail of anything about this affair will be handle by his assistant who will came later.
Addi studied the young man they called Gordon, his outer appearance was typical of poor young man from a village, almost shoulder length black hair, a cubby check and a body that never been in the training before, this posture was slugged and there were no muscle in his shoulder or arm which bring a frown to his face. He wonders how a boy like this defeat an Archmage, the more he thought about it the more absurd it was sound. Maybe someone defeated Tal, and this boy somehow takes the credit, well at least he was tall.
Gordon was totally blown away by the beauty of Princess Jassime and couldn't stop glancing at her face and breasts that made Mr. Sully and Mr. Antem beside him very tense. He never imagined that he could see a face more beautiful than Sharon's, her skin was so flawless and her aura, truly graceful and enchanting.
He couldn’t help himself and offering his hand to the princess for a handshake, which she just looks at with an amused look. Someone grabs his extending hand and forces it to his side.
“I told you not to do anything,” Mr. Sully whispering, his face looked a little bit pale. Then he drags Gordon a little to the chair in front of the three guests.
The princess looked at Gordon with penetrating looked; she looked at his hair, his eyes, his everything that made all Gordon felt like some small insect crawling behind his skin.
“Could you please stop doing that,” Gordon said to the Princess who seems a little startled with his word, the Viscount and the head of public affairs also looked at each other with knowing looks.
“It makes me really uncomfortable,” Gordon said with a sheepish smile, he wonders if he just made them angry.
“Sure Mr. Gordon, I just want to make sure that you are what you claim,” The Princess said with an impeccable smile. “I have to say that you have really powerful mana; it resonates so strong I even almost can hear its singing, very impressive.”
Gordon heart flutter a little after hearing the Princess praises him. The men on her right side, a head of something clear his throat then focus his eyes on him.
“Boy….” Addi said to Gordon who felt angry to be called boy, he was a strong ability user; he killed a famous Archmage for God sake.
“No need to baring you fang here boy, I had face many people stronger than you” Addi said with a mocking expression which made Gordon decide there that he hates this man, there were one day when he will crush him to dust.
“Addi..” the princess said to the man, she gives him a hard look that made him squirm in his chairs, then Princess looked back to Gordon and smile. “Forgive him, Mr. Gordon, he just tired with traveling here and has a lot of problems waiting him in his office so he sometimes can’t see the situation with appropriate looks.”
Gordon takes a big gulped and smile at the princess. ”Of course it is fine my princess, anything for you.” The two mans on his side seeing each other disbelieve face then rolling their eyes seeing Gordon trying to flirt with the princess.
“That is great” the princess said with beaming smile that made Gordon take a big gulped one more, he really was a sucker for a pretty face.
The atmosphere after that was a little awkward because no one tried to flirt with Princess Jassime before, most of them that ever tried was never tried it again, mostly because they were loss something when they tried.
“Ehemm..” Someone cleared his throat to break the tension, maybe it was the bastard who wants to be crushed by Gordon.
“We will need a last name for you; it would not do to have a Baron without a last name, so I suggest you to think a good one for yourself,” Addi said to Gordon.
“What?” Gordon never imagines that he would need a last name to become a Baron, but it made sense after he thought about it for a while because all noble and rich people have it. So he wonders what would his last name would be.
“I don’t mean to impose, but you could take my last name if you don’t know what name you want to take” Mr. Sully giving Gordon meaningful look.“It would be an honor for me.”
“Or you could take this village name as your last-name” Mr. Antem said.“That what Yurik did when he rises to the fame, he takes his village name as his last name.”
So Yurik was Tal’s village name.
Gordon Eston, it sounds fine but somehow it is not feels right.
“If you don’t have any name that you like, you can always take your village name as your last name, it is common thing to do when a peasant like you raise to noble” Addi said and Gordon noted that the man can’t help himself but keep insulting him even after being chided by the princess, what a prick.
“It is a good idea Gordon, make you always remember where you come from” Mr. Sully added from his side. But he still thought that it doesn’t feels right, but whatever it was he needs an idea fast, because he had no time at all.
He takes a deep breaths; he could hear faint sound of human scream in his mind.
I am Baron of Howling Dust, how if I named myself Gordon Howling Dust or Gordon Dust, but Tal had three words in his name, I can’t have less than him it isn’t right.
“So what will it be?” Addi ask Gordon.
Damn impatient prick, he must doing it intentionally, coming here in the evening instead of noon or morning then demand me to think of last name in the very short time, asshole.
“Howling Dust,” He said to Addi.”I want Howling Dust as my last name.”
“Why Howling Dust, it sounds weird and doesn’t have historical attachment to you” Addi said, he looks confused and shook his head.
“I just liked it, and it sound great” He said to Addie, he doesn’t care about this man opinion at all.
“Gordon….” The princess said that made Gordon snap his head to her direction and straight his posture, the two mans on his side shook their heads looking at his behavior.
“Yes princess…” He replied with a straight face and perfect posture, ready to accept whatever she said to him.
The Princess shook her head a little looking at Gordon antic, she wells aware that her looks sometimes made a boy or a man lose some screw in their head but they were all a weak person, without mana or small amount of it. But Gordon, his body was overflowing with mana so dense she almost could heard it moving in his body, yet his behavior suggested that he was captured by her mana charm which trained in technique that special for a princess like her. She thought it really odd for it was the first times sometimes like this happen.
“You should consider Mr. Holmes suggestion; it would be good for you to pick a name that has historical attachment to you, trust me Mr. Gordon, a good name is very important to an official,” She said to perfectly seated Gordon and then he smiles with impeccable smile to her, or at least that what he thought.
“Yes princess, thank you for your great suggestion, the name of Howling Dust actually related to when I awaken my power” He said and the three guest ears twitch a little hearing about the time when he awakens his power.
“Please elaborate,” the princess said.
“it was in the middle of the forest; I was lost for four days, didn’t know I would live or die the next morning, there were a bear, a big one spot me when I tried to find my way, it chased me for I don’t know how long until my foot tripped over a tree root, broke my ankle.” He said dramatically to the princess, clearly he wants to impress her with his amazing tale that maybe not so amazing because she just smiles politely when he looks at her, but it will not discourage him so he continued his story.
“There were no way I would be able to outrun the bear with a broken ankle, I could felt it in my bone that day, a certainty that I wouldn’t come out of this conflict unscathed, so I prepared myself for I would not go down without a fight, the bear surely would feel my wrath.”
“so a bear chase you down, and you ran for your life because that was the logical thing to do then broke your ankle when your foot tripped over a tree root then somehow you find your courage and decide to stand and fight it instead of hiding in a tree or a bush, what you did really illogically because you can’t fight it when your ankle wasn’t broke so you definitely can’t fight it when your ankle broke.” The sound of Addi voice interrupts Gordon epic tale.
Gordon snaps his head at this asshole and glares at him. “It was in the middle of the live and dead situation, Sir; you would be never able to understand it; man find courage when they at their most vulnerable situation.”
Mr. Sully touches his hand and whispered. “Easy Gordon, this man is very important person; please don’t make an enemy out of him.”
Gordon nod to Mr. Sully then cleared his throat and resumed his tale. ”So like what I am saying before I rudely interrupted, it was at that moment when I was ready to fight this great beast until dead I could felt it, something old and powerful awaken within me, everything freezes, time was stooped and I could hear my own heart beat like a thunder, badumm…badumm…badumm and then time suddenly move again but the bear was already in my face ready to tear me apart, but it too late because a great power already awaken and it was in my hand, I somehow know how to use it so I call the wind and it answer me eagerly, a tornado spinning around me, it uprooted trees and bush, throwing them everywhere it was glorious chaos, the wind then moving faster and faster until I could heard it howling, like some beast the tornado was howling a long side my heart beat and dust rise from the ground, mixed with my tornado until I couldn’t see what happen around me clearly because of dust, a lot of dust obscure my vision. But make no mistake even if I couldn’t see it I could felt the bear outside of my tornado so I move fast forward and punch the bear right in its face. The wind come forward then shredded the bear until it body torn to pieces and showering the forest with it blood.”
His breath shuddered after he spoke nonstop without taking breath but he was sure he had succeeded in telling his epic story.
The Princess giving him small clapping after he finished his story, it was small progress but it still progress so he straights his spine, giving her small nod and polite smile, he was a noble after all so he should act like one.
“An amazing story” Addi said with a tone that indicated otherwise, the bastard really got on his nerve.
“That is my story so like I said before I want my name became Gordon Howling Dust, I am sure you understand why,” He said to the Princess.
Besides, if my prediction was correct, my title from Autumn would be the same with my title as a Baron; I don’t know why but it feels right.
Addi looked at the Princess asking for her permission, he then looked at the Viscount after the Princess giving him nod and looked back at Gordon after the Viscount giving him a nod to proceed.
Gordon looked at the Princess and how she interacts with the two men on her side, Addi Holmes the bastard was a middle ages man with wispy mustache and a slick short hair, he has a big head and small feet with a bit pot belly. His expression seems only has three options, in thought expression, sneer expression and polite expression. Whatever this asshole life must be, Gordon pretty sure it isn’t a happy one, after all, the bastard was short for an important person in the Kingdom, his height was only 160 cm so Gordon was sure his life must be difficult.
Next was the Viscount Roland Brook, Gordon doesn’t know what to think of him, the man was just a spectator, never contribute to their discussion at all and Gordon didn’t know whether it was because he wasn’t interested in it or he just a very quiet man. But Gordon must admit that the man has awesome body, even with his clothes on Gordon could see his strong muscle from his posture and the way his clothes formed around his body. He has a short, light brown hair combed neatly to the back and a mustache that continued down to his chin forming a nice short beard without sideburns. Gordon estimates his height must be around two meters which made him some short of a giant.
Gordon attention was back to the princess right when she opened her legs, and for a short period of time he couldn’t tear his eyes from her crotch, an image of a small slit between Sharon leg flashed in his mind that made him lose his mind for a second until a pain on his foot brought his attention back to the present. He looked down and seeing that Mr. Sully’s foot was on top of his then looked at Mr. Sully that giving him a glare.
Shit, I really am a pervert.
“So I conclude that Princess Jassime and Viscount has agree to your request to change your name to Gordon Howling Dust, so now we can proceed to the next step” Addi said unknowing that he just saved Gordon from an awkward moment with Mr. Sully.
“We came here with an order from his Majesty King Yurin en dun Almarik, he had heard your valiant deed and decide to you reward you with land and title” Addi stand up then moving forward a little and conjure a golden scroll from a thin air, he then look at Gordon, giving Gordon a look and raise his eyebrows like he expected something from Gordon.
Mr. Sully grabs his hand and whisper. “Kneel in front of Mr. Addi Holmes.” He stands in hurry then move in the front of the head of something then he kneels, he hopes his late response doesn’t offend the Princess and the big guy over there, while the wispy guy could glare as much as he wanted. Even the fact, that Gordon must kneel in front of this asshole disturbing his pride something fierce.
The princess then moves to the asshole right side and the big guy to the left.
“I Addi Holmes with the mandate from his Majesty King Yurin en dun Almarik giving you Gordon of the Howling Dust House a title of Baron, with all its right and responsibilities that follow it I ask you, do you accept it?” Addi speak with an impeccable tone, it different with how he spoke before, it was even and deep but not overly so, even Gordon amazed by the way this wispy guy speak, no wonder he was an important person even though he was short.
“I accept,” Gordon said curtly.
“Then I with His Majesty King Yurin en dun Almarik blessing, witnessed by Princess Jassime en dun Almarik and Viscount Roland Brook declare you Baron of Novus Kingdom, we recognized your right and responsibilities started from now until you the end of your services.”
Something like a small golden light flew from the golden scroll and then split four, one goes to the wispy guy, one to the princess, one to the big guy and one to Gordon, it enters their chest and from their expression they seem can’t see this golden light except for Gordon who still gets down, it startled him when he sees a very small golden light enter his chest but because he can’t feel anything he concludes it must be part of the ceremonies.
“Every detail about your right and responsibilities will be given to you when you come to your office in the Torun city” Addi closed the golden scroll and nodded to the Princess and the Viscount.
Mr. Sully grabs Gordon shoulder and said. “It is done Gordon, you can get up now.”
Gordon stands up and straight his spine, he touches his chest right in the place where those golden light enter it and wonder was it really okay.
“I am afraid we can’t stay here for long, thank you for your hospitality Arden Sully and Rubben Antam, please take care of your new Baron, he will need all help he can find” the princess said to Mr. Sully and Mr. Antam then bid goodbye to the three of them.
It was a disappointing goodbye; Gordon had hopes that Princess Jassime will say something more casual to him instead of formal speech but this was their first meeting, he would have another chance to impress her, he still had hope.
After some more speech and formality, the three guests departed with a big carriage which pulled by four big horses, there was an emblem in its door in the form of two swords that cross each other, one brown and the other was silver.
“It is the symbol of the house of Brook, brown means the people and silver the noble, they believed that two of them must be work together to make a strong house” Mr. Sully said after he had noticed Gordon eyes lingering on the emblem.
“I see, so what should I do now?” Gordon asked Mr. Sully.
“You can do whatever you like, but I suggest you to first learn how to walk.”
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