《The Forsakens》Confrontation With The Hoodlums


When they were moving to Sakar's dorm together, everyone was looking at them. They were gossiping like; 'Are they dating?', 'She does not date anyone!', 'They were together yesterday too.', 'Really?', 'He was carrying her like she is his bride.'. 'Come on! This is Sakar we are talking about! Who would date him?' They heard some of them but just ignored.

When they got close to the dorm, Sakar saw the two hoodlums of trio again. In his mind, he thought 'You must be kidding.' 'What timing!' Suddenly a guy shouted while pointing Sakar; "He is here!".

Sakar got surprised and turned back to look at the guy who is shouting. He realized this was the short hoodlum. 'For f*ck's sake!' was the sentence that appeared in his mind.

Olga: "Do you know them?"

Sakar: "What? No!"

Three hoodlums together: "You robbed us and you claim not to know us?"

Sakar: "Robbing? What? Me? I am just a weak talentless student. How can I do something like that? You must be mistaking me for someone else."

The long hoodlum: "Stop lying!"

The fat hoodlum: "You stole them while we were beating you!"

The short hoodlum: "Your friend is not here today. You are going to get a lot of beating for what you have done."

Sakar: "Me? Lying?"

Olga: "Ah, I remembered, you are the guys who were bothering me the other day."

The long hoodlum: "Yes, we were!"

The other hoodlums: "No, we weren't!"

They looked at each other and the long hoodlum understood what he said 'yes' for.

The long hoodlum: "We weren't bothering you!"

Olga: "You mentioned that you have beaten him. May I know the reason? He was just trying to rescue me from pestering guys."

She sounded as loud as possible but there were not many people around. No one gave a shit. The hoodlums felt a knife in their hearts after they heard the phrase 'pestering guys'. The long hoodlum had to keep the act.

The long hoodlum: "Is a reason needed to beat him? He is an unwanted nobody."

The fat hoodlum: "We, The Stone Trio don't need to justify any action we take."

The short hoodlum: "Brothers, she is hot, act cooler."

Olga became angry. With a demanding tone, she asked: "What if you act cooler?"

The short hoodlum didn't answer. Instead, he made a pose that he thought to be cool. His pose was extremely stupid like showing off his arm muscles, taking his butt out a little bit. He even winked at her.


Olga: "Gross!"

The fat hoodlum: "Brother, you are doing it wrong! Let me show you!"

This time the fat hoodlum took out his belly to his utmost limits. He tried to make his belly as big as possible.

The short hoodlum: "What is the point of showing off with fat?"

The fat hoodlum: "It means I am rich enough to be fat! Don't you see the point?"

Olga: "If I found that attractive, I would kill myself on the spot!"

Sakar was out of words. He tried many things but never ever tried these things to captivate the hearts of the women. The hoodlums' mood got dropped.

The long hoodlum: "Enough brothers! We are here for our purses."

The other two hoodlums noded and fixed their poses back to normal.

The long hoodlum: "Sakar was it, right?"

Sakar didn't answer.

The long hoodlum: "Give our purses back."

Sakar: "I don't have your purses, go find the one who stole them."

The long hoodlum: "I have an offer for you, let us beat you and the purses can be yours!"

Sakar normally would agree to something like that but he had a sexy girl companion now. There was no way he could let some random guys to beat him in front of someone who has sexy legs.

The other hoodlums understood his intentions so they didn't refute. They thought all was to act cool in front of a beauty where they beat a nobody and save their face.

The fat hoodlum: "It is a good deal in my opinion."

The short hoodlum: "We would not afford to buy a punching bag with the money in the purses."

Sakar was getting angrier by the second. He began to shout.


Hoodlums together: "SO YOU REALLY STOLE THEM!"

Sakar realized that he can't deny it anymore. He also didn't want to give them back.

Sakar: "I can't give them back to you guys because I spent all of the money."

The long hoodlum: "Then you have no choice but to accept the deal I offered."

Sakar: "F*CK YOU!"

He was showing his middle finger.

The fat hoodlum: "Think wisely, in the end, you are a weak piece of shit. This is your last chance!"

Sakar couldn't hold it in anymore. He thought about the fireball he cast.


He created a fireball in his hand and threw it toward the fat hoodlum.

The long hoodlum: "Quick! Defense formation!"

The long hoodlum was late, fireball did hit the fat hoodlum. The fat hoodlum's clothes and hair were burning. The short hoodlum took off his jacket to extinguish the flames on the fat hoodlum. The long hoodlum summoned a stone wall with the wave of both his hands from bottom to top.

The short hoodlum: "Wasn't he unwanted by any spirit? How come he cast fireball?"

The fat hoodlum: "He is a shaman or not, he crossed the line! I will rip him to pieces!"

The long hoodlum: "Relax, if you lose your calmness, Earth would not heed to your call."

Olga called a wind to penetrate their wall. But it was no use.

Olga: "Wind is weak against the earth element. You are mostly alone in this fight. I will try to seek an opportunity to harm them if I get."

Sakar nodded. Summoned another fireball and threw it. The wall did not get affected at all.

Sakar: "I never thought the earth element would be a hard obstacle to cross."

The fat hoodlum hit the ground with all his might, two pieces of ground broke free and jumped. He stroked one of them with a volley while shouting. He did the same for the second piece of ground right after the first one. He was pretty agile for his weight.

The fat hoodlum: "GO TO HELL!"

Sakar dodged the pieces of earth. The long hoodlum made a hand gesture meaning 'Come'. Sakar created a fireball and threw them one after the other like it is no one's business. The fat hoodlum was kicking new rocks towards Sakar while the long hoodlum was doing weird hand movements behind a wall. The short hoodlum was maintaining the defensive walls. Their fight kept like that for thirty seconds.

Olga was watching their fight at the side, waiting for an opportunity. She saw the pieces of ground and rocks were returning back. She understood what the long hoodlum was doing. She shouted.


Sakar turned around and saw the rocks trying to hit him by his back. The fat hoodlum did not stop kicking new rocks. Sakar managed to evade the two-sided attack barely. After hoodlums saw that Sakar managed to evade all of their attacks, they whispered to each other.

The short hoodlum created a wall at the rightmost side of the street. He began to run towards the wall he created. There was an empty grass field on the right side of the street. He was running as fast as he can towards the wall he created. Sakar and Olga were watching him wondering things such as; 'what the f*ck is this guy trying to do? Suicide?'.

The short hoodlum hit the wall with all his might, resulting in a crushed wall, its pieces were thrown randomly as it did explode. The short hoodlum dropped to the ground ahead. Sakar and Olga realized he became brown and bigger. Olga spoke.

Olga: "He coated himself with the earth!"

Sakar: "I thought only the long one was able to coat."

The short hoodlum stood up and ran toward Sakar. Sakar thought about how hard he hit the wall and the end of it. He had to evade body slam of this guy, no matter what. After the show of the short hoodlum, the fat hoodlum started to throw rocks again while the long hoodlum was giving the boomerang effect to them. Sakar felt cornered.

If he was not with Olga, he would let them hit him. He is not someone who cares about pain. But it was impossible right now. So he tried his best to create fireballs and throw them while evading all their attacks. After some time he realized he was sending fireballs for nothing. In the end, he could not penetrate their defenses. He decided to use close-combat.

At the moment, the short hoodlum was running toward him, he avoided him like a matador and pushed him behind his back with all his might. While doing that, he could not see a rock coming toward him. He reacted only after Olga shouted. Managed to avoid the rock by a shave.

The fat and the long hoodlums whispered to each other for a brief moment. During that, the short hoodlum stood up and kept dashing toward Sakar again.

The long and the fat hoodlums changed their target with a grinning smile on their faces. They attacked Olga instead of Sakar.

Olga avoided the two rocks sent by throwing herself to the left. She was on the ground. Hoodlum one redirected previous boomerang rocks to where Olga is. Sakar jumped to save her. He got hit by two stones.

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