《The Legend of The Demon Prince》Chapter 4 : hermit village


Kong yue heard a shrill, feminine voice shouting out to him.

“Stop!!!! Don’t dome near anymore!”

“Don’t you have any shame peeking on a little girl who is just 12 years old you mother fucka!”

These words made him think, “eh mother fucka ? What’s that?”

“You don’t even know what mother fucka is? You biatch!”

“Who the hell are you to peek on this young maiden?”

“Ah, it was all a misunderstanding! I was just here to drink some water! I am ……. Ah eh I am ……”

As if pondering something Kong yue sat down near the lake, taking rest on a boulder nearby. He was deep in his thoughts when more shouts could be heard.

“Asshole, just who are you? Even if you are a prince you don’t have the permission to view my celestial beauty, bitch!”

“Nah it’s just misunderstanding, it’s just that I can’t seem to remember who I am!”

He thought to himself, “I remember that I was hit pretty badly, but what was it that hit me? w=how did I get here? Who am I?”

“Mother Fucka wait for me, I am coming out!”

“Ah wait no, I am not a pervert!”

“Pedophile, I am coming there dressed now. I have taken the bath asshole. Now tell me who are you?”

“Ah you got a bloody mother fucka spot from where blood is dropping!”


“You are like a victim who got attacked by those gangsta bandits and was left to die!!”

“This sister here will help you! So follow me now!”

Kong yue was left in daze by the attitude of this little girl who appeared to be only 12 years old. She was short, about 1.4 m and had a supple waist, a pert butt, and a smiling face like an angel. But she had a cold attitude which made others to try to get even close to her. Her attitude possessed an attraction of its own, mesmerizing everyone.


She came in front of Kong yue, looking at him from his head to toe, as if checking the worth of the prey. She finally spoke.

“You are a little good looking, have a few muscles, hmm, ok you can be my follower. Now say aloud Miss Emily is the cutest! And I will let you follow me. Now go on”

“Eh, hmm miss … Emily…. Is the …”

“Okay okay, just tell me what your name is?”

“Kong yue”

“Eh?” (Emily)

“Eh?” (Yue)

“What are you ehing for? Such an awkward name. Lol”

Emily started laughing after hearing such a name. Even yue was left dazed. He didn’t remember much but had unconsciously told her his name. Even he was thinking to himself, was it really his name. She started to take a look at the various stuff he had. She looked for a moment and ignored the ordinary looking ring before staring at the pendant on his neck.

“Wow, such a cute pendant. Let me look at that!”

As if coming to a realization he also noticed the strange and beautiful pendant and took it off. As he was passing it to the girl she dropped it to the ground by mistake and pendant got opened. Inside was an image of a young woman, of course she was yue’s mother. Yue looked at the image with warmth in his heart. An unexplainable feeling welling up in inside of him and tears started to form in his eyes.

Ignoring the boy, girl took up that pendant.

“Ah such a beautiful woman. Is she your sister?”

“I don’t know.”

Looking at the almost about to cry boy, Emily gave the pendant back to yue. She said, “Let’s get back to village and treat your injury. Do you have any money on you? “


“What is that?”

“Fucker you don’t even know what money is? Damn.”

“Also what does fucker mean?”

“Eh? It mean gentleman and money is the thing you use to exchange stuff or get help from others. You don’t have money, no problem. But you will have to help me later, ok.”

“Ah, ok”

It was his first time interacting with someone after losing his memories and he didn’t know various thing and how to behave. So he decided to follow her for the mean time.

“Now follow me to the village. The village has a name called hermit village. It is very big! There are 1000s of people there. We even have proper roads to the town of Cecilia for trade. So cool. You will love it when you get there!”

“How much far is the village from here?”

“Just about 4 hour from here. Hehehe”

They were going leisurely in the forest as if it was empty and only 2 of them existed. The girl leading and the boy following her. Time passed as they talked while walking. Only an hour had passed since they started to head to the village but suddenly heard a little growl. The growl made the little girl pale faced.

“What was that Emily?”

Yue was still unknown to the dangers of forest as he had lost his memories.

“Just run with me, wolves are coming.”

Seeing the expression on the girls face made him serious and he started running behind her. Few minutes later the growls started getting louder and the girls face also got more and more ashened. Suddenly she fell down on the ground and then didn’t try to get up. She laid there as if she had lost all hope.

“We are doomed. Damn mother fucka”

She started crying. But yue didn’t give up, instead put some mud on her and himself, then took her in his arms and climbed up a tree and hid himself and her behind the leaves on one of the thickest tree branches. 2 minutes later wolves came running and sniffing near the tree they climbed. Seeing the wolves, pale faced girl held yue even tighter. After few minutes of sniffing around the wolves finally left the place. After waiting an hour they left the tree to continue their journey.

“You saved me this time, so I will let you be my friend from now on.”

They travelled cautiously this time and after 4 hours they could see the smoke from chimneys from afar.

“Ah we reached the village!”

The little girl, Emily cried out with tears of joy on the rims of her eye.

Authors note

[Hi people, indiboy khalsa here! if you read this story, I thank you and if you don’t, you may try in future. For those who like it, you should comment below. Positive and negative comments, I will accept both. I will strive to improve my grammar and story. The story is still in development and first arc will continue till chapter 15 after will the mc will start getting op so you may have to be a little patient with me, I released early instead of Tuesday because i will be busy tomorrow. Keep reading! ]

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