《MCU inhumain Izel l'eternel》22. Bandit hunting


The trust wasn’t gaining for her, although he assumes that she don’t really have a choice izel feeds her enough that she doesn’t want to betray him just yet. He needed her to know where the bandits are because she is the guardian of this forest so she knows everything that happens. This forest was vast and mysterious so it could hide a lot of things, things that would be very exoteric as very normal such as bandits or monsters.

She had very particular special abilities related to nature such as tree manipulation or forest awareness, she can feel what each tree feels. She is similar to the druid in some aspect, she defends the forest like a mother defends her children. Izel found her childish demeanor quite funny, yet of those he learned she is over five hundred years old. He doesn’t know who he would become if he had lived so long especially as he could well find out with his ability.

He was learning new knowledge from her about this forest, about it is creature, about the abominations that are at the bottom of this forest or about the bandits who were mainly in camps or caves. She sensed the group he wanted to find so they started to walk towards them.

* Huldra point of view *

Very curious that he may have been freed from my grip, vanish them from time to time but he is not vanish. Even stranger is this energy that I feel from his body, I feel such vitality coming from him. It’s like it’s a feast prepared for kings, he gives me that energy every now and then and it fills me like I siphoned off three men. I help him mainly because of that but also because I am very curious about those he concerns him. I play kid even though my age shouldn't allow it. I like being childish it keeps me from going totally crazy.


I take him to these bandits' lairs to make him happy I don't know which ones he could want from them exactly, yet he doesn't seem to have been one of their victim. He lacks that lifeless gaze that I sometimes see on the people who come to these woods. Maybe he knew someone who was a victim, I don't know. I was chatting with some cute little squirrels who showed me the way to a camp. They are always very helpful these little friends, they always help me with all these animals.

I told izel how my race gave birth, offering mother nature part of her body and some sacrifice of life. Mother Nature as we call it happens to be this planet and a larger, more woody part of a body I would say. All my sister and I are connected, we find ourselves all over the world hanging on Yggdrasil. In each world we have different names and different traditions but we stay connected, rules for our people had already been issued by our matriarch adviser.

I don't think I will be able to kill this lovely human, try to control him yes but to keep him with me forever. I will work it more subtly as my control won't work so easily on it now.

* End of Huldra viewpoint *

Their hunt continued for a few hours, hours of walking together where they could discuss their life, their passion and their envy for the future. Huldra was teasing and flirting with him even though it wasn't having the effect she would like, she had a lot of patience so she would try for a long time if she had to. They could see smoke in the distance, the smoke that belonged to a bandit camp. It might not be the gang izel wanted, but it wasn't too big a camp given that there was only one focus.


They arrived in front of the camp a few meters from this one, izel went scouting to find out how many they were in this camp. A few minutes later when he returned to Huldra, he told her that there were five of them around the fire. They will wait until this is relaxed and probably drunk to attack the camp because it will be much easier for them. They decided to attack together for better luck, after an hour the campers were ready to be knocked down. The alcohol had done his work, their reflex was altered and their minds confused by the drink.

The attack was not very entertaining for Izel given the condition of the five man, but it had to be done. For all that they could have seen and seen the aura that Izel saw through those eyes, their aura was dark stained with sin. They must have killed quite a few people to have such an aura, it was the first time Izel saw such an aura. It made him want to destroy them even more to be frank, the fight wasn't that long as izel and huldra have relatively strong power. Huldra has to control the roots of the trees to fight two of them and izel took his spear to attack the rest the fight lasted only ten minutes. The Izel spear pierced like butter in the torso of these bandits, it huldra controlled the roots so that the bodies were used as fertilizer.

The bandits disposed of not much the only thing that could be of value is just a short sword and three purses with silver coins in them, the loot was divided between the two even though she had none. not necessarily needed because she lives in the woods. Izel was amazed that there were so few bandits on them, it's not normal as his instinct told him there must be more than that expensive scum. They take advantage of the camp to rest for a few hours because Izel was very exhausted by the whole day and this rest with a beautiful woman is always pleasant even if she was dangerous.

// Sorry for my readers, this is much shorter than what I would have liked but my day was very busy, I put wood in a cabin, cleaning and all that. My roommate is on vacation so we do a lot of stuff for the house.//

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