《reincarnated adversaries》Chapter 3: little swimmer


Felix woke up early in the morning and got ready to go to the library. It had been a month since he had arrived in this new world and he had done the same thing every morning. His primary study was history as he was trying to find out what kind of world he had come too. To his surprise, the world was almost the same as earth and he was clearly sent back to the time of the roman republic. There had been an emperor a hundred years ago but he was quickly taken care of and the empire had returned into a republic peacefully unlike on earth.

The things that most fascinated him were the supernatural aspects of this world. Cultivators could fly and become legendary individuals or even gods. He didn't know if he himself could become on because of his birth but at least it was good to know there was a possibility. Most of all he had studied his own birth and the history of his people. He didn't know everything but was able to find some secret information a six-year-old should not have access to. It was funny how he was invisible inside the mansion and could access rooms not many people could. Unlike his last life, nobody saw him as a treat and he could just start over with a clean slate. No more waking up at two in the night because some damn DEA agent had found his hideout or having people taste his food because he was afraid an enemy gang had tried to poison him.

The only man he was a little worried about was his older brother Vel who he by now almost knew for sure was Mathew. The green eyes had made him suspicious but he had observed min for the last month and he was almost sure he was Mathew from his mannerisms. How he would bite his lower lip when he was nervous or how he would always spend twenty minutes meditating before going to bed. He was known for studying his enemies and knew more about Mathew than even his mother did.

His most important task right now was trying to find out who had tried to kill him. He didn't care if he was the adopted son of a noble and how strong his father was. He would find the fool and get rid of him. Nobody would take away his second chance, no lord, enemy, or even brother. He had investigated a little and found some documents that belonged to his youngest uncle and was almost sixty percent sure he had something to do with the attack. Most people would keep looking but not him, he didn't need to be sure. It was better to kill him than take the chance of being killed. It was the rule he had lived by and had given him the opportunity to become the man he had become. To be the king of the underworld. The man they called the devil of the middle east.


He entered the library and picked up a book he had read two weeks ago and sat down waiting. Waiting for his prey who he had trailed for weeks to come to the library at the same time he did every Monday. He waited for a little before his little uncle entered the room and ignored him like usual. Usually, he would also ignore the fool but today was different. He had only a couple of minutes to execute his plan and he wouldn't miss the chance.

He closed the book and slowly walked towards his uncle who had just picked up a military book he was too dumb to understand. Behind him was the manager of the library mister Sisenna. The manager greeted him and he greeted him back as usual and he waited for the question he would always ask.

“What book are you reading this week young master Felix.”

“I'm reading about the life of Herman the great. The Germanian leader who repelled two Roman armies and became the king of the Germanian people,” Felix said in an Innocent voice.

“That's a great book master Felix,” Sisenna said almost so silently that Felix almost didn't hear him.

“It is, the man is known as the most brilliant Germanian general that has ever lived. I wish to become like him one day,” Felix said loud enough for everyone in the room to hear him.

“Please don't say that master Felix. That man had done some horrendous things to our people,” Sisenna said not showing the anger he felt inside. Not only did he have to serve a swimmer but he even dared to praise the man who was known as Rome’s greatest enemy.

“History is written by the victorious Sisenna how can we forget about all the things we have done to the Germanian people?” Felix said trying to sound as Innocent as possible.

Just as he expected Gallio got up from his chair and shoved him into the wall clearly angry. How did this swimmer dare to praise that man? The man who had invaded Rome and was responsible for his sister's death. His sister had been raped by a Germanian solder and had given birth to this filthy swimmer, the boy who was responsible for her killing herself as she could not live with the shame.

Sisenna didn't say anything and quickly took a couple of steps back as he was afraid of what was going to happen next. It was best for a servant like him to not get himself involved in situations like this that could get him killed. He just like the lord didn't lie the little brat but he also knew the magistrate and he would punish everyone who would touch one hair on that swimmer's head.


“How dare you a filthy swimmer talk about the greatness of that monster. The day will come when we launch another invasion and make sure to kill all of them. Including the swimmers,” Gallio said with killing intent in his eyes.

Felix looked around and waited for a couple of seconds for the right time to arrive and made sure nobody heard him as he said, “well that may be true, but for now this swimmer orders you to let me down before you regret it, uncle.”

Gallio so angry he couldn't control himself let go of the kid and slapped him right across the face hard enough for him to fall down on the ground. He had wanted to do it a lot earlier but he wasn't happy, he knew he had made a big mistake. There were too many men in this room for the magistrate not to hear of this and he knew he would get punished. But it didn't matter, he would accept any punishment for teaching this filthy swimmer a lesson. So he picked up his book and left the library as soon as possible.

Felix quickly stood up and without making eye contact with anyone left the library. He went back to his room as it was almost time for breakfast. He looked at himself in the small mirror his father had bought for him. He looked at the small print on his face and could say he was surprised, he didn't expect Gallio to have so much restraint. So he would have to do the job himself. He took the small handkerchief his mother had made him and put it in his mouth so he wouldn't scream as he punched himself multiple times in the face as hard as he could. Only then when he had a black eye and his nose bleeding was he satisfied.

He then quietly walked into the living room where like usually his brother and mother were sitting and he didn't really need to say anything. The moment he entered the room his mother almost jumped out of her chair and ran towards him. “What happened?” she asked as she checked up on his face clearly angry. Felix had learned one thing about his mother, she was a kind woman, but only until someone touched someone she loved, hen she became even scarier than him himself.

“It's nothing mother,” Felix said as he shook his head and tears started to roll down his eyes. God how fun was it to be six years old and be so cute everyone would believe everything you said he thought.

“Purists!” She said almost shouting as she waited for Purists to arrive who didn't have any good news. “The young master's nose is broken my lady,” she said as she tried to heal it with the limited healing magic she knew.

“Aulus!” Faleria shouted almost hard enough for the whole mansion to hear her. She had tried to get Felix to talk but he didn't say anything and she was almost at her boiling point.

Aulus arrived only a couple of seconds later and saluted the lady waiting for her orders. “Who did this?” she asked knowing that if anyone knew it would be him. Aulus was the head guard of the house and the man she and her husbands trusted the most as he was his companion at the frontline and a man she respected.

Aulus who was a straightforward man didn't hesitate and said clearly, “it seems like it was the master's youngest brother who hit the young master.”

Vel who was sitting at the table and had not said anything until now heard this and had a bad feeling about it. He had kept an eye on Felix and was by now pretty sure he was not what he seemed to be. He also knew his uncle and knew he was not a man who would just attack someone without any provocation. “I'm sure there is a reason for this mother,” he said as he got up and tried to calm the situation down.

“I'm sure there is, now wait here with your brother until I return,” she said as she almost instantly disappeared out of the room which surprised almost everyone except for Aulius. Vel and Felix only knew her for a simple woman but seeing this it was clear, she was a cultivator.

Vel wanted to ask Felix what he had done but didn't have the chance. Only a couple of seconds had passed as he heard an explosion sound at the main hall. He ignored her warning and ran towards the hall and Felix quickly followed him. There was no chance Felix was going to miss the show.

When they reached the hall they saw their mother holding Gallio by the neck choking him with killing intent in her eyes.

“Why did you hit my son? Think good about the answer you are going to give Gallio, it could be your last.”

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