《End of My Boring Life》Goblins Attack


"Ma'am I heard from Xia that you come back home from the town every two days right?" said Zed. "Yes, that's right Zed," said Xia's mother. "I'm assuming you stay at an inn then?" said Zed. "Yes, I stay at an inn," said Xia's mother. "Then would be so kind to show me an inn to stay at when we get to the town?" said Zed. "Yes, that's not a problem Zed. I can show you a good inn to stay at," said Xia's mother. "By the way ma'am, how long will take to get to the town," said Zed. "About thirty more minutes," said Xia's mother. "Oh, boy that's quite a long walk," said Zed in his mind.


About 15 minutes have passed since Zed and Xia's mother left the house and started traveling to get to the town.

As soon as Xia's mother and Zed go into a deep forest area, Xia's mother takes out gold that was in a pouch and pours all the gold on the ground. "Zed get ready it's time for goblin hunting," said Xia's mother. "O-ok ma'am," said Zed. "Grr" noises could be heard coming from within the forest. Suddenly Zed and Xia's mother see a lot of red eyes looking right at the gold. "M-ma'am, a-are tho-those g-goblins," said Zed in fear. "Yes, Zed be ready to fight those goblins," said Xia's mother. "Al-alright ma'am," said Zed shook by fear.

Suddenly around thirty goblins jump out of the forest. The goblins skin color was green and they were all wearing a golden or silver earring or chain. They had fancy and shining weapons. "Zed use that spell I taught you, If we both use it we can wipe them out easily!" said Xia's mother. "O-ok ma'am," said Zed. "Holy Spears!" said Zed without any hesitations. "Holy Spears!" said Xia's mother without any hesitation.


The twenty shining spear made of light which came out of the magic circle pierced right through twenty goblins. After being pierced by holy spears the twenty goblins body slowly transformed into little dark particles then those little dark particles came together and formed a small dark crystal which was the size of a humans thumb.

"Ma'am we got them!" said Zed feeling proud. "No, not yet there are still ten more goblins left, they went back in the forest after we killed twenty of them. Stay on your guard Zed.," said Xia's mother. The ten goblins attacked now but were instantly killed by Xia's mother's quick use of holy spears. "The goblins are so stupid why would they come back even after they saw twenty of their own being killed," said Zed. "It's because goblins are one of the most unintelligent monsters out there," said Xia's mother.

"What?! there are more of them, like dragons and stuff?!" said Zed feeling a little surprised. "Yea, there are dragons too one of the most powerful monsters, killing just even one dragon would make you richer than a noble," said Xia's mother.

"I wouldn't want to mess with a dragon then hahaha," said Zed as he laughed. "Zed, pick up the goblin crystals, we will split it up. You killed ten so pick up ten goblin crystals and I will pick up the rest," said Xia's mother. "Ok, ma'am," said Zed as he picked up ten of the dark crystals feeling a little confused. "Ma'am why are we taking these dark crystals?" said Zed. "It's obviously so we can sell them at the guild," said Xia's mother. "Oh, I see," said Zed refraining himself from asking any more questions and making himself look stupid. "Let's go now to the town," said Xia's mother as she started walking again towards the town. "Yes, ma'am," said Zed as he followed Xia's mother.

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