《End of My Boring Life》Good Bye


"Wake up Zed!" said Xia. Zed wakes up from his sleep. "What happened Xia," said Zed. "Breakfast is ready," said Xia. "Oh, I overslept and good morning Xia and ma'am," said Zed. "Good morning," said Xia and Xia's mother. "Zed, go by the river to wash your face," said Xia.

Zed gets up and goes by the river, he uses his hands to pick up some water from the river and splashes the water on his face. "Today is such a hot day, splashing cold river water on the face feels good on a hot day like today," said Zed. Zed gets back in the house. "Oh, the breakfast looks delicious!" said Zed. "Here is your breakfast Zed," said Xia as she gave breakfast to Zed on a silver plate.

[They all finish eating the breakfast]

"The breakfast was just as tasty as last nights dinner," said Zed. "Xia cooked the food by herself this time, she is a good cook," said Xia's mother. "Mother is the one who taught me how to cook though," said Xia. "By the way, Zed are you trying to go to the town to find some information on how to get back home?" said Xia's mother. "Yes, ma'am," said Zed. "Then you can come with me, I will take you to the town I will leave in about three hours," said Xia's mother. "That would be perfect ma'am since I don't know how to get to the town," said Zed.

"Zed there have been rumors that there are goblins in the forest midway to the town from here which is the fastest route to the town," said Xia's mother. "hmm," said Zed as he started wondering about goblins. "Goblins only attack for luxurious items like gold and silver. Zed do you know any attack spells? it can be helpful to ensure a safe journey to the town," said Xia's mother. "No, I don't know any attack spells ma'am. Where I come from there is no such thing as magic. In fact, I learned that I have an aptitude for light magic from your daughter and she taught me the magic spells Sunshine and Healz," said Zed.


"Mother, Zed is amazingly a quick learner he learned how to use both of those magic spells in just a single day! maybe you can teach him some attack magic spells of the element of Light," said Xia. "Learning those two magic spells in a single day is amazing! alright Zed I will teach you an attack magic spell," said Xia's mother.

"Whats the name of that attack magic spell?" said Zed. "The name of the magic spell is "Holy Spears," said Xia's mother. "Mother but that's..." said Xia, as her mother interrupted her with a glare from finishing her talking. "What were you saying, Xia?" said Zed. "Oh, It's nothing Zed," said Xia. "Zed lets go outside this spell does large-scale damage," said Xia's mother as she walked out of the house. "Ok, ma'am," said Zed as he went out of the house following Xia's mother while Xia also tagged along with them.

"Ma'am we are going pretty far from the house, is this spell really this strong?" said Zed. "Yes, it's the strongest magic spell of the element of light that I can use. Ok, stop, this is a fine spot," said Xia's mother. "Ok, ma'am," said Zed as he stopped at the spot. "Zed, now watch carefully what I do," said Xia's mother. Xia's mother brings up her right hand over her head her palm pointing at the sky. "Holy Spears!" said Xia's mother. Ten yellow colored magic circles appeared in the sky they seemed as though became magnified from being just a yellow light particle.

"Fall!" said Xia's mother. Shining spears made of light slowly came out of the magic circles pointing its tip towards the ground and suddenly all ten of the spears fell down on the ground piercing in at light speed. "You were right this was quite a large scale damage done by this magic spell!" said Zed feeling amazed. "Zed, now try what I just did," said Xia's mother. "Alright, ma'am I won't let you down!" said Zed in excitement.


"Ok, I just need to put my hands up and concentrate on Xia's mother naked body... I..mean.. concentrate on mana," said Zed in his mind with a pervy look on his face. "Zed are you ok?" said Xia's mother after seeing Zed's pervy looking face. "Oh, yes ma'am I am ok," said Zed. "Holy Spears!" yelled Zed.

Ten yellow colored magic circles appeared in the sky they seemed as though became magnified from being just a yellow light particle. The magic circles were bigger than the ones created by Xia's mother. Shining spears made of light slowly came out of the magic circles pointing its tip towards the ground and suddenly all ten of the spears fell down on the ground piercing in faster than the eye could see.

"Amazing! Zed you used holy spears just by looking at me using it and made it even stronger! It took me a year to master this spell!" said Xia's mother being amazed at Zed's incredible performance. "No, ma'am it's thanks to you properly showing me how to use this spell," said Zed. "You are being modest Zed, anyways we need to take our leave and also I will be taking some gold with me to the town to buy some things so there is a higher chance of being attacked by goblins," said Xia's mother. "Alright ma'am," said Zed. "I will go back in the house to get ready for the journey back to the town, and also bring the gold with me, you stay here Zed I will call you when I am done packing up," said Xia's mother as she started walking towards the house. "Ok, ma'am I will wait for you here," said Zed.

"Zed you are leaving now," said Xia with a sad face. Zed hugs Xia. "Yes, Xia but I will be back as promised," said Zed but at the same time Zed thought in his mind "If I return back to Earth will I ever see Xia again?". Xia suddenly kisses Zed. "I will be waiting for you!" said Xia as she sweetly smiled at Zed. "Zed! Let's go now! and bye Xia, take care of yourself until I am back!" yelled Xia's mother from near the house. "Take care Xia!" said Zed as he ran to Xia's mother. Xia waves her hand at them with a sweet smile and they wave their hands back at her.

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