《End of My Boring Life》I must leave soon...


That day Zed had his first-time sex with Xia in a different world. For seven hours straight he only thrust and played with Xia's beautiful big breasts.


Sunlight from outside visible through Xia's windows shone over Zed's face. "Mwaah, it's morning time to get ready for school," said Zed forgetting that he is currently not on Earth, but he is in a different world. Suddenly Xia also wakes up.

"Zed, good morning," said Xia with a smile on her face. Now Zed remembers everything that happened yesterday. "Good morning Xia," said Zed with a blush. Their relation with each other had changed after making love yesterday. Xia now stopped calling Zed, sir Zed, and Zed now stopped calling Xia miss Xia.

Xia had remembered the incidents from yesterday before saying "good morning" to Zed. Xia notices that Zed's mana that was depleted heavily yesterday is now back to full. "What? his mana is already back to full!? he is not normal, a normal person would take weeks to recover that much mana back," said Xia in her mind with a shocked expression.

"Xia, can you please explain what happened to me yesterday? I was suddenly on top of you touching your breasts," said Zed while blushing. Xia also starts blushing. "Zed, after the silver chains appeared out of the silver light from your back you..." Zed suddenly interrupts Xia. "Huh? what silver chains you are talking about," said Zed with a confused face. "Zed, you don't remember the silver chains from yesterday??" said Xia with a shocked face. "Um, no.

All I remember was that I was saying I am not from this worl.." Zed starts to have a sudden headache and remembers everything about the silver chains and mostly the pain and agony he went through.

Zed touches his head with a pained look on his face. "Zed are you ok?" said Xia. "Don't worry it's just a headache and I remember the silver chains now," said Zed as he still looked pained. "Rest on the bed Zed let me bring some medicine from my drawer," said Xia as she went to bring the medicine. Xia gives the medicine to Zed. "Thank you," said Zed to Xia. "No problem Zed," said Xia. The medicine was light green liquid in a cup and it was lit in green light.


Without questioning the medicine that Xia kindly gave to Zed, Zed drinks the whole medicine. "Gulp, gulp, gulp..." "The taste of the medicine so very sweet like Xia," said Zed aloud. "Stop, saying embarrassing things!" said Xia with a blush on her face. "Ok, ok, sorry," said Zed while laughing and blushing at the same time.

Seconds after Zed drank the medicine, his headache disappeared completely. "This medicine is amazing my headache disappeared completely so quickly," said Zed aloud. "Yes, of course, because it was made with medicinal herbs and with my healing magic combined," said Xia proudly. "Oh, yeah magic is also existing in this world I almost forgot about that," said Zed in his mind.

"Oh, by the way, Xia you said your mother works as a cobbler in the nearby town how come she didn't come home yet?" said Zed in curiosity. "My mother comes home every two days she should be coming home by tonight," said Xia. "Oh, luckily she didn't come home yesterday," said Zed with a relieved face. "Yes, that would've been bad if she did come," said Xia also in a relieved face.

"Zed now can you please explain to me what exactly happened yesterday, the silver chains; you losing consciousness and still able to move..." said Xia with a curious face.

Suddenly both of their stomachs grumble as they had not eaten anything since yesterday. Both of them were embarrassed by the grumbling noise from their stomach.

"Zed I will bring food for us to eat, wait a minute," said Xia. "Xia I will explain everything to you after we are done eating," said Zed. "Ok," said Xia.

After few minutes, Xia brings fruits and vegetables to eat. "Sorry, Zed there is no more meat left, my mother brings meat from the town on her way to home," said Zed. "No, problem Xia I am honestly embarrassed to be a freeloader," said Zed in embarrassment. "Oh, no that's not a problem at all Zed," said Xia with a gentle smile. "She is too kind!!" said Zed in his mind.


They start eating, Zed does not recognize some fruits as they were different from Earths fruits. Some fruits were same as Earths fruits though like apples and cherries.


Now they had finished eating.

"Now please explain what happened yesterday and tell me about you," said Xia with a curious face. "Xia I honestly don't know what were those silver chains or why I am here.

You have to trust me Xia because I can't tell you where I am from. If I do tell you the silver chains might appear again, it's like something doesn't want me to reveal where I am from," said Zed. "It's fine Zed, I trust you and I understand I won't force you," said Xia with a face that showed a little sadness.

"I'm so sorry, Xia I can't give you the answers to your questions but one day I will..." said Zed with a confident face. "Alright, until then I will be waiting for for the answers to my question!" said Xia with a confident face. "Yes, Xia I will tell you everything once I find the truth," said Zed with a confident face.

By the way, Zed was I really your first time!? it can't be true I mean like how did you last seven hours long it just doesn't make sense!! also how did all your depleted mana recover in just a single day!?" said Xia with an unusually curious face. "... I don't have any idea about the mana recovery but yes, you were my first-time Xia....i lasted seven hours because the more um... you know the more I went in, the more energy I felt exploding inside me," said Zed feeling embarrassed. "The possibility that Zed recovered his mana by making love with me might exist..., but more importantly Zed said that I was his first time!" said Xia in her mind as a number of thoughts were encircling her mind.


Few seconds had passed and Xia was still lost in her thoughts.

"Xia I will have to leave soon to get back to the place I came from. My family must be worried sick, after all, one day has passed. Also, I hope my mother didn't get a heart attack because of me. Our time was short and we also have a special relationship now but I need to leave," said Zed showing little sadness on his face.

Xia starts crying. "I am always alone... everyone leaves me... even father... and...you...even mother might leave me...in the end, I am left all alone," said Xia while still crying. Zed hugs Xia to comfort her saying "I'm sorry, please forgive me, Xia. I really am a worthless bad person for making the girl I made love to cry," said Zed being disappointed with himself. "Zed you are not a worthless bad person," said Xia as she stopped crying.

Zed looks at Xia still disappointed with himself. "Zed I mean it, you aren't a worthless bad person," said Xia. "Ok, ok, I get it you don't have to say it again!" said Zed even more disappointed with himself. "Sorry, sorry," said Xia as she smiled.

"Ok, ending this matter, Xia can you please teach me healing magic? it can be useful on my journey to get back to where I came from," said Zed with a really curious face.

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