《Rise of the nefarious devil》1- Reverse cultivation technique



Afterwards, Carl finally glanced back at his body..

He was wearing bloodied robe that had the previous color as white , and then his hair too had been bloodied , he then remembered the memories of this body of his..

"I'm 12..But I'm hunted by everyone even in this body and world , seems like the heavens truly hate me huh..

I've already experienced all what a mortal can experience :

Joy when I got up the ranks as an athlete in my first life , Anger when I saw how the world was unfair, always trying to find ways to kill me even if I have done nothing , Grief whenever I lose something.. Or when that wife of mine in my first life betrayed me...No that wasn't my wife..

Worry and fear when I always worry and fear about death in my second life , though after getting the artifact it assured me of helping me in my next life without repeatedly reincarnating and ending the same way..

" Lust... I always lusted for power to survive in my past life , since without it I wouldn't survive that long... As for women , they're all like men but with a different body structure so why would I fall for something so measly? I've already experienced it as many times as I wanted in my past life anyway.. The sensual pleasures & pleasant sounds , only fools would fall for that , well I was a fool on my first life as my enemy successfully got me that wife that I loved like I fool..

Fool me once , I'm a fool , fool me twice , I'm gonna kill you , there's nothing after that. Killing is the only way of survival .

As for my dignity... It's already been trampled upon, as one either has to be the best and feel their pride high up the sky , or be the worst that even the worst trash would laugh at you..

Life & Death being good and bad ? What is good and bad ? Who gets to decide anyway ? It's all decided by the heavens , the moment killing is allowed , whether doing something beyond killing is good or bad, nobody knows except what they think about it..

Now , I'm going against the heavens in this life , in next one , or the one after that! It doesn't matter how many times I die!

And now that I have this artifact linked to my soul , I shall always go against the heavens!"

Carl then started circulating the Devilish death Qi in his body as he started going in a way to reach the nearby town - to advance his strength , as it required for him to do a large blood sacrificial in order to advance..

While he couldn't use mortals to advance to higher realms , his cultivation was nearly nil , so sacrificing a whole town worth of blood , flesh , and then their cries of despair , would be tempered to a great extent as a trade made by the array - since the array absorbs their souls.


He then went towards the town , but first he needed to gather a few pieces of feather and a few stones , the feather is to write the special words of the inscriptions in the stones , then place them around the town to start the blood sacrifice in order to start the array..

While he indeed had information in his past life about such methods to refine , it never had such trades where it tempered the blood and flesh of others.

It was from the artifact's inheritance where he got the information about such arrays and many more similar arrays, that would convert the bodies into Devilish Death Qi and also new cultivation realms that were vastly different from the ones he used to cultivate before, as when he previously cultivated by going heaven's way , although fiendish but the realms were the same , they were :

- Mortal : All mortals are in this level , as the mortals' lives were short , so they didn't truly care about anything other than spending their time with their loved ones for as long as possible , also there is early , middle , late and peak realm in terms of strength.

-Qi refinement : This stage is for those who have just began cultivation, so while they are indeed considered cultivators , they only use Qi in order to fully refine their bodies..

- Golden Core formation : It uses all the refined Qi in the whole body and puts it into a golden core in the center of the dantian.

-Foundation establishment : Makes the golden core in the middle of a building , that gets strengthened through time..

-Nascent soul : It makes the soul go from the 3 stages ( infant , teen , adult ) until it reaches the previous body's looks, but the soul firstly breaks the whole building along with the golden core as it contains all the refined Qi.

- King level : It builds a golden crown around with gems that are made of purity , the purer the gems in the crown the fiercer his foundation is.

- Emperor level : builds a refined empire's castle in the dantian that holds back the new energy - celestial Qi..

- Immortal transcendence : Transcending the heavenly tribulation in order to ascend to the immortal plane .

That is what Carl could remember , as he was still in the emperor level in terms of strength in his previous life..

But the realms he could now have access to , or cultivate are vastly different from what he remembered from the past , as the current world was the same as his second past life , which was done so by the artifact - as it required him cultivating many more realms for some reason it didn't mention.

The current realms that he'd got in the inheritance , had been altered slightly , as it said in the beginning Devilish Qi , but then changed to Devilish death qi for some reason..

- Devilish Death Qi condensation : Feeling the Qi in the air and transforming it into devilish death qi that surges through the body, though he has to kill over 1,000 people in order to fully get the demonic death qi converted from their blood..


- Body refinement : Refines the body with the blood of the people killed , as when Carl absorbs the blood of the body that was filled with resentment , despair and other 'bad' emotions that humans tend to leave in their death, he gets far purer and denser blood and flesh that tempers his body.

- Blood refinement : refines the blood of Carl with more and more bodies , as it requires him to eat the flesh of 100 children and drink their blood in order to have rich blood that would make his bloodline purer for future realms purposes , that the artifact didn't seem to mention..

- Foundation hall : uses the flesh and blood of 500 children , along with 1,000 pregnant women in order to create a foundation that spreads throughout the whole body , as the dantian then expands to its size - making it the same size as the foundation.

- Blood Core refinement : Uses the blood and flesh of a whole continent , by creating a very large array that circulates around it , and kills it - though it requires the peak powerhouses' flesh and blood as a beginning for the advancement , which then creates a blood core that's made of the whole foundation that was previously made.

- Nefarious soul beginning : The soul must have a lot of sins in order to go through this realm- as it goes from the blood core through 3 stages ( infant , teen , adult ) , but it requires being in a pool made of the flesh and blood of 100 nascent soul cultivators ( from heaven's way ), to successfully refine the soul to the adult stage , and breakthrough to the next realm , and too get an extremely tiny bit of sins law infused to the soul , but he was puzzled as he didn't understand what laws were - but the artifact didn't explain it so he ignored it for now..

- Thought manifestation: It manifests a powerful thought that uses all the thoughts of the previously killed people in order to both temper the will to the extreme limits , and have a powerful thought that makes it impossible for others to read through by other arts ( such as mind reading arts , soul searching , etc. ).

- Hollow : makes the whole body - except the refined parts of it into a devilish hollow form that absorbs wildly demonic death qi , that hides the whole existence of any demonic death qi , making Carl seem like a normal cultivator , which in turn makes the nefarious soul stronger , and change the thought manifestation to that of the emperor realm.

- Qi manifestation : Finally able to manifest demonic death qi , and change 10% of it in order to be able to manipulate the Qi in the air for various purposes , such as flying , levitating a body , etc.

- Disaster realm : Carl has to face a heavenly tribulation , that in turn turns the bloodline in his body purer by using the reverse cultivation technique .

- Opening the 9 Gates : Carl has to open the 8 Gates of his body , and fill them with blood that is sacrificed by two continents In order to successfully open the 8 gates and then the last gate which is - Nefarious Gate that he has to open by sacrificing 2000 children in the process.

- Dao foundation : Carl has to manifest the Daos ( not laws ) he knows in his hollow form , as he places all of them in specific spots .

Emperor throne : Makes a huge crown over his head that is made purely by blood , as the every 100 thousand people equals 1 gem , and it requires him 22 gems to create the throne.

-Asura Core : Creates an additional Asura core that is made in the top of the crown , which supplements him with more Devilish death qi the more he kills , and thus in turn changing his body structure until it is able to successfully ascend to the immortal realm.

- Immortal ascension : Successfully goes by the 9 disasters and 7 heavenly tribulations by using the reverse cultivation technique and thus making him stronger.

The thought levels of the current plane:

Warrior, Elite Warrior , General , Elite General , Commander , Elite commander , King , Emperor , Ancestor , Saint .

As for the reverse cultivation technique, it has two branches , the first one uses the Qi in the air , or whatever heavens gives cultivators in order to cultivate to higher realms, in order to turn it to devilish death qi threads , it is also the main cultivation technique Carl uses , as the second branch allows him to cultivate from the blood of others and advance at the realms.


He'd gotten information that when he'd be in the hollow realm , his human body would change to that of a new race , which was apparently nefarious devils..

He also got to know that only due to him having a bit of the nefarious devil's bloodline could he successfully fuse the artifact with his soul , which in turn started the inheritance from it..


Carl was indeed shocked by the sheer number of cultivation realms , but didn't protest nonetheless as he knew that it was definetly necessary for him to achieve all of those realms in order to truly defy the heavens and get his revenge.


- The reason for the number of cultivation realms , there's actually another reason for the huge number , it'll be explained in the next few chapters..

- Also devilish death Qi is the same as demonic death Qi, for Carl that is . Because it's death qi added , so it doesn't matter which type it is , devilish or demonic , both are the same strength when combined with death qi.

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