《An adventure begins》1.5
2 days before reincarnation
Lucan had spent most of his free time, as usual, in the stand with Emma, helping her sell her wares, counting coins and hearing her tell stories. It had a calming effect hearing her, like a verbal anesthetic.
What he loved the most about every one of the tales Emma gifted him was that he could understand every character. Today, she was telling the story of an old woman from a far away city, of the road she took to become captain of the guard, of her iron will and uncompromising heart with criminals. And of the wounded heart with regrets that was her only reward.
The story of a woman that dedicated her life to become a shield for others, only to make the ones she loved happy; but her unbending will turned her lover, mother, sister and friends away.
With a solemn voice Emma spoke while Lucan shooed the salamanders from the top of the stand ''And in the end of the road, when the city she fought for turned her away, she looked at those around her and said: I don't hate you, i love you, you are my family. What I hate is myself. and in you I see everything I regret about myself''
Giving Lucan a scowl, she signaled the story was ending and that he should pay attention.
''I regret everything, except protecting you all, that is why I jumped….And then the spirit carried her to her rest, leaving her family to warm their hands by her fire.''
Fixing a smile, she nodded in contemplation and ended her tale with one of her often annoying sayings ''Never fight to defend others only because it pleases them…defend others, because is right by yerself.''
''I liked this one. Did you meet this guardian hero?''
''Nay, that doesn't mean i can't learn from 'er example…or her mistakes . HA''
''So, when are you going to tell me a story about a mage?''
Arching one eyebrow, she looked at Lucan as if to say''Why would I ever do that?''
''I told ye a hundred times already, I ain't teaching ye magic--
''Until I find myself.''''Until ye find yerself.''
He ended the frase at the same time, she had told him that a thousand times and refused to explain what that meant. Inside his hear, he thought she only said that to sound annoying.
''Sides, what would yer fine and proper family say' bout a witch teaching their youngling.''With a laugh she began imitating a noble with a pitched accent'' Oh no, she has corrupted our little youth, whatever shall we do.''
''I would pay to see the first noble that speaks like that.''
With a wave she dismissed him''Eh, you need to get out more…which reminds me, don't ye have idiot clases with prim and proper?''
Ah. Right. He had forgotten again. Today is a bad day.
Prim and proper is the nickname Emma had given to his private instructor, Professor William, after seeing him once and taking his measure. Of course, she had decided on the name out loud and in front of both him and his mother, creating an everlasting feud were William tried his best to prevent him from seeing Emma while she mocked everything about the man in public.
''Crap, i'm already late aren't I?… Well, I can always tell him I was in the library''
With a sigh, Lucan grabbed his bag and looked at the witch behind him and decided to ask his questions of the day. Every day she answered one question or two dancing around the reason why she refused to teach him how to do anything magical before shooing him kindly from the stand.
Lucan had tried everything, and asked from every angle he could imagine, until he could only think of asking stupid questions.
''How do I find myself Emma?''
Waiting a few second,she kept her eyes on him for a few moments, and answered slowly.
''When you decide to live, instead of just being… Now run along kiddo. Today is not the day you live.''
And with that he left her in the plaza thinking. Ok…What the fuck?
The way towards his home from Emma's was often quick and silent. Lucan already knew the best routes to avoid meeting people he knew but the worst moments were the second before entering his house. They were often accompanied with sighs and a feeling of defeat, so to combat this, he created a system to also avoid people inside his home. First: He never entered through the main door, that's were danger lies.
Or that's what he thought when he opened the door that led to the kitchen only to find professor William sitting there patiently, reading and sipping a cup of tea.
Without looking at him he began''You were with her again weren't you?''
Wincing when he said her, Lucan took a few second before answering ''No professor, I was in the library today.'' Of course the first thing that came out of his mouth was a lie he tought. As usual, he didn't even think before he spoke.
''Hmmm, good. Let's go to the study then.''
Suppressing the obvious relief from showing in his face, he followed William towards the study grabbing a quick bite in the way. When they arrived Lucan simply took a seat in the only chair in the room and looked at the man in front of him that was standing studying a small board he used to order his books with disinterest.
Again, without looking at him the professor asked ''What were you reading about?''
The answer came quickly''Sailing.''
''Uuuum, well, mostly curiosity about certain topics we touched at school.''
''Topics you touched at school?''
''Yes, professor''
''The yellow scarf school you mean, as in, the one that doesn't teach about sailing?''
Opening his mouth to retort Lucan was cut short when William lifted his hand and continued speaking
''It doesn't matter. What matters however is that your mother told me about the advise your school is giving to your family. Tell me, did you study anything regarding the faith or history of our city before the exam you took in school''
''Yes prof-''
The interruption came in a overbearing tone''No you didn't''
After a few seconds of silence William continued ''The seraphs will be looking for pages between the yellow scarfs, or so the rumors say. Do you think they will choose you?''
After some hesitation ''I… I hope they will pro-''
With the same overbearing tone''No they won't… Not if you don't pick up a book and study. Do you really think that pointy eared gutter bastard can teach you enough to be chosen by the seraphs?''
Silence was the answer. Not because he agreed with him, but because Lucan in truth, didn't knew if he wanted to go.
''Your parents have given me permission to instruct you properly from now on, to ensure proper discipline and to prevent you from embarrassing the Graves family. I am the private instructor to both your elder brothers and both your elder and little sister. Only with you do i need to take precautions.''
Lucan didn't knew what that meant, but if his usual sense for danger was correct, it wasn't good.
''Take you history book from your bag, we will revise what you know.''
Leaning down to do so, he realized with a shiver that the book had disappeared. It wasn't inside his bag, thinking quickly a flashback hit him of the moment one of his classmates had thrown the bag at his face and all the books had rained around him, most likely, he had left it there on the floor without realizing.
With measured movements, he straightened in the chair and told the professor simply ''I don't have my book here, but I have a spare in my room, can I look for it?''
For the first time in the day, professor William looked at him, and with a nonchalantly attitude he simply responded ''You forget to bring the history book to your lesson about history. Sigh. we'll use mine today, lift your arm.''
He must have heard that wrong. ''What?''
''lift. Your. arm''The professor answered simply, as if talking about a good weather.
Doing so Lucan lifted his arm from side towards the front of the room and stared ahead in silence.
Staring at Lucan, something akin to pity flashed in the professors eye before he began talking''This is for you Lucan, what you need, is discipline. You need to change into a more responsible man..I, sigh, I am sorry, it's just to help you achieve what's expected of you.'' both of them seemed confused for a moment following those words. And then suddenly, with a swift movement, a wooden ruler came down onto the extended arm.
Receiving the smack with a yelp, Lucan retracted his arm and started massaging it in silence. William however, seemed unmoved and continued speaking to begin the lesson.
''There are many beliefs in the archipelago of Avan, but the one true faith is the knowledge brought by our ancestors from Venetia, the light is what guides us and what teaches us about justice, truth and love. Long ago, we discovered that trough our faith we could channel the blessed light and bring forth miracles such as healing and benedictions.''
Taking a moment to make sure Lucan was paying attention he nodded and continued''That is all in the past. In the current age, priest and sages of the light must study and channel the light in ways not unlike mages, we use our holy language as a way to direct our blessings and our faith test our control over whatever we ask…Now, who brought the holy language to our people.''
That was easy ''The seraphs''
''Yes, They came down from the light and gave a warning to all that could hear of the impending calamity that engulfed the world. Then they helped pave the way for the refuges and helped us settle in these strange lands.''
On and on the lesson went with occasional questions ans answers sent back and forth, whenever Lucan answered one correctly the lesson continued, but when he said something wrong or didn't knew enough he received one slap with the wooden ruler professor William kept close at hand. At first, he didn't received much punishment. That ended when they began the second part of the lessons.
''You must bow from the waist for the seraphs and never try to look at them in the eyes, they'll notice. Show me the way you bow.''
Lucan bowed instantly and realized that was a mistake, better to take things slow and not look awkward.
''Wrong, lift your breeches.'' Smack ''Again.''
Bowing again he heard''wrong, lift your breeches'' Smack ''Again.''
This time he did it deliberately slow to make sure it was correct.
''Wrong, lift your breeches.'' Smack ''Again.''
Bowing again Lucan couldn't help but let out a frustrated sigh but this time he knew it was perfect.
''Wrong, lift your breeches.'' Smack ''Again.''
Taking some moments, he massaged the back of his legs a little and tried his best to bow perfectly.
''Wrong, lift your breeches.'' Smack ''Again.''
The lesson was eternal, every time he would do something wrong, no matter how small Lucan realized, he received a smack, and then it was repeat, repeat, repeat until William was satisfied.
Taking a moment from the commands, with the wooden ruler firmly grasped in one hand and eyes evaluating every position of Lucan's body, the professor began telling of the importance of the lesson.
''The importance of being chosen to become a page is simply, those that manage to learn directly from the seraphs can find their way to become a light mage of great standing, after all, the winged folk themselves will be the ones teaching you. Moreover, it is a sure path into the upper echelons of the church or directly inside the flying city of the angelicarium…It is rumored that they will evaluate all the yellow scarfs of the city, just like they usually do, but especial care will be given to descendants of noble families.''
Pacing around Lucan he stopped for a moment and asked ''What is the directioner for a light mage?.''
''Faith, and the holy language.''
''Recite the first incantation of a Lucien light mage''
''Sacred light, eternal beacon of hope, witness me in my time of need, Cleanse my soul So I might save others, I beg with a sincere heart this of you.''
''Do you know the effect of that incantation?''
''Sigh, it doesn't matter. Bow''
For the first time he he made a bow that didn't warranted a smack, Lucan couldn't help it, the relief he felt in that moment was palpable.
''Passable, tell me, what is the difference between a light mage and a witch?''
That question knocked out the air from his lungs, he had never thought of the difference, was this the new tactic to see if he would avoid Emma, because if it was then there'd better be a damn good difference.
''No professor.''
''Light mages ask from the light. All priest and sages study the laws of this world, and we mold those laws with our faith. In contrast witches and other such classes are to thief's.''
Ah. Lucan was wrong, he had actually heard this before, Emma had warned him about this theory even, of course, she passed it as idiocy from elitis mages, but for William, this idea was sacred.
By the end of the lesson, the back of his legs felt as if someone was pouring salt on an open wound. Clenching his fist, he remained silent until at last, the instruction ended and the insult towards the unworthy classes subsided, at which point the professor took his utensils and said some polite goodbyes to Lucan and left him alone in the room, promising to inform his mother of today's lesson.
Finally alone, Lucan sat on the floor in the middle of the room massaging both his hand and legs until the pain subsided, all in all, he was absurdly tired, But he was alone, and after a quick check to close the doors and make sure he had some time to spare he retrieved his precious paper from and pen from his bag to make sure they weren't damaged from the ordeal of the day. With a deep sigh of relief, he realized his precious artifacts were undamaged.
With a grin, he couldn't help himself.
As always, the small wooden cube he used floated a little upwards, but for some reason, it didn't felt that good right now. Especially because his eyes were feeling a little watery and his hand stung.
Hours later, it was finally time to eat dinner,and he had taken enough time to bathe, change his clothes and hide to prevent anyone from finding him and forcing him to attend, instead he waited until the final moments and entered the room when the rest of the family was already eating.
Sitting in his usual spot he ignored the conversations around him and simply began to eat quietly not even bothering to see anyone in the table until of course, when he filled his plate, Marine sat a little closer to him and began picking the best part of both their plates; the little carnivore loved meat, so sometimes when Lucan used the knife to cut a piece for himself a wild fork appeared and stole the prize quickly; if he ever bothered to fight for it, the mischievous smile she shot his way while hunching her shoulders was enough for him to surrender unconditionally.
''The fools in Lunda are looking for allies, they know that we are winning the city-states of Thiva and Aegis, they are outnumbered. If it comes to open conflict I expect you to either join me in the Graves flagship or a captain of my choosing''
''I know what you mean dad, but what I am trying to tell you is that the captains you know are somewhat, well, they are not the best and--''
''And how was your day Marcus, did you learn anything interesting?''
''Nothing really mom, I won a round with the spear, but the sword is kinda hard, don't worry i'll be top class in no time''
''Mom, can you buy me a dress for the ball next week, I want something that looks good with my scarf.''
''Of course Marian, we'll go to the market tomorrow.'''
On and on went the conversations in the table around Lucan and all the while he remained silent, eating just the right amount to leave quickly without going hungry for the night. But Marcus had other ideas planned, asking him suddenly ''So Lucan, how was your day?…Did you enjoy your lesson with professor William?''
The tone of the question made it clear that he knew both the answers, and Lucan didn't knew if it was because or how tired he felt, or because the back of his knees but he din't felt like lying or speaking today so the simple answer was.
''It was the usual.''
Maybe it was the tone, or maybe it was the way he looked at Diane when he said so, but the conversations of the entire table died instantly.
With her usual tone Marine Graves, the mother of the family wiped her mouth and asked ''Is there a problem Lucan?…If im not mistaken professor William claimed he finally made progress.''
''Finally.'' came an sarcastic answer from Marcus, followed by a very intense evaluation of his plate when their mother gave him one of her glares.
Before Lucan could answer his father entered the conversation.
''I was told you visited the half-bastard again, is this true?''
The bitterness was visible in Lucan's voice''I needed to see her.''
''No you don't, you need nothing with that sort of rabble, you should have been in the library or associating yourself with your peers.''
''I needed to see her.''
''Enough, I have told you many times, you are my son, moreover, you are studying to one day become a member of the cardinals, you cannot afford to be seen with something like a witch, it would be as if Diane spent her time amongst sailors or Marcus amongst common soldiers.''
''She is my friend.''
The moment the words flew out of his mouth the look on his father's eyes sharpened visibly, then pointed at Lucan with his fork.
''You. will. stop. associating. with. that. witch. Is that clear?''
The seconds were long and heavy in the room, everyone was expecting Lucan to answer but instead came a question.
''Can i learn magic?''
Everyone was befuddled, and the first to reply was Diane with a ''What?'' followed by their father with an authoritative tone of someone unaccustomed to explain themselves.
''You are going to learn Light magic when you show you have what it takes to put some purple in your scarf, and if we are lucky, when a seraph talks to you and your mother manages to sweet talk them into accepting you as a page.''
''If this is about the…unusual teaching methods of the professor, we can talk later Lucan but there was no other choice, we cannot afford you repeating the year or worse leaving the school, look at your sister, your actions affect the purple in her scarf.''
Ok. That stung, but if honor and such was expected of her then.
Lucan looked directly at Diane and said without hesitation''I have no idea who she is.''
Lucan expected a lot of things, but what he didn't expect was his sister matching his glare with one of her own. Alas, Their father had enough
''That's it!. get out, if you want to behave like that, do it elsewhere, not here, I will not hear your pitiable attempts at attention seeking in my house…What, you think i'm joking, get out. Now!''
In the way to his room Lucan remembered, today was supposed to be a bad day.
But a least it was over, and who knows.
Maybe Emma was going to teach him something tomorrow.
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