《Reborn in Isekai with Sharingan》chapter 4 The Black Woman


The decision to fight was not irrational for Light but a well-thought-out plan.

Everyone was selfish in different ways. People who seemed selfless on the outside but were selfish inside were everywhere. Even those who are so-called truly selfless were still selfish in their thoughts - with no exceptions.

Light saw himself as a moral, selfish guy. He couldn't bear to see the two girls dead in front of him but was afraid of dying too. He wouldn't hesitate to run in combat if he found out that he was going to be killed, for it was meaningless for him to continue fighting. If he was dead, the possibility of survival of the two girls was zero. He knew it through Sharingan.

Even three of them together couldn't defeat this woman; the only chance of their survival was to get the teacher's attention nearby by making a big noise.

The only matter was how long they could hold out and whether they could keep until help arrived.

They sank or swam together.

"That's admirable." The woman in black said flatly, "But I'm afraid of it would be disappointed."

Her right hand was on fleshy hips and her left hand's fingers on lips, which looked awfully glamorous. Black eyes and black hair, black gloves, and black mask, whatever about the woman was black that made her more enigmatic.

"Distract her when I'm attacking!" Light had pulled out the whinger that was just prepared for in case, he was totally in a combat state.

"Hey, you're not supposed to be the main force even if you're a genius." Emma retorted, "You're only one and we're two, I and Alice are so in tune. Maybe ..."

By this time, Alice gripped her wrist and confirmed, "Listen to him."

Emma took a deep look at Alice, and then she said, "OK! This combat is on your lead." She concluded to Light.

As these words were spoken, Light's figure flashed like lightning. Then there was a crack came from the air.


The two figures had intertwined in intense fighting.

Just from the two girls' points of view, the sound of fierce battle followed by the disappearance of Light in the blinking before their reaction.

He was so fast; it's on a whole other level to them. So did that woman.

"I remembered he was a bipsychic - mage and illusionist." Emma was in a big shock.

"It seemed he was a samurai, too." Alice was a bit astonished; she guessed what he might be.

In their opinion, Light was as fast as the black woman. But Light, who was in the fight in person, was clear he had tried his best to improve his speed, which was not equivalent to the woman. The only reason that their speed seemed very comparable was Sharingan. The opponent also noticed it at the same time.


Once again, her unpredictable attack missed.

"Nice eye!" She said again, "It seemed that speed was no way to win."

The tremendous dynamic vision of Sharingan was a pretty bonus to combat; Light had benefited a lot from it.

The woman didn't chase him anymore and was confused, "The intelligence didn't say you're still a samurai."

"There are more surprises waiting for you." Light smiled evilly.

He jumped high into the air, and then a giant fireball suddenly burst in the spot he was just now.


The dash was lighting up like fireworks.

"Did it work?" Alice questioned in the anticipate.

It was the first time they were fighting together, but she and Light did an excellent enough coordinate job. Light made a gesture behind his back when the woman asked him. Alice seized the opportunity to cast her specialty. The best point was the moment Light caught. He would get hurt if late, and it didn't work if earlier.

"No." Light answered Alice certainly. Before the fireball exploded, he saw a kind of energy covered the woman's surface. It might be defensive magic.

This world magic was different from the Jutsu he knew. The Jutsu came from Chakara that was composed of the inner spiritual and physical energies. However, magic only worked by mana - a kind of internal spiritual energy.

Technically, the Jutsu was more complicated than the magic, and he was supposed to master magic easier. He hadn't had time to test this.

After the flame cleared, the intact woman walked out slowly of the spot, step by step.

"How did it ..."

Although Alice guessed it wouldn't be easy, she was a little dispirited to see the opponent unscathed. She thought their efforts were just for naught.

"Not in vain." Light seemed to have the ability to read her mind and soothed Alice, "At least I knew she has the earth element."

Lighting was stronger than earth even in this magical world; Light felt lucky to master the lighting Jutsus.

He needed one chance, for the opponent wouldn't be foolish enough to wait for his attack.

"Let's join or you won't get a chance." Emma was aware of the gap between the woman and them.

"OK!" Light agreed with her before paused a while and nodded, "But don't be my drag."

Emma showed a significant smile, "Just help yourself."

"Ready?" She looked back at Alice.

"OK." Alice nodded for certain.

Emma glanced at Light and said, "That's only one chance for you, catch it!"

"I will." Three magatamas spun crazily in Light's scarlet Sharingan; he had gone into his groove.

"Get away." The black woman waved disgustingly and said, "I'm not interested in both of you."


With the word Emma spoke, the two figures rushed toward the woman.



The spark flashed between the weapons from the woman and Light; his strength was no match for her. He repelled a few steps, and then the attack from Emma followed immediately.

"Ha!" The mighty fist hit toward the woman with a lovely yell.

However, she missed.

They didn't pay enough attention to the fact that she's the fastest of them all.

Successfully dodging two attacks, the woman shook her finger contemptuously at Emma, "Powerful enough, but not fast."

Emma smiled viciously, "Maybe."

As she finished, the woman stuck abruptly on the spot with empty eyes but was conscious soon later. What greeted her in front of her eyes was the left hand with harsh lighting - Chidori.

The guy who cast the illusion on the woman was Alice; she had been prepared it for a while. And she managed it with the cooperation of the three. At last, Light seized the only chance to cast his unique finishing skill - Chidori.

Hundreds of birds sang the death-song in front of her!

There was absolutely no way for the woman to dodge it even she was fast.

And lightning was restraint earth.

She must doom!

Before Light outstretched his left hand to her face, he thought so.

At this critical moment, it's no fear but an appreciative look on the woman's face.

"Nice cooperation!" She smiled.

Then her black eyes abruptly turned into the yellow and browned color. A strong storm burst out around her, the yawp of Chidori decreased in response.

"The wind magic?" It's the first time Light found Chidori didn't work. Before he chewed about it, he was blown over by the gale to several dozens of feet. So did Emma not far away.

Light, who fell to the ground, hit the floor with dismay and anger, "I'm wrong. I should have known!"

He thought the woman had only one magical element so that he could finish her via Chidori.

"It was quite possible that she had just show flaw to me on purpose."

Light guessed something, "Lure me into using the lighting Jutsu, then beat me with the wind magic."

He lost the last round just now. It's not relevant to the strength or energy, just about tactics.


Alice exclaimed nearby, "Monster Eye!"

At this time, Light noticed the browned eyes in the woman were the same as monsters. The erect, horrent pupils couldn't belong to human eyes.

The woman was drenched in a sanguinary odour which was enormous oppressive to them.

The gaze from the woman locked on Light, he felt like a hunted animal. He refused to think, but the inundatory vigour emitted from the opponent made him failed to do so.

He moved to another spot instantly, the fierce gaze followed immediately.

"Her next attack is unavoidable." Light's heart sank into the bottom.

"I want to know what happened before I die." Light stood up and asked the woman, but he thought to himself, "Why were the reinforcements so slow?"

The black woman seemed to read his thoughts and smiled significantly, "There is no use delaying, the supports won't come."

Light froze on the spot and shouted in his brain. "Could she read my thoughts?"

The woman smiled, "Not really, just microexpresions." She continued, "Everything I have done is for your eyes. I'll spare your life if you share them to me."

Light touched his eye socket, and confused, he said, "None of these is gonna work for you. I'm the only exclusive one."

The woman smiled again, "Nice camouflage. You might have fooled me if I didn't really know."

Light was sure his microexpressions disappeared on the face just now, he confirmed. Why did she clear he's lying?

The woman explained, "As an optical mage the same as you, I knew the eyes of ancestry could be utilized by others. The large possibility at very least." She smiled, "Am I right?"

"Maybe 'Monster Eye' Alice said is her kekkeigenkai, this is gonna be bad!" His heart was surging now.

Light pretended relaxed, "My eyes are weak, useless. See it, I'm no match for you totally. Your 'Monster Eye' was powerful enough, no need to get my eyes."

The woman giggled suddenly for a while, "I might have thought so before, but now I'm convinced that your eyes have no limits."

As the woman finished her words, Light changed his face abruptly, from the smirk to seriousness.

He had known he had no breathing room to negotiate, so it's no need to pretend vulnerable and weak.

After several gestures, Light's left hand emerged with slight blue lighting which sounded like thousands of birds squawked. At the same time, three tomoes spun crazily in his Sharingan.

"Come on! Try it!" He roared at the powerful woman.

He would definitely go over with her if the woman dared to rush at him. It's no need to dodge if it's inevitable.

Light knew that the only way to survive in such circumstances was by the most desperate means. If he had the slightest fear or hesitation, he would have died instantly.

God only let the bravest man win.

He had been like this before.

He knew it.

As predicted, the woman paused a while as she saw such a crazy opponent.

Generally speaking, noble psychics wouldn't despise their valuable life. The deal the woman offered wasn't unacceptable. The eye transplant surgery would give him Light again. It's not unworthy of using eyes to exchange for life.

It's the first time she met such a desperate man.

"Interesting!" She smiled.

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