《Voice of reason with a hint of insanity》Chapter 7: The basics of living in a society: A job and an id
''Have you guys ever heard of cushions?'' (Joe)
''You mean like the ones on chairs? Why did you ask such a question?'' (Samantha)
''You know you could use them in carriages?'' (Joe)
''That seems awfully luxarious.'' (Samantha)
''Wait, what are your cushions made of?'' (Joe)
''Why from devil bird tail feathers.'' (Samantha)
''You use an A rank beasts tailfeathers as cushions? Could you like just use something like wool inside of the carriage?'' (Joe)
''Now that you mention it. Why didn't we try and make cushions with different materials again?'' (Samantha)
''Well because, I wanted them to be exclusive gifts for you so convinced everyone that they need to made of devil bird tailfeathers.'' (Jared)
''You know if cushions we're released to the general public trade would increase, since people could ride for longer periods of time.'' (Joe)
''That is very true. Grandpa, we need to have another talk, don't we?'' (Samantha)
Jared looks aghast at first, and then switches to glaring at me. I don't fear you anymore Jared, I have figured out your cryptonite. We have finally reached the trade town of... what was it again Svor?
Let me just pull up the memo from here, let's see notes on geography section is towns/villages and here we go. We are arriving at the trade town of Lidor.
Thanks again Svor, I couldn't live without you. Like literally my name memory sucks. Anyways Samantha seems to be finished with the preparations for Jareds punishment later on. Now let's see we are arriving at the gate finally. I was so absorved in the conversation, I completely missed out on the 15 meter tall walls surrounding the large town. The gate seems to be busy with a lot travellers and merchants making their way through and out constantly. We seem to be headed towards a shorter line, most likely a nobles privilege.
''Princess Samantha Prasendia entering town!'' (Gatekeeper)
And that just makes everyone get out of our carriages way. Definetly privileges of being high ranked on the totem pole. Still the job comes with a lot of downsides aswell. Like politics, fuck politics. Bureaucrocy has never made anything work smoothly, and only servers to satisfy the small minded fuckers up top with money. Samantha seems a bit troubled with the attention, while Jared looks pleased with people respecting his little 'sweetheart'.
''Always so troubling to go to a town. I can never relax on a visit anywhere. Always feels like, I need to keep up appearances.'' (Samantha)
Now this is where, I could start worming my way into her life and conquer her, but I think my life is more valuable than some loving relationship.
Congratulations on realizing the fact that love is not forever lasting.
'Sha sha' (Jenn)
I was more thinking about Jared murdering me if, I somehow deflowered her, you know? Let's just focus on what is actually happening.
''At ease gatekeeper, let us pass and continue on with your duties as usual.''
''Yes, princess!'' (Gatekeeper)
She must be pretty popular and well known to be instantly regognized for her carriage. That or the gatekeeper was just informed beforehand.
I would wager on it being a bit both, with her personality being what it is. Samantha seems like the kinda person no one would seriously hate, execpt those slimy scumbags that think with their money purses and political powers. This is really just turning into me reminding myself to stay away from politics. We're apparently making our way towards the guild first to deal with some complications caused by the idiotic adventurers attacking me for no reason. Oh and that self proclaimed holy man apparently was a titled dude. He was clearly not as strong as Slithas, which reminds me, we need to report him being dead.
''Hey Jared, you happen to know a snakekin named Slithas?'' (Joe)
''Have you seem him? He was one of the more promising rookies in the guilds ranks. I've been trying to figure out what happened to him, he seemed to just dissappear from Wanderia itself.'' (Jared)
''Yeah... you see, I kinda killed him.'' (Joe)
''YOU DID WHAT!?'' (Jared)
''Alright first, he lost control of his mana and attacked me, two he was the one who managed to drag me to Wanderia in the first place. He seemed to have found some ancient ruins containing world warping technology that caused him to be thrown in to my world. He also brought some sort of artifact that opened a portal to this world. And, I happened to fall in through that portal.'' (Joe)
''You mean to tell me the gods didn't bring you here to satiate their boredom?'' (Jared)
''Uhh, yeah kinda got here on accident'' (Joe)
''And you are that powerful without any cheats from god?'' (Jared)
''Pretty much. Did you think my dual casting bullshit was a gift from a god?'' (Joe)
''Look most transmigrators gained some sort of out of bounds power to give them a change to survive and make it far in this world as adventurers. It never entered my expectations that you we're just that talented naturally. Also no one has ever transmigrated the way you descriped. And how the hell do you even know our language.'' (Jared)
''Wait, what language are we speaking in the first place?'' (Joe)
''I think some transmigrators called in englesh or something. Also you look nothing like the other transmigrators. The others all had some squinted eyes and different skin tone. They also spoke in a really weird language, and wrote with some weird scribbles.'' (Jared)
''Wow, I seriously thought it was just a stereotype that all isekai stories feature a japanese protagonist.'' (Joe)
''Well that is one mystery checked of my list in terms of you.'' (Jared)
''Before you even mention it, no I'm not telling you the true nature of my power.'' (Joe)
I don't believe he needs to know you exist Svor. No one really does. Well Vera is fine, she wouldn't go babbling about others secrets would she?
She seems very iffy, but still kinda trustworthy. Like she keeps her word, just be careful of the wording. Kinda like reading fine print in contracts with a drow. Never trust those fuckers and question every word they release from their mouths. It's either half truths, bushwhacking or leaving something said. The best lie is when there is no lie.
'Sha?' (Jenn)
Jenn don't worry, there is no need for you to think about such things. Me and Svor will protect you from such things!
'Sha!' (Jenn)
And we're at the guild. And oh lord the adventurers that were with us are scared shitless. I guess attacking an innocent civilian can really mess up your career. Let us feel their terror and enjoy it for causing us to deal with that pain in the arse.
''I would like to report on how an escort commission went.'' (Samantha)
''Very well, may I ask for the people involved to give me their id cards?'' (Receptionist)
The receptionist takes the id cards of the adventurers, who took the escort job. I can already smell the dread in the air.
''Here is my report for how the adventurers did the commission. First the complaints, they attacked an innocent bystander in the middle of the commission based on what, I can only call fear mongering from the leader of the party. Said bystander tried explain himself, but they didn't listen and attacked him anyways. The bystander then retaliated by incapacitating everyone and killing the leader. After that the A-ranked adventurer 'Crusader' declared him a devil and used a dangerous spell meant to only combat monsters. The spell proved ineffective and he died from a retaliating strike. After that my guards were responsible for defeating any appearing monsters. The hired adventurers were quite frankly useless and just caused me headaches. The stupidity of the 2 leading members also resulted in unnecessary casualties. I would like to declare the commission a failure'' (Samantha)
''Complaints noted and proper punishment will be dished out to the adventurers that took the job. Also noting the death of 2 prominent guild members. The punishment for failing to escort a high ranking member of society and attacking an innocent bystander will be: 10 compulsory requests for 1/3 of the rewards and an increase to the amount of requests needed for the next rank.'' (Receptionist)
I think the biggest hit they took there is the damage to their reputations. Like who would want to hire them to be escorts ever again. Going to make getting from town to town a lot harder for those guys.
''I would also like to report the confirmed death of Slithas [Frostblood].'' (Samantha)
''Noted, could you provide proof of his passing?'' (Receptionist)
''This is his weapon [Frostmaw]'' (Joe)
''The magical signatures are confirmed to align with [Frostmaw]. This will suffice as evidence. We will make a public announcement later on. Who is the person resbonsible for the discovery of the demise of Slithas?'' (Receptionist)
''That would be me.'' (Joe)
''May, I have your id card to record this deed on it?'' (Receptionist)
''Uhh, I don't have one?'' (Joe)
And at that point everyone pauses and stares at me blankly. Well except Jared, he totally realises his mistake and averts his gaze away from me. Something that Samantha picks up on and instantly realizes what is going on.
''Jared. Did you forget to give Joe here an id card as one of the first things. You do know it is a persons lifeline around these parts?'' (Samantha)
''I may have forgotten to give him one when, I took him to train.'' (Jared)
Jared is looking as guilty as possible under the unamused stare of Samantha. I wonder how much practice she gets for these stares with Jared.
Jared does seem to do these things very often, so I would not be very suprised if it was a lot.
'Sha sha' (Jenn)
''I was supposed to register as an adventurer after, I finished training out in the woods.'' (Joe)
''Ah, in that case. Hey, Pate could you come here for a moment. We have a new recruit you need to test.'' (Receptionist)
After shouting, I can see a rather sleepy looking person walk through the staff door behind the receptionist.
''Right when, I decided to take a nap some new recruit wants to join up. Really, I just have the worst luck.'' (Pate)
''If you want to be finished with it quick, do a proper evaluation that doesn't need to be repeated.'' (Receptionist)
''Uhh fine. C'mon recruit let's get this over with and move on with our lives.'' (Pate)
I follow this Pate fellow outside as we move to the training yard behind the guild. The courtyard is a nice flat area with wooden and blunt weapons lined up on weapon racks.
''You wanna go with wooden weapons, or can you handle blunt ones?'' (Pate)
''Blunt, please. Give me a one handed sword.'' (Joe)
''Righto!'' (Pate)
''Right, I've got a beast companion. Can she help me out here?'' (Joe)
''Actually let me just give you rundown on the rules for the test. Anything goes that ain't lethal or leave lasting probhibiting damage. So magic is fine if you also do that stuff and beast companions are allowed, seeing as they are kind of a part of you.'' (Pate)
''How does the evaluation work?'' (Joe)
''I'll tell you after we duke it out for a bit. I'm calling it quits when we are done.'' (Pate)
''Seems fine to me.'' (Joe)
''No need for anymore talking, let's boogie'' (Pate)
Saying that he charges me with his blunt spear with the assistance of magic. I barely side-step it which he responds to by attacking with the spears shaft. Pate goes for my feet trying to knock me down. Svor stops the attack with a small earth pillar placed infront of the shaft before it can gain any momentum. While Svor does that, I use an overhead swing aiming for his head. Jenn also starts freezing the ground beneath Pate. He lifts his spearhead up aiming to swat my attack away. The chilled ground reduces the friction beneath his boots causing him to miscalculate the strenght he needed to stop my blow. My blow ends up getting only slightly missdirected as, I hit him on the shoulder. The power behing the blow suprises him, and causes him to weaken his grip on the spear. Thats when Svor hits Pates wrist with an ice pillar causing him to release his grip fully and dropping the spear. I also bring my sword up to his throat to seal my victory.
''And, I thought you were the regular noobie. I wanted to catch you off guard with that first lunge, but clearly you are far above getting caught by such things. And the clever use of different magic complements your style very well. Too bad, I didn't get to see too much. Well with this, I can easily nominate you as a C-rank for sure. What is your level anyways?'' (Pate)
''Oh, I reached -A-level about a week ago.'' (Joe)
''I think we can make something out of you yet. Well you do have to start somewhere, so we can only give you C-rank, but you should rank up soon enough if you work for it.'' (Pate)
''That is fine with me.'' (Joe)
We return inside where the receptionist is suprised to see us so quickly.
''Did you slack off again on the evaluation?'' (Receptionist)
''No way boss. Whatshisname here beat me fair and square.'' (Pate)
''Impressive, for a newbie to beat Pate [Galepiercer] in a spar'' (Receptionist)
''It's nice to impress people, makes you feel important for no good reason usually. The names Joe by the way.'' (Joe)
''Yes, I heard a bit about you from Samantha here. It seems you have a high evaluation for both manners and knowledge from the Princess herself. That combined with the deed of bringing information on the wherebouts of Slithas lets us easily start you of with a C-rank.'' (Receptionist)
''Thanks a lot. It's nice to not have to deal with the starter requests. Would feel like stealing from the weak.'' (Joe)
''Well, Jared here finished giving us the necessary information to grant you an id card. Now we just need you to drop a bit of blood on this card here to register it as your own.'' (Receptionist)
Making a shard of ice to cut my finger a bit, I drop a bit of blood on the card which causes it to flash golden. After regaining my sight and inspecting the id card a bit, I can notice some interesting changes to the previously dull gray card base. First of it feels cold to the touch and the borders seems to be frozen. The card is also now fully golden, and I can feel a connection to it. Interesting piece of magical technology.
''Well this day has been tiring. Joe might, I interest you in staying at my mansion for the night. It's the least, I can do to repay you.'' (Samantha)
Jared is about to say something, but a quick glance from Samantha shuts down all attempts.
''I'll take you up on that offer. I don't have a place to stay or any money either. And, I don't really feel like doing any requests on an empty stomach.'' (Joe)
And so ends my day in the town of Lindor. We have finally acquired some form of a job to live with.
Even if it is a job filled with monsters, idiots and dungeons. Now we just need a dragon and an abserd follower for it to end in oblivion.
'Sha?' (Jenn)
Don't worry about it Jenn. Svor likes to make terrible attempts at jokes and obscure references. I don't get them often either.
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Peerless Hegemon [OLD]
He traversed two paths in total and left them with an empty heart. He traversed the third path and felt a void in his soul. He let others imprison him so he could seek answers and then recreate the Universe. The Answer was found, yet he was left unsatisfied. Led by the Beast that watched the Universe till its destruction, he found new meaning. In the new life he created, he began walking a path of blood. He choked a Prince with one hand and beheaded a King with the other. He killed a General ten kilometers away with an arrow and even dragged a Continent in order to get what he wanted. Yet beyond the never-ending river of blood, the core of his heart blossomed as he found himself a reason to live other than glory. Under the bleak life of chaos, blood flowed to nurture a flower, that bloomed to represent himself. Instead of Emptiness, he found life from death, and as he looked back at the path he had walked, he smiled as blood coated his lips. This is him, trying to find a place where he can gain humanity. == This story focuses on the world and the characters; there would be genocide, fights, and some bloody encounters. This is not Harem, sorry for Harem lovers, but that’s just how it is. The art for the cover isn’t mine. The credits go to its original creator.
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