《Voice of reason with a hint of insanity》Chapter 6: People are stubborn in stupid ways.


I am alive. Thank who ever was watching over me during that trip to hell. But still fuck Jared. I never want to hear the word training or anything related from his mouth ever again.

Usually that would be an overdramatic and empty thing to say, but I have to agree fully.

'Sha sha' (Jenn)

Oh right thank you Jenn for being such a therapeutic partner for me. I couldn't have asked for a better companion in my life. I will never betray you.

That aside can we get something to eat, I for one am starving.

Way to ruin the mood. But that aside we don't have any money do we? We haven't had any use for money so far. Then again Jared remembering that he had something to do and just throwing us at the nearest village was not nice. Speaking of which, maybe we should get out of this crater now that we are back to our senses? Looking around, I can see some B-level people gathering around my landing point. Diplomacy is tedious, but I would like to enter a town and use an actual bath.

Ah yes. The wonders of civilization and technology creating the greatest of comforts around.

''Sha sha'' (Jenn)

Thank you for the reminder Jenn!

''Ahem. I don't mean to impose on you, but mind not blasting me to bits?'' (Joe)

''Who are you stranger. No, what are you?'' (Adventurer)

''Well, I'm just a human. I just happen to be A-level?'' (Joe)

''Don't try and trick us devil. All A-level people are well known adventurers or retainers. There is no way for a random A-level to pop out of nowhere!'' (Adventurer)

''Fucking Jared. I swear to god, I will slap you once I find you again!'' (Joe)

''And who the hell is Jared? Is he your partner!'' (Adventurer)

''Nah. He's just the guildmaster of a branch in a backwoods place. That and apparently some sort of superman. Fucker forced me on a 6 month training camp and threw me out on the final week, because he forgot an appointment he had to go to.'' (Joe)

''Wait look! Ain't that an ice drakes kid!'' (???)

''You don't you know that only the royals are allowed to own drakes! That just makes you all the more suspicious. GET HIM!'' (Adventurer)

And fuck. There goes all of our chances at a nice relaxing bath. Well no time like the present. Svor how about making it a little frosty. There is clearly no use in trying to talk to these fucks. I can see the greed in their eyes.

With pleasure.

An ice pillar appears under me bringing me over everyones heads right as the magic and projectiles were about to hit me. These guys are actually fairly decent if compared to the norm. Too bad for them, I suppose. With Svor and Jenn starting to freeze the opponets to incapacite them, I jump at the leader looking dude forming an ice fist around my hand. No need to dirty Frostmaw with their blood. The leader is clearly suprised at the sudden turn of events panicking to try and counter the incoming blow. He brings up his sword to defend, but ends up just getting smashed to pieces. His head explodes in a rain of blood right before, I freeze the blood into the air. Now he looks like a frozen fountain. The others seem to panic and despair at the gruesome display of power, not noticing the ground gaining a layer of frost. They seem to snap out after feeling a biting sensation at their feet, only to see them frozen in place.


''Now, I do recommend just surrendering so, I don't have to murder you all.'' (Joe)

At this point, I must look like a devil with a huge grin plastered on my face. They all come to a quick understanding dropping their weapons and holding their hands up. Looking around these guys could be considered elite adventurers from what, I can tell. Apparently being B-level is huge around here. I can sense some wagons over the hill behind with people inside. Must be some kinda of a big shot to hire these kinds of guards. Oh now they're starting to move. Wait a moment. I couldn't tell at first, but there is atleast one A-level guard with those people.

''Hey you behind the hill! I don't mean any harm! I just acted out in self-defense!'' (Joe)

''Shut up devil! Your kind will not be allowed to live another day on these lands! Not as long as the gods support us! Burn in the holy light evilspawn!'' (Stranger)

Oh geez this kind of useless magic. Seriously it's just a degraded form of mana attacks. And it does nothing. Suprisingly warm, I must say. It's just a magic for attacking mana pools in a wide area, but thanks to the horrible use of it, It's only effective on untrained people.

''Seriously man. Did you get to A-level like yeasterday. This shit is absolutely useless. Here let me show you how it's really done'' (Joe)

On that signal Svor releases an equilevant of a javelin thrown by a bear at the strangers paper thin defenses. Needless to say it does a lot of damage instantly knocking him out with mana depletion.

''Is there anyone rational or atleast reasonable, I could talk to?'' (Joe)

''Wait young lady! You can't approach the devil! We must escape for our lives!'' (Butler)

There is a young lady approaching me with a stiffled look, and a butler running after her begging for her to run away. I just wanted a fucking bath after 6 months, Is that too much to ask world?

''Please stop this needless slaughter. You can take me, but please leave my subjects alone.'' (Young lady)

''Can you listen to reason for fucks sake. I just wanted to ask for directions to the nearest town and everyone decides that, I'm a devil. Can you atleast just calm down and just talk with me for a moment?'' (Joe)

Oh boy she is very flustered after that complaint from me. Still this is going a lot better.

''Don't even try it devil! You will not trick me!'' (Butler)

''Alfred please just stop! I need to do this! I can't have any of my subjects suffer for my own actions!'' (Young lady)


''Well then. Fuck this shit, I'm out! I don't care to see your stupid little goddam drama play right now. I'm just gonna go and find some nice cave or something to sleep in so let's just go our different ways now. (Joe)

And then, I just start leaving in the opposite direction to these weird people. Seriously the nerve some people have.

I must agree with you. I didn't think we would be landing on a drama play when Jared dropped us. I do wonder where we are supposed to go.

Wait. What the fuck is that flare. We do, I have a feeling this will end with a thousand push-ups for me. It takes a minute for something to happen after the flare. Some sort of meteor comes crashing down next to my landing spot, making another crater.

''Are you alright my sweetie!?'' (???)

Oh fuck my life.

''Are you hurt anywhere!? What happened?'' (???)

''Fuck you Jared!'' (Joe)

''Wait. What the hell are you doing down here. And why are you scaring my little sweetie!?'' (Jared)

The damm flare was apparently for calling in Jared to help his little sweetie. What the fuck are you Jared!?

''I didn't do anything! They attacked my for no reason. Also this is all your fault for throwing me aside you shitty old man!'' (Joe)

''I thought, I forgot something.'' (Jared)

This fucking training crazed old fucker. I really want to slap him.

''Mind explaining the situation to the lady completely frozen from shock now?'' (Joe)

''Oh right. This here is my little sweetie, Princess Samantha Prasendia. Sweetie, that foul mouthed brat over there is a new transmigrator called Joe.'' (Jared)

''Oi, go fuck yourself old man.'' (Joe)

''Ahh... Right nice to meet you Joe'' (Samantha)

She is totally in a daze, isn't she? I do wonder how these kind of events just seem to line up always.

You do keep jinxing yourself almost every minute.

Input acknowledged. Moving on with our lives now, the princess is coming back to reality now.

''Jared did you force an experimental training method on a poor transmigrator again?'' (Samantha)

''Uhh... No he totally agreed to it, right Joe?'' (Jared)

''Ma'am he kidnapped me from the before the doors of the guild and locked me in a forest full of beasts and monsters in the name of 'training', while trying out some very disturbing training methods!'' (Joe)

Ah and here comes the glaring of a woman, the most fearsome weapon known to men. Some payback was required for putting me through hell.

Revenge is a dish best served cold they say.

'Sha.' (Jenn)

''Listen here 'Grandpa'. We are going to have another talk about the rights of human beings in this kingdom.'' (Samantha)

''Sorry?'' (Jared)

I will forever treasure the memory of Jareds face being contorted from this young ladys glare. I will also remember this feeling of coldness and study it to better my magical abilities. And then Samantha bows at me.

''I am so sorry for this idiot relative of mine! He always does these kinds of things when finding someone with talent. Just like Jared said, I'm Samantha Prasendia the first princess of the kingdom of Prasendia. I do hope, I can make things up to you.'' (Samantha)

''Right. For now how about we get somewhere more pleasent, preferably somewhere with a bath. I haven't had a proper warm bath in forever.'' (Joe)

''That can be arranged for sure. I was headed to a large town near here on business anyways.'' (Samantha)

I think we are finally heading of to a better direction now. Getting inside the luxurious carriage and sitting down, we make our way towards the trade town Lidor. Hopefully we can find a bath now. And maybe, I can eat something aswell. Thinking about all of the comforts of civilized life, I sigh out in relief for the nightmare that is my first half a year in Wanderia seems to be over. That hellish experience will hopefully be only remembered in a time of need.

How about we just think about Jenn whenever we need to remember the things that we're taught back then.

Seems like the greatest of ideas you've had Svor.

'Shaa!' (Jenn)

Happy Jenn, Best Jenn.

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