《Voice of reason with a hint of insanity》Prolugue: Mondays are never reasonable
Prolugue: Mondays are never reasonable
Sure is a fine monday evening after work.
Really mondays truly are hated for no reason.
Honestly who could hate that one day that ruins the weekend sleep schedule and generally just throws shit at your face. Not me in the slightest. Just a monday when I'm freefalling into a jungle after getting chased by a snake person wielding a glowing dagger that froze anything it touched.
Don't forget all those icicles that penetrated 5 m thick concrete and all the other wonderful icy suprises. Almost getting skewered alive and naming your subconcious voice of reason is the perfect way to start a productive week.
A few hours earlier
Really wished this was a normal day for the normal me. I didn't ask for any of this nor want it. I'm just your average Joe. Man i never get tired of that pun.
You can never go wrong with puns. Even terrible ones can be laughed at. Never underestimate the power of puns.
Agreed. But still never did expect such a normal person that is totally not insane by any definetion. An average 1.75 meter tall dude with a skinny build and slightly tanned white skin. Blue eyes with a messy brownish black hair. I may or may not also have a sentient subconcious voice of reason that I talk to.
I feel like these monologues happen every two weeks. Also can't we shorten that subconcious voice of reason to something a tad bit shorter. You have to agree to it being a mouthfull.
That is a perfectly fine idea. How about taking the initial from the definetion of subconcious voice of reason. Svor seems like a fine name.
Suppose that will have to do. We never really had the greatest long term plans did we. Atleast realistic ones. Especially the ones related to love.
Geh. Don't remind me of those failures. It is criminally difficult to get a girl to like you in 2018 without having some sort of assets. Be it monetary or otherwise. I am a perfectly capable 20 year old young adult. I just need to make people see that.
Easier said than done after burning down your apartment by using too much oil while making a pie. Why did you even need that oil in the first place.
I thought maybe it would look cool okay!? Besides the insurance company was the one to pay for that slight misshap.
It also resulted in said companys prices rising for us. Now that we got that out of the way can we perhaps lend some attention to the 2 meter tall blue snakeman wrecking the street.
Oh yeah. That is a thing. Also when did we take the turn to this side of town and why in the first place. I mean i don't have anything against the old side of town it's just that theres nothing here.
Seeing as you forgot we were making your way to the old post office. Glad i was the one steering the idle walking pace you were using while conversing with a voice in your head. Always the truly sane one aren't you.
Should i feel glad about winning an argument against myself or nah. Svor your input please.
Considering I am the thinking part of your brain in possession of your common sense I would say don't mind it. You never really had a change you know.
You really can make a solid argument.
Snapping back to reality I come face to face with the scaly blue horror throwing giant icicles that seem more like missiles at people. 'Perhaps we should run about now before the other targets run out.'
I concur with this plan. May I recommend using the alleyway behind you.
'Thank you Svor. Your input is appreciated.' And then I start running. Now I may not be the most fit person in the world, but I'm not some whimpy nerd either. Working 8 hours a day at a factory is pretty decent exercise. I have also always been a fast runner so taking the corner and looking behind me to see the snakeman yelling something does make me pick up the speed. At the same time as I make my way around the concrete labyrinth which the snakeman can't seem to get used to I am required to dodge a fair few meter long icicles impaling the alley around me. And i totally caught that glowing blue dagger nicking a hobo in a bin which caused his nicked arm to completely freeze. That is not something i would like to get acquinted with.
I'm wondering what is with the fixation of chasing you down. I do not believe we ever did anything to it or it's family.
'You tell me Svor.' Just trying to lose it by running around the alleys doesn't seem to be working very well. The snakeman has a remarkable ability to adapt to these unfamilier surroundings. That or the distractions are starting to run out. I would not be suprised that most people have already evacuated during the tenish minutes I've been chased for. I wonder if hard objects hitting it in the head would do anything.
It is perfectly feasible for that to be the case. I do believe it to be common for sapient creatures to have a weakness called a brain. That weakness also exists in pretty much every animal.
Yes yes thank you for the snarky comment. But seriously i should give it a shot. Not like I would die or anything if shit happens according to murphy's law. That being said i grab a loose brick from the side of the road and turning around ready to give it a shot. Readying the brick in my hand I aim at the corner where i can see icicles coming from. It only takes a few seconds for the snake to catch up to me and turn the corner clearly not prepared for what I am attempting.
To be fair have you ever seen a mouse try and fight a snake voluntarily and not because it was cornered? No you haven't. And it is logic defying which is perfect for utterly confusing snakemen clearly.
Captain obvious aside the brick is sent flying on a crash course with the snakes face. It seems to take a second for the snake to register the red flying object about to hit it in the face which results in the slowed down reactions, which allow the brick to hit the snake perfectly. It doesn't seem to do more than disorient the giant ice wielding terrow, but it does give me a chance to bash it in the head with a metal pipe. Somehow the snake is still dazed about the sudden blow the weak little prey dealt it. Too bad for the snake I happen to be an opportunist. Finally right before my strike is about to connect the snake decides it's time to move dodging, well trying to. The strike connects but this time hitting the snakes shoulder causing it to jerk in pain for a moment loosening it's grip on the dagger. Deciding it to be a good idea i kick the hand holding said dagger managing to send it flying. It seems to be very sharp as it easily makes a hole in the wall of the building while also freezing said wall in a flash.
Talk about a flash freeze. What it's not that bad right?
Silence filled with contempt for such terrible jokes is the only answer I give Svor.
Alright alright it sucked ok, but focus on the snake that is slowly recovering from the sudden turn of events.
Looking at the snakes blue eyes they seem to be turning a bit red. This can only really mean that it is either pissed of or flying into a frenzy. To be fair it is a good thing for me reducing the fucks sanity and ability to judge. What is not good that it is going to hunt me down like a rabid dog in heat.
How about you try that dagger that is impaled on the wall a try. It can't be that bad. It's only turning the surrounding area a bit chilly right now.
Said dagger also happens to be behind the frenzied looking snakeman that can't seem to be believing the situation. Good thing the bins around this part of town are always full of smelly questionable trash. Taking a trash bag from the closest bin I smash the smelly black sack of disgust on it's head. Some of the trash seems to get into it's mouth which results in the snake choking for it's life. I do believe i have time for that dagger now. Running to the glowing piece of freezing metal on a handle I instantly notice the surroundings turning very chilly.
Used condoms and rotting food is a great way to turn any conversation chilly in the near vicinity.
Thank you for the obvious not so horrible humouristic remark I suppose. Taking my two gloves from my pockets and putting them on the handle before touching it seems like good idea to me, and boy was I right. After touching the handle i can feel the biting frost even through the thick leathery gloves. Deciding it to be a quick idea to not handle this particular object for any longer than necessary i proceed to run towards the snakeman still choking on what seems to be a foul smelling mess of pads. Just as the snake is finished getting rid of said filth I am already lunging at the chest of the snake. It seems to notice me from the corner of it's eyes even if it doesn't have time to do much to prevent the attack. As a final act of resistance the snake decides to do something to a cubic object on it's belt while clawing in my direction. The unfocused slash from the snakes draws blood from my dagger wielding mainhand right before the blade is plunged deep into the snakes chest. There is no explosion of blood thankfully as the snakes wound is quickly frozen from the blades abilities.
'To be defeated by a normal human, not even a wielder is pathetic.' (Snakeman)
'Wait a minute, why can i hear you inside my head.' (Joe)
'Ah... it should be the transference ritual. How do you have the knowledge of it?' (Snakeman)
'I have no idea what you're talking about.' (Joe)
'On accident then? Whatever the case I should congratulate you for your victory against all odds. What is currently happening is generally referred to as the transference ritual where a non-wielder has defeated a wielder. The victor awakens their own wielder potential by consuming the losers life-essence by taking in their blood. Seeing as this is a world completely foreign to wielders and mana it seems I made the right choice to use an emergency teleport.' (Snakeman)
'Wait a moment! Where exactly is this teleport taking me?' (Joe)
'Ah that would be the world of Wanderia. I'm sure you will adapt to it quite quickly considering you were able to take me down and all. Well anyways I do hope you can atleast grant me a final dying wish.' (Snakeman)
'Now why in the hell would we do anything to help someone that tried to kill us. That seems really dumb to me.' (Svor)
'Who in the nine gods is this. It should be impossible even for gods to peek into to the conversations happening in transference rites!?!' (Snakeman)
'Right I'm this idiot Joes Subconcious Voice Of Reason, now also called Svor. Basically you can think of me as another version of Joe living in the same body?' (Svor)
'Hah... hah... haaa. I guess life is full of suprises for all. Well it's simple i wish for you to wield [Frostmaw] that trusty dagger of mine you killed me with. Since it can only really be wielded by the owner of the blade. I was quite suprised seeing you being able to hold it honestly. Anyways could I also bother you to announce to the world that Slithas [Frostblood] is deceased, you can just find some branch office and show them you wielding that weapon. Man this was an embarrasment huh, to think I would actually get overwhelmed by my own senses and become a beast before dying. Well we are running out of time so I wish the best of luck to you now. Hopefully you can do more with life than i could.' (Slithas)
Just as Slithas finished his sentence the cubic object starts to hum and glow with blue light. Soon the cube opens bringing with the opening darkness for my senses and me.
I suppose that could have gone worse. We could have died or something you know?
I suppose so. I suppose so. I soon fall unconscious letting the dark take me for a while.
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