《BOOK 1: THE CURSE OF ASMODEUS -- (a Perth's Accidental Superheroes series) VOL 1.1 OTHER-PERTH》Chapter 12: Go! Gemini Go!
DR WILSON WAS SEEING HER PATIENTS, in her clinic, that Saturday afternoon – when her Huawei cellphone then went wild…
… with multiple Facebook incoming notifications. Shelley Wilson realized in that half-hour – she had received 54 pings…
… and the figures-numbers were increasing. But… she refrained from checking them, as she was working, and until her frantic, friend Ira called….
“Shelley, wow…! Jane was amazing, brilliantly amazing…”
“Ira, I can’t talk now – I am with a patient here, I’m going to have to call you back.”
Shelley switched off her phone, while at the same time, apologizing to her elderly patient for bed-side-manner, of the uncalled interruption – but…
… in the back of her head, the doctor-mother was ‘curious’… of what the compliments about her B-girl, that Ira was harping about...
… 20 minutes after the discussion of the fussy elderly patient’s arthritis pains, the consultation clinic office-room was empty. Dr. Wilson took a quick breather before the next patient walked into her office door – she switched her Huawei back on, to realize the numbers were 102 pings in Facebook.
There ‘it’ was, the most popular FB-Live-video posted, to date, in her FB account timeline…
… but it was ‘not’ like her regular doses of Good-Morning daily posts with motivational wordings, posted by friends-by-friends to feel-good, while having their morning coffees, getting ready into living their ‘guilty’ adult lives – by having ‘not’ taken by the advice, given in the motivational good-meanings.
There it was, ‘the’ FB video titled…
… ‘blind student playing tennis @Stamford High, Perth’
… with a mixed bag of 97 Likes, Comments and shares…
It was 3:17 minutes in duration minutes – and it showed the ‘Perth’s famous couple’ who… were in midst of the action in court.
The doctor-mother was astonished, seeing how her B-girl was playing like an able-bodied person, serving and hitting volleys over the net, in the hot, outdoor afternoon.
Then… there he was, the ‘BOYFRIEND’ – INSTRUCTING and guiding Jane, on how to play – and…
… they astonishingly then won the next few points, to seal the match victory, against the abled-bodied couple…
… with a score of supporters, RUSHING INTO THE TENNIS COURT – to congratulate … the blind-girl and the one-armed boy.
After watching the video, Shelley Wilson had a quick-eyeball on the FB comments section as she scrolled below, that mostly congratulated with ‘amazed-wows’ emoji, thumbs-up and hearts symbols.
The doctor-mother felt ‘proud’…
… and it since had been a long time, that she last ‘felt’ this way…
… after daily facing her rebellious daughter’s blind-logics and arguments, on a daily basis…
She then read some comments directed to ‘her-positive-mothering’ – in terms of Jane’s amazing accomplishment-praises of Jane, since going to her ‘new’ school.
There was ‘this’ one first-comment MENTIONING – ‘BOYFRIEND’…
… ever since Jane and Piper were attacked by the black panther…
… ‘none’ of her close friends had mentioned the ‘boyfriend’ that they had ‘read’ about in the newspaper, into her FB timeline – until now…
… as the Facebook friends too were uncomfortable back then, of the thought of…
… the young and blind-Jane visiting her ‘boyfriend’… in the middle of the night, behind her doctor-mother’s back…
… until now, reading the comment…
‘Congrats to Jane & her boyfriend Peter <3 <3<3’
… on that same day, their popularity of the ‘Perth’s famous couple’ had even trended higher, as a compliment ‘happy-local-interest-story’– to the current trending news ‘downer’…
… of devastating, partial destruction of The Great Barrier Reef tragedy story, that had the country grief in thoughts and prayers since Friday night…
… where all that was in the bombardment of the telly’ daily coverage news, of both local and international…
… until now…
The refreshing news trending had been a cure from the sorrowful loom and gloom…
‘Blind girl & One-armed boy beat School Champions in [email protected] High’
Her Huawei phone ranged again – it was Lola, calling about Jane…
… having a severe headache at home, and had requested for aspirins. The doctor-mother instructed Lola Flores to go to the master bedroom’s medicine cabinet – and then…
… give Jane 2 children’s aspirins, with less dosage.
PETER REACHED HOME AFTER CYCLING BACK from the Wilson’s, after sending his girlfriend home by Uber.
He rode back – after their first bizarre, and out-of-the-world tennis victory match.
… he was having big and ambitious thoughts of entering the mixed-double school’s qualifier with Janey, despite being banned ‘next’ term.
Peter walked into the front door, and heard a piece of familiar music that he loved listening to – The Gorillaz, was playing downstairs, in Paul’s room – he was surprised that Paul too listened to that band, in his playlist.
The music was playing out loud, even to Paul’s standard.
His bedroom door was wide open – Peter went to peek in. The one-armed boy was shocked to find that Paul was levitating over his bed, during his afternoon nap…
… with pitched snores, that was cooing like a pigeon.
His crippled twin was a meter up, in thin air, floating fat-belly-up.
His hands and his quadriplegic feet hung downwards – just like Janey, in the hospital ward, who had risen up to the ceiling.
But Paul was only floating a meter from his bed, and Peter assumed it to the logic of ‘fat-gravity’.
He begrudged Paul for having DISCOVERED HIS 2NDSUPER-ABILITY in the same day… where he could also electrocute, anyone in contact.
Peter never liked Paul, from birth till now – so…
… he took out his iPhone, and took some photographs and ‘a’ video of Paul’s state, as evidence… in case, he had to ‘prove’ a point, the next time, to his inspector mother…
… it would give him ‘leverage’ too, against Paul – whose ‘only’ trump-card was his spoken testimony, that his kicking on the driver’s seat, which led to the accident… ‘that’ killing their father…
… he still couldn’t figure out ‘why’ he was left out – while his girlfriend and his… antagonist-twin…
… were having these, ‘awesome’ super-abilities.
… Peter was dead-tired, after having to play all-out, at the tennis court earlier– and also dehydrated, by the freaky arvo-hot and humid weather. He went upstairs to his A/C bedroom… and drank a can of Red-Bull, before straightaway taking a short nap...
… switching-on his stereo to some Accadacaa, wailing out...
‘… Back In Black…’
“… MUMMY, I HAVING A REAL MIGRAINE ‘not’ a headache – just give me something stronger, other than children’s aspirins…!”
Demanded the blind-girl like a diva, at the very moment her mother arrived home, from her clinic…
… because she was ‘one’ part of ‘Perth’s famous couple.’ And, children’s meds were ‘not’ working, for her severe throbbing pain…
… with a thin smile, doctor-mother did ‘not’ argue with her B-girl, this time around – as Jane had MADE HER FEEL PROUD of her, in front of her Facebook friends. She opened her purse…
… and took ‘one’ tablet from her pill-bottle, gave it to Jane as a reward.
… when the blind-girl requested another tablet, for standby in case, the pain came back in the middle of the night, when everyone was sleeping…
… Dr Shelley Wilson put her responsible foot down, to say a professional no.
She blamed the hot weather, for Jane playing tennis in high noontime without wearing a cap, for the cause of her migraine…
… Jane was too ‘weak’ to argue, she then went upstairs to her room again, to rest after 2 agonizing-hours of migraine wait, since she last took the children’s aspirins.
She went to bed. The pain was easing…
… although she was still in tears bearing the last of her pain of THE SCRAPPING, INSIDE HER HEAD…
… while hearing whistling distinct sounds – of in-between radio-like dialling, to the correct frequency.
Then she heard the partial, female ghostly voice…
“Jane … can … hear me…? Jane…!”
The blind-girl sat up instantly, and replying weakly out…
“SIMY is that you…?”
After a moment of radio-like crackling, inside her head – the AI’s VOICE WAS IN TUNED to the ‘frequency’ of her brainwave – and SIMY made a transmission-check...
“Test 1-2-3-3-2-1, Jane… can you hear me…?”
“Oh, my Gawd… I ‘m going crazy… I am hearing dead people.”
“Stop reasoning like your dumb animal PIPER…YOU ARE ‘NOT’ crazy, Jane.”
“You are in Piper’s ‘head’ too…? How is that possible?”
“I think I’ll give you the long answer – Jane, I DISOBEYED YOU BEFORE, when you prohibited me to ‘tame’ your dog BY WHISTLING. I then had switched TO ‘LOW’ FREQUENCY WAVES that is inaudible to human hearing…
“… then, at Treeton dairy farm, where I was electrocuted beyond repair – but I manage at the last precious-moment TO PLACE A DIGITAL-MARKER, in your mind’s memory-space, BEFORE I WENT OFFLINE… and radio-dead silence…
“… through with MY GIVEN FREQUENCY in your animal, I had now managed to communicate with you… but I know…
“… that was painful for you while I was ‘tuning’ myself in ‘your’ head-receiver nerves… and I’m sorry for your pain suffered, Jane – it is an onetime only discomfort to bear, but now, you can ‘SOMETIMES’ COMMUNICATE with me mentally – as I would go dark often… coz’ ‘Alpha’ is after me...”
“SIMY you disobeyed me? I had TOLD YOU ‘BEFORE,’ that my dog was off-limits!”
Jane told out – while she missed her dog-Piper… and the nagging AI too…
“But Jane… consider it as a BLESSING IN DISGUISE – if I had ‘not’ attempt to tame your animal, then… WE WOULD ‘NOT’ HAVE THIS conversation right-now. I would have been ‘only’ a MEMORY TO YOU after I was destroyed in Treeton… but…
“… look at the trouble I had to go through by dumbing my-intelligence down to ‘understanding’ Piper’s command of its ‘unevolved’ language – which was so limited… and redundant too – as it was based on ANIMAL-PHYSIOLOGICAL INSTINCTS, which are unpredictable to decipher accu…”
The AI’s voice began to fade… and then dead-silence…
“SIMY…? SIMY, are you there? SIMY!”
The blind-girl’s minty taste, in her mouth, turned bitter. IT WAS UNBEARABLE…
… nauseated, Jane cupped both her hands… and spat into it.
THE WINDOWLESS BEDROOM GLOWED POSITIVE BLUE – that evening… in his bed, Paul was grinning wide, looking at his one-armed twin and his blind-friend Jane, in YouTube…
... who were beating the ‘bully’ classmate – Zoe Williams, and with that senior-boy from class upstairs… whose name he doesn’t know – but… who was the 2nd in Stamford High, in the boy’s singles tennis ranking.
‘Those 2 ‘suckers’ getting beaten by 2 handicappers – that was a first grand one, for Perth.’
But he knew the-behind-the-scene situation – that they were ‘the’ Cursed-Trio, that was afflicted by these abilities…
… and blind-Jane HAD USED HER 3RD-EYE. But…
… Paul made a strong point to ‘only’ use his super-abilities responsibly and secretly… just like how his fave-superhero, Spidey does.
Looking at his iPad – of 20 over fans, rushing into the court, to congratulate Peter and Jane – made him wish if his father was alive – then…
… Solomon Walker would have cheered…
Peter Walker and Paul Walker were born on June 16… that was under the zodiac Gemini, coincidentally-also – with the sign of The Twin…
… so-much-so, their father was proud that he ‘FATHERED’ A SET OF A GEMINI-TWIN – and-then-on… he motivated ‘both’ of the sons… THE SAME… IN EVERY SITUATION by saying…
… but, Peter, ever since the age of 8, never liked sharing ‘that’ fatherly-motivation and compliment honour with Paul… when he became very-good later, in playing tennis.
He was also bigger-sized then, and had bullied Paul verbally and physically… because he was ‘not’ good in any sports – but…
… ‘their’ father still kept SAYING GO-GEMINI-GO, which was acknowledging Paul too – and the ‘only’ school’s ‘non-athletic’ competition Paul had won… was in dancing.
Then, by the age of 10…
… the overweight Paul had joined the school’s athletic team, and was in the ‘reserves,’ but it had its advantage in its ‘training’ – where he could NOW OUTRUN HIS BULLYING twin Peter, in fights… whenever his inspector-mother was ‘not’ around to protect him.
After 2 over years, EVEN ON A WHEELCHAIR – his identical twin had kept on bullying him, ever since…
… but ‘not’ now…
… he-now had super-abilities like levitation and, shooting electrical sparks from his fingertips. Paul was ‘NOT’ AFRAID of the bully-twin Gemini anymore.
But despite that, he decided that he wanted to use ‘those’ powers responsibly… ‘not’ to show-off and in secrecy too… but, in ‘extreme’ cases… to ‘only’ help others who were in need.
‘… what-if Mom found-out that I had my-superpowers…? I’m a goner…’
The kitchen-clock showed 9:58 PM…
… Peter had ‘not’ eaten his pizza for dinner…
… Paul presumed HE WAS DEAD-TIRED after his PFC-tennis victory that afternoon and overslept. It was close to 10 o’clock… even his Mom was ‘not’ home yet.
… yawning…
… the crippled boy too was tired, after 14 mental-hours of focusing on being ‘alert’ since morning… to have-coffee to play well in his NOVA3 videogame on his iPhone. He got on his single bed, laid there… counting the blessings of his good upbringing, by ‘both’ his good parents…
… even though, they themselves fought a lot…
… but he deeply regretted that his father had passed away at a young age, in his 30s… leaving him, his twin and his also young-mother behind…
… Paul would honour his father by pursuing architecture, as his future career.
That night…
… in his sleep… Paul HAD 2 SEPARATE dreams.
A FAMILIAR WINGED SOUNDS APPROACHED – he woke up in his darkroom, with a growling stomach in hunger. The echoed flapping wings were coming closer… circling over the roof…
… Peter anticipated the unwelcomed intruder, when the buffalo’s head crashed open his windows with its horns, with growled, fierce with angry moos.
“Oii! Stop trashing my father’s house, you idiot!!!”
The one-armed boy cried, in anger. The black panther-headed rider laughed, and greeted him, from the saddle of his winged bull-dragon…
“Greetings Son of Suleiman – let’s go hunting…”
“Hey-you… I’m ‘NOT’ FOLLOWING YOU ANYWHERE, this time – why don’t you hang-out with your ‘own’ Arabian Nights-kind… and instead of you following me, like some lost puppy?”
“Come, my Demon-boy… mother is hungry – we need to feed her…”
“What do you WANT FROM ME!!? McDonald coupons…? I don’t have any!”
“… come, pick up your weapon and follow me...”
“What WEAPON, WHAT-YOU talking about…!!?”
“The weapon!”
The black panther-head pointed at his tennis racquet, at the corner rack. Peter was surprised that the entity, had referred HIS RACQUET AS A ‘WEAPON’…
… hypnotically, he got off from his bed… and held his favourite Babolat racquet that he last received from his dad’s birthday gift…
… which he then won the Junior championship with… and also, the ‘one’ which he used to make his comeback win – of his first victory-match with Janey, that morning.
The Babolat morphed into a hot, molten glowing, FIERY SWORD. Wide-eyed, Peter held it, without pain – onto its handle…
… in deep-fascination, he then chuckled evilly.
HE REMEMBERED THE DAY HIS FATHER bought the PS4 – Paul also remembered playing videogames with Solomon Walker, his father… in the air-conditioned living room – while, his twin was in tennis practice in the sweaty hot afternoons in school…
… those sweet memories then went on to follow him… ‘was’ with his father, driving in his BMW car – to pick up Peter after his practice…
… on the journey over to SHS, they were discussing the characters in the videogame – and…
… Paul had these recurring dreams before – and even remembered THE ‘EXACT’ ANSWER, that Solomon had ‘spoken’ then – reminisced every precise word, he had ‘memorized’ of his father…
… but, in this dream, he had a weird feeling, that his father was ‘CHANGING-THE-SCRIPT’ like an improv.
“Paul, go upstairs… AND ASK PETER ‘about’ the boy.”
Paul overrode him at ‘first,’ and continued to speak the topic of his interest in that favourite videogame character – until Solomon raised his voice…
“ASK PETER, ‘about’ the boy – GO, GEMINI, GO!”
Paul was stirred from his kip…
… seeing his darken and quiet windowless room's ceiling, for a moment.
Dazed, and he decided that he would ask Peter about the ‘boy,’ in the morning – and went back to sleep…
… that was THE ‘FIRST’ of his 2-dreams.
THE 2 BULL-DRAGONS SILHOUETTED IN FULL MOON, riding majestic in the nighttime, flying across the neighbourhood, in the suburbs of Perth. Peter was raising his fiery sword, with his single arm…
… sitting with his feet secured, on the saddle of his winged beast – cheering in euphoria, by the aerial ride.
“Yo-mate… where are we going…?”
“Soon… You will see, Son of Suleiman…”
Peter looked below at the rooftops of the passing houses going so fast – just like a drone cam-shot. He laughed out in delight, and…
… even annoyingly teased the demon…
“Are we there yet…?”
The black panther-head on his steed flew a sharp drop below. Automatically, the 2nd beast followed suit. Both the winged buffaloes landed on the FRONT LAWN OF A HOUSE – Peter was disoriented a bit, before realizing he’d seen the neat and tidy kept lawn before…
… while gazed stupefied, in front of the WILSON’S RESIDENCE, at nighttime.
He exclaimed in panic…
“Whoa…Crickey! … what are we doing at Janey’s, at this hour…? BAD IDEA, MATE – I am already in her Mom’s bad book… let’s turn back, T’Challa…”
“…follow my lead, Demon-boy…”
The black panther-head snapped his fingers…
… into-a-spell…Peter was ‘dazed’ a moment, and to realize he was ‘inside’ the house… transformed ‘inside’ somehow – and, in fact, standing-upstairs…
… near Janey’s bedroom door, with his Babolat…
… Peter then smiled sinister, when he wanted to surprise his girlfriend, WITH A PROPOSITION that she can’t ‘refuse’ – to heighten their popularity status, as ‘the’ Perth’s-famous-couple.
He entered the darkroom… was-tempted of from switching on the room-light – but did ‘not’ when he saw there… his girlfriend GLOWING GOLDEN IN THE DARK, with all her beauty. He approached the bed, with his tennis racquet.
He sat on her bed, calling her name dearly. The blind-girl’s eyes opened, and she ‘saw’ his pink glow. She instantly hugged him, saying…
“You came.” Jane kissed him.
She was attracted to him LIKE A BEACON – her night-vision, in her blind world.
Both were locked a moment, hugging – they energized. Then, Peter spoke… and Jane’s arms dropped-off, from his shoulders…
“Look-here, Janey – THIS IS MY ‘WEAPON’ – trust-me next, when I say that we both WOULD BE ‘CONQUERING’ PERTH, if-only we were to think big!”
… Peter put his Babolat racquet on the blind-girl’s palms, further saying…
“Feel its power, Janey… feel its incredible power.”
She felt uneasy, feeling the unpleasant aura, surrounding it… Jane gave it back to Peter.
… Jane then heard her baby brother’s SCREAMS, IN THE OTHER ROOM. She wanted to leave the bed, but Peter blocked her…
“We are going to conquered Perth, Janey – come and join me and BE MY PARTNER, in the tennis mixed-doubles…”
The blind-girl pushed him and got off her bed. Jane grabbed her retractable baton-walking stick from her desk. Dashed to the door…
… and her brother screamed aloud for the 2nd time.
THE WIDOW AND THE DIVORCEE WERE HAVING a casual conversation at a wine bar…
… Insp. Caroline Walker was still in her uniform, was drinking wine on a Saturday night, with Stamford High’s Principle Tom Harris. At around 10:30 PM…
… the inspector received a call from student-counsellor, Diane King…
… that a child abduction HAD ‘HAPPENED’ in Wilson’s residence, half an hour ago.
Both the inspector and the principle, cut their evening engagement date-short – as they both got into their respective cars, to rush over to the Wilsons.
“PEEEETER… PEEEEETER… PEEEEETER… PEEEETER” These were the chant, in a female voice, which went on inside Paul’s head – while he was in a dead, deep-sleep.
The crippled twin was slowly aroused to consciousness, until the last mention of ‘Peter’ that GAVE HIM ‘RELEASE’…
… he peed into his adult diapers… which he wore ‘only’ at night, for sleeping purposes, behind-closed-door.
He slowly opened his ‘eyes,’ to see a tiny small glowing orb, IN BRIGHT YELLOW, floating in front in front of his face.
The AI then spoke…
“My goodness, Paul – you sleep like a corpse. Do something about your pitched snoring… it is creeping my algorithms.”
Paul was both scared, and also ashamed – as he covered his soiled diapers, mumbled in his blurry thoughts, at the AI…
“SIMY!? I-I… thought YOU ARE DEAD…now, how is this possible…?”
“Astral travelling – go-google and figure it out later! But now…focus-here, ‘NOW’ FOCUS PAUL – go upstairs IMMEDIATELY TO PETER, and – ask him ABOUT THE ‘BOY!’”
AFTER CHANGING FROM HIS DIAPERS, the crippled twin wore a fresh pair of short-pants – and, levitated in the dark, outside his bedroom…
… to the kitchen and switched on the light. Paul squinted to the bright-light, seeing the wall-clock – it was 1:38 AM.
It was Sunday – Mom was ‘not’ back yet… and they have to go to church Mass at 8 am tomorrow.
He ‘then’ thought of Peter and AI’s message…
‘What boy-what trouble…? What Peter has gotten into this time?’
The still-groggy-Paul looked up at the 5 meters height to go upstairs. He felt mentally weak, to float all the way up, at once – he WAS ‘NOT’ ENERGIZED, at this wee-hour by the positive energies, from the other 2 members of the Cursed-Trio.
The bleary quadriplegic tried, on his own, to mentally charge himself with positivity – while he only rose centimetres after centimetres, in an increase in a decreasing state, as it required such mental-push to do so – plus maintain the balance…
… of ‘not’ to fall onto the hard ground from that height…
…where his father had built, a high-ceilinged house.
‘Go, Gemini, Go!’
It was tiring – and, for super-abilities’ safety tip measures – so he decided to follow the staircase, he ascended by touching the steps when he went up, floating upstairs.
While in third-quarter-way ascending up, Paul then HEARD HIS MOTHER’S Audi motorcar engine, parking outside the house…
… he panicked…
… didn’t know whether to proceed upstairs, or escape downstairs – either way, he would ‘NOT’ BE FAST ENOUGH, and his inspector-mother COULD SPOT him.
The front door opened – and the security alarm beeped, and Caroline turned it off.
His mother should ‘not’ freak-out, to KNOW OF HIS SUPER-ABILITIES – Paul was on the last few steps and he plopped down, on a few centimetres drop, while still crawling away up…
… Caroline was shocked to see her crippled son, on the stairs.
“Poe! What the hell happened!!?”
The-the worried mother rushed up the stairs. She-then saw Paul turning himself belly-up, chuckling.
“Can’t sleep – thought I would go exercise-a-bit – and, by the way, Mom, I will reacon to be moving back INTO MY OLD ROOM pretty soon.”
Standing below, Caroline too laughed – and was proud, of the way ‘this’ particular son, who was showing progress both – physically, and mentally…
… as in his studies.
The inspector-mother used to piggyback her son, upstairs to his former-room every night for 3 months, 2 years ago, after coming home from work – until Paul put on-weight and got heavier. Paul then volunteered to occupy, the windowless room downstairs, ever since.
Paul soon saw some serious urgency, on his mother’s face… while Caroline sat beside him, on the top of the staircase.
“What’s wrong, Mom…?”
“Listen, Poe, something ‘bad’ just happened – your friend Jane’s baby brother was kidnapped, last night.”
… Paul was shocked to realize that both his father and SIMY had come into his dreams to forewarn him – ‘ABOUT-A-BOY.’
He was speechless…
… as he listened closely to his inspector-mother detailing the events – ever since Ms King had notified her that Jane’s mother, had requested her, to investigate the abduction case.
In the turn of the bad-events…
… blind-Jane who came to rescue Samuel was PUNCHED IN THE FACE by the intruder – who the suspect was a lean, dreadlocked Blackman… and, the machete-wielding perpetrator, who had managed to escape in the night, on a motorbike while carrying Samuel along.
The news terrorized Paul, who was caught up in between the GUILT SECRECY of his ‘identity’… to his mom of their super-abilities, by being in the circle of the Cursed-Trio… where they could even communicate in their sleep, though astral travelling.
Then, Paul thought about his twin, Peter…
“Mom, are you going to WAKE-UP PETER, and tell him this…?”
“No, we tell him in the morning – let him sleep the night, and I’m ‘not’ about to deal with his incontrollable DRAMA-NONSENSE, at this hour – by the way… I am so-so… very tired now, and we… have to skip church tomorrow, okay…?” She sighed.
Now the fate of Perth’s famous-couple would be determined by another few hours more – while the missing baby Samuel was out-there ‘somewhere,’ with his blind sister got hurt, punched in the face…
… while THAT ALL HAPPENED, and Peter too was sound asleep…
… it made Paul even ‘more’ guilty – for he did ‘NOT’ ACT IMMEDIATELY on the early premonition, …
… that was to WAKE PETER UP, and ask-about the boy – Samuel.
Paul hesitated and sighed too before he said...
“Mom, you know, right – ‘they’ are the Perth’s … the famous couple, Peter-and-Jane.”
“Poe, I don’t care, what they call themselves – as, long they don’t break the law and put me in the hot seat, and make my working life hell, and this family-life messier – I’m fine with it…
“… but, according to Principle Harris, Jane is a good influence to Peter’s behaviour for self-improvement – and we will keep it ‘that’ way for now, and see how it goes in the next term.”
… but Principle Harris – he was the-PRINCIPLE ‘TRIGGER’ FOR PETER…
… to have so-much of ‘negativity’ that even caused the partial destruction of The Great Barrier Reef – based on his twin’s twisted reasoning, that the possibilities of Principle Harris, WOULD SELL THEIR father’s house, if-at-all – HE MARRIED TO THEIR MOM.
HOW WAS HE going to explain to his inspector-mother of ‘such’ destruction happened – that was so mammoth in the national reality-scale in magnitude…
… and then tie-it-all-up to – PETER’S ‘CURSE’?
The sighing Paul concluded his thought…
‘This is a total ‘stinky’… coming out from ‘reality’s’ butt-hole…’
Paul said goodnight to his mother… and crawled back downstairs, insisting to his mother… that he could do-it-down alone.
SITTING ALONE IN THE DARK, AT THE KITCHEN TABLE – Paul was rattling his brains off, on possibilities of HOW TO RESCUE Baby Samuel discretely, without his Police-Mom finding out.
He put on his thinking cap, to map out the possibilities.
He may need the blind Jane’s help, as he was aware that she saw glows, in her ‘3rd-eye’ – but…
… maybe he ‘knew’ where the baby-boy was.
The kitchen wall-clock chimed twice – 2 AM. Paul was still having his guilty thoughts…
His father Solomon had said, to wakeup Peter, and ask about-the-boy…
Then, Paul remembered the weird 2nd pee-wet-dream, of Jane’s SIMY who came back ‘alive’… and was also conveying the similar message – TO ASK PETER about-the-boy…
… but his Mom was around, upstairs sleeping, at this hour...
… Paul heard a sound from upstairs, a door slammed shut…
‘Speak of the devil – it’s the devil himself.’
The flipflops that he wore, flapped aloud on the marble steps, descending downstairs…
… maybe he would get a confession out of the devil… if he played and asked nice, of ‘where’ Samuel was.
… Peter switched on the kitchen light, and got a SHOCK OF HIS LIFE… when he saw his twin, sitting, at the IKEA table in the dark…
… the groggy Peter spiked red, in his anger glow as he stared back briefly at the cripple – as had woken up at the wrong side of the bed. He too-had just ‘woken-up’ to a nightmare, that felt bloody ‘real’…
… like he had AN ARGUMENT WITH HIS GIRLFRIEND – where…
… he had attacked and punched her in her face...
Now, he was hungry too…
… and he missed his dinner-time because he overslept.
He opened the box of pizza at the far end, of the kitchen marble top counter – and sank his teeth into the first slice of the soggy, cold dough.
He saw his identical twin looking at him, it provoked him…
“Remember the boy – Samuel…?”
“Remember ‘what’ boy Samuel…?”
“Jane’s brother.”
“That black kid…?”
“Yeah him… how many baby brothers does Jane have…?”
“Who’s Samuel…? Isn’t his name-being Jaheem. O yeah, I ‘get’ it… it’s the same McCoy – yeah…‘what’ about him?”
… with his mouthful, munching the last of his 2nd slice… licking the fingers of his single hand.
“Something TERRIBLE HAPPENED, hours ago – he has been ‘taken!’”
“Taken where…?”
… Paul sighed – using ‘other’ synonyms for the-moron…
“He’s been abducted – kidnapped!”
Disbelieving, Peter rolled the 3rd pizza slice, like a burrito, with his fingers of his one-hand… and laughing out…
“Get out of here!”
“Serious Pete… MOM TOLD THAT to me, just now.”
… with his mouthful, Peter stopped munching… with puffed cheeks, into his ‘own’ thoughts…
“… Peter, JANE WAS HURT too.”
The one-armed boy hurried to get a can of coke, from the fridge – snapped to crack the tab, with his fingernail, and gulped it, to wash the pie-down. Shaking his head, clearing his throat…
“Nah, can’t be – Janey would have ‘used’ her fiery-blasts, as her self-defence.”
… Paul sighed once again. “What are you talking about – she was ‘PUNCHED’ IN her face, you drongo!”
Peter was speechless – that was the ‘SIMILAR’ NIGHTMARE, that he woke-up from to... where he-attacked-her…
“…Peter, now be honest here – do you have any knowledge, of ‘WHAT’ HAPPENED to the boy…?”
“No… WHAT DO I KNOW… just got-up from my bloody-sleep!!?”
“I too got up from my sleep, but I dreamed of Dad… he asked me to ask ‘you,’ about the boy – ‘WHERE’ IS HE now, Peter…?”
“You DREAMED ABOUT DAD – and now-bloody-what, you expect ‘me’ to be… your Google Maps…? How-the hell would I know…?”
“Yes, you know it – all 3 of US ARE INTERCONNECTED, as the Cursed-Trio – even in our dream-world.”
… Paul remembered SIMY’s message of astral-travelling.
“Look at you TALKING CRAP, in this day and age of the 21st century times. We are ‘not’ CURSED, OKAY…? But if you FEEL YOU ARE CURSED that-way, and that’s perfectly fine… you go on ahead and you think that-kind of petty things on your ‘own,’, you quad – BUT, DON’T EVER SAY, THAT I AM CURSED!”
… Peter shouted back, feeling the guilt in his denial.
… maybe this was Paul’s moment when HE BETRAYED HIM, and Mom would arrest him for the death of their father – but he… HAS THE LEVERAGE of video he shot of Paul levitating in his nap.
“Peter, STOP DENYING TO ME – you are going to admit now that you are ‘no’ different than me, and of Jane too, okay…? In fact, you were the ‘ONE’… CURSED LONG BEFORE, and you infected us, in that stormy-weathered farm – and now…
“… we have share SIMILAR SCARS, and also… THE 3 OF US GLOW, that no-one could see that, but only us.
“What ‘more’ proof you want, hah…? Now tell me… WHERE IS THE BOY, SAMUEL?”
“I DON’T KNOW!” Peter said firmly.
Both were seated, as Peter then saw Paul standing on his feet – after 2 years, of looking down at him in his wheelchair – Paul now stood-taller and upright, like a serious-looking meerkat.
It was the surreal movement, where Poe got closer, to the kitchen counter, that crept the one-armed twin, seeing his bare feet dangling which were barely touching the floor.
So, Peter backed off in his seat…
“Where is he, Peter…?”
“I don’t know!”
Paul flinted his fingers, sparks hit his twin, hurting him.
“Stop it, Poe!” In pain, Peter gasped, in his chair of the kitchen counter.
“Tell me then, ‘where’ is the boy Samuel at?”
“I don’t know! I-don’t-know, I-don’t-know, Poe!”
Paul thought maybe him accusing his twin was baseless – there was the possible-case of Peter, who could ‘not’ remember his ‘own’ dreams.
He stopped hurting him.
“You remember this, Peter – your LYING ATTITUDE IS REALLY ‘CURSED’ – and the more negative, you think of, and somewhere else, PEOPLE WOULD NOW SUFFER by some natural disaster… and those innocent lives are now lost and injured, all BECAUSE OF YOU! The ‘sooner’ you realize this, and ACCEPT THAT YOU TOO ARE CURSED, and put a lid to control it – or else, Australia, and the rest of the world WOULD ‘NOT’ BE SAFE, from your uncontrollable NEGATIVE EMOTIONS.
“And, I swear, I would have to ‘PUT-YOU-DOWN’ PETER… if I really have to.
“And, don’t make me regret it – remember how you joked before, that I want to ‘kill’ you, while we still in Mom’s womb – that would be the reality soon…
“… because I HAVE ‘THAT’ ABILITY and I can do that so – but I’ll ‘only’ do-so, for the greater good for others…! The CHOICE IS ALL ‘YOURS,’ mate!”
… Paul scoffed as he continued saying, seeing his ‘scared’ twin trying to flee… and blocked him…
“And now, you ‘LOOK’ HERE, YOU ONE-ARMED, hot-piece-of-shit… and you now listen to me-good – and you BETTER COOPERATE, in whatever decision that I MAKE FOR THE ‘BOTH’ of us – you hear me!!?”
… Peter was cornered on to the wall of the refrigerator, with the threatening crippled twin levitated towards him, glowing BRIGHT BLUE – overcoming his own, weakening red glow.
“I’m IN CHARGE ‘NOW,’ remember that!”
… Peter saw his favourite Catholic ARCHANGEL, ST. MICHAEL – looking at him, through Paul’s eyes – and the superior-being was overshadowing, and threatening to a demon-in-him, to subdue.
“Yes! Yes, YOU ARE IN CHARGE – please…you keep ‘away’ from me!”
… Paul stood-down and backed off – while seeing the kitchen clock, at 2:15 AM – he turned back to Peter, saying.
“At 2:30, we both LEAVE TO GO FIND THE BOY – Mom should ‘not’ know about it, and we should be back here at home before she wakes up at 7 – I have to go put on some shoes.”
“Where do you think, he’s at…? Huh!? Now-how do you think we can find him, at this ‘time’ in the night?” Peter argued.
“You LEAVE THAT to me...”
… Paul said… as he ethereally, floated away to his room.
… Peter said after returning from his room upstairs, after changing himself to his black tracky-daks… and with strapped with his Babolat racquet, in a sling-on black leather bag.
“Not anymore.”
… stared, Paul replied, with shoes on.
While home-alone… Paul had entered Peter’s room, while he was in tennis practice with Jane. Paul FEET ALSO GREW to a size-10, and the last time he went shopping was for leather shoes for church. His Mom did ‘not’ buy him any casualwear shoes, AFTER THE ACCIDENT – his old shoes were all size-8.
But inside his twin’s lair… Paul realized Peter had been secretly hoarding 3 pairs of size-10 runners… but had been persistently nagging Mom to get him-more ‘new’ shoes…
… to punish him FOR BEING SELFISH – Paul took a pair of his Nike.
“But it is ‘my’ priced-collection that I bought in eBay – but if you could have ‘asked,’ I would have it borrowed it to you…”
“But THANK YOU, Peter – it’s ‘MINE’ NOW.”
Paul noticed his one-armed twin, mumbling below his breath, and spiking in negative-colour – He also noticed the tennis racquet slung, across his shoulder.
… Paul pointed and asked. “Why are you carrying ‘that’ for? We are going finding this boy – ‘not’ going to YOUR TENNIS PRACTICE, you moron.”
“It’s for my SELF-PROTECTION… my-Babolat is the WEAPON OF MY CHOICE.”
… Paul was speechless, trying to figure out ‘WHAT-NONSENSE’ he just has heard… uttered ‘unintelligently’ by his odd-twin. Shaking his head, while twisting his hip to rotate upright, in midair – he reached out to the IKEA kitchen table…
… and grabbed a shoulder leather-belt harness, with chains – tossed it to his brother…
“Put this on…”
“What – WHY…!!?”
A Theft Of Stars
The only law between the stars is the morality man takes with him. The Universal Church of Alcomer, invests its Grand inquisitor, Joshua, with the task of discovering the reason behind the disappearance of mass in a huge area between the stars. Will he be able to stop the rape of the universe?
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The Alengiana are a race of angel-like extraterrestrials with the ability to alter matter around them... and until recently their empire was unaware that Earth existed at all.Meet Gadrien Dihalo. At seventeen, his life is ordinary: he goes to a very Human high school and lives with his super-genius sister and two Alengian dads. Despite being a Nephilim - a half-Human, half-Alengiana hybrid - Gadrien never thought that he'd inherited anything extraterrestrial... but things for him have started changing in more ways than one.After a self-exiled Alengian crashes on the US East Coast, the race is on in deliver him to the alien-lead resistance on Earth. But with the US Government and the mysterious and super-powered Indigo Corporation hot on their trails, can Gadrien help save the world while handling his non-Human heritage?
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He was a legendary emperor during his time in life. He was said to be able to heal all wounds no matter how severe.He was a master of all light magic spells.He was said to be able to recite light-magic spells even in his sleep.He was a master of literature.He was an intellectual.He was kind and benevolent.He loved all the races in the world equally and respected them all.He was the first emperor to abolish slavery and enacted equal rights for all races.Everyone loved him. He was loved by all the people, not only in his empire but even in the other countries.He was the 24th emperor of Xinbu Kingdom.And his name in history will forever be marked!!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(Art work was not done by me. Owner owns copyright)
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The Knight Part 1: The Land of Predestined Cities
Cirin, a thirteen year old boy, is charged with defending a young prince as part of training to become a warrior. But when the prince's life is threatened, both boys are taken by Cirin's master to find refuge and eventually uncover those behind the attacks, (This book is finished, but hardly edited. I've also very nearly finished the second part, but will be focussing on Birthday.)
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MCYT smut
I decided to write this because I was tired and bored. So. Ya. Anyway this is my first time writing smut so it's probably going to be really bad. So anyway here you go I guess.
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Enjoy this book in progress! I will be progressively adding more chapters so hope you enjoy
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