《BOOK 1: THE CURSE OF ASMODEUS -- (a Perth's Accidental Superheroes series) VOL 1.1 OTHER-PERTH》Chapter 11: The Human Sacrifice
FROM ABOVE ... HE WAS FALLING, INTO the mass ocean of blood, filled with corpses and carcasses – both of fish and humans...
... from the bull-dragon, Peter screamed, as he plunged... dropping-and-splashed below into the water...
... he submerged to the dark surface above, clawing-away for air... among the dense top-of accumulation of lifeless corpses, bobbing in the bloodied water...
... Peter began to drown – and like a person-who in the 'situation' that was, to-grab even a straw, to stay afloat – so, he grabbed a female body – but... weighty, both of them drowned and went below. Only to realize, in closeup range of the corpse...
... was his girlfriend Jane, without her dark glasses... and her milky white eyes, staring blank at him...
... Peter hollered in fear, sitting upright on his bed, sighed in cold sweats. He was disorientated for a moment, thinking of Jane in 'his' nightmare... being dead...
... it made him more anxious.
He looked nearby at his cellphone, hooked to the charger. He grabbed it and saw a 30 second, WhatsApp voice-message from Janey...
... Peter was relieved to 'hear' her recorded voice... and was glad that she was 'still' alive.
... Jane had discovered a Blind-people's App, that gave the caller's voice control, to activate the WhatsApp voice-message feature, to direct contact...
Peter relistened over and over, to the half-minute recording of Janey, greeting him 'G-day Champ,' and followed by a reminder that she was waiting for him at home... to go for their tennis practice – she was having her brekkie at that moment, and WAS IN 'NO' HURRY – and also... if she could borrow, his spare tennis racquet later.
He had overslept for an hour...
'Patience, grasshopper...'
That was his excuse for his 'own' tardiness.
Glowing in a positive pink, he dressed up in his best tennis attire – and, felt like a gladiator, stepping out later to combat in the arena. His backpack with 2 racquets, slung at his shoulder of his single arm – he also wore his Oakley dark sunglasses, to match Janey's – and 'not' forgetting his signature one-glove, which he bit on to wear it tight in his single palm – to 'cover-up' the 'scar'...
... Peter stepped out of his bedroom and went downstairs.
"PETER, I WANT TO TALK TO YOU!" Paul called at him, as he descended downstairs.
'What the...!'
Peter thought, as he reached below – he was RUNNING LATE for his tennis practice, with Janey.
"What happened to you yesterday – you WERE 'NOT' YOURSELF, with all those glowing spikes of negativity, it was building up 'ugly' too – and, on top of that... you then made Jane's DOG RUNAWAY and soon the blackout – and... WERE 'YOU' RESPONSIBLE-TOO for the damages in The Great Barrier Reef, that happened last night...!!?"
"What the f...! Do 'you' think I'm capable of that... GET REAL, POE!!? You seem distracted by some BS... and 'NOT' SEEING THE BIGGER-PICTURE, okay!?"
"What bigger-picture?" Puzzled, Paul questioned back.
"... while we BOTH HEADED for to the Wilson's yesterday evening, after your pansy-gesture of buying flowers – GUESS 'WHAT' in the meanwhile happened here...? Mom and Principle Harris had AN ILLICIT RELATIONSHIP, UNDER OUR FATHER'S VERY ROOF! He even drove us home last night, right...? And, his bloody car was parked, in 'OUR' VERY OWN FRONT-YARD – what would the NEIGHBORS THINK OF US, from 'now' on!!?" Peter replied with total conviction, as he pointed at the front door.
"It is 'NONE' OF THEIR BUSINESS, of what the neighbours think – and neither are 'both' of us too – both Mom and Principle Harris are RESPONSIBLE ADULTS, they 'know' what they are doing."
"So, Poe – you condone 'SUCH' BEHAVIOR for their age...?"
"Hello there! Mom is just 34 years, and Principle Harris is young too, maybe in his early 40s."
"Early 40s – how many dog years are those, I wonder...? But that is beside the point, Poey – so... YOU APPROVE THEM, to doing 'whatever' they please in our father's house...? And... very soon you and I will be homeless when the 2 of them DECIDE TO SELL THIS HOUSE!"
"You-Peter! STOP TALKING NONSENSE, and overthinking things... that are 'not' there, and thinking reverse that WHAT 'ACTUALLY' HAD HAPPENED so 'to' fit your reality – and, you don't know shit too – you did 'not' see anything coz'... you were in the Uber ride with me, okay...? Furthermore, it is MOM'S HOUSE 'NOW' – she can do whatever she pleases with it, okay!!?"
"So,... you are all for Mom and your Principle Harris, SEEING EACH OTHER? Yea, you really enjoyed the-huggee, while he carried you into the car last night – but Poe... that perverted Tom Harris in 'NOT' YOUR FATHER... you make sure, you remember that!"
"Now WHOSE FAULT IS THAT... that Mom would be dating Principle Harris – I say it is entirely, all 'YOUR' FAULT!"
"What the bloody-f... HOW IS THAT my fault – am I missing a mother-to-son memo here?" Peter replied, in a surprised tone.
Paul sighed deep and replied...
"It's 'you' WHO IS 'NOT' SEEING the bigger-picture now – that each time you get into your fights, YOU END UP IN THE PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE – and our Mom comes, to the same office... to 'bail' you out, but... so, you do it again... and again, LIKE IT'S A FREE-PASS...
"... that, my dear-Pete had developed to AN OFFICE-ROMANCE situation between them, and soon... they will get married in the same office... and you can BE THEIR BEST-MAN – now, how about that, you ONE-ARMED CUPID?"
... Paul was chuckling hard, to his twin's foolish acts and silly behaviour – Peter glowed in dark red, he DOESN'T HAVE A COMEBACK LINE to top that big-one. The one-armed boy came forward, to attack Paul with a punch...
... Paul froze, as he did 'not' expect Peter, to come swinging at him...
... in reflex, he caught the oncoming gloved-single-fist towards his face. Paul's hands GENERATED ELECTRICAL SHOCK-WAVES – that electrocuted Peter, who was 'stunt' and weaken by it – and he dropped face down incapacitated, on the kitchen floor...
... Paul screamed in-terror, of 'what' he had done – did he kill his twin...?
He cried out Peter's name, and rolled his chair over – he 'touched' his stumped-arm... it then shocked jolted-more of the kayoed Peter...
... who regained consciousness, and shouting back...
"Oii-drongo! Don't 'touch' me – it hurts!"
"Sorry! Sorry...!" Hollered Paul in return, backing off.
"' How' did you DO THAT!?" Peter, still in the agitated voice...
"I don't know, it's MY 'FIRST' TIME – what is happening to me? Peter, please call Mom!"
Peter staggered and got up his feet...
"Calm down, Poe, LET 'NOT' CALL HER YET – let see what 'else' you got there, okay...?"
... the docile Paul nodded, and breathed easy, on the wheelchair. He struck both of his index fingers of both hands together – and it sparked a flint. Paul then struck all his 10 fingers together, and he created multiple sparks.
... Peter realized that his twin had gained superpowers like Janey, who-herself could 'shoot' fiery bolts from her fist and – even could levitate.
He wanted to ask Paul, whether he could float too but... he saw him giggle in delight at his newfound powers. Paul turned to his twin... and struck his sparking fingers together, and said in sarcasm...
"... Pete, see if can you do this...? Oops, sorry – the WRONG QUESTION... you have 'only' one arm."
... Peter was fuming as his gleeful, crippled twin – WHO WAS SHOWING OFF. Now...
... Peter had a comeback, this time...
"Maybe if I snap my fingers, like Thanos in The Infinity War – then half of you-quads, around the world – will drop dead, from their wheelchairs."
... Peter stormed out of the front door, slamming-hard... he got on his bike, and he took off...
... feeling envious of Paul.
PETER ARRIVED AT THE WILSONS. As usual, he rang the doorbell twice. The door opened, with a stern face staring at him...
"Lady Heimdall, Kamustaka!"
... he greeted out in Filipino. "How are you? And, your health, after having 3 jobs, as a migrant worker in this country – I do feel your pain, and I truly understand..."
Said Peter, touching his own chest, with his gloved palm.
"... the pressures and the difficulties living in this country of White fat, industrial capitalist, who are lazy, greedy, the me-me-me-me mentality – who can't even prepare A DECENT MEAL for their kids... but in return... they exploit on you, brown-people – and to do it 'perfectly,' for their lazy-assed nature...
... because... I thought that the 'EXTRA' PLATE YESTERDAY was for you... but it turned out to be for another White man – that very White, Caucasian-man, Principle Harris – 'who' had denied you of a SEAT AT OUR TABLE, once again.
"My deepest sympathy and empathy are with you all, brown- people – and I'm deeply ASHAMED TOO, to be 'one' of them, among the Whities ... coz' of the mistreatment my ancestors, who have given you-all shit. since World War 2."
Peter then bowed like a Japanese – saying out in a growling voice tone...
"And, I am sorry, on 'behalf' of them, Lady Heimdall – the gatekeeper of Assgard."
"You Totally-Crazy-Fellow..." Said the Filipina babysitter...
... 'still' puzzled, of what-was-that-monologue-was-all-about.
Then... Jane came running down the stairs, crying out his name. Lola saw the blind girl... hugging tight on the one-armed boy... whom she 'only' met, for more than a week.
"Peter, you came." The excited tweens glowed, in the positive.
"Are you ready, Player-One, to play ball?" Peter teased.
"Jane, if you are going out, call up a taxi – your mother disapproves you, riding on his bike." Lola Flores reminded.
"It's a beautiful sunny day – we are going to take a bus, Lola. Who knows, we might catch, ol' Piper wandering somewhere over-there...?" Jane said, and putting on her safety helmet. She said bye, and pulled Peter out of the door.
Both the tweens hand-in-hand, walked away from the house, to the road. Wearing his Oakley sunglasses, he looked at her...
"I'm sorry about the dog yesterday, I caused it to run away." Peter was guilty. Jane held his hand and said.
"No worries, Peter-Piper – I KNOW MY DOG... he will come back." She said casually.
... but Jane lied...
... she knew Piper was also 'cursed,' as his eyes glowed in fierce red – she does 'not' know if she can command-and-control him anymore – and also, it was 'not' safe to have him in the house, as a house-dog...
She had 'only' told Alicia, about the cursed Piper, at the gazebo yesterday – 'not' both the twins. And, she doesn't know 'why'...
... 'personal' maybe?
"Is your Mom blaming me for that...?" Peter mumbled, still feeling guilty.
The blunt, blind girl replied...
"My Mom is more worried about me getting pregnant – than the lost dog."
The one-armed boy was appalled. "I'M A CATHOLIC, I won't do that to you!"
"You make sure, you 'DON'T' DO THAT."
She folded her retractable walking stick...
"You see this, Peter – IT'S A BATON, and I will break your fingers if you TOUCH ME 'FUNNY,' OKAY?"
The tweens both laughed out, in awkwardness.
Jane held his only arm tighter, and placed her head close – the couple walked, lovey-dovey together. In the street intersection, Peter noticed people were pointing at them, seeing both walking, wearing dark-glasses, and holding hands like celebrities.
They both were 'now' trending in the social media, as the 'new' Perth's famous-couple – people now RECOGNIZED JANE WILSON, as the blind girl who was attacked by the black panther and rescued by her hero-dog, that was injured in the confrontation. Now, they were PLUS-SEEING THE 'BOYFRIEND' whom they have 'read' of, in the daily newspaper – who, the blind girl went out to meet... in the dark-tragic Monday-night.
It felt like 2 years ago... when he walked in the streets, and PEOPLE RECOGNIZED HIM too, as a junior champion in his school circuit. So, this time around... as the 'boyfriend' in-the-flesh...
... Peter waved back, at those who were pointing at them, 'without' informing Jane of their presence.
He felt 'the' high... of being 'the champ' again – and that oozed a radiant flow of confident energies, which uplifted the aura of the QUIET BLIND GIRL...
On-the-other-hand... Jane clinging on to his only arm... into her-own 'sad' thoughts... of her losing 2 of-her 'best-friends' – SIMY and Piper.
... Jane Wilson was contemplating of the uphill task ahead, to give a 'purpose' to the most difficult member, in their Cursed-Trio cabal. She cannot afford any failures or else, the evil, deviant BlackStar... would feed into Peter Walker's negative emotions...
... and would grow stronger...
... with further devastating of 'other' natural disasters to come.
... it had been an hour since Peter left him alone – after he electrocuted him when Peter attempted to bully him.
The videogame was thrilling, and that gave him a 'rush' – after he was stuck, in a complicated level-phase for half-a-day, since-yesterday – and eureka, he got 'over' it...
... and he was so electrified – that he cheered OUT LOUD, AND JUMPED 'OUT' of his wheelchair...
He was astonished, that he was standing up, on his feet – 'not' standing but floating – his feet were 'not' touching the floor...
... and was levitating centimetres from the ground. He laughed in delight, discovering that – he possessed the 2nd ability in that day...
... levitation...
He tried controlling his dangling legs, to move forward – but he had 'no' control, over his crippled legs, that hung lamely. With a mental-push, he struggled to go forward – and, he did it – it was ethereal as he chested frontward, while his feet were dangling from behind.
Home alone...
... Paul test-drove himself, by slowly moving around, from the kitchen to the living room. He looked at the high ceiling above. He concentrated...
... and Paul rose up vertically... from the floor towards the ceiling...
... avoiding the rotating ceiling fan... he went sideways to the walls... and his hands touched the wall surface, crawling all the way up, like Spiderman... singing the theme-song in pure excitement...
... there was this annoying cobweb dangling above, that bothered him before, as he was playing his NOVA-3 below. He levitated vertically towards the cobweb, used his hand and removed it, looking below at the floor... which was a few meters away, and laughing out in glee.
After 2 years...
... he now wanted to revisit his former bedroom upstairs – his corner bedroom with many windows... where Paul missed being there the most...
... in the house, that his father built for them.
ALICIA WONG WAS RIDING HER BIKE FAST, once she received a sudden urgent call, that Saturday morning – from Ms King... for a face-to-face meeting in a café, just outside Chinatown.
She remembered... being with her in the Volvo yesterday – seeing the student counsellor devastated in tears, when she drove away from Wilson's dinner engagement, last night – after getting the distressed TV news, of the partial destruction The Great Barrier Reef over in Queensland, which resulted in a national catastrophe – in both, loss of human lives and marine.
And, Ms King was upset and blamed it was the doing... of the 'cursed' Peter Walker, who failed to his 'control' negative thoughts – that, which had manifested beyond control.
In the café... ordering a hot mocha...
... and Alicia wholeheartedly had accepted the fact, that Jane had 'some' extraordinary ability, to-do-or-say that – despite being born-blind – when Jane had 'proven' it to her when she had-guessed her keychain 'right.'
... Alicia narrated again about the 'cursed-Piper' runaway incident – and, at the gazebo, Jane later 'told' her... that she noticed Piper's eyes were glowing red...
After listening to Alicia repeatedly saying the cursed Piper was 'possessed' when been bitten by the recaptured black Panther – Ms King suggested...
... they would visit the South Perth Zoo, tomorrow for 'clues.'
Since the tragic incident in Queensland...
... Ms King's thoughts were muddled, as she was horrified that the prophesies that she studied in old, medieval Middle Eastern studies then, were 'now' taking shape and was happening in reality...
... it was happening so fast too, to keep track – that...
... was 'why' she summoned the urgent meeting with Alicia, in clandestine.
... Alicia was appointed – to keep-the-peace of the Cursed Trio pact – and to work together with Jane Wilson to...
... separate the twins, who were living under the same roof, to be 'less' negative, or else – it would brew and feed BlackStar to be more powerful. And, Peter's 'first-wave,' shock... had already happened last night...
... at the cost of – the partial destruction of reef coast disaster of Queensland.
Ms King was also bewildered in dealing with the 2 strong-headed mothers of Peter and Jane, who were partially to be blamed too – to be confrontational while dealing with their rebellious children – by 'not' knowing, they were 'cursed'...
... like a couple-of psychic-vampires, the mothers were both 'triggers' too – to the explosive negativity, of their children's' emotions, when they went head-logging with Peter and Jane.
Alicia asked Ms King of what have the adults discussed so far, last night at the Wilsons...
... the student counsellor revealed that Principle Harris told them-all, that even though the tweens were coming-of-age, but, statistically proven Stamford High, had 'not' had a teen pregnancy record situation for the past 10 years... and both-parents should 'not' be alarmed – in question to the doctor-mother.
They all finally agreed for Jane to 'pair-up' with Peter in the next schooling semester, to improve his studies. As for their 'relationship-status' that was brewing in media attention – they will 'try-to-be' liberal about it... but also, be-aware... and keep-a-close-eye...
When Alicia asked an honest-question of 'who' was SeeIn... and why-couldn't SeeIn 'not' 'help' – Ms King cautioned her that SeeIn... was a time-travel entity-monk who observed and bring balance, to the wellbeing of the Universe...
... 20 years ago, ...
... SeeIn came in first-contact with Ms King when she was a college student... 'revealing' to her that 'he' was from another dimension-reality... to warn-her that the CURSE OF ASMODEUS, was in the becoming – in form of a talisman...
... that was forged from The Ring of Aandaleeb... that was stolen from its 'safe hands' in the Middle East... and was a stowaway to the Perth's shores – and, being-then...
... misused in evil Blackmagic...
... MS. KING WAS APPOINTED by SeeIn as the 'Messenger' – and, the monk also gave Ms King a HOLOGRAM TECH DEVICE of the future, in form of futuristic-contact-lenses, to project THE MESSAGES AND WARNINGS...
... and, SeeIn had instructed...
... Ms King to 'wait' in Stamford High, where it would all 'begin' – but...
... it was a long-20-year wait...
... as the student counsellor, who was 'now' already... a senior staff-board member, in the school...
... finally, in-walked Peter Walker to her office... on that mid-morning Thursday session, wearing 'THE' CURSE TALISMAN...
... and 'soon' hell broke loose... when he slipped-and-escaped her – and he wore the Sakhr...
... during the tragic Treeton dairy farm's tragic thunderstorm incident.
In the world of Blackmagic rituals, PETER WAS THE CHOSEN-ONE – but-in-the-turn of uneventful-events in Treeton, he had also 'infected' the damned-curse – TO HIS TWIN PAUL – AND-TO JANE.
... Alicia asked a critical question – of why SeeIn did 'not' reveal to name Peter, as the Cursed-One to alert Ms King, as the Messenger to look-out for – and the explanation was... it was complicated...
... that it would have a colossal effect on the timeline-changes... as the inevitable-choice of the Universe for the curse, to made HAPPEN AS 'PREDICTED' during the dawn of time – where the destructive negative-emotions of the Cursed-One...
... would cause natural disaster in Australia – soon outside the continent...
... to the rest of the world!
... the 'only' solution was when all the 3 individuals – of The Cursed Trio...
... would come TOGETHER-IN-HARMONY, to bring a positive balance...
... into their 'own' 3-unbalanced collective emotions vessels...
... so to preserve the wellbeing of the Greater Universe.
'THE PERTH'S FAMOUS COUPLE' alighted from the public bus – who were both cheered and clapped away, from the seated passengers. Some even clicked their picture, blind-Jane covered her face once she heard the 'clicks,' feeling shy – but, her boyfriend was waving frantically at the leaving bus, with his single arm.
He then held back her hand and surprised Jane with a kiss, pecked on her cheek, excitedly saying...
"Janey, 'you' will be some Rockstar-famous, once school opens next term." His gloved palm flashed a 'devil's horn' hand-sign at her...
... the blind girl giggled...
"No... I don't like that – I don't want to be famous, for the 'wrong' reasons."
Peter was surprised...
"... huh... for what wrong reasons?"
"I was foolish, to come out that night, to-come-and-see you – and if I had waited a little longer... that night at home – then I would have called you with my new smartphone, that my Daddy had bought – but 'instead, I 'blindly' came out there, and got into 'this' big trouble... and chanced to be killed... and my-poor-Piper was bitten... lada-dee-lada-daa...."
"But you got to 'test' your shooting of 'fiery-bolt' superpowers, right?" He teased aloud while nudging his elbow to her love-handle.
"Shh, 'not' too loud, Peter – 'no' one should know, that I did that." The blind girl cringed.
... Paul too had discovered his electro-sparks superpowers just now, at home – and electro-fried him. Peter was envious of his twin and did 'not' mentioned that news to Janey.
"Chill-there... 'no' one is listening in, Janey – look, the school is like a ghost town now, and even the GHOST OF OLD-MAN-STAMFORD is vacationing back right now in England, visiting his-rellie in some creepy-cemetery, in Manchester City."
... Peter uttered nonsense, to make his girlfriend smile. "By the way, Halloween is coming!" He laughed in a ghoulish tone, to frighten her... as they walked on the empty, and lonely corridors of the east-wing of the school.
... The blind girl doesn't scare easy – coupled of 'being' cursed by a medieval spell, that gave her super abilities 'that' scared her even 'most,' if someone found out... that she had incapacitated a 300-kilo black panther... after detecting the creature lurking in the dark... with her other '3rd-eye' ability...
... and also, even though she was blind... but 'now' could 'see' glows of 3 colours too...
... but she was disappointed – that Peter was still in denial...
... that he was cursed too.
They reached the west-wing, where the outdoor tennis courts were. One of the courts was occupied by another couple – Zoe Williams and Doug Zimmerman.
Zoe was their classmate and was also their school's singles top-girl tennis player. Doug too... was the 2nd placing, in ranking in boy's singles, after Oliver Brown in the first spot...
... and current Zubeer Khan, as the 3rd ranking in Stamford High – whom Peter desperately tried to beat... to 'get' into the Top 3 selection...
... Peter Walker grudged the current tennis team, who were selected to represent Stamford High, in the qualifier to next year's junior championship. For 2 straight years since, the current tennis team was knocked out in the first round – unlike 2 years earlier... Peter Walker had beaten every schools' top district players, to reach and win the junior's tournament title.
Then, the tragic accident happened, and Peter Walker LOST HIS TENNIS PLAYING ARM – and him, struggling to get in the game, till now...
... but 'what' annoyed him the most was... these nobody-team were humiliating him often, and laughing at him like he was a clown – when they saw him wanting desperately to make his 'comeback,' and relive his dreams – to be the best...
'... who are they? They are a bunch of nobodies... 'not' even fit to tie my shoelace...'
He growled, under his breath – imitating the growling voice of 'Immortan Joe'– a memorable character in the Mad Max film, Fury Road – his favourite film of all time, directed by his fellow Australian, George Miller – whom he felt, was underrated by Hollywood.
And, Peter Walker kept his 'scores' too, in the back of his head. He faked a friendly face... and greeted his 'rivals' aloud...
"Hey, Doug and Zoe – you guys' putting up a mixed-double act, I see...? So, Stamford High for the first time will put in a mixed double team into the qualifiers next year – good luck to you 'both!'" the one-armed schoolmate waved, with a thumbs up.
... Jane was uncomfortable when she knew Zoe Williams WAS ALSO PRACTICING. She wanted to sit out... because SHE DID 'NOT' LIKE HER – and furthermore, Zoe pushed her in the school's STONE STAIRS, SOME days ago.
... Peter walked over to the middle court, where they were practising, for a chat – Jane stayed back.
Peter had 'no' beef with Douglas Zimmerman, who he thought was a decent fellow, but an average player.
"Where is your sparring team...? Are they 'not' here yet?"
"No-Peter...we don't have one – we both are just warming up, and practising our strokes and volleying-about..." Doug replied casually.
"How about me and Janey here... be 'your' sparing partners...?" Peter suggested.
... Zoe laughed out, been amused. "You must be joking – blind-school here, playing tennis...?"
Peter joined the laughter. "Yes, you can give us both a handicap, if you want to...? How about it, 'can' we play?"
Doug was hesitant. "I don't think so – I've read Coach Jonah's memo on the board – we are 'not' to play with you next term... because you are banned."
"That is 'next' term – now, we are still on holidays, right...? And, Big Coach Jonah is 'not' here, he won't know – so how about it, Doug-and-Zoe...?"
"Sorry... we decline, we both don't want to break any school rules, by playing you?" Said the blond-haired boy.
"Correction – by playing Jane-and I here."
... Zoe was in stitches...
"Since when did blind-school played tennis...? Come on in... we will 'play' you-both for laughs, after all the added tutoring my parents made me take this holiday, because of 'her.' It will be a good laugh and I also want 'some' release – by beating this exam cheater, in the sports, I'm good at."
She ranted with displeasure, pointing her racquet, at the direction of blind Jane, seated on a bench afar.
"Hey, Zoe... I'm 'not' going to join you, and humiliate this visually impaired person... I'm out." Douglas protested to his tennis-partner. Peter laughed out...
"Come on, be a sport, Doug – you play me and, let 'those' 2 have their girl-fight."
... Peter tapping his Babolat on Douglas, and said...
"How about it, fellas... is that a-deal...?"
After a hesitating moment. Doug Zimmerman nodded...
"Great! Let the games begin – Hey Doogie, just give us 2 minutes to warm-up."
... the one-armed boy said, and turned his back, and swaggering to the first court in his Oakley, to where Jane sat...
"I'm 'not' playing!"
"Yes... you are..."
The blind girl whispered hard...
"I don't even know how the scoring system of the game works, and you 'now' throw me in the deep end of the pool, and expect me to swim – right after a single coaching lesson, you gave me?"
"Don't-cha bail on me– you will do fine."
The one-armed boy chuckled. He put a tennis racquet into blind-Jane's hand, winking...
"Let's do 'our' magic..."
It made Jane even 'more' uneasy, and she took long breaths, to calm down....
"See-here, Peter – the moment you lose your 'cool,' and go into your crook-tantrums... and going-all off – I'm quitting, okay...?"
"Okay... checked-my-to-don't-list..."
The one-armed boy kept chucking... while he entered the side-door of the middle tennis court...
... in favour of the handicapped Jane and Peter – who both who were pumped-up into the action, in the outdoor court, on a sunny day...
... Jane saw Peter's uncontrollable excitement, as he was glowing bright, over-talking – giving her off-the-cuff quick, pro-tip instructions, while she was about to serve the ball over.
The blind girl fed on her boyfriend's illuminating glow as her beacon-guide... to 'see' shapes in form of silhouetting images across the court – especially 'seeing' the small tenno-ball that came over fast...which was only the size of a fist.
... Jane's role was to SETUP THE GAME – and Peter's was to execute the kill. He was on top of his game, everything was gelling-in as he was in-tuned, with his semi-trained right arm. He was EXECUTING POINTS WITH EASE, going all out by diving full head-on to the hardcourt, to cover for his girlfriend Jane.
The first player of Stamford High's basketball team arrived, for his pre-season training – Jason Lang was astonished by the 'freakshow' of a blind girl, who was playing tennis.
... he recorded the hard-court actions, with his smartphone, via Facebook Live – that streamed the handicapped couple winning...
... it was GOING 'VIRAL' in the Perth scene.
In next to no time, the rest of the basketball-team and a-score their fans were cheering-on, when Peter whacked hard the ball into the baseline, that SEALED A 7-5 VICTORY. Everyone then cheered aloud, invading the court...
... to congratulate the odd couple.
THE SHIRTLESS NIGERIAN WAS CHANTING in an ancient language's tongue, in front of a makeshift shrine with a horrific ivory carved-idol – as he was seated cross-legged, on the floor of his quarters, lit dimly with 2 red candles...
... hallucinating incense smoked inside the darkroom, while the slim and tall athletic-built, dreadlocked haired Blackman – who was the voodoo high-priest... prayed to the statue...of his Lord Asmodeus...
He was medically bandaged in both of his neck and belly... 'those' were injuries that he encountered recently, where the cursed Blind-one shot at him, and hurting him bad.
... so, he prayed to his 'God' for strength – to gain invincible powers, so that his body was 'unbreakable.' But...
... to for the Blackmagic practitioner to gain that status...
... it required... A HUMAN SACRIFICE.
He was now focused... he opened his eyes, stood up from the floor. He walked up to his small desk, in his cramped room – to power-up his laptop, to go into the social media platform.
There she was – the Blind-one – trending high and mighty on Facebook Live playing tennis @Stamford High – as she was one part of the #Perthsfamouscouple – with the one-armed Peter Walker... whom he 'also' knew...
... giving him-the cursed Talisman of Aandaleeb...
... he too had visited the one-armed boy's nightmares to torment him every time to sleepless nights, to disorient him, so to 'generate' negative-energies – so to feed the hungry she-demon BlackStar. Now, 'she' craved deeply for human sacrifice, to satisfy her famished appetite.
He grinned from knowing that people were willing to create a Fan Page, to be 'popular' on Facebook. There was a handful of such FB Pages, dedicated to the Blind-one, Jane Wilson. The Nigerian chose the page with lots of photos... where those 'hardworking people' had also gone an extra mile – for him – to hack the-Wilson family-accounts to gain personal photos, so that to populate their FB Pages, to be popular.
He clicked on the most popular Jane Wilson Fan Page, created 5 days ago, with 4000 over Likes. There were dozens of photos of her, with her boyfriend with lots of hashtags, such as '#Perthsfamouscouple.'
... the Blackman's interest grew when he saw Jane Wilson's personal family photos. She was CARRYING A BLACK BOY. There were several other photos, of the same Black Babyboy appearing in the arms of the various, White Wilson family members.
A child sacrifice should 'please' the she-demon mother – to gain him, the invincible powers of the black panther.
He logged off his laptop... and put on his uniform shirt, to conceal his bandaged body. He stepped off from his confined room...
... outside of his employee hostel, where he was walking the path of caged wild animals, heading to the small office ahead, to clock-in...
... for his duties as a zoo-keeper.
The zoo employee named Hajji, pushed a wheelbarrow of butchered-beef meat to feed the big, wild cats. He looked ahead at the injured black panther perched above, in its entrapment cage – also bandaged in its neck and mid-section...
... it snarled ferally at Hajji. And... the Blackman with deep-respect, pacified it by speaking, in his African dialect to it – and made a sure-promise, to the possessed wild cat...
... of a human-child sacrifice, before long.
IT WAS SATURDAY AFTERNOON, as it was roaming around, in hunger and thirst... in the heat. Being a housedog for 2 years, he was fed a big meal, twice a day – but 'not' today – where he was on his own...
... the scent of the big, black cat's blood-sport killings, was 'not' there anymore. Piper ran in circles. It sometimes puzzled him, of which direction to go, to get to the South Perth Zoo.
He decided that he should 'eat' first, his ears stood upright – and his wolfish hunting-instincts heightened. In next to no time, he sank his fangs into a fat rabbit that he had caught. Fangs-tearing into its flesh, slurping blood... while chewing into its soft bones...
... and, then, the annoying whistling started, inside his head...
... Piper barked mad, REBUKED BY THE UNSEEN 'GUIDE' inside his head... as he wanted to finish his meal in peace...
... just like a takeaway... the big, grey dog bit onto the bloody carcass...
... and ran towards the designated location – South Perth Zoo.
Experiment 636
The world had changed. Over twenty years ago, monsters emerged from the ground and put the earth in chaos. People split themselves apart from one another in desperate attempts to survive. Whiles others were trying to survive on the surface, fighting off the monsters from deep below, she was trying to survive a different kind of monster. She was given only a number. There were no names. No pleasantries. Just tests. Everyday 636 had to undergo painful and inhuman testing. Her whole life she had been in a cage. The scientists around her tried to rip her apart. Turning her into something beyond human, with the end goal of a weapon to use against the monsters that had surfaced years ago. 636 was content for things to remain and stay in the labs forever. Treated like an object. Too afraid to fight for her place. That was... until she met a boy from cell 13 and learned what it meant to have a choice. It took unforeseen circumstances for 636 to realize no one belonged in a cage and she could only go so far before she reached her breaking point.
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Starfinder: Guardian of Vesta
Alex Hawthorne is a man without a future. At least, that was his reasoning for signing up for a risky journey to a troubled colony called Vesta, nearly 50 light-years from Earth. On his very first day awake on the ship to Vesta, he makes a deadly enemy in the form of Lucius Serrano - a gang leader without principles or shame. Alex quickly discovers a plot that affects the entire ship which could lead them to certain death. And that's before they even get to troubled Vesta, where even more danger awaits. Maybe, just maybe, Alex is the best man to set everything right. Release Schedule: 5 Chapters a week, Mon-Fri Chapter size: 1800-2400 words
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Ой санамжаа алдчихсан юм байхдаа? Шархалсан дурсамжуудаа ч санахгүй байна.Чиний нүд рүү харах төдийд л...
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A guide about all the ongoing Adventure Contests
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PICTURES IN CARS: Traveling with Instagram
I like pictures taken in cars. Driving at night is kinda mysterious, an intimate thing - and what shall I say? Imagination's a wild thing, and there are stories hidden in your smiles.Instagram is so much more than a vanity thing. Sure, there are a lot of people out there, bloggers, starlets and so-called stars just promoting themselves, but there are also the lovers, the travelers, the real artists playing and inspiring with visuals and words, and so Instagram first of all things means worldwide traveling to me. Here's what I found on my travels there, I wanna share it with you!Title "Pictures In Cars" is inspired by a photo of wonderful hannahtaha.Cover photo © Hannah Taha Visuals belong 2 the artists and travelers. Words belong 2 me.© All Rights Reserved
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My Female Masturbation Adventures - Snafus and Successes
This is an autobiography of my masturbation experiences and my life of anorgasmia, and my journey as I try to regain my ability to orgasm.Stories of my masturbation adventures as I discover and explore new ways to masturbate, from the shower massage spray to vibrators and more. I'll also share about my anorgasmia what I'm doing to overcome it. This story will include details of my early masturbation experiences (the good and the bad), along with updates about my recent escapades.~Previously held rankings:Top 0.02%:#4 truestory out of 26.3K stories8/28/22#1 autobiography out of 6.2K stories11/7/22Top 0.03%:#6 personal out of 26.5K stories9/11/22#1 memoir out of 3.4K stories9/2/22Top 0.04%:#2 confessions out of 5K stories9/22/22Top 0.05%:#27 diary out of 58.8K stories9/29/22Top 0.06%:#23 nonfiction out of 45.5K stories9/26/22Top 0.2%:#65 memories out of 42.5K stories10/3/22Top 0.4%:#12 shower out of 3.5K stories9/30/22#38 selfdiscovery out of 10.1K stories9/3/2022Top 0.8%:#10 orgasms out of 616 stories8/18/22#4 vibrators out of 142 stories8/19/22Top 6%:#1 femalemasturbation out of 19 stories8/19/22Top 9%:#6 vibrations out of 71 stories8/21/22~Previously held unlisted rankings:Top 15%:#1 clitoral out of 7 stories8/21/22Top 40%:#2 femalesexuality out of 5 stories8/21/22~Previously held unlisted rankings from tags I removed:Top 50%:#1 sexualsecrets out of 2 stories8/21/22#1 showermasturbation out of 2 stories8/21/22
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