《MOLTEN》ch 11: Alleyway II


Everyone was surprised as Seth stopped charging up his powerful sigil, turned around and started talking to thin air.

But they were extremely glad, as they escaped with their lives... Gale who had just arrived at the scene quickly looked around the place, as if she was scanning the situation in an instant and sighed heavily... Gale: you just had to antagonize him, even after i told you to wait for me. While still on his knees, Killian answered in a pathetic voice... Killian: I thought you wanted to get all the credit for finding the descendant... I wanted to do my part as well. Gale: Idiot, i actually know him you could have spared yourself a lot of pain. Seth who was talking to Carla was still distraught from when she mentioned Gale... Carle: look its her behind you! It must be her! Seth: impossible (he said before turning around towards Gale) With Seth turning around Killian instantly lowered his head to the point of bashing it on the ground then started shacking ... Killian: please forgive me for my transgressions oh great descendant (he kept mumbling to himself) Gale: Hey Seth, its been years. Seth: It really is you, truly? Gale: Yeah well, we've all been through a lot...After the orphanage and all. Especially you. Seth then completely stopped moving and started looking at the ground for a while. He looked like he was reminiscing about better times, but instead of feeling happy he felt so much melancholy you could only describe it as having a hole in your heart... Carla: Seth, you... Before long Seth regained his composure and faced gale. "So what are you doing here" he asked her with a serious tone and he seemed to be completely fine, but deep inside he was forcing himself to look composed. Gale: well i was looking for you for a while now. Do u know how hard it was to actually track you down... I had to steal some classified documents from the capital to actually learn that you were still alive. But I've got to say i was very surprised to learn that you worked for the Shrine priestesses family as an agent... Seth: You didn't answer my question (He interrupted her suddenly) Gale:... Well i was getting to that, rude. To be honest we need your help; i am part of an organisation that has been hunted down for generations now and we need your strength to fightback. Seth: and what is this organisation? Gale: I... Can't tell you yet, but please we need you. Seth: I'm sorry but I'm very busy at the moment try some one else. Gale: Don't you want to find out what happened to the orphanage and the village? Why it was attacked and burned down? Seth: Why would you bring that up to me, you weren't even there when it happened! You left everyone with your father! Gale: I... I can't tell you why yet. But i promise if you come with me i will tell you everything... Seth: I... Carla who was listening in got closer to Seth as if to hug him. " Why don't you go with her and hear her out" she said near his ear with a tender and sad voice. Seth then turned towards Carla and seemed as if he wanted to say something then stopped himself, as he remembered what he promised Carla before... Gale:? Seth:I... (And before he finished what he wanted to say he faced Gale again) Seth: I'll go with you. Gales' face that was all serious a minute ago suddenly lit up... Gale: Oh thank you so much! I knew you would reconsider. Seth: You better keep your promise. All the people that attacked Seth and were kneeling for forgiveness were relieved as he seemed to be appeased for now. One after the other they started to get up. When Killian tried to do the same as well, Seth walked towards him and stopped right in front of him... Seth: I don't like this guy though. Carla: Yeah me neither. Killian started sweating buckets as he thought this was the end of the road for him... Gale: I apologize for my carelessness in handling my subordinates, i swear I'll make it right by you. Seth: alright I'll leave him to you. He then walked past the inspector and went into an alleyway where he was followed by some of Gales' subordinates for safety... Killian sighed a sigh of relief then got up and swiped the dust of his clothes then put back his skull necklace into his pocket. Afterwards he stood straight up and started looking at Gale with the same dignified and entitled look he had before meeting Seth... Killian: Gale thank you so much for your help without you we would have been wiped out. Gale: Yes, without me you would have caused the death of all our brother and sister believers under your care. Killian: Wait, wha... Gale: By my authority granted by the master grand bishop i strip you of your title and your command over the warrior believers in this area, brothers take him away. Killian: Wait! You can't do this, i am a bishop! The master will hear of this! My family will hear of this!!! (He said while being dragged away by two armed men) Gale: Now i can rest easier knowing i found an excuse to get rid of that Auschwitz, he was truly like a thorn at my side... Gale: All of you! (She shouted so that everyone there could hear her) You are all dismissed, go back to the home base, and grab the remains of your comrades while you leave. Right after she gave that command every man and woman grabbed the bodies and weapons of their fallen bretheren. And cleaned up the place to hide the evidence of a battle occuring there as much as possible... After they were done, everyone left from different routes. Gale: Well then, its time to leave this place...( She then turned around and followed where Seth went) ---Chapter End---

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