《MOLTEN》Ch 10: Alleyway


Not too far away south from Brand-Jord stood a decently large castle town, which served as both a city and a fortress against outside threats; called Lars Bastion…

The Bastion was located between two mountain ranges and a river behind it that led to the sea, a draw bridge was the only way to cross said river.

This made the town a choke point that turned out to be the only way to Brand-Jord by land.

Seth having no choice but to go through the town made his way to the gates where there were guards inspecting any travelers and caravans trying to cross over to the capital…

But the guards were clearly strict as they refused passage to many, who despite attempting to persuade them were left with no choice but to go back whence they came; all grumpy and mad for their wasted time here…

Seth had to wait for his turn like everyone else before him and it could have taken hour, since in front of him was a long line of people that had all kinds of different elements, cultures and occupations.

Carla: Seth, I don’t think it’s a good idea to go through here.

Seth: But we have to do so if we want to reach Brand-Jord.

Seth kept talking to Carla without noticing other people looking at him with confused looks, as he was seemingly talking to himself. This made him look insane, so they kept their distance and started whispering to each other…

Seth: Otherwise we can’t continue investigating…

Carla: You should probably stop talking to me, you know. People are starting to notice…

Seth: Ow, well it’s not like I care what people think of me.

Carla: But I do! Please be more mindful next time.

Seth: Argh, fine…

An hour later, it was finally Seth’s turn to be inspected by the gate guards…

Once He stepped forward two guards stood at the ready in front of him and kept looking at him, as if they were preparing for any sudden movements, up the walls' ramparts and watchtowers were archers and other guards doing the same.

There was no room for suspicious activity or it could have caused serious trouble and Seth knew it, so he just stood still waiting for the inspector who was sitting in a desk next to the gate writing on a paper with a feather…

The inspector: Next!

He said with an authoritative voice while waving to the guards with his hand, covered in so much jewelry the slightest movement could be heard by the guards on the ramparts…

The man’s aura oozed of authority and entitlement. He was clearly a descendant of some sort of rich family.

After being told to, Seth made his way in front of the inspectors’ desk, but the man didn’t even lift his head up as he kept writing on his papers.

The inspector: name, occupation, reason of visit, Jord pass then you need to sign in one of my registers.

Seth just kept looking at the man trying to process what he just heared.

Carla: What’s a Jord pass? (She said near Seths’ ear)

Seth: Umm, Jord what? (He said out loud)

The inspector suddenly stopped writing then put his feather down; afterwards he looked up at Seth and put his chin on his hand.

The inspector: Dark cloak with a hood, dirty boots and garments, clearly armed, suspicious mask, and unknown occupation.

You obviously look like trouble…

He then sighted deeply, softly shook his head once then faced Seth again…

The inspector: Do you at least have a Jord pass? If you do please let one of my guards remove it from you. I don’t want your dirty hands touching anywhere on my desk.


Seth: I don’t know what this pass is…

The inspector: A jord pass! Permission to pass through the bastion, do you have it or not.

Seth then turned around and started looking at Carla not knowing what to do…

Carla: Should we look for another way to Brand-Jord?

The inspector: Ha as i suspected, So you don’t have a pass, well thank you for wasting my time… Next… (Just as he was about to continue writing on his papers, a guard came running to the inspector and started whispering to his ear)

His eyes suddenly widened almost at awe at what he just heard…

The inspector: Are you certain? (He then grabbed the guard by the collar and pulled him closer)

The guard: Yes sir, that’s what the source told me.

The inspector then sighed of relief and released the guard he was holding.

The inspector: Thank you soldier, you may return to your post.

The guard: Sir!

He then ran back whence he came from, the inspector then cleared his throat, got up from his seat, then called out to Seth in a more calm and respectable voice.

The inspector: I apologize for the inconvenience mister, gentleman…I mean, ”cough” “clear throat” Sir, my name is Killian Auschwitz. Please come with me.

Seth: Umm, what?

Carla: Huh?

He then called out to one of the guards in front of him…

Killian: Soldier, tell the rest of the people to wait for an hour or so I have some business elsewhere.

The guard: Wait what

Killian: Well then sir, let’s get a move on. I’ll show you the way through the bastion.

The man then went through one of the inner gates and signaled for Seth to follow him.

Seth initially confused thought that he didn’t have a choice anyway so he followed the inspector closely. He passed through gate after gate until he reached the town area.

It was so packed and noisy that you could barely hear yourself thinking; from the sound of a blacksmiths’ hammer, a horses’ gallop, a masons’ stone work, a guards’ armor clanking on patrol, a taverns’ joyous music, a child pranking other children, to people shouting prices and advertising their merchandise at the market.

The town was indeed busy but it was also prosperous…

Carla just kept looking at the town with sheer awe as Seth was walking behind Killian.

Carla: Wow, I’ve never seen a town so lively before. (She said while you could see a glimmer of light radiating from her dark round eyes)

Seth: Well yeah from the orphanage and village, we haven’t exactly settled anywhere...ummm, civilized …

Killian: Can you hurry up, we are nearly there.

He then turned around at a left turn into a dark alleyway; Seth stopped walking before entering the alley…

Carla: I don’t like where he is leading us Seth, I have a bad feeling about this.

Seth: Hmm.

Killian realizing he wasn’t being followed anymore turned around and looked Seth straight in the eyes and stopped moving for a moment, then right after came back to his serviceable attitude.

Killian: Please right this way I know a shortcut that will help us bypass all the crowds and go straight to the draw bridge, let’s go.

He then continued on his way and disappeared in the dark, Carla who was still extremely suspicious urged Seth to reconsider following their unknown guide, but the later did not listen to her…

Seth: We won’t be allowed to go through the draw bridge without him…

I don’t like this either but we don’t have a choice.

Seth then followed the inspector into the darkness he disappeared in. After a while he emerged into a small courtyard that was located in the middle of a group of houses and alleyways that were constructed in a circle around it; Killian was nowhere to be found.


Seth: Now, where did this man go?

Carla: Seth please I’m scared!

Seth:Don’t worry, no one can hurt you...

Seth then grabbed a long pole like object from under his cloak that was covered in bandages and started slowly peeling them. He did so while looking around the houses’ windows and the alleyways, probing for signs of life, when finally the bandages came off revealing his steel halberd.

Seth:and they certainly won’t even be able to touch me.

Soon after many shadowy figures started appearing from inside the houses, on top of roof tops and from the corner of the alleys as they were heading towards Seth who was located in the middle of the courtyard; it seemed to be a group of men and women who wore hoods to conceal their faces.

Once they got a little bit closs they all stopped at their tracks and just began staring blankly at Seth who was being prepared to face the looming threat...

Before long Killian emerged from behind their lines and called out to Seth

Killian: Welcome gentleman! Well then we must b on our way, so could you please give these nice people your weapons and armor and follow us to where we are going ?

Seth: I don't think i want to do that.

Killian: Well that does put us in quite a pickle. Hmmm...

He then started pacing from left to right thinking for a moment then suddenly stopped and snapped his fingers.

Killian: Well we do need to test you and it looks like you won't come with us "voluntarily" as a bishop i have to take my work seriously, so we don't have much of a choice.

...Grab him. ( He said with a cold monotone voice before snapping his finger one more time)

Seth: Haha, with your numbers my only worry is finishing you all before sunset

Seth then removed his hood and yanked his cloak to the side as he grabbed his halberd with his left hand. At this moment he was surrounded and he couldn't commit any mistakes, so he stood his ground and waited for his unknown enemies' attack...

The men and women that were surrounding Seth kept emerging from the houses and alleys untill they numbered a hundred or so and they all went ahead and took out their weapons. Almost all of them had steel weapons such as swords, spears, axes and ranged weapons such as bows and throwing knives, while a limitted number had Rouh tools which they activated showing a variety of elements in the group...

First two attackers came from both the front and behind trying to pincer attack Seth.

Carla:Behind you!

Seth: Yep.

He first blocked a sword blow bya woman behind him using his long halberd then kicked a man holding an axe in front of him right in the gut, forcing him to drop his weapon and get on his knees...

Right after he turned around grabbed the woman from the face and threw her all the way to the enemy lines behind him.

Seth: I see how it is, but i'm not going to make it easy.


All his enemies were amazed as they stared at seth for a second before they all blitzed him together, except for a woman and two men, who looked like lieutenants, sat at the sidlines just watching everything unfold...

Despite their orders of capturing Seth, they did not pull any punches as the group attacked with at least eighty people; a few of whom were archers that kept shooring arrows at Seth who dodged and blocked them with ease until the melee group reached their target.

Seth was being attacked from all directions but he did a goodjob of going for the weakest links of the group and using them as shields while dispatching the others using only his halberd and martial ability.

whenever an attacker would get a full view of Seths' unprotected back he would find that the latter quickly relocated behind one of his/her comrades. This would remain true for everyone as Seth was moving too quickly for them to deal with...

However, This pace was not sustainable even for Seth. At one moment he lost focus and he was injured in his left shoulder blade...

With a groan Seth quickly turned around delt with his attacked by stabbing him in chest with his halberds' spear head, then fell on one knee and started panting.

The rest of the attackers swiftly stepped back right after and kept watching Seth struggling...

Killian: Well done everyone!

Killian: Now without hurting him further take him...

Seth: (Panting)

Carla: Seth, we should probably escape they look clearly trained and there are so many of them, we don't stand a chance...

Seth: Ha... It looks like i have to use... The sigil.

Carla: Isn't that suppossed to be a secret, what if this alerts our enemies.

While Seth was catching his breath and discussing with Carla their plans...

The three lieutenants who stood back during the assault started walking between waves of their comrades , before reaching the front line where they stood and started to mock Seth.

Male lieutenant 1: Is this all you've got, i'm starting to think we were all wrong about you. That we don't need you after all.

Male Lieutenant 2: Indeed he is so week.

Seth: Need me(ha)...What?

Female Lieutenant: It turns out that he is a Useless weak human, like the rest of us, after all.

Seth: Ha, i see... So you think you three are tough huh? Hiding behind your comrades doing all the work...

Seth then stood up slowly walked towards the lieutenants and faced them, looking at the man in the middle right into his eyes.

Seth: WHY DON'T YOU THREE TRY YOUR LUCK THEN HUH? (He said before his right arm started to emit heat and smoke)

Carla: wait Seth, are you using it ?!

Male lieutenant 2: Huh, well then... (He then started to crack his neck)

Male lieutenant1: Let's get into it!

Female lieutenant: Beating you will be extremely satisfying, especially after all your boasting! (She said before cracking her fingers)

And right after, all three lieutenants took out Rouh tool-blades and activated them revealing different arrays of elements. Then they tried to cut their nemesis in half . But, before they could even start a swinging motion, Seth had his hand opened right in front of the lieutenant on his lefts' chest still producing smoke from underneath the bandages...

Seth: Yeah let's... (He said before closing his eyes)

He then instantly oblitirated the mans' torso to smitherness then quickly swung his arm to the right doing the same to the other two lieutenants. The devastation,however, did not stop there as the thin black fire beam that was shot from Seths' hand travelled all the way to the back annihilating all that was in its' way including,many of his attackers and some of the buildings behind them, burning them all into nothing.

The first lieutenant that was shot had his torso completely disintegrated as both his head and arms fell into the ground, his hips and legs followed right after.

While the other two were cut in half, the same happened to every one that was unfortunate enough to stand behind them...

This spectacle of power and gore frightened the rest into submission, the inspector in the corner fell into his knees and started begging for mercy.

Killian: Oh no what have i done! Oh no please angel, please have mercy one me!

He kept saying while holding into a black and silver necklace of a human skull pierced by a spear from the top.

The rest of the fighters dropped their weapons and knelt down as well, showing they were at Seths' mercy hoping to at least survive...

Seth: "sigh" Well you saw me use the sigil...

He then started aiming his hand in the direction of some of those who knelt...

The fighters could not move from their spot as they were extremely scared as sweat was dripping from their hands and faces...

Seth: I'm sorry but i really can't let you go.

Carla: Seth don't do this!

Suddenly a woman emerged from one of the dark alleyways behind them...

The woman: In the angels' name,why did you not wait for me ?! (She shouted)

Killian still frightened could not recognize the voice as he was in extreme distress...And just as he turned around the woman came into light in front of all.

Killian: Lady Gale!

Carla: ...Gale?

Seth who wasn't looking in the direction of Gale then lowered his arm and turned around towards Carla...

Seth: Why did you say that name?

--chapter end--

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