《Ghost Unit In Another World》Chapter 3: The Artifact


Amazon Forest

Weapons Stash (Cave)


"Here's the plan.......Bravo Two, you and Bravo Four and Five move left side, while I move with Bravo Three and Six on the right. Bravo Seven and Eight will maintain position with Ms. Q ........we pick our targets, including you Ms Q. I know you are a good shot, so this is your chance to prove yourself ......alright back to the mission, make sure all targets are in sight, Bravo Seven, you take two targets.....confirm Yellow if you got your targets on sight......Once all is confirmed.....I will give the order Green to take the shots.....I want simultaneous shots......confirm all hostiles are eliminated......Bravo Seven and Eight you keep maintaining your position and look after Ms. Q and cover our backs while at the same time be our reinforcement if we need backup......while the rest of Bravo will move in on me to the cave to take down any remaining hostiles."

Master Chief Rex gave a brief deliberate attack order to which all nobbed their heads in confirmation.

"Good, once I give a all clear sign...Ms. Q and her BODYGUARDS will move in the cave." Master Chief Rex said sarcastically emphasising the word Bodyguard to which Ms. Q rolled her eyes and the other members of Bravo chuckled.

"Everyone understands the order?..."

They all nobbed, some gave thumbs up.

"Any questions?...none?..... good.....now lets synchronize your watches.....my time now is 0215hrs in 30 seconds it will be 0216hrs......"

All member than began adjusting their time to synchronize with Bravo One.

"In 5.....4....3.....2....1, Time now is 0216hrs... confirm you all are synchronized"

"Confirmed" they all said in unison.

"Good....at 0220hrs all should be in position.....remember maintain fire discipline and watch your arcs of fire.....now lets move...." Master Chief finished his briefing before moving his team to position.

4 minutes later

"Bravo Two confirm you're in position." Master Chief said on his personal comms

"Bravo One, We're in position."

"Good.....now mark you targets..."

They all set their sights on their targets.

"Confirm all targets are yellow.."

"Bravo Two target is yellow"

"Bravo Three target is yellow"

"Bravo Four target is yellow"

"Bravo Five target is yellow"

"Bravo Six target is yellow"

"Bravo Seven target is yellow"

"Bravo Eight target is yellow"

"Q target is yellow"

Once all were confirmed, Master Chief then look down his sight as he marked his target.


"All teams yellow, yellow...... Green"

Once green was confirmed, they all took the shot simultaneously with their suppressed rifles.

Paaaaanng paaaaannnng paaaaannnng

"All target eliminated....lets move in."

Master Chief and the rest of the assault team then move in the cave.

They all stacked up before proceeding into the cave.

" Clear Left"

"Clear right"

"Lets keep moving forward"

Took them a minute before they reached a big gate which was contructed in the cave.

"Bravo Five, check if you can crack that code and open the gate."

"Will do, just give me a minute..." the korean guy said as he took his tablet and began working to crack the code.

After a few seconds..

"All done.."

"Bravo Two, check for wires, it might be boogie trapped..."

Master Chief warned the British man.

"All clear on wires..."

Once Bravo Two confirmed that it was safe they all got ready to move into the gate.

"Stack up.....prepare for breaching."


They all move tactically into the gate only to be met with a large space that was four times the size a football stadium.

This left the assault team flabbergasted.

"Fuck me.......this place is huge, and its packed...."

"Look there, are those drones?....there's an MQ-9 Reaper....fuck there are helicopters here too.......how the hell he got his hands on that blackhawk?." The frenchman who is an enthusiast of any flying machine said in surprise.

"Hmmm........she was not lying when she said that this Gibson guy had weapons that could arm an entire army."

Master Chief Rex said as he looked around the massive cave.

The Cave was full of Weapons of all sorts, ammo, military vechicles, 2 military drones, 1 Blackhawk helicopter, 5 MH-6 Little Bird helicopters, missiles, other military equipments, gadgets, military uniforms, military inflatable boats and fast boats and other things.

"Why would this guy keep so much?"

"Call Ms. Q and the rest of Bravo Team in, while I'll take a look around."

When Ms. Q and the rest of Bravo team arrived, they had the same expression as the assault team.

"Ms. Q, something keeps bothering me about this place. I get that he is fooling the agencies but why take the risk with so much equipment and assests?"

Master Chief questioned the absurdity of the mission.

"He's an arrogant and overconfident psychopath who thinks he can keep fooling everyone."

Ms. Q said with a distasteful expression.


"But why put all of it in one location?"

Still confused at the madmans mindset.

"There were rumours of him saying something about an ancient artifact he found in the old city of Babylon in Iraq....he said it had the power to teleport or transport something, he joked about building an army, I'm not really sure what it does or what he meant but he also claimed that he found King Solomon's treasure."

Ms. Q said.

"Wait, he found 'THE KING SOLOMON's TREASURE?'.....so it was no made up story about his wealth" The Maori/Samoan who is a Christian believer interrupted in surprise.

"What do you mean, Bravo Seven?"

Master Chief asked the Islander.

"The Bible said that King Solomon was granted not only wisdom, but also wealth. Many historians and so called experts believe that his 2 trillion dollars worth of treasure is just made up." The Islander explained.

"But the history books never gave an estimate on King Solomon's net worth, it only said to be unimaginable, so it could be more than 2 trillion." He continued

"That would mean he just found trillions of dollars worth of treasure....it would mean that Mr. Gibson is the richest man on earth."

Bravo Two who was listening in said in surprise.

"Why was this not on the report. You never mentioned this during the briefing?"

Master Chief said as he questioned the beauty infront of him.

"Like I said, it was all rumours, there was no intel or other sources to confirm his bragging."

"Yeah, so was your hunch, which is technically not a solid intel?"

Master Chief Rex counted.

"But I was right though, was I?"

Ms. Q said, taking the upper hand in the conversation.

Master Chief was finally silent as he couldn't rebuked her for being right.

"Just remember next time, you report every single intel, may it be rumours or factual intel."

He said as he walked past her.

Bravo Two, Five and Seven who were with Masterchief held back the laughter after seeing their cold faced leader speechless and losing in the conversation for the first time.

"Looks like Bravo One just met his match" Bravo Two said as he pat the back of Master Chief.

"Bravo One, you gotta see this." Bravo Eight who already started exploring interrupted on the comms.

"What is it?

"Just come a take a look, I'm way at the back."

As they all arrived at Bravo Eights location, they were beyong stunned.

"I'll be damned.......its FUCKING REAL!!!" Bravo Seven shouted.

"Rumours aye?" Master Chief said while eyeing Ms Q with the corner of his eyes, as the massive amount of Gold, Silver, diamonds, jewelleries, etc were right infront of him.

Ms. Q just shrugged her shoulders while walking past Master Chief. To check out the big crates of Gold.

"There is something over there"

Bravo Four said as he pointed towards a container in the middles of all the massive crates packed with King Solomon's Treasure.

"Bravo Two, call it in. Ask HQ how should we proceed with the mission.......rest of Bravo start planting you C4's. Once HQ gives confirmation to destroy, we all move out and blow the cave up."

"ROGER" all Bravo said in unison.

"Ms. Q, you're with me. Lets check that container."

As the both reached the container, Master Chief checked if there was any traps before opening it all the way.

"This must be the artifact"

Ms Q said as she picked up the artifact in an open crate inside the container. It was the only object inside.

The artifact in question is round in shape of a disc, it had some weird looking symbols.

"Bravo Two, come in..... what did Hector say?"

Master Chief called on his personal comms while looking at the artifact.

"Hector has advice to blow this place with everything in it." Bravo Two responded.

"What a Fucking waste, very well, lets move out as soon as all Bravo placed their C4's around." Master Chief said before ending his comms.

"Ms. Q you better put that back."

Master Chief said as took the artifact to place it in the crate, only to accidentally cut his thumb.


Master Chief quickly threw the artifact in the crate before placing his thumb in his mouth.

"Master Chief are you seeing this.......it's.......it's........it's glowing" The beauty said in surprise.


Master Chief Shouted over the comms as he and Ms Q ran out of the container.

The artifact turned brighter before releasing the white light all around.

Master Chief Rex, Ms. Q and the rest of Bravo who were running towards the gate were suddenly engulfed in white light.


It was the last thing Master Chief said on Earth.

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