《Ghost Unit In Another World》Chapter 2: The Cave


North of the Amazonian River


Two black inflatable boats travelling down the amazon river just as the sun is setting, though the noise is at its minimum, the boats travelled fast down river with the help of the currents.

Nine pers, all in jungle camo, some in green gillies, held on tight as the boat bounced, while pointing their rifles in all directions.

Master Chief, looking down at his GPS mounted on his wrist, as he sees that their current location is nearing the landing zone, which is 5 grid square away from the supposed objective.

"ETA...5 mikes" he conveys his message on his comms.

silent and stealthy they were throughtout the boat ride as they decended upon the landing zone.

Once the two inflatable boats reached the banks of the river, the nine pers got out as they quickly established a all round defence as 2 other bravo members pulled the inflatable boats on shore before covering it with a large military camo netting that blended the inflatable boats with its surroundings.

"Bravo 5, establish comms with HQ." Master Chief Rex ordered the korean tech guy of bravo team, to which he nobbed as a form of confirmation.

"Hector, this is Bravo, radio check over......Hector, this is Bravo, radio check over."

"Bravo, this is Hector. Comms are good, no statics over."

Master chief takes over the comms as his team scans their surrounds.

"Hector, this is Bravo One. Just settled down on checkpoint Banks break....All pers accounted for break....proceeding to establish checkpoint Oscar, over."

Master Chief used codenames for each checkpoints such as Banks (River Bank) and Oscar (Observation Post) to let Hector (HQ) know where they're located and where they're headed.

"Bravo One, This is Hector, you may proceed...Good luck out there, over."

"Will do, Bravo One Out."


After establishing comms with HQ, Master Chief than stood up after finding the general direction of the objective, which he and his men and woman started moving as the night engulfed the dark forest.

5 hours later

"Bravo one, up ahead" Bravo 7 who took point, radioed in on his personal comms.

"Good, establish an OP while I radio in."

"Roger" all Bravo team replied.

"Ms. Q, you stay close to me....don't move out of my sight till I say so, is that clear?"

Master Chief Rex ordered the only female in the group, in a serious cold tone.

"You're the boss..."

"Good" he replied before fixing his radio frequency to call HQ.

"Hector, this is Bravo One. Radio check over."

"Bravo One, All good on Comms, little interference but still good over"

"Hector, this is Bravo One, established checkpoint Oscar break....preparing to formulate our tactical advance break....will inform you on plan later, over."

"Bravo One copy, over."

"This is Bravo One, out."

3 hours later

"Bravo Seven, sitrep"

"Bravo One, Enemy base is some sort of natural cave....One way in.....one way out......but there is something off about this base." Bravo Seven replied as he observed the base through his night scope.

"What is it Bravo Seven."

"Naturally a powerful arms dealer should have a fortified base if he were to stash a massive amount of high grade weapons and ammunition.....but why does this base looks so weak?.....Like seriously, I count ten hostiles, no technicals, no sec cams.....I have no Idea how many hostiles are in the cave but that is the amount of hostiles I've spotted so far."

"That is quite puzzling, it makes it look like an invitation for us to just waltz right in." Master Chief said in confusion.


"If I may, Master Chief."

Ms. Q said as she came closer to Master Chief Rex.


"I think its easy to explain why."

Master Chief Rex could only raise an eyebrow while waiting for her to explain.

"Five days ago, Mossad picked up ariel surveillance on a suspected base in Iran. The base was suspected to be one of the weapons stash for the arms dealer Mr. Gibson Corrie. It was well fortified, it seemed impenetrable.....so the Israeli Air Force flew over and dropped a payload on the suspected base." Ms Q said as she tried to explain.

"I still don't get why this base would have so little on it's defense?."

Still looking confused, Master Chief looked at Ms Q to explain further.

"I think that those well fortified and well defended bases of Mr. Corrie are all decoys.....I believe that all his weapons are all in one location, which is here in this cave with less security....I think what he is trying to do is fool the agencies into believing that his weapons are somewhere in the other bases."

Ms. Q said trying to sound convincing.

"So we're here on a mission with this much intel and you telling me its all based on your hunch....ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY....THAT'S NOT HOW WE WORK...We need FACTS, BLOODY FACTS....ACTUAL INTEL."

Though Master Chief was not loud, but he was really pissed.

"I know you're pissed but just hear me out. The slippery bastard managed to fool Mossad, hell he might even fool the CIA. But one fact remains and that is the tracker we placed on that weapons crate....If you were to come across a base with little or no defense at all.....what would you think?."

As though her point is convincing enough.

"I would think there is nothing valuable here."


"Thats what he wants us to think...."

"But still this can be a death trap, there is only one way in and out.....what if there is a large number of hostiles inside the base....you want me to risk the lives of me and my men to see if your theory holds true?"

Master Chief raised his concerns for the safety of everyone in this mission.

"Then you just have to trust me Master Chief."

"Alright...but I'll have a word with my 2IC (2nd In Command) first."

"Bravo One, whats your decision?" Bravo Two who was listening in on the conversation, spoke.

"I don't feel good about this mission, we are going in blind not knowing what awaits us in there.....on the other hand, I feel that if she is right then we are missing on once in a lifetime opportunity here.....Fuckin' damn hard to decide."

"Bravo One, you know I have your back...we have your back....so whatever you decide we will follow."

Bravo two spoke with so much trust in their team leader.

"Thanks mate.....I guess we will go with her gut feeling then."

Master chief said after finally deciding.

"So What's the Plan Bravo One?"

"Hmmm........ There is only one way in and one way out......We still have the advantage of the forest and darkness.....we have the element of surprise...."

Master Chief kept contemplating before making up his plan.

"I guess there is only one thing we can do."

"What is that Bravo One?"

Master Chief looked at the British guy and smiled.

"We go through their front door and kick the motherfuckin' bitch down and introduce ourselves."

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