《Unknown Past》Volume 1 Chapter 4: Much to Learn, Part 5: Dodge's Perspective


We have finally reached our destination. The police headquarters of the city. Reminds me of a lot of the prisons I used to see in many video games on a remote island. The total number of strikers covers the streets for at least a few kilometers. Farther than my subtone can show me. Well then. The rich, play your cards.

I attempt to see ahead of me using my subtone. Many policemen are in front of their building, guns drawn, but many are shaking. The strikers advance.

Until a shot is heard.

One striker in the front falls wounded. But this won't make them back down. A roar of anger comes from the entire rally as those in front continue their advance in greater numbers. Some policemen flee into the building. Others join the rally and remove some of their police attire.


Many of the strikers start setting up their signs around the street. Some even electrical, much like my own. There are upsides to electric rhime in these circumstances.


More people are beginning to join the rally from the nearby stores and alleyways.


It would seem that today's march has reached its maximum size in terms of the street's size.



The electric signs turn on. The crowd continues to shout and advance.

And some begin to become more forceful.

The hidden channelers...are starting to take effect.

Many people use their rhime to activate the signs, get taller, and get louder. With these channelers, their rhime flow becomes more efficient, allowing them to exert more rhime with less effort. But there is one side-effect to overusing them...

It has begun.

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