《Wolves revolution》(11) Countdown begins!


the huge door was opened, and a dog followed by Ulker and two dogs behind him entered into a very wide courtyard that was often used in the speeches of the previous king, and The current king used it once,, and then closed the door.

The front dog walked towards the palace in front of them and the rest followed him. All the houses in the kingdom were one-story, without exception, and the palace was two-story, and it was very big...

They entered from the back door of the palace to its spacious inner courtyard and then ascended to the second floor through a ladder similar to the stairs of palaces usual for humans, then walked a little to reach a room with a large door that was the throne room....

The front dog said in a loud voice: We brought him, O king! the door was opened and they walked in, then closed it.

John was sitting on the throne, and Ellie was standing next to him, and to his right stood a large dog, and to his left stood a fierce dog, Ulker knew these two dogs well, they had an influential role in the fight alongside Jon's skeletons.... .

The convoy of dogs encircling Ulker advanced to the middle of the room, then retreated back, leaving him there...

Ulker gave John and the two dogs next to him the coldest eyes, while they were giving him looks of terror in the souls...

John rose from his throne and came a little closer to Ulker... Then he walked back and forth before him for a good while, then came closer to him and stared into his eyes saying: Where did you find the white wolf?

Ulker replied very quickly and steadfastly: What do you care about this white wolf! Don't tell me you hate him because his color is the opposite of yours!


John repeated his question pressing the letters.

This time Ulker stared in the eye for half a minute (it's easy to stare into this dog's eye because he has no one else haha) Then he spoke: What do you even care about occupying this little desert kingdom, did your father hit you on the ass and you became obsessed with control? Or do you have other goals?

John shouted: I'm the one asking here! answer my question!

Ulker: We found him in the desert.

This time John smiled.. Then he circled around Ulker.. Finally he began to speak: Ulker dear... I know you're more sensible than this, you don't want to start a fight, do you? Because you see the end before your eyes! Hehehe...and now! Will you answer my question?!

Ulker: A two-hour march southeast of the kingdom, are you comfortable?

At last John dwelt right in front of Ulker, and he stared into his eyes: And what took you there?

Ulker: Our king has prophesied that a wolf needs our help in this place.

John: Your king?! Am I not your king?!

Ülker (defying): No, you are not ours...

John was very angry, but he quickly got over his anger and said: You and your four men massacred hyenas?

Ulker: Yes, but the four were not my men, two of them were captains of the 5th and 6th divisions...

John: Hmm… A white wolf in the desert is surrounded by hyenas and is about to kill him, so that his body is covered in blood, and at this very moment his heroic saviors arrive to slaughter the hyenas brutally…

Then he closed his eyes and smiled, saying: Do you want me to believe this?!

Ulker shrugged: Believe it or not!

John was silent for a while, then said: What makes the white wolf want to stay? What brought him here in the first place!


Ulker: I don't know...

Jon walked back and forth again, looking into Ulker's eye from time to time, and every time he looked into his eyes he found the same cold look waiting for him....

Not long after, John said explaining each letter: The Seven Chosen Ones...

Ulker's eyes widened for a split second, nobody would have noticed, but Jon did.

John continued: Oh... it looks like you've heard that sentence before... I really didn't expect it!

Ülker: It's just a myth of our forefathers that has nothing to do with reality...

Silence prevailed...

'After what I heard now, it became clear, it's not just a legend! ' Think Ulker.

'As I expected, an event like this cannot be hidden perfectly, paranormal events of this kind are like gases, no matter how hard you try to hide them some leak out.... Or was that white wolf in the cave?! impossible… '

John thought... Then he spoke: Thank you for nothing, Mr. Ulker.

Then he looked at the three: Help the master out of here.

In one moment, Ulker surrounded the three dogs who had brought him, and walked him in the same way they had used before....until they came out of the midsection, and then left Ulker alone, he ran as fast as he could to a specific place in his mind.....

As for John, after Ulker had left him, he said: It's settled... This white wolf is one of the Seven Chosen... He's a danger to me, there's no time to wait!.....


We go back to where Volg left us: Frightened of what might happen to Ulker, Volg heads to Jax's house... and soon he is bitten by hunger, for he has been bearing his lightly pinches since yesterday....

He reached Viola's house quickly...knocked on him....Gax opened....

_ what do you want?!

= Actually... I...

Viola's voice came from within: Go ahead, Volg!... (Then her voice turned into a high tone as she said: ) Go away, Gax!...

Gax turned away, and Viola said, Oh my God! Why did I marry a man like you!...Come on, Volg!

Volg came in... Viola said: Sit down! (pointing her face (or her mouth, I don't know) to a furnished place).....

Volg sat down... She said: Do you want us to start training?...

He didn't answer... She made sure that something bad had happened (she had suspected this since she had seen Volg a while ago)....

She said: What happened?

He looked up at her and then said in a weak voice: They took him!

She said: Who took who?

He said: Dogs took Ulker.

She said: What! Where did they take him?

He said: I don't know.

She said, "Wait a minute..."

Then I went to another room that Gax had entered... and after a short time Gax ran out of the room and then walked out of the house....

Viola returned to Volg: Please...don't worry yourself...

Volg replied: Well...

Viola: So... do you want us to start our training?

Volg: It's okay...

Viola: But you have to eat something first!... You haven't eaten anything since morning... Right?

Volg: y...yes...

Viola: Well, I'll bring you food right now!...

Volg was ashamed and wanted to say something, but Viola left him and went to get him food...

************************************************** **

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