《Wolves revolution》(10): Danger!


Central District - King's Palace - Throne Room:

A black dog sat on the royal throne in one of the widest of the rooms, and this black dog had a patch on his left eye that looked like a pirate's patch, and he sat as animals usually sit.

As for the tall, low throne on which he was sitting, it was evident that it was designed for the wolf (the king) to sit on it in this way, as it was, of course, completely different from the thrones known to us humans....

In one side of the room, there was a low, round table...

Next to the king's throne, two dogs stood, one on the right and the other on the left..., and in front of the throne stood another dog.....

The dog said: Sir, we have verified the matter, and it is most likely that the white wolf was brought to the kingdom hours after the estimated time for the death of the hyenas!

John thought: If this wolf had something to do with the hyena massacre, that explains his entry into the kingdom stained with blood, and also increases my doubts, the whole thing is suspicious... A king whose vision is not mistaken... . Ulker leaves the kingdom with four of his men and returns late (( (unusually) and his men carry a wolf covered in blood, then later discovers that it is a white wolf...

'Then the most important point! My men find rotting corpses of nearly thirty hyenas, a two-hour walk in the southeast of the kingdom! It is clear that they were killed...or dismembered in a more correct sense!...'

'Then the white wolf does not want to leave the kingdom after being completely healed..... Then what I heard now!...... After connecting all these things the picture becomes clear and clear.....'


He smiled as he continued talking to himself: Haha! Omoshiroi!... But I have to try to be more sure!.....

Then he said at last to the dog who was waiting in front of him: Bring me Ulker and stop him in front of me..... I will interrogate him myself....

The dog made a sound of compliance: Ha!

Then leave.....

John shouted: Ellie!

Immediately, an old gray dog ​​looking malicious came out of one of the doors on the walls of the room.....

- Yes sir!

= Tighten the watch around the white wolf.... Watch his every move!

- As you wish, sir!

Ellie went to another door, John watched him until he disappeared... After a few seconds he spoke to himself: Sir..ka!


The sun had risen a little in the sky, Ulker was walking and behind him Volg...

Ulker said: Hear me well, the territory of the wolves is greater than you can imagine, and there is no point in memorizing all their ways.

You will memorize the road that connects three places: your house, the house of Gax, and the house of the king, now make your concentration to the maximum....... We will now head to the house of Gax.. .

Volg and Ulker walked for a good while....until they reached Gax's house....Ulker knocked on the door....Gacks opened it with his sharp eyes as usual, which intensified when he caught a glimpse of Volg behind Ulker....

Ulker said, "We want to meet Viola!"

Gax looked at Ulker a little... Gax with his usual stern eyes, and Ulker with his usual cold eyes...

Gax entered his house, shutting the door without speaking..... After a while he opened the door again to show Jax saying: Enter..... Then he steps aside to enter Ulker, then Volg...... Inside Viola stood... ..


- How are you, Volg?

= The best.

Ulker: Listen, Viola, I'm going to memorize some ways for Volg, so he'll be a little late for your lesson...

Viola gave a soft laugh, saying, "No problem...

Volg and Ulker came out of the house, Ulker stood and looked at him, saying: Save the shape of this house, and the area around it....

The two stood in front of the house for a while, before Ulker said: Now try to take us back to the king's house...

Volg pondered the road a little, then walked along it, and Ulker walked behind him.... After a short while, Volg found three dogs advancing towards them!...

The dogs passed by Volg staring at him, two of them stood behind Ulker, while the other stood in front of him, saying: You will come with us!

Then he turned and walked, and the two dogs followed Ulker, saying: Move!

Then move.

Volg wanted to do something.... had it not been for Ulker to point to him with his eyes that it was okay....

Not knowing what to do, Volg decided to go back to Viola's house.

Ulker walked, following the dog in front of him, and behind him two dogs...

After a long time, they reached the door leading to the central area.


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