《Ocean of Dreams》Chapter 22 The Rassel Glades
"Dane, I'm glad to take the helm for a while," Raemolle said.
"Fine, but it's Greyla's turn according to the time sheet."
"I know, but she's in the hold building fish tanks of some sort."
De'Marc laughed. "We couldn't expect her to leave such important work to pilot the boat."
"And pity the fool who asks her," Raemolle agreed.
De'Marc retired to his quarters and left Raemolle on the bridge.
Raemolle called to his wife lounging on the roof of the cabin, "What's so interesting you prefer its company to your husband's?"
"I'm reading my manual on the physics of radioactive particles," she replied. "I suppose you've finished reviewing yours?"
"Several times. Ask me anything."
Danlea climbed up to the bridge and sat down in the doorway of the chart room. "Alright, I will."
Which isotope of uranium is best suited for use in weapons.?"
"What elements are formed when U- 235 is bombarded by a neutron?"
Before he could answer, the radio crackled and popped in the chart room.
"I didn't know Dane got the blasted thing working," Raemolle said. "See if you can get through to anyone."
"I haven't been instructed on its use, William."
"Neither have I. I can't leave the helm, so either you answer it or take over the wheel. We shouldn't disturb Dakry unless its absolutely necessary."
"Well, I'm sure Greyla knows how to operate it. She cut her baby teeth on a boat."
The radio popped again and sputtered. "Come in Sea Grinder."
"Hurry up. We'll miss the call."
"Alright, but if I break something you're to blame."
Danlea leaned over the controls and picked up the microphone. It had a couple of buttons, but the letters were worn so badly she couldn't read them. She picked the most logical one and pressed it. "Hello?"
A loud squeal came back to her, and she released it.
"Stand back!" A voice shouted over the speaker.
She jumped at the sound and stood back as directed.
"Well, say something."
She hesitated, wondering what she had done wrong.
"Are you deaf or just trying to aggravate me?"
This time Danlea recognized Koutou's voice coming through. She pushed the button again.
"No, I'm trying to figure out how to use this damn thing," she replied holding down the button. The radio squealed again, and she let go of it.
"Only push the button when you're talking."
"Okay. And I know who you are."
"Hello Monkey!"
"Hello Koutou. Why are you calling?"
"To see if you poor devils are still alive and report back to Jejliard."
"We are for the moment. But then we haven't reached the Glades yet."
"Where are you now?"
"Somewhere south of Agartoon."
"Where's De'Marc?"
"That's good then. Call us when you know something. Must go. Goodbye Monkey."
"Wait. What's going on up there?"
"Classified. Be glad you're not here."
"Don't worry Monkey. We can handle it without you."
De'Marc set a heading for the Theopia mainland below Agartoon. Once there he avoided the more open waters and skirted the coast on his way south. It would take a week’s travel at full power to reach their remote destination. The choice of transportation was deliberate to make them appear to be a low budget research operation. They drew little attention when they refueled at Catspaw, the last fuel station before leaving civilization.
He eased the Sea Grinder up to one of the deep water-piers and tied her securely. It was obvious how this port got its name. A fat rounded peninsula protruded from the steep shoreline. There were small rocky islets circling the peninsula like toe pads. Piers jutted from each islet like claws into the sea. Large canons were mounted on stone towers which had been built on each islet out of native rock from the area.
"That's a little intimidating," Raemolle commented looking up at the massive barrel of a canon
"Peace through strength," De'Marc replied. "Catspaw is an open trade center and prides itself on respecting no nation's laws."
Raemolle looked out from the bridge. "Is it safe to go ashore here?"
"Safe enough," De'Marc said. "It'll take about an hour to refuel and take on fresh water. You may as well have a look around."
"I want to see the bazaar," Greyla said. "Come on, Danlea. This is the last opportunity to buy a scrap of cloth or hair comb for weeks."
They caught one of the skiffs running back and forth from the refueling stations on the piers to the peninsula. There was a good number of people browsing the booths and tables set up for trade under long awnings and open tents.
Raemolle found a tent selling fishing gear and struck up a conversation with a fellow eager to share his knowledge of the local waters.
Danlea purchased a large woven basket from a merchant and filled it with fresh fruit and vegetables. "This will be a welcome change of menu," she said.
Greyla nodded in agreement. As much as she loved the sea it was good to walk on solid ground again. She picked up some flints and a couple of sharp knives from one of the vendors. He flashed a gold tooth when he smiled and spoke with a thick brogue native to the area.
"Where do such beautiful women find such an old ship?" he asked.
Greyla laughed. "We're on a tight budget."
"Expecting trouble? "
"No, why?"
"It has armor, yes?"
"Armor?" Greyla turned and looked back at the Sea Grinder. It was riding higher in the water while nearly empty of fuel. She could see the rivets in the plate metal on the hull that was now exposed above the water line. The top row of plate was disguised and covered in ornamental wood, but the Sea Grinder was in fact steel plated.
"Well how about that?" Greyla replied. "They tossed the armor in for free."
The man laughed as he wrapped up the knives in a coarse piece of cloth. "May the gods favor your journey."
"Greyla smiled. "I pray they will. Thanks."
She moved on to catch up with Danelea who was being accosted by an aggressive youngster adorned with several necklaces and a row of bracelets up his arm. They were made of shell and beads of carved bone strung on leather strips.
"I carved these myself, lady," he said, showing off his wares.
"Very nice," Danlea said. "How much?"
"Five rodas," he replied.
"They're only worth one," Greyla countered. She reached out her hand out to keep Danlea from paying.
"No, I must have five." the boy insisted.
"Why must you have five? It's too much," Greyla bargained.
"I have to eat. A meal costs five."
"How about we buy two for five?"
The boy hesitated, then smiled. "You win this trade."
"You still make a good profit."
Danlea paid the boy. "You're a little young to be working for your meals."
"No. I'm almost ten."
"Where are your folks?" Danlea asked.
"Nosey lady. They're dead."
"Oh, I'm so sorry."
"I wouldn't believe everything he says, Danlea."
"It's true enough."
"What's your name?" Danlea asked.
"Well here's for you next meal, Ben." Danlea handed the boy another five roda.
"Let's get you out of here before the word gets around you are such a softie," Greyla said turning back toward the dock.
Ben smiled and placed his hand over his heart. Danlea returned the gesture.
Greyla shook her head. "Sweet. Now let's go."
They took the next skiff back to the Sea Grinder and unloaded their goods. De'Marc was smoking his pipe and overseeing the refueling."
"Aren't you going ashore?" Danlea asked.
"No. I've got to keep an eye out or we may end up with the second fuel tank full of water."
"They'd seriously try to get away with that?"
"Sure. You'd be days out before switching tanks."
Raemolle came in half an hour later with some netting and new fishing equipment.
"Looks like I'm not the only easy mark," Danlea said.
"I learned quite a lot," Raemolle said. "Here a chart of the local fish and more notably which ones are poisonous."
"Good to know."
"Speaking of knowing," Greyla said turning to De'Mark. "Did you you know the Sea Grinder has armor plated steel on the hull?"
"Does she now? I can't believe I missed that little detail."
"One of the vendors pointed it out. I saw it clearly. The wood above the water line is hiding it."
"That's a stroke of luck," De'Marc said. "Here's hoping we won't need it."
After the tanks were filled, De'Marc paid the depot attendant and headed back out to sea. A small figure on the shoreline waved. It was Ben.
* * *
Catspaw behind them, they headed south for another few days until the clear water turned a dirty shade of green and marsh grasses dotted the coastline. The Sea Grinder was the perfect size for navigating the shallow passages and winding water ways of the boggy island chain known as the Rassel Glades, punctuated by swamps and groves of tropical trees in the higher elevations. They all took turns watching for obstacles hidden below the surface in the unfamiliar waters.
De'Marc called down from the bridge. "We need to decide on a place to set up our research camp."
Greyla ran up the ladder to have a look.
"There's several places here above water," De'Marc said. "Pick one."
"That looks promising," Greyla said to De'Marc. She pointed to one of the larger tracts of trees.
"It does," he said and slowed to a crawl. "We need to establish a base somewhere. This is as good as any since we don't have a clue where to start looking."
De'Marc anchored the vessel. To either side were tall trees with roots growing into the water and low hanging branches. The solid ground beyond the water's edge looked inviting compared to the expansive marsh they had navigated. The dark green foliage provided a lot of shade, and it would be cooler under the canopy of trees.
"I'm surprised we made it this far in," Raemolle said climbing up to join them.
"Shallow draft on this vessel and I set the prop up at an angle. Not as efficient, but gives us better clearance," De'Marc explained.
Danlea was in the chart room where she could often be found when not in the galley. "There's a channel cut through here by the river we've been following."
"How can you see anything?" Raemolle asked. "The water is like mud and there's no marker buoys."
"It's on the chart and I found an old sonar unit that still works," Danlea replied.
"This is about as far as we go though. Might get stuck," De'Marc added.
They anchored the Sea Grinder in the middle of the narrow channel and went ashore by dingy. It took a couple of trips to get the tents and supplies to their campsite. De'Marc chose an area on the highest point of ground with a clear view of their boat.
"I really miss the crystal-clear waters back home," Greyla said. "This is my first time in a swamp."
"I don't like it here," Danlea said. She gave a little shudder.
"We're not sleeping on the shore," Greyla said. She was thinking of the snakes and various things that might crawl into her sleeping bag.
"No. I think not," De'Marc said. "We just need to look like we're doing something as an excuse to be here while we investigate."
"There's not a good view of the sky from here," Raemolle said. "It will be hard to convince anyone I'm studying the stars with all the trees in the way."
"We'll set your telescope up on the Sea Grinder on top of the cabin. I can move her father out if necessary after we're through unloading."
"The boat might work for general astronomy, but our deep space observations can't be made from a floating surface. You have no idea the sensitivity of my telescope."
"I doubt the locals here would either. It'll have to do."
They pitched a large tent. Greyla set up a crude lab with portable tables and a few aquarium tanks run on batteries.
"Who knows?" she said. "I might even find something." She opened a small heavy box, took out some badges and gave one to each person.
"Be sure to wear these at all times, even at night," Greyla said and pinned her badge to her shirt.
"What are these for?" Danlea asked. The badges were marked with the Novaland insignia and alpha-numerical codes for individual identification.
"Radiation detection. If they turn red, we get out."
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