《Zombie Book》Drop Database


[From now on you shall call me 'Drop Database'] [Okay Drop] Adam [No Problem Mr. DB] Eve She chuckled as she said it. It was such a cute smile. I believe she got the joke. /* It was a common trick. Typing this command could cause a system to delete itself. Assuming that this world is a computer simulation, it could be malicious. */

Cute, she gets me. She gets that I don't get anything. She understands that I assume that this world cannot be real. She knows that she and Adam just don't seem normal to me. I feel really relieved. Near these two abnormals, I can be who I am. I can say whatever I want. No one is judging me. I no longer have to be the crazy tranny or the wannabe punk.

[We're going into that town now to build a base.] Drop Database I told them that we were building a safe refuge. We're going to collect all the books in the area and shove the knowledge into Adam. We will have a base like a castle. Traps and secret passageways A keep where everyone takes shelter in case of an attack. Zombie-proof doors that might open upwards. With two gates. It will work like an airlock. Except with zombies. We will build two walls around our base. I've always been annoyed by movies where everyone dies when a wall comes down. While I was daydreaming, we reached a rum distillery. A perfect spot for an early base. A solid fence, a few cars, a building far too large for the three of us, but my ambitions were even bigger. First, we made sure we closed the gate. It was an electric gate, but it was equipped with a fail-safe crank. [Leave no one alive ..or dead] Drop Database [I'm gonna make sure of that, DB] Eve It was one of those modern facilities whose locks were all replaced by electronic chips. It was no problem to get a chip card. The problem was the lack of power. And without it we were dependant on more physicality methods. The doors were made of steel and very solid. Ideal if you're inside, but a pitty if you're not. Fortunately, one of the warehouse doorways was open. Immediately some employees stumbled towards us in order to eat our brains. It was getting to be late, we'd better hustle. Eve was performing a systematic sweep of the complex. She conscientiously checked that each room was secure. There were some broken, disassembled and jammed doors. Other areas remained completely sealed off from us.


After Eve cleaned the building, we made ourselves comfortable in a small break room. Two sofas A snack vending machine A coffee automat. After I failed to steal some snacks out of the vending machine, Adam tried it as well, but he didn't failed. Eve suggested smashing the vending machine. But I insisted on keeping it. After all, this is our home now. We also still had enough rations for at least a week. We pushed the sofas in front of the two doors. They were only wooden doors, it is a freely accessible area after all. [We should get some rest now.] Drop Database While I was still wondering who of us will get a couch and who won't, I noticed how Eve closed her eyes and lay down right where she stood. I guess that settles that. I think she could even sleep while standing, maybe even while walking. While I was wondering about it, I settled down on the couch and drifted off to sleep.

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