《the chamber of renewal》the hungry number 8 it all


Ben shifted on the bed trying sit up completely rather than just being propped up by pillows. His soft cover fell down to his lap. The edge of the table is just within reach if he stretches for it so he set the cup there on the edge. His body felt heavy his face hot and lumpy feeling.

He looked around the room, to see if a new name for something would pop into his head like before, like woven did.

Was the flooring called something? It was..... sticks? no, so no that one he had no idea of but what about those flat things in the wall the one that looked like bricks... Ha ha yeah ok that one was good he knew brick. What else he thought what else?

maybe the soft cover did he know that? No my thoughts are blank on the covers Ben couldn't think of a name for them.

Just as Ben was asking himself about the things on the board Milly backed through the doorway pushing it open with her hips. This naturally drew Ben's attention to them and he forgot what he was trying to remember. The hips under observation were round and much wider than Ben's and covered with a rich brown cloth. A wide belt with delicate yellow green and blue embroidery of flowers and leaves gathering the, ... dress!

over Milly's hips accentuating them. Wow thought Ben hips are just as interesting as "those" Why can't I remember what what to call them?

Milly set another board with handles on the table next to the first. On it a plate with golden brown clusters of little bread balls and two bigger oblong breads with a very dark reddish brown color. There is also two small ceramic bowls, one with a thick black oil and the other butter.


Do you want to try the cloud or the bobo first? Milly drew a short shiny knife from her belt and began to cut one of the dark breads. I am going to have some bobo.

Can I try the cloud? That's the one that looks like bread bubbles right? Ben points to the golden clusters of globes.

Oh yeah those are supposed to have the crunt oil. You tear one off and dip it. It's not my favorite but lots of people really like them. Ok so questions for you. Milly looks Ben in the face.

Ok so lets see what sort of learning you have.

Ben pulls one of the cloud balls off and dips a little bit of oil on it. Ok he says as he nods his head ask me what you want.

He takes a bite of bread from the side without oil. He wants to know what the cloud bread taste like without the oil first.

It is sort of bland just a little sweet vaguely sour. Cloud bread is very soft not crunchy at all.

Yeah starting with mathematics then.

how high can you go in a column of numbers before you need a new column.

it depends on the base you are counting in.

Ben tires the other half with the oil and he really doesn't like it.

Ben does the same thing with the butter. Oh yeah butter is good he thinks. What is crunt oil made of ?

It's made from a fish with lots of wiggly legs and cod liver. Pay attention now I only agreed to test you as a favor to headmaster Digless. He will be doing a much more thorough job of it later. I will introduce you later after your not so delicate, surprised you managed to sit up without breaking in half what with how scrawny you look. speaking of, are you ready to get back to it?


Yeah sorry ask away

Milly began to ask about math in earnest

Ok good seven multiplied by ....... after a lot of math questions.

Alright then so you know all the math I know and more.

And you have an education of some quality. I am not any good at history or geography and I won't waste my time asking about medicine. Most people think bone is made of chalk or limestone or something else equally silly like wood.

Milly gave Ben a speculative look. Yeah alright just to be fair.

Do you know what bone is?

collagen and carbonated hydroxyapatite an inorganic compound mostly made of calcium and phosphate.

in a matrix of hard and elastic elements providing support and armor for locomotion and important organs respectively.

Ben took the bobo from the table and tore a piece off of it and dipped it in the butter. Bobo is really good! Mmm what's it like with butter!?

Milly was standing with half a buttered bobo sticking out of her mouth. She was just looking at Ben in shock not biting or chewing.

Wha bib uu buf fay? The bread dropped from her mouth without notice. Phosphorus, thats why?

Suddenly Milly lit up like she was standing in sunshine. Sparkles of red and green light swirled around her before

being absorbed by her and a deep golden tone filled the air with reverberating sound.

From out the doorway man hollered. Who was that?! That was a healers note. Milly! Milly! it has to be you. It was a minor epiphany? Or did you level? A short very thick man with wiry gray hair and a heavy silver beard comes running around the corner of the doorway he is holding his beard up off of the ground as he is gripping the edge of the door with the other so his feet don't skid

What did you find out where did you find new information did he have a book hidden so.... the man stopped in his tracks and under his breath he whispered "shave me bald it's a full blown revelation".

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