《Earth Exodus》12 The essence of the problem
From the top of the eastern section of the wall we looked out to the treeline. From it we were soon expecting a hoard of rift spawn to rush. The battle hadn't started yet but I already felt dead tired. It wasn't my body sending these messages but rather my shadows. I didn't blame them for the unintentional spam as they'ed been running flat out for nearly an hour. Even without a physical body whatever was fueling them was not infinite. They'd luckily been able to swap out of the least desirous position of the one being chased by jumping into or out of the shadows of the very beasts chasing them. This worked surprisingly well, and even kept all of the shadows right at hand when the swaps were needed. Though having to jump straight toward a pair of jaws nipping at you while pulling into it's shadow just moments before being bitten wasn't exactly the most sane thing to repeatedly do. One thought that permeated up from one of the shadows was instead to jump into the shadows that were running, but although that was an interesting, mind bending, and likely good solution this wasn't the best time to be testing new features or capabilities. We were as liable to trip over ourselves and end up being snacked on as we were to actually figure anything out.
My physical body was starting to enter a feedback loop with all the feelings of exhaustion was now itself claiming to be worn out which made me start to slump down on the wall. It was only after I was fully sitting on the rampart and leaning against the crenelations holding my head in my hands that the shadows and the chasing hoard burst through the edge of the forest and head straight for us. Nobody really needed to move or prepare though. We'd had decent time to prepare and then after every possible productive thing was done still had time to wait for what we knew was coming. There was definitely benefits to my shadows that I hadn't been taking advantage of before. when they were more then halfway to the walls the few shadows currently acting as bait jumped into the shadows of the chasing rift spawn as well. There were a few hounds that became confused and slowed but the majority of the pack was already focused on the defenders arrayed ahead of them and didn't even stumble as they continued running toward us. Though this was around the same time that the archers from our end loosed their first volley. With them the rest of those with ranged capability did the same, such as Samuel who sent a fireball out to meet them.
As masses of the rift hounds limped onward with injuries or even fell whimpering or dead I found myself for a moment again wondering at how these simple minded hoards had kept this town, and apparently the whole world, from progressing for generations. The momentary thought was quickly quashed as the hoard continued to pour from the forest. Not only that but I remembered that usually they didn't have hours of prep time and instead needed to be constantly on alert. Sometimes having only minutes of warning before a wave of monsters was set upon them. I quickly found myself instead marveling they hadn't lost the town entirely. The endless planning and preparedness, which had seemed excessive did clearly have their benefits. With that another thought occurred to me, as powerless as my shadows had initially seemed it was clear they were directly responsible for what could be a major change to the status quo here. Maybe it was just an egotistical thought but it helped me feel a little more dignified as I physically sat on the wall doing nothing, and my shadows sat hiding in among the shadows of the hoard recuperating meanwhile my fellow Earthlings and the Vauthians fought directly with them risking their lives and limbs.
Their bravery inspired me to do more. My shadows, as tired as they were, still had some energy left to work with. With a few suggestions from me they jumped shadow a few times over to our armies side. They then pulled up their sight and surveyed what they could. I felt impotent just watching the fray, but the entirety of my capabilities was currently focused on my ability to gather information. I wasn't just going to sit panting while my fellows fought for their lives. Grabbing a general view of the battlefield the shadows tried to gather up what information they could. Hopeful for some hint to actual empowerment not just improving existing abilities we already knew of. Caroline had hinted that what she'd awakened in me was capable of limitless growth since we hadn't seen that yet we'd keep searching. The shadows watched as our allies fired of multiple skills and abilities. They watched as enemies were hit and felled.
The skills looked similar to what we had seen before. It did give some understanding of what was happening but not enough to actually replicate, imitate, or even be certain of how their capabilities operated yet. Many new things were still seen. The many small structures populating the surface of their ectoplasmic selves seemed to be gathering the ever present mists seen in this frequency. Similar structures were doing the same in the soul spectrum, but in a different manner. These only acted when an enemy was felled. Their souls seemed to burst apart sending out a different kind of mist which was collected by the runic structures into the allied souls. This wasn't a perfect explanation but it looked like the two were collecting errant energy and turning it into mana or stamina, and the other collecting the essence of an enemy for what their systems called experience. This second assumption was all but confirmed when one person said they'd leveled up and the shadows saw a wave wash over both their ectoplasmic and soul spectrums. The wave took the form of another runic structure this one as complex as any I'd seen, even mine. It carried with it the previously seen essence and could be seen altering all the other structures it passed using this essence. Increasing their size and complexity as it moved along. After this alteration each smaller structure seemed not only to be stronger, but better. The feeling was that we were finally beginning to grasp enough of the basics to try something on our own.
One of the shadows emerged and stayed as clear from the fighting as possible while still remaining within the radius of the death explosions seen in the soul spectrum. The constant fighting and death just paces away gave essentially a continuous stream of essence. So, the shadows were quickly able to gather lots of data. The essence seemed to be quite sticky. Once it impacted an entity it stayed there without even needing a runic structure. Without them though it simply stuck there on the surface for a time before slowly starting to sink in. Although the one dealing the killing blow definitely got the brunt of the essence others around still got some. Even those in the rows behind and the surrounding enemies were hit. Though the runic structures definitely altered this uncontrolled outburst. It seemed to form some kind of vacuum sucking in the errant essence, although not just leaving it at that. There was some process of exchange it seemed, between allies at least, as in some areas the suction was reversed and allowed essence to be sent to others. Though this wasn't perfect. The single shadow soul's surface was still peppered with small bits that were not captured by this proactive feature of their system. There was even some that hit the ground but it was quickly being sucked into any nearby souls by their system.
Though neither myself nor any of the shadows had any clue how to actually use this essence it seemed worthwhile to get as much as we could. The rest of the shadows stepped out of their hiding places and positioned and spaced themselves the best they could to stay out of everyone's way, while staying as close as they could to gather what essence was available. As the battle wore on the non-combatant coordinators and the combat captains had started giving the shadows orders. Such as to hand out munitions, remove debris, or to aid those in need. Each order was quickly carried out. I'd rather not be sent packing because I wasn't willing to help. I needed to have something to experiment with if I was ever going to improve, so I wasn't going to miss any of this essence. Though even as they carried out the requests the shadows and I were noticing minor changes already. Those spears they were carrying out of the way. The one's that had been integral in breaking the charge, but were now useless in the close quarters combat. They were far heavier than I thought the shadows could have carried before the fight. Granted they still struggled like a toddler would have if asked to carry it, but they were able to actually get it to move. Something that would have left them shamed and asking for help just a couple hours before. The Soul spectrum showed a related change. The initial softball sized 'souls' of the shadows, which hadn't changed in size since they were spawned, were now looking something more like a grapefruit. I hated to admit it but having played softball as a kid, and also having begrudgingly liked the sour fruit, I knew that although close in size the grapefruit was slightly larger.
Quieting and calming the initial excitement each of the shadows kept at their given tasks while having the secondary focus on the essence intensified. It was through this increased focus that eventually it was noticed one of the shadows seemed to be exerting a field around themselves. Nothing quite so grand or powerful as what the system was apparently able to do for the others, but something all the same. Essence, as it flew by would instead spiral inward as if with a gravitational pull. Sadly as soon as it was noticed the phenomenon stopped. Likely due to shock and not understanding how it happened in the first place. This only seemed to spur a greater desire in the others though and soon another was seen with this field. Again it stopped after being noticed, but again, and sooner this time, another showed the same field. While around them the now hours long battle waged on a new battle started internally. The shadows fought to maintain their composure as a growing hunger grew in them for essence, for power, and for growth. I could feel it building as it was unintentionally sent to me. The desire for what others were handed freely. The power Samuel showed as they eviscerated enemies with a gesture. The Strength Edward showed as he hefted a sword without struggling. The endurance Avery showed as she blocked the persistent hounds that threatened her and our allies.
Each of them felt, just as I did, exactly how powerless I'd been back on earth. This new 'power' that had, granted turned out to be more capable than initially thought, had still forced me into sitting in the back cowering while my fellow earthlings stood up for themselves. I'd had enough, they'd had enough. Watching people we respected and trusted fight for their lives was not helping the internal struggle. As one of the shadows brought back another spear that had been discarded he hefted it, feeling how it's weight had gone from impossible to lift down through a struggle and finally was getting to be just a minor inconvenience. The improvement was good but wasn't enough to actually use it offensively. Setting it down he looked at the other weapons arrayed next to it. Grabbing a dagger he did a few experimental slashes. Surprise blossomed as it felt almost easy to wave it about. Looking up and turning he saw again the carnage of those who were injured and even a few that, although not dead yet, were unlikely to make it if the onslaught kept up like it had. Back in my physical body I felt, almost involuntarily, the desire to look out over the battlefield again. What we saw didn't improve our collective thoughts. Although more sparsely now there were still rift spawn rushing out of the treeline and joining the attack. Shaking my head as what washed over me left I realized that shadow had just remotely viewed through me as I did through them. Slightly concerned I watched through his eyes as he started back toward the front line, and then picked up the pace to a dead sprint. Upon reaching the rear of the line he leaped. With the sudden increase in strength the near weightless misty shadow nearly flew over the line and started down in a arch toward the hounds, who seemingly confused looked up at the flying shadow. It must have looked like a single flying dagger from that angle.
Our allies slowed as well as my other shadows and watched as this one held out its dagger and continued its decent straight into one of the hounds. The head of which was staked into the dirt after which the shadow immediately dissipated as it merged into a nearby shadow. Only for it to shoot out a moment later from below another hounds jaw, dagger pointed up penetrating it's throat before being jerked out roughly. I realized suddenly it had somehow taken the dagger with it into the shadow which was amazing, but I was distracted from this display by another. Almost in sync every other shadow turned as one to the nearest stockpile, each grabbing a pair of daggers this time, then the group of shadows slipped out past the still slightly stunned front line. A wave of death was then seen flowing outward through the hounds. Like reapers the shadows would appear, a Rift spawn would die, and then they would slip away again into the shadows. Back on the wall where my body still stood I felt a rush of different emotions. I wasn't exactly surprised at the turn of events. I'd been internally day dreaming for some way to improve my shadows strength and combine it with their other capabilities to gain some kind of effective fighting style. This was one such thought process, although I had only wished it would be as effective as it was turning out to be. The captains around me didn't seem to be reacting poorly or positively to what had just happened although they did react by adjusting the structure of the line in response. Turning my attention back to my shadows I allowed an internal and silent shout of excitement to propagate out to them.
- In Serial17 Chapters
Wonderous Tales of the Northern Kingdoms
A short story collection set in a medieval Fantasy world, "Wonderous Tales of the Northern Kingdoms" takes you to the three kingdoms Seathornia, Sucellie, and Waldbergen. Follow their human and nonhuman inhabitants on their adventures. The stories tell the experiences of:- orphan girl Tilly and her water horse companion Domhnull, - healer Friedbert and his wood sprite foster grandmother Adalberga,- vampire assassin Dragomira,- mountain fairy Blanchefleur,- long-eared slave Otaspes,- King's brother Doderic,- and nightmare Princess Himiltrud. The short stories are interconnected with characters from different stories crossing paths and chronological dependencies. Nonetheless, each story can also be read on its own. The word count ranges from ca. 1800 to 2800 words. The story collection is completed with a total of fifteen short stories and two extras. Although a possible future continuation is generally an option, it is not too likely.*******This is my first time publishing one of my fictions. I am using this short story collection as a way to test the waters before I seriously consider publishing a novel. As English isn't my mother tongue, I would appreciate it if native speakers, anglicists or any other proficient users of the English language could kindly inform me about any mistakes in grammar or word choice so that I may correct it. The same applies to any sentence or paragraph that may sound unnatural in English.
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Matamura Yori-no, the daughter of a wealthy merchant, unhappily honors her family's decision to marry her off to her father's business partner, thus securing the welfare of her future. But when her father is cheated by one of his workers, stalling Yori's marriage and leaving her family penniless, her mother proposes that they hand the girl over to the lord of their region, a mysterious and reclusive man since the death of his sixth wife. Accepted as the seventh wife of Lord Ashiro, Yori settles down to her life of being married to one of the highest-ranking men in her land, unprepared for the life she has become a part of. The longer Yori spends with her husband, the more about his twisted past and the dark fate of his previous six wives she unveils. When she reveals that the secret Ashiro has been keeping from her threatens their world, she is caught between loyalty to her lord and determination to stay alive, unwilling to share the same fate as her predecessors...
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In a world, where the strong are revered and hailed by the weak, where the weak rise up to be strong, and where the strong die to be weak once more. This is the world of elementalist, those who control the elements to their will, and summoners, who have the ability to summon familiars to serve them. This world is known as Estela, currently at peace yet clouded with the sins of man, corrupted by the hands of man, defiled by the hands of man.Let the shadows plunge this evil world into darkness, to gain a chance to have light shine upon it once more ...-Warning- Yandere Harem...(My first story so I don't know what to make of it. Criticism is always welcome, since it helps me improve.)
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Interactive Evolution
The world and it's species all begin with just a cell, its a game of evolution, for one to adapt to their surrounding. Where will this journey take you? How will you adapt to the surroundings?.Will you be an arachnid whose body is as hard as steel. Will you be a blind water raptor whose's strength can break through solid rock. A bird who can control the wind with just their mind. A fish who eats items whole or a plant who can grow into space. The possibilities are endless.The start of all creatures begins with just a cell. As the cell grows it starts to differenciate from each other. But from this cell you begin to form.You are a single cell.________________________________________________________________________________________---New author on this site, I have wrote before, but I have never really shared my work. This is based on a role play I would normally do with my friends. The choices are first come first serve, the faster you join the more you can influence the story. Hope you enjoy and expect short chapters, tons of time-skips, and lots.... and lots of choices.
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