《The Shadows Of The Lost》1.21 - Soulmates


Out of all the places in their vast headquarters, the star deck was her favorite place. Mainly, because it was the most peaceful location in the headquarters. Away from all the roles of the leader where she could be alone if she needed to think about something or if she needed to be alone for a while. It was where she could get away from everything shortly.

“I can see why you like it up here,” said Dante.

Astrid turned around from her position. She saw him standing there with his hands in his pockets. She hugged her knees as gestured for him to join him.

“It’s calm and away from all the chaos that goes on downstairs,” said Astrid. “And looking at the stars reminds me of home.”

Dante nodded and came to stand next to her outside. Dante was still gazing out at the stars.

“Have you ever been up there?” asked Dante

“No… I want to,” said Astrid. “In some way, I think it will bring me some peace and we probably will have to go up there because it is the people of the galaxy we are protecting too.”

“You know, after we met… it took us a long time to get together. We also kept meeting after that first time and then there was that hell-beast we fought together before I joined the agency,” said Dante.

“Not hell-beast, it was a shadow beast,” said Astrid. “Created from some truly dark energy. Nothing like yours. That was purely created from Nox’s energy which he got fairly unnaturally.”

“I wanted to know why you’ve been avoiding me ever since the second time we met,” said Dante. “After we fought that monstrous hell-beast. Why were you avoiding me?”


“Because… because that was the first time it occurred to me that I was falling in love with you, okay? That was why I was avoiding you,” said Astrid. She messed with her family crest necklace. “You were also with someone else, and you were happy, Dante. I didn’t want to get in the way. If you were happy, so was I. I’m sure you know that by now…”

“That… we are soulmates,” said Dante as he looked sideways at her. “You know that we are meant to be together.”

“How did… how did you know?” asked Astrid as she stopped looking at the sky to look at him.

“That moment… when you saved my life risking your own trying to heal me that time,” said Dante. “And then I had a weird kind of dream vision of someone telling me our whole story. I’m sorry I ignored you all those times, but I still don’t get why you are avoiding me?”

“It feels too good to be true,” said Astrid. “I told Cammie that I was afraid of losing you but this, us, it feels too good to be true. Why did you break up with Zoey? She seemed nice and you seemed happy with her. What happened between the two of you?”

“We tried being in a relationship, but she thought I wasn’t giving her enough attention,” said Dante.

“Hmm… common problem among men,” said Astrid as she closed the screen. “But continue…”

“She wasn’t you,” said Dante. “I love you. It has always been you. There have been way too many regrets between us.”

“I know which is why is why I have been hesitant,” said Astrid with a tired smile. “I do love you and I did not have it in my heart to tell her how much it hurt me to see you happy, Zoe. I love you but seeing you with her… it broke my heart. So, if we are going to finish this transition together. I need a partner that is by my side and supports my decisions.”


“Like I said, I am sorry for ignoring you all those times,” said Dante. “So, why were you up here thinking?”

“I was thinking about the trials,” said Astrid. “I am scared about them. After the trials, you emerge as a full sentinel with all your powers but that means facing your past, your deepest regrets and your fears… what if I am not the same after the trials?”

“In a way, I think it might change you,” said Dante in deep thought. “It will change both of us but in another way. I don’t think it will. You are already our strong fearless leader who would do anything for her team. I think the tests will only make you stronger.”

Astrid’s watch beeped. “Duty calls.”

She climbed down the stairs. Astrid was waiting for her as he was looking at the screen.

“They are not ready,” said Caleb. “We are not ready.”

“I know…” said Astrid. “But we’re going to have to be soon.”

Astrid pulled out the phone from her pocket and showed him the data she had found. He looked at her with a pointed look. He plugged the hard drive into the computer screen.

“Chaos can lead to mayhem,” said Astrid. “The government is trying to keep the people calm but until we get the situation under control. It might remain like this.”

“Sure, we can trust the cops to handle this…”

“No… but we are going to have to,” said Astrid. “We have our hands full with the Circle and Nox’s master plan which I plan on unravelling.”

“Speaking of plan unravelling…” said Sean. “Are you guys ready for your trip to Ireland?”

“Yes,” said Astrid. “This will take some time. We will probably be out of range for any technological communication, so you sure you guys can handle while we are gone?”

“We can,” said Caleb. “You guys look out for yourselves out there.”

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