《The Shadows Of The Lost》1.22 - Sentinel Trials


The caves were extremely beautiful. The crystals inside the cave reflected off each other showing images from other dimensions and somehow just being in this cave made her feel stronger.

“I suspect it is because the prism creates its own light through creating the rainbow,” said Dante.

She used her hand to shine light on a crystal and it reflected light across the cave. The light shone constantly bright across the cave and then the light disappeared.

“Are you ready?” asked Astrid.

“We have to do this alone, right?” asked Dante.

“Yeah…” said Astrid. “The second part of the trials take place together. Yeah, um-m, good luck. You got this.”

The scenery changed around as she turned the crystal. The scene was a house it was smaller than the one she lived in now and there was a woman and a man. She realized it was her parents.

“We have to tell her,” said Matthew.

“She’s a child, Matt. She is only four years old,” said Kathleen. “I think we should wait a little while before we tell her that she is a sentinel or that her life is in danger before she learns about her powers.”

“You’re right,” said Matthew. “We’ll tell when she is older than she is now. She’ll be more ready, then. I only wish she had not inherited my responsibility.”

The scene changed to it was only her mother who was holding the five-year old Astrid’s hands trying to calm her down and she was studying in the old mayor’s mansion in Gatlon city.

“I know you guys were looking to adopt kids,” said Kathleen as she stood in the house wiping her tears. “So, I was wondering if you could watch over my kid.”

“Kathleen…” said Hugh. “Are you sure you want to do this?”

“Astrid is too important to the world and me,” said Kathleen as she held her hands. “I plan on moving and going into hiding in the United States. No one lives there anymore now. It’s a safe place to hide.”

“Take her,” said Kathleen. “Keep her safe for me.”

“You know she is going to be left with a hundred questions when she is older,” said Simon.

“I know,” said Kathleen. “I expect you to teach my little five-year-old how to use her powers and teach her how to be a hero no matter what. It was what her father would have wanted.”

“We will. We promise,” said Hugh.

“I always blamed them for not telling me about my family when their lives at risk for watching over me,” said Astrid.

She continued through the cave. She witnessed another scene unfold in front of her. She was older and she remembered this one.

“You shouldn’t be doing this. Sacrificing your life for me,” said Astrid as she grabbed Genissa’s hand. “This was my fault. I never really fit in as a Myriad.”

“Because you weren’t born to be one,” said Genissa. “I’ve always known you were meant for more. I have equal guilt in this as you do. This was my father’s doing. I have the obligation to do it besides, you have so much more to live for.”

Astrid opened her mouth but Genissa was gone.

“You’re my best friend, Ari. I am doing this for you.”

Astrid wiped her tears. Then, Genissa’s spirit appeared behind her, and she turned around.

“You must have forgotten the conversation,” said Genissa as she turned around in the astral plane. “Because you have blamed yourself all these years.”


“I don’t know what I am doing,” said Astrid.

“You do,” said Genissa. “I mean, look at you. My best friend has become a secret agent, you are the leader of a superhero team and you have saved so many lives. You are training two apprentices. I could not be prouder of you. You have lived up to who I saw in you and more.”

“You’ve been watching over me?”

“You’re my best friend and you are never alone, Ari,” said Genissa. “You so much as breath my name and I will be there in spirit as that is one of your abilities and I am not the only one watching over you.”

She turned around and saw her dad smiling at her. At this point, she was close to going full out tears in happiness.

“Dad…” said Astrid.

“You know how I look like,” said Matthew.

“Mom showed me pictures… I don’t have many memories of you though,” said Astrid.

“I have been watching over you, sweetheart,” said Matthew as he touched his daughter’s cheek. “And I could not be prouder of you.”

“But… dad, I messed up,” said Astrid as she sat down on the rock. “I’ve done some terrible things. I… I don’t deserve to be a sentinel after everything I’ve done.”

Genissa and her father exchanged looks with each other.

“That’s not true,” said Genissa. “We all make mistakes but what matters is what we do after to fix them. You have struggled in your life so much. You do deserve to be a sentinel.”

“Sweetheart,” said Matthew. “Mistakes happen but you have done so many good things in your life than bad and yes, you have darkness but everyone does and you have fought it off.”

“You really think so?” asked Astrid.

“I know so,” said Genissa as she looked at the images of her best friend’s life. “You may have lost your path along the way, but you have been a great leader and mentor. Your mentees would not have this far if it wasn’t for you.”

“Genissa…” said Astrid.

Genissa held up her hand and Astrid knew she was not finished talking.

“Remember this: Heroes aren’t the ones who always win. They are the ones who lose, sometimes. But they keep fighting, and they keep coming back. They don’t give up. That’s what makes them heroes,” said Genissa as she turned away from the images. “I meant what I said when I died. You have so much more to live for. Don’t give up on yourself, Astrid. You have to learn to forgive yourself for everything that happened.”

“I guess I do,” said Astrid as she looked at the images. “I know I have made mistakes along the way and some I have never thought about or forgiven myself for, but I am willing to try to look past them and accept myself for who I am.”

“You were a little rough around the edges and it took you time, sweetheart,” said Matthew. “But you passed the second trial of becoming a full sentinel.”

“What was the first trial?”

“When you gave up the Phoenix, you chose the safety of your people over power,” said Matthew. “And that was your first test so to speak. The third one you will face with your partner.”

“Speaking of…” said Astrid.

“Oh, he’ll be fine. His guiding spirits will be guiding him through the process,” said Genissa.

“There are a couple of things we have to tell you before you join him for the third test,” said Matthew.


* * * * * *

Meanwhile, Dante was facing his own trial. Like Astrid, one of his parents had died as well. His mother and his sister had died when he was very young.

He was standing at his mother’s grave with a sad expression on his face. The countless arguments with his father. Then when he had stormed out of the coffeehouse and bumped into Astrid.

“Oh my god, I am so sorry,” said Dante.

“It’s okay… it can happen to anyone,” said Astrid.

“Do you want me to buy you another cup. You can tell me your order?” asked Dante.

“Oh no… that’s really okay,” said Astrid.

“Come on, I insist,” said Dante.

After he had gotten her a cup of coffee, she smiled a little at him. She was holding her coat. Then, he remembered meeting her at the cemetery.

“Oh… you,” said Astrid as she startled.

“What are you doing at the Gatlon cemetery?” asked Dante.

He could see that she was quiet for a second but then spoke up as she wiped her tears.

“Visiting someone,” said Astrid. “You?”

“Same,” said Dante.

Astrid looked at the gravestones that he was standing at. She saw the name and realized that it must have been his mother and his sister.

“I’m sorry,” said Astrid.

“How?” asked Dante.

“I can read,” said Astrid as the cold breeze brushed the side of her face. “And I know how it feels to lose a parent. Well… I don’t, but my dad died when I was only five. I don’t know much about him.”

“I’m sorry,” said Dante as he looked at her as she turned to leave the graveyard. “I thought you came to visit someone.”

“I did. I came to visit my friend. It’s my fault that she died,” said Astrid. “I used to be a myriad… she probably would not have died if I had not gotten her involved.”

“I used to think that way when my sister died,” said Dante as he looked at her. “Whatever it was, I am sure she would not want you blaming yourself and if you want, I can come with you to visit her grave.”

“You would really be willing?” asked Astrid.

“Sure,” said Dante.

He watched as she brushed away the leaves from the gravestone and left some flowers. She was quiet for a couple of minutes before breaking into tears. It broke his heart to see her this way.

The scene changed to him handing her an envelope before she left town and he watched as the two talked.

“Glad I caught you before you left,” said Dante. “I found this. I think it might help you with the guilt of your friend’s death. You should read it.”

He watched her carefully as she read it. She smiled warmly and wiped away tears.

“Umm… thank you for finding this,” said Astrid. “You’ve done all this nice stuff for me, and I did not even get your name.”

Another bus left the bus station in the city, Astrid was holding the letter in one hand and her phone in the other hand.

“I’m Dante Pertuz,” said Dante.

“Astrid… Astrid Morgan,” said Astrid. “It was nice meeting you.”

“So, I am guessing you don’t live in Gatlon,” said Dante.

“I used to,” said Astrid. “I don’t anymore. I moved from the city a year ago.”

“Well, nice meeting you too,” said Dante. “Hope I get to see you again.”

He saw other images of his life. He could see how he would constantly try writing a letter to her but would change his mind last minute. Then, he met her again but this time he did not know it was her. He met her as Firebird. He saw their friendship and how she brought out the best in him. Then, the incident with the monster made of pure darkness.

“What were you thinking?” asked Astrid. He had not seen it in his delirious state back then, but he saw it now, she was afraid for him. “Jumping in front of me like that.”

“The thorn would have hit you,” said Dante.

“Stay still,” said Astrid.

He could see that her hands were shaking. He thought the best thing to do was to talk to her to calm her down.

“If I don’t make it…” said Dante.

“Don’t… don’t,” said Astrid. “Don’t talk like that, please. I can’t lose another person in my life.”

“You… you really c-consider me to be a part of your life, Firebird?” asked Dante.

“I… I do,” said Astrid.

He watched as she used her powers to heal him. Her hands were shaking, and she looked like she had been run over by a large vehicle. Eventually, the wound closed up and sweat was rolling down her face.

“Night…” said Astrid quietly, checking to see if he was conscious.


“Don’t ever do that to me again,” said Astrid. “Or I will kill you myself.”

He smiled tiredly. “When did you learn how to use your healing power?”

“A couple of months ago,” said Astrid.

That was the end of that conversation. He then saw a scene which he thought he was familiar with. He saw himself on a date with Zoey. It was the day after that they had both survived that beast and Astrid had told him she would contact him soon. He was laughing and smiling but he really was not happy. He wanted to be on a date with Astrid.

Except in this memory, there she was across the street. She looked beautiful. She was wearing black combat boots and her loose curls were falling over her shoulder. She turned to look at the coffeeshop and that was when she saw him with Zoey.

She walked away but she had a sad expression on her face as she took a deep breath. Then, there was their next patrol.

“Well, that criminal was tough,” said Dante.

“Yeah, difficult,” said Astrid.

“Hey… wait,” said Dante. “We need to talk.”

“About what?” asked Astrid.

“You’ve been avoiding me lately,” said Dante. “We’re best friends. We tell each other everything. If something is wrong, you know you can tell me.”

“It’s nothing big,” said Astrid. “I’m just working through some things in my personal life. I really must get going. I’m sorry.”

The scenes faded and he was alone standing in the astral plane and his sister appeared next to him.

“Emma?” asked Dante.

“Hey,” said Emma. His sister smiled at him and gestured him to follow her. “You’ve grown a lot since the time I died. I could not be prouder of you.”

“I missed you,” said Dante.

“I missed you too, little brother,” said Emma, as she ruffled his hair. “And I like your girlfriend… although, that’s not why I am here.”

“We’re not… actually, I don’t know what we are,” said Dante.

“Astrid… has faced a lot in her life. It’s not easy for her to be open to anyone and she’s trying, and she wants to trust you and you have seen. She has always cared about you,” said Emma.

“So… why are you here?”

“These are your trials, little brother. This is your second trial,” said Emma. “I can only guide through them but not mettle as that is not my job as that is not my role.”

“Well… certain images from my life were shown to me for a reason, otherwise, they would not have been shown to me,” said Dante. “They were trying to get me to change in a good way.”

“Yes… go on,” said Emma.

* * * * * *

Genissa and Astrid walked through the astral plane until they came upon an ancestral tree. Genissa stopped in front of it and iturned to her best friend.

“You asked me if I knew,” said Genissa. “If I knew you were destined to be one of the sentinels, I did. If we told you earlier though, you would not have reached where you are now.”

“Those times you were mad at me?” asked Astrid.

“I wanted to push you to be your best,” said Genissa. “I was never entirely mad at you about anything. When you go up against him, it won’t be an easy battle. It will be emotionally and physically taxing for the both of you…”

“Any advice?”

“Remember your strengths and don’t underestimate them,” said Genissa. “Got it?”

Astrid nodded.

“I think she’s ready, Matthew,” said Genissa.

“I wanted to give you two to the privacy that you two needed to talk,” said Matthew. “I guess that now it is my turn.”

“Sweetie, you have grown so strong, and you have grown to be a wonderful teenager,” said Matthew. “And despite what you believe about yourself… you do deserve to be a sentinel and you are ready.”

Matthew offered her hand and Astrid took it as she used it to get up off the rock and she hugged her father.

“Am I ever going to see you again?” asked Astrid.

“Not for a very long time,” said Matthew. “I will always be watching over you and I know you can do this.”

Astrid had tears coming out of her eyes.

“Now, now… let’s not get too emotional,” said Matthew as they walked across the fields. “So, before I go… I have something to give you.”

He placed a gem in her hand and a vial. “I created these two when I was alive. The gem is the only thing that counteract the crystal and the serum I created can deactivate the device he has created.”

“But neither of us can actually touch the device,” said Astrid as she turned to look at her dad. “The Makran crystal is sensitive to our powers.”

“Only yours,” said Matthew.

“I won’t let you down, dad,” said Astrid.

“You’ve never let me down,” said Matthew as he kissed her forehead and then disappeared. “I know you can pass this third trial.”

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