《Broken Emperor》Chapter 5


Ella started explaining the situation before the memory magic played, "According to what we found out later on, the Sylvia kingdom commissioned Daciel, in exchange for a portion of their large magic stone mines, to assassinate the king. Before dealing with him straight from the start, he thought it would have been better, to play with the king's favorite wife."

"Cayn's mother, Amina." Diana was putting the pieces together.

"It's not surprising news to everyone here that his majesty fell for her at first sight, and since she doesn't live in the palace, Daciel, thought it was a fun idea. That same day we were invited by our brother to have dinner, the rest you will have to see it for yourselves."



"I can't wait!" was screaming the young Ella, you couldn't see her as everything was shown from her point of view. You could see Allen and Rai, and Cayn walking slowly in the font. She ran towards him, "Just between us big brother, your cooking will always be the best."

He smiled and patted her head, "make sure you don't let this slip in front of mother, I would not be able to protect you"

She sticked her tongue out to make fun of him.

They both started laughing.

Suddenly Cayn stopped on his tracks, let go of the groceries in his hands, his eyes shinned so brightly gold, when he moved his head, a tray of golden light followed them. Then he disappeared, the siblings could not react until they heard the thud sound coming from the groceries hitting the ground, he was already gone.

None of them could feel his presence any longer, in the middle of their confusion, a loud explosion was heard from the direction of Cayn's house, which was located a bit far from the city. They all ran towards the sound, the house was half blown, everything was in debris, smokes hid the scene inside the house.

A human figure suddenly flew away, stood its ground a few meters from the siblings, the figure slowly appeared to be that of Daciel, who started laughing hysterically. "Really, as expected of the king, giving his favorite wife a magic artifact that can block my attack," he grinned, "too bad it only works once."

Noticing the three siblings, "oh, what do we have here. The heirs of that ugly bastard, what luck. I wonder, what kind of face he would be making when I have your heads lined up in front of him." He stared touching and feeling his body, "ah, imagining it alone, is turning me on!"


While he spoke the siblings could not move, whatever he was doing he didn't let down his guard, his presence was still pressuring them, to the point they fell to their knees, unable to breathe, but after a moment they could surprisingly, looking back at Daciel his eyes were wide open as he looked towards the house. The smoke disappeared , the siblings turned to see, Cayn, hugging his crying and scared mother, repeating that he was sorry, you could only see his broad back that covered her body, comforting her,

"I am here now."

"How did you get there? Young man." Cayn did not answer Daciel.

"Brother..." Ella worriedly spoke.

Daciel overheard, "oh, the son in shining armor comes to save the day. But you know, you could have at least answered!" As he spoke his overwhelming presence and bloodlust covered the area, the siblings were choking on the ground.

Strangely, Cayn and his mother seemed unaffected, he kept her in his embrace, stroking her hair, she suddenly fell asleep in his arms. Daciel was too surprised to decide on what to do, kept watching the whole scene. Cayn slowly stood up carrying his mother, putting her on her bed gently, playing with her hair, bended over and kissed her hand.

"Oh, what a charming moment. At first I was going for your father's reaction. But, I guess killing your siblings, playing with your mother and sister in front of you, might just, quench my thirst this time. Mmm?"

He smiled creepily as Cayn was standing up from the bed, "say, how good do you think your mother will-" before he could finish his sentence their eyes met, stopping him from saying more.

Cayn stood there with no presence, no magic, his golden jewel eyes shivered so bright, yet they were cold, the world stopped, moving was a sin.

Unaware of the situation Daciel kept going "Yes! Yes! That mad look, those depressed eyes! I am sorry for misunderstanding you, thinking you would be the type to beg for forgiveness!" He took out his swords while his magic aura appeared. "This is much better! Tell me! How does despair feel! Knowing whatever you do-" suddenly blood flood down his mouth, he was surprised, everyone watching was. "The f-" before he could finish he threw up more, he looked at Cayn with a confused expression, his ears started bleeding, his nose and eyes followed, falling down to his knees. No clue about what's happening to him he started laughing again, staring at Cayn who was slowly walking towards him, "I guess this is your doing" he spit a blood clot, "there was no artifact, it was you!" his creepy laugh was a sign of him turning insane. Cayn finally stood in front of the kneeling him who seemed to lose his composure, "do you have-any idea- who I-" raising his head to meet his eyes, he was not able to finish his sentence as he was stunned at the sight he saw. He started shaking, sweat could be seen from his face, he could not blink nor look away, trying to break free from Cayn's gaze, he could only scream, opening his mouth, his voice left him. His eyes were filled with horror and terror, no one could imagine what he saw in those golden eyes, and no one watching could fathom it.


"You could have just went for the king for all I care." Cayn's voice, for the first time, was so deep, with much weight behind it suffocating everyone watching from the screen, everyone trembled in fear. Daciel's bloody mouth was wide open screaming with no voice, his red eyes crying blood was a miserable sight. "Don't you dare, beg for mercy." Cayn pushed his hair back sighing, trying to calm himself, slowly got his cigarette out, lighted it, silence filled the room.

He got down, got a good grip on Daciel's hair, smoked while staring at him. It looked like he had a lot on his mind, sighed, blew the smoke on his face then stood up and kept smoking watching him coldly. After the smoke evaporated, to everyone's surprise, the Daciel they knew, was lifeless. His body suddenly started burning, covered by dark flames, burning everything, not even the stains of blood shredded on the ground were left, as if such a scene never happened.

Looking at such a thing Diana and Cassis gasped, this truly happened. Cayn turned walking to his mother's side, nobody could speak a word, he sat next to her, and without looking back at his siblings, "leave..." with a more gentle voice, but you could still feel the lingering anger.

As soon as they left the house the magic stopped, silence filled the room.

"To think that even the saints that we worship in this world couldn't handle his killing intent,just how many people did he kill, how many bodies Daciel saw to turn him into such a state of despair." Cassis could not believe his eyes.

"It's true, this wasn't even a fight, that was plain murder. And now you are the leaders of the guild, why me?" Said Diana

"Let's say it's because we have a lot in common, thought about making friends with you first." Smiled Ella gently.

Diana sighed, then stood up holding her hand out, "You have shown your sincerity, we shall do the same, hoping for a great friendship."

"Let's take care of each other," said Ella shaking her hand.

The men smiled at each other, especially Allen and Cassis, they both understood how similar they are, being crown princes while the little sisters had the ropes.

Sitting down, easing the mood, the started laughing both getting back to their goofy selves.

Ella smiles "So, you and brother, mmm?"

"Maybe, just, maybe, think I want him even more." Even herself was surprised about her answer.

However, thinking back on Cayn's matter, she saw a man, protecting his family. She may be the only one in here to notice his fear of losing his mother, and the madness he did his best to suppress, mad at his enemy, and at himself, for not being there sooner. She could not keep count on how many times her heart skipped a beat, whenever his cold eyes pierced his enemy, whenever those same cold eyes turned so gentle and warm towards his mother. She laughed at herself, already becoming jealous of her.

"Here, take this." Ella passed her a perfume, "brother seems to like sitting next to this flower. I will tell you where to find him smocking, and then, coincidently meet, while you are looking around the palace." They both started laughing.

"Wish me luck."

"You are hot, you don't need luck." She said as she pushed her outside the room.

"Diana?" asked Cassis confused.

"She will be right back, girls' things," Answered Ella smiling.

"Ehem, Ella." All three of them got embarrassed, she said that on purpose, they would not be questioning too much like this so she did not correct their misunderstanding.

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