《Monarch of the Darkness》C18. Devil's Incarnation and Skylark


"Brother, did you just say Devil's incarnation?" Fay asked seriously. She wanted to confirm it one more time because she wanted to make sure that what she heard before was right.

"Indeed, it was the last word that I could remember. Do you know who he is, Little Fay?" Hayden asked curiously. He wanted to know more about this gloomy guy. He didn't know why, but he got a slight feeling that this guy was quite dangerous.

This guy had killed him once, and now what if this guy knew that he was still alive and well. Besides obliterating him, what else would he do? He would definitely come and target him again!

Fay glanced at her brother and then nodded solemnly. "Indeed, I know who he is."

"Eyes that look sharp as snakes along with a cold aura that made people shivered whenever they got close to him. There are many reasons why people called him Devil's Incarnation." Anastasya explained seriously.

"This guy is like a devil in a human's appearance. He enjoys killing as if it was actually a normal thing to do, not only that but he also likes to torture his prey until they lost their mind. Blood always spills wherever this dangerous guy goes. Hence, people are afraid and call him with such a nickname."

Fay held her breath and continued. "Devil's Incarnation, Khasra."

Hayden heard this seriously while thinking deep inside. Finally, now he knew one of his enemies' names. He was thinking like this because if Khasra's personality was the exact same as what Fay had described, then he wasn't the one who had sent the bald guy and his companion from before to seek trouble with him.

"Khasra was cruel but straightforward, and also he liked to settle things by himself. "Hayden murmured silently. He just got this slight feeling from the part of the memory that he had remembered.


Hayden started to compare Khasra with his other enemy. Time passed and he thought that Khasra was indeed not the one who did that.

The other guy was cold-blooded and he liked to hide behind while plotting against him. This kind of person was the most troublesome because he didn't even show himself. Considering this, who knew when would this person bare his fangs and stabbed him again from behind.

"Thanks for telling me this, little Fay." Hayden thanked earnestly.

"You need to be wary of him, okay brother? I don't want the same thing to happen again." Fay said worriedly. She didn't want to see her brother in such a critical condition again. It was like a knife that cut straight into her heart, making her feel really sad.

Hayden noticed Fay's expression and smiled. "I will be more careful, my dear sister."

Time passed and the atmosphere started to melt by itself. It wasn't as tense as before and Hayden could finally relax while enjoying his time chatting together with uncle Nevarth and little Fay.

"By the way, don't forget to thank Estelle for rescuing you before, brother." Fay chuckled.

"Estelle..." Hayden went silent as he remembered some amazing things about her.

Last time, he thought that Estelle was just a normal maid that did chores and stuff. However, who would've thought that she was actually one of the top assassins in the Kingdom of Zenith. She also got a code-name, which was 'Skylark'.

'Skylark' came from her uniqueness, which was a humming sound of wind that always reverberated whenever she used her wind Arte. The sound was soothing as it slowly turns into a melody that echoed around the surroundings. Furthermore, people who heard this always said that this melody slightly resembles a bird's song, that's why they called her with such a name.


Aside from that, Estelle could also move really fast, which made her enemies couldn't escape from her grasp. Furthermore, she never failed at the task that was given to her.

It seemed that all was going smoothly for her. However, something had happened and because of this reason, she decided to quit her job.

There were two reasons and the first one was quite simple. Estelle abandoned her job and chose to serve Fay. Additionally, there was another thing. However, Hayden didn't know the exact reason.

As he got to know her more, he also found more interesting things about her.

Estelle still kept polishing her skills whenever she got time. She also said to him that she would never miss her training for a single day, even when she is no longer an assassin.

This dedication made Hayden feel impressed. Who would've thought that the cold nature of an assassin could be hidden deep inside this beautiful blonde girl.

Two weeks ago, Hayden didn't believe all of this. Hence, he challenged her in a fair sparring duel—a duel where both of the participants restricted their Arte around the 2-star Origin realm. However, there was no need to tell the end result...

It was obvious, Hayden was losing badly to her. Estelle had outmatched him in every single move. Her movement was swift and with the help of her wind Arte, her agility quickened and she could grasp opportunities more easily. Moreover, her accuracy was superb.

The Wind Dart that she threw and the attack speed that she showed always hit him at the right time, making it more difficult for Hayden to defeat her.

A couple of minutes passed as the battle went and Estelle already had her knife pointed out on Hayden's neck. Knowing this, Hayden sighed while thinking that she really lived up to her name as one of the best assassins in the Zenith kingdom.

"Thanks for reminding me, I will definitely say my thanks to her," replied Hayden towards Fay while smiling.

"Oh, what about Izaia and Lexion? How's their training?" Hayden asked curiously.

Last time, after Hayden knew what Estelle was capable of. He decided to leave Izaia and Lexion in her care. He wanted them to train with her so that they could improve more.

"They're doing really well." Fay grinned mischievously.

Hayden looked at her skeptically while wondering what actually happened to them. But oh well, he didn't really take it to heart because he believed Fay and Estelle unconditionally.

"It's getting late. I will go home now. Brother, Nevarth, see you tomorrow night." Fay said as she prepared to leave.

"Rest well, little Fay," said Hayden while patting her head.

Fay smiled sweetly. Afterward, she activated her wind Arte and vanished without a trace.

"I will also take my leave, young Master." Nevarth said politely.

After Nevarth saw Hayden nodded, he waved his right hand and started to turn into particles of light, slowly disappearing from Hayden's sight.

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