《Monarch of the Darkness》C14. Lost control


The fat guy went silent. He couldn't believe that the beautiful woman he found attractive before was actually the rumored enchantress of flame, a great fire Arte user from the neighboring kingdom. Moreover, from her aura, he realized that this gorgeous woman was a lot stronger than her big brother.

He mourned and regretted his impulsiveness along with his stupid decision. If he didn't try to pick on this gorgeous yet dangerous woman before, he would still be able to flirt with another girl and enjoy his life peacefully.

"Please, spare my dog life. I'm sorry for everything. I will be your slave or anything you want." The fat guy pleaded in tears and kowtowed three times. He didn't mind looking pathetic as long as he could keep his life. There was an old saying that if you are still alive, you still have a chance to start a new life. However, if you die, then it's all over.

Anastasya watched him in disgust. She disliked this kind of person the most, the type of a selfish person who abandons his pride in order to live. Watching how the fat guy behaved made her angry. She felt that she wanted to get rid of him more now.

Hayden noticed the change on Anastasya's face. He knew that this fatty would be dead. However, deep inside, Hayden doesn't want to see Anastasya lose control of her own self. He didn't want the annoying, mischievous yet cheerful image of her to be ruined by this fat guy.

"Anastasya, calm down. I don't want you to kill anyone." Hayden said softly.

Anastasya glanced shortly at him, but not long after she looked away.

Hayden was stupefied and thought that something was off. Without wasting time, he stared deeply at her eyes.

At first, he didn't notice anything different. However, after some time, he realized that her fiery red eyes looked so cold and lifeless as if she was turning into another person.


"Don't tell me that she can't control her power if she is enraged," Hayden muttered silently.

"Hey, listen to me Anast-." Hayden wanted to finish his sentence, but suddenly Anastasya activated her Arte towards the fat guy without caring what Hayden wanted to say.

"Dragon's Breath, Incinerate!"

Fire erupted from the ground below the fat guy's feet, it started condensing and slowly manifested into a human's sized dragon. Shortly afterward, the fire dragon roared and moved straight towards the fat guy, wanting to devour him thoroughly.

The fat guy wanted to run away for his life, but the fire dragon was faster than him, not long after it enveloped his right hand and the fire started to cook his entire arm.

The smell of burning flesh filled the surrounding. The fat guy could only scream in agony while asking the people around for help. One thing was left on his mind right now. He didn't want to die like this!

As the fire began to spread from the fat guy's right hand, suddenly someone covered in the dark appeared behind him. The fat guy realized that it was Hayden who was behind him. He cried miserably and quickly begged him to save his life. Without saying anything, Hayden took out his obsidian sword and cut the joint on the fat guy's right hand mercilessly.

"Aaargh, my hand!!!" The fat guy cried in pain. He also puked as he watched his blood spilling all over the place.

"I save you just now, or else you will die because of the fire," Hayden said coldly.

"Go and leave now. Let this be a lesson for you." Hayden didn't want to waste time. He quickly grabbed his neck and threw him away towards his companion.

After the fat guy's companion caught their leader, they quickly thanked Hayden and left without looking back. They were afraid to be the next victim of Anastasya's rage.


"Now, there's only one problem left," muttered Hayden while glancing towards Anastasya. Without wasting time, he moved while casting dark movement and appeared behind her shadow. Hayden didn't try to explain anything and quickly hugged her from behind.

"Stop, it's over. I'm here now." Hayden whispered softly to her ear.

Anastasya struggled, trying to move away from him. However, Hayden's grip was too firm. She couldn't even make him flinch.

Time passed slowly and Anastasya started to calm down. She began to regain her composure, but she didn't move and quietly leaned towards Hayden.

"Pathetic isn't it? I'm sorry to trouble you." Anastasya said apologetically.

"No problem. I'm sure you have your own reason."

Anastasya felt touched after she heard what Hayden had said. She smiled quietly inside while thinking that Hayden was indeed a good guy. Finally, she met a guy who got an open-minded character.

Deep inside, Anastasya wished that time could stop and made this moment last. She didn't know why she was thinking about this because this is the first time she had this complicated feeling. It silently made her flustered. After some time, Anastasya started to feel better and slowly stood up by her own self.

Hayden noticed her action and started to let loose his hug. Watching her serene-looking face made him feel shy. He couldn't help but scratch his head, wanting to tell her that this was all a misunderstanding.

"Thank you." Anastasya thanked him and smiled sweetly.

"No worries." Hayden responded while thinking that this was the most beautiful smile that she had ever made. It was natural and honest.

"By the way, It's time for me to leave. Hayden, thank you for escorting me today." Anastasya bowed slightly.

"Oh, and also I really enjoy our first date. Until next time, see you." Anastasya cheerfully blinked towards Hayden. Afterward, she waved her hand and walked away, slowly disappearing from Hayden's sight.

"I hope we will meet again." Hayden murmured while looking at her fading silhouette.


Not far away from Hayden's position, a guy was standing in front of a tree near the fountain. The man's appearance was gloomy, making people who passed by feel afraid and moved away to avoid him.

The man stood there calmly while watching Hayden and Anastasya action from afar. From the looks of it, this guy had already been spying on them from the beginning.

"Interesting." The gloomy guy smirked evilly as he walked away and vanished without a trace.

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