《Monarch of the Darkness》C6. Trouble


Hayden was stunned, he wanted to ask her why, but he realized that she was already gone. Nevertheless, he believed her advice.

Well, maybe I will meet that person soon.

He walked to the main gate and saw that Nevarth and Estelle had waited for him there. After he told Nevarth about what he wanted to do, he thanked Estelle and then walked away.

"Young master, if you want to go to the city, we need to pass the road that we walked before." Said Nevarth politely. Hayden nodded and let him lead the way. After some time passed he also smiled inside, thinking that uncle Nevarth did his job professionally, he didn't even ask about what happened nor what he had talked with his sister, because of this Hayden trusted him even more now. Naturally, he has his own reason why he needed to be cautious.

Hayden walked in a relaxing manner as he enjoyed the surrounding landscape.


Outside the hut near the waterfall, there were five people who wore expensive armor covered in gold. Beneath their shoulders, there was an emblem with the shape of the head of an eagle. All of them looked majestic and noble.

"Leader, is this the secluded place where that weak prince stays and recovers?" Asked one of the men to the bald guy who stood in front of them. From their tones of speech, it was obvious the bald guy was the leader and they were here to cause trouble.

"I'm sure that it was here," grinned the bald guy.

"Weak prince, get the hell out!!" Shouted the bald guy loudly. The two 3-star Origin young guards who are in charge of the hut realized that these people were here to cause trouble, so they decided to move forward and stood in front of them.


"Stop!! Why are you causing trouble here," yelled the guards as they tried to defend the hut. These two guards realized that they were outnumbered, four of these people have the strength of 3-star Origin while the bald guy who stood in front was 4-star Origin.

"Hmph, flies dare to bark," glared the bald guy coldly as he activated his Arte and slapped both of the 3-star Origin guards away in two moves.

"Hehe you are nothing compared to our leader, now tell us how you want to die," laughed one of the followers as he complimented the bald guy. The bald guy liked the feeling of being superior. Therefore he smiled and ordered two of his men to torture the wounded guards. He wanted them to spit out the location of the weak prince.

Both of the wounded guards sighed desperately as they watched the two men come towards them. They understood that they will end miserably, but even so, both of them gritted their teeth and swore that they would never let them get what they want.

"Boys, let's see how will you resist our torture," smiled one of the men slyly as he cast his Arte and shouted, "Wind Slash."

The power of wind enveloped both of the guards. Their armor has been destroyed before by the slap from the bald guy. Therefore they can only scream in pain as the wind Arte slashed towards all over their bodies mercilessly. After some time, both of them were covered in their own blood.

"Hehe, now it's your turn brother," glanced the man towards his friend. "Alright, Aquary tide," shouted the other man. His water Arte contains salt, therefore when it showered the guards, both of them roared in agony.

Many years ago, both of them was an orphan and they had almost died because of slavery. They still remembered the time when the prince killed the mercenary leader and saved them from those places. Therefore they vowed that they would serve him in this life.


"Screw you. We will never say anything, long live the second prince!!!" Shouted the guards as they scream, both of them started to lose their minds because of the pain.

"I think you need to shower them with saltwater again," laughed the man loudly. All of them enjoying the show without being vigilant, not long after someone covered in darkness appeared behind both of the men. The bald guy realized something, but it was too late.

"Try and dare!!! Lacerate," shouted the man in the dark furiously while making slashing motions.

"Slashhh..." The atmosphere went silent as two heads flew off from the bodies. From their expression, they didn't even realize that someone had killed them.

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