《Ouroborus》My Summoning


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My name is Sora Shirogane . Today was supposed to be a normal day , but when i was laying on the roof of the school i hear some whispers i try to look around but there is nobody else on the roof , i hear the sound of thunder and look up the sky there are some strange clouds surrounding the school i mean purple coloured clouds are definately strange with a loud sound a white light falls from the cloud on me and i seem to fly up in the sky i can see countless planets,stars,and meteors in passing, i can swear my speed is faster than light several fold because at the speed i am passing the planets i cannot imagine where i am going i see a blackhole in distance towards which i seem to be heading i get pulled into the blackhole . i am scared shitless i mean i am in the space , am going towards a blackhole which is not going to pleasant i mean a freaking blackhole , what kind of death will it be in a blackhole i cannot even begin to imagine how i can survive in a blackhole while i am busy imagining my death i go through the black hole it feels like falling in the water and i close my eyes.

I seem to have stopped i slowly open my eyes i seem to be in a colosseum of sorts which is filled with people i can see thousands of people here, what the hell have they really got nothing better to do i hear hooves coming towards me i stand and see some 10-20 horses with knights in red armour with a lion insignia coming towards me , the one leading them towards me is a breathtakingly beautiful girl seemingly 22 - 25 years old i mean i have not seen anyone more beautiful on earth she has pink hair like sakura and green eyes she gets off her unicorn yep i was busy gawking at her that i did not see she was riding a unicorn a freaking unicorn , she come towards me and spreads her hands and says


" Welcome Hero to the Sun Kingdom "

my mind starts working again Hero ah it is like the hero summoning i read in so many novels the hero is summoned to defeat the demons and who has a harem, i can get a harem yay sorry got carried away i am a 17 year old boy the word harem is music to my ears and a hero always has one so got carried away lets introduce myself

" My name is Sora Shirogane "

it seems likes he cannot understand me as she tilts her head than a old scholarly looking man comes and tell her

"My Lady we have not performed the language magic so we cannot understand each other "

the girl nods immediately and says

"Than i have to trouble you Gandalf "

oh we got ourselves a Gandalf now that look at him closely hmm he does indeed looks like a Gandalf , wait a minut he said they have not performed language magic so we cannot understand each other but i can understand every thing they are saying weird but oh well lets see he is staring some kind of magic because i can see his body glowing softly in a light blue light he starts chanting

" I Invoke The Knowledge I Chant The Wisdom Illuminate The Mind"

as he finishes the chant i am basked in a white light and it seems to have worked according to his expression , well i am for the first time excited in my life i mean who would not be excited to be a hero the girl intoduces herself

" I am Angelia De Sorian The Queen of the Sun Kingdom I welcome thee Hero "

i perform a light bow towards the queen and say to her

" worry not majesty i would do by my best to defeat the demons as they are enemies of humankind"

the queen has a blank expression on her face she tilts her head so cuute

she says to me

" demons ! why would you defeat the demons ?"

now its my turn to tilt my head

" Because they are the evil and want to destroy the humans "


she quickly faces the Gandalf and exclaims

" Gandalf really the demons are evil and they want to destroy humans its the first time i heard it why i have not been informed of it that the Dark kingdom also wants to wage war on us "

the Gandalf replies

" Majesty it is the first time i am hearing it that the demons wants to wage war on us as we have been allies for as thousands of years"

they both look at me questionly and we three tilt our head after a moment the Gandalf asks me

'Young man you have just arrived in the world of Elysium who gave you the information that the demons are the enemy I must clarify this"

it seems that the demons are not the enemy and i have made a fool of myself lets make an excuse

" forgive in my world the demons were the enemy so i wrongly assumed that is true here too"

the Gandalf and the Queen looks at each other than the queen takes my hand and takes me to a stage in the middle she chants softly " Evoke Voice " then she speaks

" My people of Sun Kingdom we have our Hero "

she says in a normal voice but her voice can be heard in entire colesseum the people then cheer loudly i am nervous first time on any stage and i am being introduced as a hero .

After half n hour long speech by the queen i am taken to the castle which seems to be made of some kind of crystal i am led by knights who escort me to a big library there Gandalf is standing he looks at the leading knight and says

" Josh u can leave now "

and the head knight bows towards him and leaves taking a glance at me the Gandalf motions me to sit he gives me a basic lesson the world of Elysium it seems this world is very peaceful the humans apparently are under one banner just Sun Kingdom it can said all humans kingdom other races people also live here but mainly humans are in majority as there are billions of them,anf there is no other human kingdom.

It seems there is no divide in this world as all races are joined under one kingdom like he told me elves live in Moon Kingdom it includes all kinds of elfs Moon elves, High elves, Blood elves, Wood elves,Dark elves and so on, humans are ruled by the queen but the elves or other races which have sub races they form a council , he informed me about different kingdoms of Dragons,Dwarves,Devils,Angels,Mermens,Beastman they all suprisingly are at total peace with each other i was bewildered if they are all at peace with each other then what am i doing here he seems to have read me like a open book and had a laugh he then explained the enemy are undead led by the Immortal Black which seems to be the nickname of the leader of the undead i asked him that if they all are at peace at each other than they can do a joint attack at them and eradicate the undead he said that the undead have counterpart for each race they have skeletal elves dragons, devils, angels and in the undead are several previous heroes of the respective races so they all decided to have a hero lead them , the humans apparently also had a hero but he was killed and time was not enough to raise another one so they summoned by from a higher plane as i had more potential than any people on the Elysium with given time and training of course.He told me they will train me in some kind of hyperbolic time chamber i asked they can train a hero by themselves there he kindly explained that in given time i would achieve 100 fold that of their strongest knight ,he then called a maid and had her lead me to a big spacious room i fell face flat on the bed and slept looking forward to my training tomorrow.


Hero training and meeting with heroes of other races Next

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