《Dungeon Core Online: Loremaster (fan fic)》DCO: Loremaster ch 9


A party of six, a main tank, an off-tank, a bow user, a pair of casters; one elemental and one healer, and a rogue enters the JCPD R.I.V.A.L. raid. Instantly the team loadout and builds changed.

“ Hey rookies, we will be there soon, check your gear and make sure you are ready.”

The six looked at their lizard NPC driver before they released universal curses realizing they lost all their buffs and were in new, unfamiliar equipment and with new skill trees.

The main tank found himself in full riot armor with a riot shield and a baton.

The off-tank found himself in full riot armor as well, but with a shotgun.

The archer was swapped for light armor that offered almost no protection. His main weapon was turned into a designated marksman rifle.

The elemental caster got into similar light armor, but with several grenade rounds on bandoleers to go with his new four-round grenade launcher.

The healer got a handgun and a proper armored vest and pads just as the rogue did.

Unlike the healer, the rogue got an smg. Each of them has more special items as well.

The tanks got smoke grenades.

The archer got a combat knife.

The casters got first aid kits, one for the elemental and four for the healer.

The rogue got a lockpick set.

It had been barely ninety seconds before the van the six were in stops and the driver looks back at them.

“ Go find Sargent Wafers.”

RAID Quest: Find the sarge.

Find Sargent Wafer. He is helping to coordinate the various precincts against the coming threat.

Completing the quest will contribute to raid completion.

The six sigh as they pick up their equipment. Many of them annoyed that the fantasy adventure turned into an FPS. The van drove away after dropping them off and it did not take long for the six to find the Sargent. Being good players, they naturally followed the officer’s instructions and in concussion was overrun when the zombie swarm overtook the meager resistance against them. In part due to the player’s inability to adapt to the almost new characters and equipment.



It took only six failed attempts from random parties that found the workshop in order for the location of the new raid to be made public. Terrance, however, was not in DCO, he spent some of his time reading up on some of the novels he been neglecting as well doing some research into robotics. He thought it would be cool to actually build one of the raptors one day. Thinking about it further he came up with some of his own personal research projects. Creating a central backup for the squad would probably allow them to come back if they should be destroyed. Looking into radio and light communications gave him the idea of adding backup communication methods to the team. Looking up modern war bots gave him more proper ideas of configurations and armaments.

To his guess, the JCPD could take on a competent team up to level 40. But due to obvious vulnerabilities and the lack of versatility, it would be easy to destroy the team. However, before he does anything else he realized he had to get his license official.


In one instance of the raid particularly skilled players familiar with fps shooters made it past the zombie rush and managed to fall back to a defensive position. The abundance of low count ammo scattered around made it easy to move quickly or be overrun by the ever-encroaching hoard. As two of them were looking for an exit and two more were looting the handful of ammo, the last two held the door in case one of the zombies followed them. The sniper quickly pulled the trigger and the hulk of an alien paused a moment as glowing green blood started coming from its head.

“ SPARS!!!”

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