《Dungeon Core Online: Loremaster (fan fic)》DCO: Loremaster ch 4


You have earned the achievement ‘Pathifist’: You cleared an entire floor without killing a single mob. (WORLD FIRST)

All mobs will have less agro toward you. Unique interaction can now be had with all mobs.

Level 1- presenting food for a mob to have a chance to pacify it. This will carry over levels and instances.

Level 2- grooming the mob might yield unique drops.

Level 3- healing a hurt mob has a chance to become a ‘defender’. Unlike pets, ‘defenders’ are still wild and will still attack hostile players at their own discretion. They will also remain in the instance and level tamed. Like pets, they will defend you against other mobs. This can lead to unique interactions with higher ranking mobs.

Depending on your actions the final level will become available.

Level 4- ??? completing this level will grant a ‘1 time’ summon. Depending on the mob, progress will either reset to Level 1 or Level 3.

As well as the pathifist achievement, which Terrance thought was a humorless misspelling of pacifist, he also got the standard second-floor achievements. With nothing better to do than stand around another ten minutes reading logs, he began walking around the gate. What caught his attention first was the abandoned cars. He remembered reading these were harvest points and began looking around them. Most were empty, but one had a ‘wrench’ inside its trunk, which was labeled as a mob healing item in his interface.

With the cars looked at and nothing really to lose, Terrance made his way to the city. On the road with high grass on either side, he remembers hearing that velocity raptors on occasion ambush at this point, being a single target he should be a prime target. About halfway to the city, however, something unexpected happened. What best described as a metal floating bird suddenly appeared in front of him.


“ Citizen card detected, request maintenance.”

Terrance just stood there a moment completely baffled by the robot voice. After regaining his whit he nods.

“ Um, sure.”

The Archeao-repairers settles down and some prompts appear on his hud. Most of them were cleaning requests, but one had bolts on it. Thinking for a moment he took out the wrench he got earlier and worked on the bolt till it gently popped off. Unfortunately, the wrench broke and became labeled as scrap metal. Unlike gears and pipes, this revealed a more modern panel of ports, wires, and plugs. Off the bat, Terrance could see something wrong, one of the plugs had fallen out of its port. Reading the label on the plug, he quickly found the proper port for it and pushed it in. Just to be sure he tested the other ports and found two more loose. He made sure they were secure before lowering the lid, which retightened on its own. Seeing the other prompts, he took a cheap bandage and wiped the dust and grime off the metal bird the best he could. With it as clean as he could get it Terrance backed away.

“ All done.”

The Archeao-repairers took a moment to process what happened and lifted off to face him again.

“ Maintenance satisfactory. Thank you, citizen.”

It then lifted off and vanished from his sight.

You have gained 300 experience for your first interaction with this mob type.

You have gained the skill ‘mechanics’.

For cleaning the mob, you have earned 25 experience and a bottled wax cleaner token. (claimed automatically after returning to town)

Progress till passive buff ??? is applied 3/5000.

For doing poor but acceptable maintenance on the mob’s repair system. You have earned 40 experience and a ‘user manual’.


The individual mob’s healing ability has increased by 14% and can now heal negative effects. It has become an elite. This elite mob will only appear when you are in the instance and will actively seek you out once you enter the instance. (Warning, other players can attack this mob. If it dies all progress with it is lost) Only 1 elite mob can exist due to the ‘mechanic’ effect.

After reading the notice log, Terrance looked at the user manual.

“Huh, cool.”

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