《The Man Who Became a God》Chapter 29: Freedom
"It seems I have been given a body" a voice said
Kami opened his eyes to see a world split between gold and black.
"Who are you?" Kami asked the man he could see standing in the black.
"I am Paimon. My underlings have put me in here. I am about half my strength but I can still take over your body. I am glad someone worthy of my power finally appeared" he answered
The black spread to the ground around Kami and Paimon immediately teleported in front of Kami and lifted him by the head.
"Your body is mine!" Paimon smiled as he moved his hand towards Kami's heart
Suddenly the ground turned to gold and Paimon was sent flying backwards with a burned hand. Another walked towards Kami, this time he was on the gold side.
"Pleasure to meet you. I am Gora the man you absorbed from my aether. I am very impressed that you managed to do that by the way" Gora stated
"Where am I?" Kami asked
"Inside you. Don't let Paimon do as he wants with you now that he is here. In this world you are king and we just happen to dwell inside of it. Anything is possible" Gora explained
"How come you a god and Paimon a demon lord are trapped inside of me?"
"That is simple human" Paimon began as he walked to the edge of the black "You absorbed us. My power contained half of my soul"
"And you absorbed half of my power and soul from the aura pool" Gora added
"You said unnecessary things Gora. I was going to claim his body for my own" Paimon sighed as a chair appeared out of nowhere behind him and he sat on it
"Since this world is mine. Does that mean I can do anything here?" Kami asked
"Basically. When you draw on my power you receive it from here. From now on you should be able to come and go from here taking power from us as you please" Gora explained
"You mean I wasn't taking power before?" Kami asked
"You were but not the maximum you could take. You have been using so far up to a quarter max and you have been growing your own powers as well. Should you want it our power is free for you to take" Gora smiled
"Free? I won't let you use my power that easily" Paimon puffed
"I can do anything here right?" Kami began to laugh sinisterly
Paimon's face began to pale. Kami began moving his hand around and Paimon floated into the air and was flown down against the ground. Four swords went into each of his limbs and Paimon winced.
"That's no way to treat a man who you are taking power from" Paimon snarled "It's free you happy?"
Kami made the swords disappear and flew Paimon back into his chair.
"There is no need to do that Kami. I can keep him at bay, even with half my power he himself knows he does not scale to a god. But he will eventually equal me so keep that in mind" Gora acknowledged
"Naturally. It would make no sense for two polar opposites to not have the same strength" Paimon puffed
"From your servants I assumed you were a fairly nice person. I guess a demon lord is still a demon lord" Kami mumbled
"Kami this is worth noting. Any pain we feel is minor unless you 'whisper whisper whisper' and we feel proper pain" Gora explained smiling
"I can do that?" Kami laughed "Well this is my world, guess I can do anything"
Kami moved the aether and nether borders and made the aether borders reach the chair Paimon was standing in sending him flying away burning.
"AHHH!!! GORA!!!!" Paimon screamed as he soared through the air
"That is all you need to know. Do as you please" Gora smiled as he watched Kami fall to the ground
Kami's eyes opened and saw he was back with the yetis and his friends.
"Kami!" Liliana shouted as she jumped onto him and hugged him
He quite easily swatted her away and asked what had happened. He was unconscious for about three hours and his body occasionally swirled black and gold.
Kami recognised that as the colour of fuwa but he didn't have nether. Then he remembered that Paimon resided in the black part of his world and he was unsure of the exact power Paimon held.
"So with this sword... I can control time?" Kami asked slightly bewildered as he waved around the white sword.
"Yes" Huso responded
Kami slashed the air. Nothing happened.
"How does this work exactly?" Kami asked
"We do not know. If Paimon was alive he could tell you" Hikos responded
"Paimon huh" Kami muttered "Guess I'll ask him when I actually need the ability or I will just figure it out myself"
"So now what. We defeated you, I'm guessing this is the boss room" James said as he span around
"This is the conclusion to our lives" Djuk sighed
"Paimon ordered us to teach all we know to whoever could survive it" Ullak frowned
"Afterwards one was to be gifted with the power of our master" Hikos stated blandly
"And from there.. we are to become your power, dying in the process" Huso began "We had fun fighting all of you but unlike our master we are weak and only have basic fuwa. We will die"
"What do you mean you're all going to die" James said stepping back "Yeah you were kind of annoying but we all managed to get along with you guys"
"Yeah and we got stronger from you guys. I'm sure there is a way around this. You don't have to die. We could all be friends and take down the sins together" Kami argued
"No. Even if we wanted to you can't leave this dungeon until we are dead. In a dungeon on the final floor there is a boss room. Usually the boss is asleep until an adventurer gets to that floor but we are different. We woke up and can move around here but we are still the final bosses of this dungeon" Ullak explained
"Each of you must now kill who you trained with. Afterwards you will receive their power" Djuk explained
"I am not doing that. I will break the indestructible metal bars in this dungeon if I have to but I am not doing that!" Kami exclaimed "We are friends now. If I have to I will stay and starve down here until I die"
The yetis were communicating telepathically about the situation. They caught all of the adventurers off guard and took their weapons. Huso grabbed Asura and stabbed his chest. Djuk grabbed James' longsword and did the same whilst his hand began to burn. Ullak and Hikos both grabbed Liliana and Lynx by the next and began suffocating them forcing them to kill the yetis.
"We never had friends before" Huso coughed "But now we do. We were always a group that stuck to ourselves. If we could ask our new friends something before we finally die. Defeat the si-"
By then the yetis were already dead and turned to ash evaporating into the air.
Kami and James grabbed their weapons whilst Lynx and Liliana rubbed their necks. It was a request from their new friends and a final one at that. They knew what they had to do.
A few seconds afterwards the dungeon began to shake. Black and gold swirling in large transparent orbs rose out of nowhere from the ground. Kami and James' were basically of the same size whilst Lynx and Liliana's were slightly smaller.
The orbs began to move towards them. James attempted to slash the one moving towards him but it reformed. It went towards their foreheads and disappeared within their heads.
They felt power being added to them in vast amounts. This was the fuwa along with the souls of the yetis.
They ended up being teleported into the sea shortly after their successful clearing of the dungeon.
"Help. I ca-" Lynx said as he fell to the bottom of the sea.
Kami quickly jumped down into the sea and pulled him out. But he noticed that Lynx was sinking fairly slow and that no one else reacted as fast as he did.
"Never knew you couldn't swim" Kami mocked Lynx as they all swam to the shore.
"Where are we?" Liliana said as she began to dry herself off
Before them was black and destroyed ground stretched far and wide which gave James shivers as he turned around to answer the question.
"We are currently in between two countries on Ochea. Cristikan and Merzia. Both were destroyed by the actions of the sins" James shuddered
The others opened their eyes wide and thought about what this all meant. Two whole countries with all kinds of people ceased to exist because of the sins. They thought their training made them stronger but this brought them back down to earth. The sins were definitely stronger.
"Even though I don't agree with Lukas and Pocrea, if it wasn't for them we would've lost this fight the first time. But if we did the monster we made probably would never have been created" James explained
"Monster?" Lynx asked
James explained the entirety of the first fight between Lucifer, Belphegor and Satan.
"Asmodeus ended up coming to free them. He consumed enough souls to rival all three as well as us. We stood no chance and he freed the sins" James regrettably informed
Everyone was still staring at the black scenery with wide mouths whilst taking in this information.
"How does consuming souls contribute to anything" Liliana asked
"When a demon consumes a soul, they receive a portion of that person's strength so demon prefer strong people so they can get more power from the soul" James explained
Kami now realised why Asmodeus was so hooked on him. Kami could get stronger fairly easily and because of this as long as Asmodeus was stronger than Kami, he could beat Kami and take his soul whenever he wanted. This changed the looked on Kami's face instantly. This was not a good situation for him at all.
"There is no point on dwelling on this to be honest. I'm kind of interested in the graveyard we were at and I don't like this place so let's go back to Masseth in Brunay.
Deciding to test their new powers they all ran there. They arrived in the capital city of Masseth. They arrived in a few hours.
They went to the graveyard they were originally in before the dungeon.
They looked around and went over to the coffin they were previously in. Upon the metal gates closing when they first came in they heard dirt being thrown onto the coffin and now that they looked at it, it was almost like they were never there in the first place.
James dug it up and looked inside. There was a huge hole going further than his eye could see. He put the case back over the coffin and buried it for the final time.
"May they rest in peace" James said with his eyes closed
Their journey was done. Now they had to go to the CAG and notify them of what they had just done.
They arrived after a few days. CAG is located in the country directly in the middle of Ochea and the most powerful one Ntral. As James said there were minor repercussions with Lynx and specifically James who orchestrated this being suspended for a month from all guild activities including their originally guild.
Other than that everything was good. Lynx joined the S rank adventurers and Kami and Liliana were forced into the guild and also became S rank adventurers.
"Wonder what Pyria and Tama would think when I tell them where I've gotten to now. I was right about you" Liliana smiled as she played with her new S rank adventurer coin.
"We have really come far already. But we are supposed to go into the army around now right? Finally get to see Tama" Kami noted
"Yeah. She sent me a few letters, apparently she is now continental level. She never specified where her strength was specifically but that is intense" Liliana responded "And Pyria learnt magic to the highest degree so she can now use nether. She is high country level like us"
"High country calamity. Wasn't I already one?" Kami mumbled
"Asura. What is my calamity level?"
"Kami, you're an intermediate continental calamity"
Kami began to think about what this meant. To go up you as a disaster level you need to leave the continent. He has never done that. He begins to think hard. He then realises that him being in the sea counts as him coming out of a continent making his disaster level legitimate.
"It wouldn't make sense for all of that training to keep where I was anyway meaning Liliana is continental too she just hasn't realised. That means those yetis were VERY strong" Kami acknowledges
He decides to keep the information to himself and goes back to Masseth to wait out his time before being drafted along with everyone else. However James has already served his time.
When they arrive Kami, Liliana and Lynx are all shocked by the terrain of the city. They were looking at the aftermath between the bandits and Pocrea against Dix.
They enter Masseth and see the city suffered minor damage bar the few buildings that Pocrea split in two but compared to what she has done when she isn't holding back this is very minor.
"What happened here" Kami asked
"I don't know but considering the city was attacked. The only answer is Pocrea. Why is she like this?" James sighs
"I heard she has ADHD. It would explain why she is so violent for the most part and why she acts like this without thinking" Liliana deduces "This is a rumour spread far and wide by most places she has destroyed"
"Yeah, she does. She attention seeks and likes to take her anger out on what is weaker than her but it just so happens that she is strong so a city or if she is angry enough a country feels her wrath" James explains
"That is still no reason to destroy buildings and end lives. I'm going to have to have a conversation with her soon" Kami declares
They ask about and find out what happened for real. Kami thought Zetsubou may be a slight problem in the near future but as long as their anger is pointed at Pocrea it matters little. However how they will act after they exact revenge is another story.
Lynx headed to Helix whilst Liliana made one final stop. They went all the way back to the city of Jura. The faces they saw were nice and familiar. Their destination was their guild, it would make no sense for them to be S class at CAG but not at their first guild.
When they entered everyone stood up.
"It's styx" everyone mumbled
Nebras still had hate towards Kami after how he was man handled by him and Oboros seemed annoyed by their presence. Kami knew if he talked he would annoy the guild members so he decided to leave it to Liliana.
They approached the front desk and they both pulled out their CAG badges.
"Since we are both S class at CAG we believe we should be here as well considering CAG is for elites and the quests here are easier" Liliana carefully worded
Kami sighed with relief. That shouldn't offend anyone. But it did.
"You think just because you're big shots now you can come in here and just ask for S class. You have to work for it" Nebras shouted
Oboros pushed Nebras to the floor and for the first time voiced his opinion.
"No. You can't just come and get it like that. Beat someone who is S class. No beat me, if one of you can beat me you can become S class" Oboros puffed
"What you on about. It doesn't work that way" Kami laughed "The guild chooses not us. We are suggesting it. But since we are S rank in a place where S class here would be D ranked, us becoming S ranked here makes sense"
Fight me" Oboros responded
"No. If that was how easy it was to become S rank Kami would've been one when he first came here" Liliana said
Oboros had a lot of pride but was good at holding it in. As he watched Lucy change their adventurer coins to the two highest positions in the guild, a flip switched in his head.
Oboros pulled the longsword from of his back and pointed at Liliana and ran forwards. He was prepared to stab her. She put her hand out and coated it in aether which had a bit of nether and stopped the blade with her fingers.
"Give up" Liliana said as she pushed the blade backwards
Oboros dropped to the floor.
"Monsters" Nebras said as he watched them leave the guild.
"They have no clue" Kami mumbled
Now. The two had one final destination before they were drafted for the military. Helix for the Necrosis. Their final journey after moving around for so long was Masseth once again.
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