《The Man Who Became a God》Chapter 28: Growth 2
Huso stared at Kami for a bit and then began running. There was still a difference in speed but it had been lessened. Kami switched to sprinting, he began to catch up to Huso. The distance slowly disappeared until Kami's hand was on Huso's shoulder.
"Impressive" Huso smiled as he slowed down "That was the first stage of this tier"
"The first stage? You mean it gets harder than this?!" Kami screamed
"The reason you have to catch me three times is because I move faster each time. That was my slow jogging, next is my fast jogging and we will finish with my sprinting speed" Huso smiled "Regardless go do your training so you can keep up"
Kami listened and began training at once. He doubled the amount of time he did all of them and slowed down the speed of each rep. That made it insanely harder than it was before but Kami deemed that to be what was necessary for him to catch Huso.
During the time Kami was training his body Liliana was training in a different way.
The premise behind the training was basically the same but since she was using a bow the training had to be adapted. Hikos told Liliana that she must be able to switch their roles before she could move onto the next stage.
What Hikos meant was that he was putting Liliana on the defensive. She must put Hikos on the defensive to clear this level.
That was no easy feat.
Liliana could see where he was completely and was able to predict his movements, unlike Huso Hikos allowed Liliana to use all the materials at her disposal to clear each stage. As a result they were all combat.
Hikos moved quickly towards Liliana. She quickly dodged to the air and was already in the perfect position to fire a few aura arrows at him. Hikos slithered through these and continued on his way towards Liliana.
"Compress the aura and make it thicker for me to actually have a problem with this" Hikos laughed as he kicked Liliana against a wall.
Liliana thought about what he said and realised it may be the way for her to switch onto the offensive. She put a casual amount of aura into each arrow she made as all the aura she put into the arrow would permanently leave her body and never return.
Liliana knew she had a large amount of aura within her so there shouldn't be a problem with thickening the aura in each arrow.
She did this and noticed a slight difference but it was easily swept away by Hikos' fuwa.
"It felt heavier yes but I have fuwa not aura. That won't be enough" Hikos said as he grabbed Liliana and threw her into the ground
Liliana's body was instantly coated in Hikos' nether and the blood she coughed up was dissolved by the black fire. Liliana realised that a slight difference wasn't going to be enough. She needed to be releasing way more aura than before.
Hikos did the same thing and moved towards Liliana. The same patterned play out except. Her arrows that he dodged were feints. After she released those arrows she pulled back an arrow that was created with enough aura for her to really feel the weight of her aura decreasing. Hikos was right in her face and eyed the arrow realising it was bad but it was too late for him to move away. The arrow flew right into his face knocking him backwards.
Liliana kept throwing these arrows at him repeatedly until her aura was finished. The attacks left Hikos against the wall and as he fell another landed on his head sending him into the ground.
"Liliana that is good. You have passed this tier. Rest and we will move onto the next one" Hikos said as he deeply thought about what just happened.
Lyon moved straight onto the final tier. He eventually got the hang of fighting Ullak and got used to his speed. His training like everyone else's taught him how to deal with faster and stronger opponents but he already had the faster but down. During the past few days Lyon's aura had swelled dramatically just like everyone else's since they continuously had to get used to their aura being drained by nether.
Lyon now had aether that equalled Ullak's fuwa. The only disadvantage he had was that nether was the opposite of aether and was actually stronger than aether unless they were mixed into fuwa. Lyon began his fist fight with Ullak. They ran around at speeds that were the literal blinks of the eye. Every attack they did they would end up somewhere else in the room.
Lyon was a very good blocker and dodger but he prefered blocking. When dodging it requires you to move into a different direction and Lyon had trouble getting this down at high speeds so the majority of the time he was fighting he was blocking. Each time he blocked his aura got drained from the nether. The battle looked like a their fists were the black fire itself. Lyon felt his aura getting more and more drained until he was completely out and got flown into the floor by Ullak's attack.
"Good. You have really good fighting instincts. Don't worry, you can only get better. I won't finish you I will let you rest and continue. You seem to have the potential to realise my masters goals after all" Ullak said as he grabbed Lyon's hand and picked him up.
"Ah!!" Lyon screamed as he felt his skin burn from the nether
"Sorry. I forgot to remove my fuwa, the fight got so exciting I can't calm down" Ullak explained
James was in an interesting predicament. He too was on the final tier, he had been since the start he just needed to get used to Djuk's speed and move at that speed. But since Djuk was almost as skilled and as strong as Huso, even with all the days he had to beat him he was struggling.
Djuk did not hold back. If he saw an opportunity to defeat his opponent he took it and seeing how James already had fuwa and knows especially how dangerous each attack can be he should be wary but this wasn't the case.
Since James used fuwa he was used to always being strong and wearing an almost completely impenetrable armour around his body. For the start of the days he had been unconsciously tanking all the attacks and using his opponent's movements against him so he could strike. This was a good strategy... when dealing with someone weaker than you.
Since Djuk sealed off James' nether it made this pointless. James lost his aura at speed that none of the others who were training had, he set a record amongst them. But today was different. He finally realised how important blocking and dodging are and he was ready to implement them into his fighting. In his mind he knew that if he was to take nothing other than one from away from this training, then it should be that dodging was very important.
This made him think about his fight against Asmodeus and the other sins and if the outcome would've changed if he dodged. He knew Asmodeus was a different story, he would've lost regardless but he could feel that there was a chance he could've beaten Satan if he didn't tank so often.
James was dodging Djuk well. He still used Djuk's movements against him but instead he did it whilst dodging. This made each of his attacks stronger due to speed so he thought dodging was now even more important than he had already learned. He sent Djuk into the wall behind him and advanced. Djuk climbed out of the wall and saw James charging with his longsword pointed towards his chest in a stab.
James screamed as he covered his sword in aura and put too much in. He was banking everything on this attack, he knew that if it became a drawn out fight he would lose. He had to beat him here.
James' aura overpowered both the aether and the nether of Djuk. He kept on pushing deeper trying to get his sword to the other side of the wall completely ignoring Djuk's body which was in the way.
"You passed. Wait until my brothers say everyone else is done" Djuk said
James gave him a brief look and then noticed he was looking at his feet. James felt to the ground after having his body twisted upside down by Djuk.
"If you could do a move like that then you could've beat me" James voiced as he stood up
Djuk stared at him with his fuwa now been lost from James' attack.
"You are very reckless doing a move like that but it worked. I only managed to do that because of how tight you were gripping your longsword" Djuk laughed as he pointed at the weapon.
James came to the conclusion as Djuk removed the ring on his finger that he was previously an unsharpened blade that had just been sharpened to stand at the top of the other calamities.
Kami had gotten stronger and cleared the next level with ease. He was now onto the final level. He attempted to catch Huso but failed. Not only did he have a time limit but Huso was way faster than what he had been showing so far. The distance had been reset to what it was before he trained for a second time.
The gap between the two was too large he needed to fix it. But he didn't know what else he could do, he wanted to beat Huso. He kept trying when Huso wasn't tired.
Kami sprinted towards Huso trying to catch up, he was in the dust. Sprinting and jogging were two different things and they were being shown easily in this. Kami kept this up for another day but eventually caught Huso.
Kami knew what he was going to practice getting better at when he cleared this SS dungeon.
Huso left Kami to rest before moving him onto the final stage.
"As you were probably expecting, this final stage is for you to defeat me" Huso explained "Think you can do it? Well if you can't then I will kill you. James has cleared this already, don't let him leave you in the dust. He was fighting my brother Djuk who is slightly slower and weaker than me. Beat me and you will be stronger than James"
Kami was ready for the challenge. In the past few days he had come so far. The Kami from a few days ago would never have imagined that the yeti's weren't teleporting and that he would learn to "teleport" too as well as take on the strongest red yeti. It would've been inconceivable.
Kami finally unsheathed Asura from her scabbard and pointed the sword at Huso. He covered Asura in aether doubling the amount of aura that the sword was releasing. Kami's aura actually grew to equal Huso's already but the effect of Asura that has a doubling effect on any and all forms of spiritual energy this couldn't be called a fight. He was very lucky as this was a form only this sword had.
Kami matched Huso's speed and clashed with Huso's claws but it wasn't a clash. Kami's attack sent Huso flying into the wall and removed all of his fuwa instantly. Since Kami's aura equalled Huso's fuwa, now that it had been doubled with Asura the fight was completely one sided and ended instantly.
"No" Kami began "We are fighting again, I'm going to put in half the amount of aura I put in just now so that everything is how it should be"
Kami puffed this with slight anger. He had this build up for Huso but Asura was getting in the way. It wasn't fair.
"I'll wait until you get your fuwa back" Kami declared
"No, no you won't. I'm not fighting you. You have defeated me already so any questions you have I will answer" Huso announced
Huso and Kami had a short back and forth with Kami complaining and demanding a rematch but he eventually gave in and began his questions.
"So who is Paimon?" Kami asked
"He is the eighth prince of hell and a demon lord who rivals the deadly sins. He bears the sin of time" Huso explained
"Why does a demon lord wish for the deaths of his fellow demon lords?"
"Paimon is a demon lord but he is still a good person unlike the rest. He wasn't supposed to go see the future and he has attempted to change the past so he became a sin. He has seen the future and it is one where the demon lords become something that it almost impossible to defeat"
"What do they become?"
"I do not know. That is all Paimon sama told me"
[Paimon sama is lord paimon for you non weebs]
"What exactly is the point to all this training. Just to defeat the sins, I know they are important highly important but I would've trained to beat them myself"
"Paimon sama saw a future where we train four people and they become strong enough to defeat the sins. Any other future resulted in pure chaos but there is still the chance for the demon lords to become something that is impossible to defeat"
"So the only thing this training changes is the demon lords fate?" Kami asked
"No. If they become what Paimon sama predicted he said they would end the very world" Huso explained
Kami was now very grateful for the training he just received.
"It seems the rest of your friends have completed their training so I can show you what you actually trained for since you specifically were training to receive something when you won. I will show you what that is now"
The black wall behind James opened up into a door and opened out into the brightness. This whole time Kami was secluded in darkness which actually made the training harder but when the light hit Kami's eyes they burned violently but he dealt with the pain until it subsided.
Their for the first time he saw all of the red yetis at once and his friends were close behind them.
"This way" Huso commanded as they went down a narrow hall "We all teleported you down to the very final floor as if you completed the training the other monsters would stand no chance and would be annoying"
During their walk Kami learned that everyone else knew what he had just learned and that the yetis have some sort of special telepathic abilities between them.
They eventually arrived at a room with two large and heavily armoured giants. The yetis talked to them and afterwards they twisted their own necks.
The others jumped back in shock from their actions.
"Well we can't get into this room unless they are dead" Huso said as he pushed open two large double doors to reveal a large red room. There was a black mask that had a stopwatch on it and a white katana with a white scabbard hanged on the wall.
"Kami that katana is yours. It is known as the sword of time, with it you can travel through time but you must first learn how to use it" Huso explained "And put that mask on"
Kami first walked over to the katana and checked out the blade.
"Even though that weapon is of aether orientation Paimon was still able to use it which shows his kind heart" Hikos smiled with glee
"Where is Paimon" Lyon asked
"He is in another dungeon. Apparently he will be killed and he ordered us not to try and free him so we have left it" Ullak frowned
Kami added his new blade to his waist.
"What class is this?" Kami asked
"He didn't really use it often so it is still only a legendary weapon" Djuk explained
Kami reached for the black mask and placed it onto his face. Darkness emerged out of the mask and enveloped Kami. It then began to go into him. Kami screamed as the darkness made its way throughout his body.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO HIM!" Liliana screamed whilst the others prepared for a fight.
"Relax" Huso began "It is my masters power. Since Kami is not my master it hurts when he receives it"
Kami dropped to the ground after all the darkness disappeared and laid on the ground with his eyes closed.
"Then explain why he is now not moving on the floor" James mouthed as he pulled out his weapon
"Let him rest. He will be fine soon" the yetis said in unison as they sat down on the ground against the wall.
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