《The Man Who Became a God》Chapter 19: Thief
Everyone was brought to the main school grounds and Vana walked to the front of everyone holding her mic still.
"It was a long Necrosis but it has finally ended. I was notified that a demon interfered with the end and that Lex mysteriously disappeared but we have the new members of Dix" Vana said like a normal person for once.
From lowest seat to highest, the ranking of Dix is now as follows:
And finally Kami.
The seats were finally even after Aiden's death by Lex.
They were all given free tuition which was probably the driving force for everyone besides the glory of getting a seat. Buy they all learnt that there was a catch. The reason it was free was because they were going to join the army. This made sense as they were all at least a city calamity and some were stronger.
They were each given special dorms for them and them only. The previous ones had no bath, toilet or sink. If you needed to do that you had to leave your dorm. Now they had a much larger dorm with a single bed and a bathroom. This upgrade just might've been another driving force for the rest of the students of Helix.
Dix were given the rest of the week off to do whatever they wanted.
The next day Kami began talking to Asura. He needed to understand his new power. He learned that this was the true form of Asura already but after pursuing he learned that Asura could coat the slashes of wind from each attack in aura that didn't come from Kami but it matched Kami's own. Effectively Asura had aura that would match Kami's and she didn't need to be coated in aura but if she was the actual aura of the sword would be double what Kami was giving.
Kami heard a knock on the door. He opened it and invited Lyon in.
"I heard you got a god quality weapon, mind if I see?" Lyon asked.
Kami showed off the sheathe and the blade.
"I hear you are after a new blade, a secondary one right?" Lyon asks.
"Yeah, this is a bit too strong so I don't want to use it right now. I am looking for a blacksmith who can make me a legendary weapon. How did you know? I didn't tell anyone other than blacksmiths" Kami responds.
"I am the son of a blacksmith you went past. You told my father and he denied you. It wasn't that he couldn't, he said he couldn't because he wasn't sure what type of person you were. They are expensive and you can't just give an unbreakable and strong weapon to anyone"
"Makes sense. But I need it"
"Yes, for the demon after you. I can tell two swords might fit you better than one. All weapons that are legendary and god class can't be broken but they can be taken. If I make you a blade, can you promise not to use it for wrong and never lose it??" Lyon asks.
"I would never lose it" Kami responds.
"For now use your current weapon in its sheathe, when it is in its sheathe it is slightly stronger than the wooden version you once had. When we complete our stay at Helix I will make you one"
They had a brief discussion and Kami told Lyon how he wanted it to look. Pricing went up and down but it settled at 4 platinum coins.
"I can make you a legendary katana the way you asked but you must bring me the materials. I need diamond, lonsadeite, wurtzite boron and graphene. These can all be found in caves but they are very rare" Lyon stated
[all of these materials are real. They are all stronger than diamond]
"Why do you need so much?" Kami asked
"I am going to mix the lonsadeite and wurtzite boron for the actual blade, I will use graphene to replace the folded steel and the diamond will be the handle. No part of the blade can be broken which is why it's legendary. Mixing the materials and putting them all into a blade is what makes it hard. When you get the materials you will struggle, making it will be at least ten times as hard as what you do"
And with that Kami had successfully managed to get himself a legendary weapon although it was going to take a while to get he could almost feel the blade in his waist. His pouch of coins was 4 platinum lighter and he felt good.
Kami was given time to rest but he didn't need it. He wished to learn to use spiritual powers even faster than he already did and began training on vulcanisation. He left his dorm as he was correct to be afraid of burning it down. He sat in a pool of lava he created trying to spread the vulcanisation further than his shoulders. He couldn't mix elements to do it so he wanted to. He wasn't going to rest until he had at least a vulcanisation of lightning.
Whilst melting his surroundings Liliana showed up and briefly asked for advice to get stronger. She didn't want to be left behind by him at all. Afterwards she left to go to her dorm. Kami made minor improvements each day but by the end of the week he could reach his chest and his legs were covered. He didn't plan on stopping until his whole body had vulcanised but the week was over so he had class again.
There was no holidays as stated before so as soon as August rolled around Kami was in his 2nd year and the 1st years would be coming in the next month. August was a special month, it was a time for uncommonly rapid growth that truly set the 1st and 2nd years apart. It might have been due to a placebo effect the school told the students though.
By the end of August Kami had learned how to vulcanise his whole body. He didn't know any specific skills other than putting aura into Asura or level 3 ground burner but he was ready to learn and do them.
The first few lessons were on things he had learned in the latter half of his first year so instead of listening he thought how to make his own special move. After a while he would produce aura that protruded from his hand like the hilt of a blade. He did this continuously working on it slowly but surely and only stopping when he would go to bed.
Someone knocked on Kami's door again. This time it was colt.
"Hey, heard about your new weapon" he started "And.. I'm here to take it. Give it to me"
Colt looked at Kami with cold eyes that pierced his skin.
"I am a bandit you see, a thief at heart. My friend Aiden died whilst we were here. We had information about you. We planned on coming here to take your wooden sword and see what it was worth but then it cracked and became a god class. I can't exactly leave that alone" Colt said
"Do you really think you could take this off me" Kami stated with anger. But he knew that even if he could the sword was theft proof.
Colt smiled and grabbed the Asura and ran out of the dorm. Kami was confused when he actually managed to steal it but gave chase. He followed him through the corridors, every now and then Colt pushed people in his way slowing him down.
Kami switched to flying and the problem disappeared in the tall halls. He caught up. Colt unsheathed Asura and stared at Kami.
"How do you plan on getting your weapon back when it's in MY hands. What do you have to fight back?" Colt laughed.
Out of pure coincidence, this lined up with Kami's training. He covered his body in his aura of fire and made it into the hilt of a weapon. He pulled it out of his hand to show a katana made of pure aura.
"I can cut that in half with this" Colt laughed whilst he waved Asura around.
Kami moved forwards prepared to strike Colt. Colt tried to counter with Asura but the sword flew out of his hands and sheathed itself as it flew back into the waist of Kami.
"Nani!!!" Colt screamed
[If you dk what that means. There is no saving you]
His chest was cut by the sword and his flesh began to sizzle. Colt screamed as he stepped back and ran off. He put so much faith in Asura that he didn't bring any weapons nor coat himself in aura.
"You would've died if I could've done that whilst vulcanised" Kami mumbled as he turned around and headed for his dorm. He questioned why Colt would just suddenly do that but he was aware the chances of that happening again were next to 0.
Even though that happened, Kami was greatful. If someone took Asura they could technically keep it as long as they didn't swing the sword. Meaning as long as it wasn't used it could be stolen but because a weapon is supposed to be used it is effectively. Useless. If someone did use it, it would come flying straight back to Kami.
No one would steal a weapon they could never use right? Wrong. The next day after lessons in the main courtyard Kami was going up to his dorm to continue training when he ran into Colt. This time Colt had his weapons and wasn't alone.
"I know now that I can't use that weapon but it will still go for a high price since it is what it is and you wield it" Colt sniggered.
"I honestly thought we were friends" Kami sighed "If you continue, you will all die"
Kami hated having his stuff stolen from him. It was the fastest and easiest way to turn his heart black. In real life he almost clobbered a child when they stole his sweets when he was 13. No matter what is was, in Kami's eyes theft meant death. If you returned what you stole you were safe otherwise. Death. If you tried again Kami worked under the assumption you had already stolen whatever he owned making him serious from the start.
Kami moved so he was facing the outer walls of the school. He was angry but not enough to make rational decisions. Kami fights with one hand. When he uses both hands he is completely serious. Kami took out Asura and used both hands but didn't cover himself in aura. Everyone with Colt charged at Kami. Kami made one horizontal strike in the air that cut the school walls in half and the bodies of his attackers.
Out of instinct Colt put up his swords in aura and blocked the wind slash but it broke one of his swords.
"I'll be back and more prepared!" Colt screamed as he ran out of the school through the opening Kami had made. Kami thought to give chase but leaving the school grounds was forbidden. After this Kami somewhat managed to go back to his normal life. Except people kept asking about his sword, he didn't know how anyone knew in the first place since no one was in the arena and there was a lot of smoke but someone saw and leaked the news.
Kami named his ability aura sword. When he learned how to vulcanise it he planned on calling it aura sword vulcanised. He had learnt an ability that was his own but he wanted more. He valued the aura sword, it was light almost like paper but he knew there was more for him.
Kami went days and days thinking before he remembered what his goal was. To mix every element. Kami tried and was almost immediately successful. His aura hummed gold. It matched the aura of the aura pool but even though he did it so easily, out of everything he had ever learned this drained him the quickest.
Kami had 0 control over it, it was just darker than a yellow and the aura was relatively weak for what he was making. Vulcanisation was clearly out of the question until he learned how to control his new power.
He felt lost and like he was learning aura all over again. He immediately consulted Asura for help. She explained that the gold aura was called aether. No aura can oppose it only magic and the highest form which is created in the same way nether magic. The only thing stronger than the two was Fuwa.
Kami stopped going to class and became a shut-in. A neet. He was trained by Asura daily in return for a wish to learn to control his powers. It took 6 months but he learned to use it. The teachers kept coming to him but after they realised there was literally nothing left to teach him he was left to his own devices.
"Hey hey did you hear? Asmodeus was pushed back and Azazel is here" Mammon said excited.
"Yeah I heard. Belphegor must be annoyed after he wasted so many souls to try and get Azazel under him but he was already here. He might even equal one of us" Beelzebub responded.
The duo were in the head guild of the Oskean empire sitting on the steps to where the throne would be. The two couldn't decide who got to sit on the Emperor's throne and who had to sit on the Emperess's so they just broke them.
"That Kami guy knows about us now right? I wanna pay him a visit too but I'm impatient, I will want to take his soul right then and there" Beelzebub sighs.
"If you wait, the quality goes up. You get more for your buck as the saying goes" Mammon responds
"More for your buck? People say that but it isn't a saying as much as it is a way to either con or get you to buy more with more intelligence but I get what you're saying"
Mammon stared at Beelzebub with annoyance.
"Mammon, those wars in Ochea. Do you wanna participate? We can send the empire to crush them all whilst they are weakened after a battle and slowly progress until we have Ochea" Beelzebub suggested
"I am greedy but I am not a fool. I think. If we did that we would get ont Asmodeus's bad side. He has been out for longer than we have and has taken more souls. I hate to say it but he is stronger. He left Ochea to Kami, if we go against Asmo who knows what will happen" Mammon responded
"True but can he take on both of us? And if he somehow could then all the more reason to take Ochea. If we grab souls faster than he can find out and come there wouldn't be anything he could do. It's not like he would take all the souls of everyone in Spajainia now would he" Beelzebub rebuttled
Mammon paused and was in deep thought for a good 5 minutes.
"Okay but as long as we don't take Kami. If we see him we leave, Asmo gave us a description of him so there are no excuses. If you interfere with Kami I will leave. Got that?" Mammon decided "We split what we get evenly understood?"
Beelzebub agreed and came up with an idea.
"How about we get a whole country under our control from in Ochea and have them fight for us? That way we can stay undetected for longer and don't have to fight for our food. Anyone that's dead we eat" Beelzebub suggested.
"Oh. Good idea, as expected of Beelzebub. And that way even if Kami shows up we won't know and can still eat our food when he is gone. Smart" Mammon agreed.
Meanwhile in the Northern empire.
"Azzy really wreaked havoc without me. And I guess the other Azzy Azazel too. I would've loved to go. Hey Belphegor didn't you waste 50,000 on him? Ha that's what you get for ignoring me. He might be plenty strong since he was here before us. Maybe I will go fight him" Satan chuckled.
"Yes, very annoying. I would fight him if I wasn't lazy" Belphegor responded.
"Couldn't you just kill him and make him your servant? Those souls are currently in the hands of death but he keeps to his deals. If you kill Azazel he would come back directly under you Belphegor" Lucifer pointed out.
The sin of sloth instantly fixed his slouching back and pulled out his sword that was shaped like a razor blade and pointed it to the sky.
"I will smite that demon and make him mine. In the name of laziness!" Belphegor screamed.
The rest chanted with him and agreed whilst snickering. They themselves weren't going to get involved but it was going too be a good laugh. Belphegor when he is serious was fun to watch as it rarely ever happened.
"Belphegor when you lose I want a piece of him" Satan beamed.
"If I lose" Belphegor scowled deeply "I don't lose, even you would be nothing when I am serious. The only reason I don't fight you i because I'm lazy"
Satan smiled.
"Maybe I will fight him first to take you on" Satan snarled
"Do that and I will kill you. You may be an immortal being and I don't have a legendary weapon but if i stick my blade into your chest hilt deep you will be stuck on the floor for quite a while" Belphegor declared.
Satan was aware he would end up as Belphegor stated and gave up. He would rather watch than not watch at all with a blade in his chest. If it was a normal blade Satan wouldn't of cared but Belphegor's was like a razor blade, it zigzagged all the way to the blades hilt. Even after he healed up enough he would cut himself the more he pulled it out. And he knew Belphegor would aim for his heart, the place that took the longest to heal.
"I'm not interested. I will stay here and look after the empire. You fight that pleb, he is none of my concern" Leviathan said walking away.
Belphegor, Lucifer and Satan all prepared to set out and watch Belphegor man handle Azazel.
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