《The Man Who Became a God》Chapter 18: Welcoming Party
Colt was the first to fight in the new arena. But he didn't care his opponent was what mattered, he watched as the man walked onto the arena.
"Now for the fight between Colt and Dix #4 Barks!" Vana announced
"Actually" Began Barks "I lose, I can't fight the bos- oh um I mean Colt. I know I will lose" Barks responded
Colt gestured at him that let Barks know he was saying 'way to go' sarcastically. Barks sighed and looked downwards.
"And that is the match! Barks surrendered before the match even started!" Vana screamed.
Colt walked off and slapped the hand of Aiden as he walked on.
"Next we have hopefully a full match between one of the big three of Dix. #3 member Lex!" vana explained
"You stand no chance Lex" Aiden taunted.
"Hmm, considering I know my own strength" Lex chuckled "I beg to differ, you win if you even see me after the match is over... Bandit"
Aiden looked at Lex shocked. Vana promptly started the round and before Aiden nor any of the crowd could react, Lex was holding Aiden's head in his hand, decapitated from the body. Aiden's blood dripped down Lex's hand and Aiden's body flopped to the floor.
"Don't need a man like you interfering with what is about to happen" Lex whispered into the ear of the head. He then placed the mouth near his ear and waited.
"Ah, you saw through did you? As expected of the god, but you only killed this body I controlled. I am still alive and well" the head whispered back.
"I know you are, but I already know that Kami will deal with you and the sins, so I don't care. I'm going back up now" Lex responded "Bye Azazel"
Lex kicked the head so hard it broke into 2.
"Hey Lex, you are supposed to beat them not kill them you know" Vana stated.
"Oh shut up. I just saved the world you would be thanking me if you knew who this was. But whatever I'm going to wait now, they are coming after all" Lex responded disappearing out of the arena.
It was Liliana next. It was her time to shine and totally shock the crowd.
She was up against the second best. He was Theo and he was a devestating character to deal with. He taught Dino his special moves.
"Start!" Vana said completely giving up on describing what she knew about the combatants. But it was understandable. This was a serious fight.
Liliana had her bow with her. Theo slowly started to walk towards her whilst she drew her bow. The arrow was coated in thick aura and she shot it. Theo swatted it away with his hands.
"I have to be faster huh?" she mumbled
She waited for him to draw close before dodging his blows and moving to the other side of the arena. She tried again. The arrow moved faster than Theo was expecting and landed in his shoulder, and this time the aura coating the arrow stayed until impact.
"What is this? Liliana managed to coat her arrow in her aura and managed to make the aura stay until impact? This is highly impressive" Vana noted.
Bows are a long ranged weapon, it is hard enough to put aura in a weapon you hold let alone a projectile. But she managed.
"I did some training adopting the moves Dino did, but then I heard you taught him what he knows so it probably won't work. The only option I had was making use of my weapon, since I have a bow it is pretty hard to keep doing but because of the amount of aura I have. This might be my win" Liliana announced whilst drawing back her bow.
"We will see after I give you level 3. That Lynx kid knows his stuff" Theo stated.
He dodged a few arrows and punched the ground with his aura coating both of his middle knuckles.
The attack was toned down but it was still devastating. It created a hot crater with lava gushing out the middle. Liliana usually fought with her water aura and had more control over it than before. She began to make her dark blue aura vulcanise blue.
"How do two 1st years already know about that. Most of my year can't even pull that off seriously. What is your year group made of? And I heard you and some guy named Kami drained the aura pool, what is this" Theo uttered shocked.
Liliana put her bow back behind her and watched as the lava turned to obsidian before her vulcanised water aura.
"My year is a bit shady I think but I can't do this for long. It is very draining" Liliana explained "But with my aura, this should be enough"
She ran in and punched Theo sending him flying backwards. He hit the wall with great force and pulled himself out. He jumped into the obsidian crater to dodge Liliana.
He began to put his aura around his arm and it began to vulcanise blue.
"I wonder if you are still as skilled when vulcanised. I watched your matches. If you remove the vulcanisation and try to fight me you will lose your aura regardless" Theo chuckled
Liliana rushed at Theo and punched him. He slightly saw her aura change to earth and back. He jumped back and mumbled in discontent.
Liliana jumped with him and threw feint. He dodged it and her arm re-angled itself downwards. She wasn't aiming for him but the ground. As her punch landed the ground began to quiver and turn to mud. Theo was at the epicentre of the attack and could do nothing. He was trapped in mud and was slowly sinking.
Theo changed his vulcanised aura to wind and punched the ground. Liliana blocked. Every attack Theo attempted she thwarted until he was chin deep in mud.
"Surrender, if I hit you I might break your neck. Actually don't. This is kinda funny" Liliana said.
Theo just looked unimpressed. She changed her aura to wind.
"Do you know what I am going to do now?" she questioned
"What" he responded in a monotone voice.
She smiled and hit the ground. It began to solidify and Theo was almost nose deep into the ground.
"Wink if you surrender, blinking would be unfair since you have to do it" Liliana commanded crouched down in front of his face.
He winked and she pulled him out the same way she put him in.
"How comes you aren't stronger than that. Shouldn't you be really strong? You're the second strongest Dix member right? #2" Liliana asked
"I was, at the start of the year or to be exact I was the 3rd. I knew Lex was holding back so he never ranked high but he should've been where I am making me the 3rd strongest. Then later on Drew got stronger and overtook me. You should've fought Poldras, Drew or Lex. I don't know who is the strongest amongst them but they are all too powerful" Theo stated brushing himself off.
They both left the arena battle grounds and Kami walked in with Poldras opposite him.
Vana started the fight before they were even properly in the arena.
"Heard you're part of the reason my brother is gone" Poldras uttered scratching his head "Don't get me wrong, I don't want revenge. He was a fool and used my name to feel strong. I just want to fight you with no bars. Man to man with full force. In all the arenas there is a special device that holds back our strength otherwise there would be destroyed arenas from people who are as strong as you and I"
"So what, you removed them or something?" Kami asked.
"Bingo, they are gone. This arena will be destroyed by the end of our fight"
Kami grinned and pulled out Asura. The second he touched her handle the aura flowed in smoothly as if it was his own.
"Impressive, so you managed to make the blade your own huh. It is literally you now" Poldras noted "This will be fun. I don't get anything out of fighting so I at least want to have fun. Don't die"
Kami got shaken up from those words. He remembered what he had done. He had killed someone. He wasn't ready to kill another human. Kami shook Asura violently in his hand.
Poldras grabbed a short sword from his waist and aura matching Kami's entered.
"I will start of easy to see how strong you are" Poldras claimed as he tightened his grip on his weapon.
Kami was caught off guard from the first attack that Poldras gave and barely managed to block. The air became hot and the ground felt warm. Kami could feel the heat of the blade.
Kami had no time to think about killing Poldras, he only had to think about protecting himself
"Okay keep up from now" Poldras commanded.
The aura around Poldras' weapon got darker and darker every attack he made. Kami matched it and began swinging back. There was smoke coming from the air around them. The wind from each slash would cool the air back down resulting in brown smoke and then white repeatedly. The ground was sizzling slightly and sizzled more every time their blades met.
"Final one. Keep up" Poldras said.
Kami realised worrying about Poldras was a mistake. If he killed him, it would be after a long battle and he was so strong that it could only be if he did it on purpose.
Their aura began to vulcanise. The aura coating their blades stopped coating it and instead began it. The vulcanisation covered all of Poldras's body and reached Kami's shoulders. He was at a clear disadvantage.
They took another blow at the other. The entire arena went up in smoke. The ground and the arena slowly began to melt. They did it again. It sped up and the crowd began to run as their clothing slowly melted. Each wind slash from their attacks were covered in their dark red aura only adding to the havoc.
Their feet began to drown and as they fell into the ground. They didn't even notice they were getting shorter as their aura blocked the heat and they were falling at the same speed.
Poldras began to move more of his aura into his weapon. Kami could feel it. This was the most fun he had ever had fighting but something was wrong. Poldras's blade was darker than even the maroon it already was, it was almost even black.
"Oh no" Kami muttered.
But it was too late. Poldras made an attack with so much force it cracked Asura. Within her was something red Kami noted. He tried to keep up but couldn't. Asura became more and more cracked until only the handle was fine. Poldras put more of his aura in and made another strike. The wood of Asura slightly singed as it fell to the ground.
But Kami still had a weapon. Although it wasn't his wood one.
"Asura? What happened?"
"I was given to you by a god, I am a weapon that can kill a god. I am a god tier weapon, I cannot be broken. When you got stronger and wished for it I would've shed my skin"
In Kami's hand was a black handle with a black sheathe with designs of fire covering it. Kami drew the blade. The blade was pure red and the folded steel was dark black.
"A legendary tiered weapon?" Poldras gasped stepping backwards.
"No, she is god tiered. Seems I might've been holding back a bit but now you will feel her wrath" Kami replied.
Poldras welcomed the challenged with literal open arms.
"Asura, so what just happened"
"There was wood coating me, it was to contain my strength. With me you are stronger than your own calamity by one. When my wood was destroyed this trend continued"
"So before I was a city calamity but with you I became a country?"
"At the start yes but eventually your strength rose to that of a country even without me. Which is why before when you fought people the strength you exhibited were worlds apart when I was drawn and when I wasn't"
"So that is about to happen again now?"
Kami was taken aback. He prepared to swing at Poldras. The ceiling broke as a figure came crashing down from the ceilin .
"Oh Kami. It's been a while. It took me a while to get her" the voice said in the mist of the smoke from Kami and Poldras's fight.
Kami stared as the person walked closer. Kami made out a suit and matching gloves and began to shake. He stepped back
"Asmodeus!" Kami shouted.
"Ah, you remembered me. How nice of you. I was waiting for you to come find me in the Spajainian empire but it seems word didn't travel. Me and my fellow sins have conquered a continent each. Every empire is under our control. I thought you would try and fight me when you heard but guess I was wrong" Asmodeus responded.
"Even the spajainians" Poldras said staggering back "Just what are you?"
"Someone who was banished from where I belong and was split. But I don't remember coming here for you shush" Asmodeus responded
A dark mustard colour covered Asmodeus's body. Asmodeus raised a finger and the colour was sent out of his body and covered Poldras.
"Ah!" Poldras screamed. He dropped his weapon and covered his entire body in aura but it wasn't enough. He slowly burnt screaming more and more until he was reduced to dust. Kami watched in fear.
"You were struggling with him no?" Asmodeus laughed "He annoyed me so I removed him. Despair yes. Know we are more than worlds apart. Get stronger and fight me, I want your soul to take even better when I harvest it. This is my true strength and I will only get stronger"
Kami grabbed Asura with both swords and prepared to take him on. Kami charged forwards and swung Asura but Asmodeus grabbed her with both hands.
"Huh, thought I could snap it. Guess I can't" Asmodeus said.
He pushed Kami away and Kami began to feel his body burn from the dark mustard aura that he touched. Then it went away. He didn't know what to do. He wasn't strong enough.
"That's enough Asmodeus. I already dealt with Azazel. I will get rid of you too if I have to" Lex said approaching the arena.
"Ah, Lex. What are you doing in a human body. But Azazel was already here huh? But anyway, you're supposed to be why I'm here. You should be with your people in the sky" Asmodeus groaned.
"Lex? As in the Lex that sent me here?" Kami said shocked.
"Yeah yeah, I'm here because of these guys. They are scattered throughout this world. Eight of them, one hasn't been revived luckily" Lex explained
Asmodeus shot another one of his attacks at Lex but it was easily thwarted.
"Fine I will go. But I will be back Kami, you better be ready" Asmodeus laughed as he flew into the sky and away.
"What was that Lex?" Kami asked.
"You know the guy. If you mean his strength he was sealed and his strength was removed to the bare minimum. He collected that back at some point and can now use Fuwa again" Lex responded
"Fuwa? As in that blackish yellowish aura?" Kami asked
"Yes but no. It is aura yet it is not. It is magic but it is not. Fuwa is both mixed into one. A very devestating power when used correctly. But I'm not here to chat. I've done what I was supposed to do, my power is weaker when I'm a human and I don't like it. Bye I'm going home now"
Before Kami could ask anymore questions Lex flew into the sky. As he did the smoke completely cleared. There was no one here except Kami. Everyone had evacuated during his fight.
Kami again resolved himself to defeat Asmodeus and this time his entire crew of sins as well as Azazel who he knew nothing about.
He walked out of the burnt arena thinking about his close future. The new head of Dix just had a small welcoming party with very strong people.
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