《The Man Who Became a God》Chapter 13: Unlucky
Pure anger was the driving force of Liliana. She had gone over the scenario she had planned in her head to defeat Kythrede since she developed her powers into what they were and tweaking them as she got stronger.
Her goal was to 'accidentally' murder what was in front of her in a battle stance releasing his Aura Kythrede. Matching his wind aura she punched Kythrede using her advanced move and had changed her aura briefly to fire weakening Kythrede slightly. He jumped back and kicked her with all his aura in his leg. She prepared for the kick and put her aura completely on her arm as she blocked it.
Kythrede thought he noticed something and attempted the kick again but Liliana was already right in front of him, he quickly spread his aura throughout the rest of his body but he wasn't fast enough. Liliana landed a punch on Kythrede before he could spread out his aura. He coughed up blood as he was repelled backwards. She just broke a part of his rib cage.
Kythrede kept fighting through the pain and prepared to kick Liliana again. Liliana was already moving towards him with another punch. She missed as he dodged to the side and he used the moment to land a kick on her back. She noticed his intentions and put all of her aura on her back.
"So I am right" Kythrede said whilst smiling "You seem to not be able to use your technique when you send your aura to certain parts of your body, only when it is everywhere around your body, interesting"
Kythrede had hit the jackpot, the technique Liliana used to change between auras was difficult to pull off. It got even harder to do if she had to incorporate mixing elements and using it when all her aura was sent to a specific spot. These were impossible for her right now, it required too much skill.
Kythrede backed up and began to prepare a scenario for his victory around this. Liliana's plan had been thrown out the window with his revelation.
The end goal remained the same she just had to change how she was going to achieve this now. Both sides had ceased combat and were in deep train of thought formulating a plan to beat the other. They both charged towards each other. The one who could predict their opponent the best and follow through with their plan would win.
Kythrede punched Liliana a few times whilst she quickly changed her aura to oppose his at the last moment. Since he kept doing this she dropped her guard. Kythrede who was once coated in the grey of wind aura changed his aura to water as late as he could which caused Liliana to lose aura as she changed her aura to fire. She was caught off guard and didn't have enough time to react. Water is not only strong against fire but wind as well. Kythrede kept his fist planted in her stomach until she realised what had happened and changed her aura to match his. Kythrede had predicted that she would change her aura to earth to combat his aura but she matched it. He ended up overthinking and changed his aura to wind and was weakened by her aura by accident.
These series of events was perfect for Liliana. She grabbed both of his hands and moved all of her aura to her hands. Kythrede was unsure of what she was trying to do but attempted a kick to her chest which got her to let go and move away. She cursed under her breath. Even though things were going in line with her plan due to Kythrede's blunder, moving away instead of covering herself in aura pushed back the length of the fight.
Kythrede had to move dependent on Liliana's movement. But she was hard to predict, she was normally calm and collected yet she was angry. He didn't know how this would turn out. In between waves of anger she demonstrated she wasn't just moving off pure rage alone. She was thinking how to deal with Kyhtrede and every one of her attacks moved her closer to the end whether they hit or not. And he knew this.
They got in a heated battle where no blows were landed, whilst Liliana tried to hit Kythrede he would dodge and occasionally parry her attacks. He couldn't parry often as she still had her aura technique which would eventually drain Kythrede. She made a punch for his face and her arm was swatted away from the inside, she went with the flow of where she had been misdirected quickly and grabbed one of his arms.
Kythrede began to threat, although it was only one arm, she was preparing to do the same thing. He began frantically punching her arm to no avail. She stepped on his feet quickly and attempted to grab his arm. After a few misses she caught it.
Kythrede was now panicking, he could not kick her away as she was holding his feet down.
"I am not as good as Kami at this and doing it on an animate object is way harder but prepare yourself" Liliana insisted.
He instantly knew what she meant. Yes, that very moment Kyhtrede tasted despair. What we wanted to give Kami and Liliana was now being ironically put onto him by the weaker of the two he originally viewed as no more than a pebble.
Her aura began to separate, some remained on her legs whilst the rest began to go to her arms. He tried to wiggle out of the situation but she wouldn't let him go. The aura on her hands began to convulse, he began to cycle through all the elements but he was only delaying the inevitable. Liliana opposed each of his elements and though it caused her aura to stop moving she didn't mind. Almost like a sadist she enjoyed the look of terror printed clearly on Kythrede's face. His aura was now very drained and fighting would only weaken him more, he prepared for the attack.
The aura on her hands convulsed again and began to spread outwards to the forearm of Kythrede.
"Is that as far as I can go huh?" she began "I need more aura!"
The aura on her hand got thicker and thicker, her aura reserves were draining more. Her fire aura began to weaken Kythrede's wind aura. Soon he had no more.
"It BURNSS!" He howled in pain as he began to be incinerated.
Liliana's aura was so thick that his skin was set ablaze. It spread from his forearms to the rest of his body. She let go and watched as Kythrede was burnt alive with the howls of his pain getting quieter the more burnt his tongue got. Liliana was declared the winner. The crowd didn't speak a word as if to make sure they didn't accidentally anger the monster before them.
The remains of Kythrede were but dust on the floor which the wind blew away scattering throughout the air and out of the coliseum.
Kythrede had tested Styx and they in turn tested his will to live. His will as well as his right to life had been burnt away by Liliana.
She had emerged victorious and left the battle.
In the capital of the head guild of a nearby continent was a man in a suit sitting on a throne with his legs relaxed on top of a man wearing the clothing of a monarch.
"I remember Spajainians being more ferocious, oh well" Asmodeus stated "I'm glad I have a foot stool, don't agree King?"
"Yes yes, please use me to my fullest extent" the man on his hands and knees underneath Asmodeus replied happily.
After all the sins had regained their power, each sin key was returned and they headed of to different continents as planned.
At the north were Satan, Lucifer, Belphegor and Leviathan. They were taking over the Northern empire, the largest empire on the planet. Once they had control over it they would be the 4 heads of the empire.
Next was the Oskean Empire, Mammon and Beelzebub had paraded their way into the 2 continent large Empire like it was nothing. Unfortunately for the Oskeans they were already dealing with a revolt and the demon lords suddenly showing up did not help. At all.
Finally was the Spajainian Empire, the smallest of them all with only one continent under their jurisdiction it matched up in power with the Northern Empire. Their advanced knowledge on magic and sciences had led to huge advancements. Asmodeus was currently having his way with it.
As they all agreed they left the Continent of Ochea alone where Kami currently was due to Asmodeus.
None have controlled more than a 1/3 of the countries in each continent controlled but unlike Ochea which actually had 9, there was only 3-5 countries so the Empires were almost under the demon lords feets.
Under the feet of Asmodeus was the king sent by the emperor to control the country of Kax. As one could correctly assume, he wasn't doing very well albeit due to a sudden invasion from a demon lord.
"Hmm, this is boring" Asmodeus yawned "I think I'm going to summon some demons to do this for me, but I need 10 souls of a humans of city calamities to get anyone with power. Hmm. King!"
"Yes my lord" the foot stool responded
"100 city calamity men to me. And do it now" Asmodeus said putting his feet on the floor.
"Yes my lord, right away" the foot stool said standing up and running away.
"Stop!" Asmodeus shouted "Who said you could stand? Gather them all on all fours like the table you are!"
"Yes my lord, my apologies" the king said going back down onto all fours and crawling out of the throne room.
"Now I just have to play the waiting game, if he doesn't seek me out by himself soon I just might pay him a visit" Asmodeus smiled.
4 men with horns, tails and keys dangling from their necks wearing outfits varying from heavy armour to light to a suit and finally plain clothes sat on 4 tall and large thrones of human carcasses talking surrounded by blood and turmoil of a battle that was a loss for humanity.
"I can't believe Asmodeus took control of the Spajainian Empire, that empire rivals the one we are in right now. And theres 4 continents here and only one there. Man I'm so jealous. I want that for my own" said one of the demons.
"Just leave it Leviathan, it just means the empire would take longer to take" replied Belphegor
"Leviathan, it hurts my pride knowing that I was freed as well as piece of an empire by Asmodeus. I agree with you." Lucifer stated
"No, he can have that land, there is more space to conquer here, I can fight for as long as I want and make the humans submit before me!" screamed Satan happily.
Completely split in half on Asmodeus' actions to take total control of the strong Spajainian Empire, they continued to argue for a while.
"Wait a second, with all of these high grade souls, can't we summon a demon to make the work lighter?" pointed out Belphegor.
"You only want a demon to come so the work is easier on you Belphegor" replied Satan.
The other two remained neutral not caring whether someone came or not.
"So we have about 50,000 souls. Some are a bit weak so the quality is a bit lower than hopeful but I think we can still summon a high class demon. I'll try Azazel" Belphegor uttered completely ignoring Satan. The only time he got serious and worked was when a huge load of work would be taken from him.
Satan gave up as Belphegor already began offering the souls.
A black hole appeared and absorbed thrones of dead bodies until none but 1 was left.
"Oh, it seems one of the humans hid amongst the bodies to try and live" Satan smiled with evil intent.
"Please spare me. I don't wish to die" the man begged
"Your in the way" Belphegor said nonchalantly and touched him with his right hand that wore a black glove and had the symbol of a panda on it. Upon contact the man fell into a deep sleep of death. The black hole absorbed him before his body even touched the ground.
"Azazel come forth" Belphegor says staring into the black hole. The hole shrinks and disappears. "Nani? I know that was enough souls..."
[Nani means what in japanese in case you somehow didn't know]
In a bar in the Oskean Empire Beelzebub and Mammon were talking about the future of the empire.
"So, now that we are on this continent it seems like we are starting all over again doesn't it Mammon?" said Beelzebub
"Regardless more of the countries will fall by me here than you, the empire is soon to be ours! Or maybe mine, I don't really like sharing, like at all" responded Mammon
"I am awar-" Beelzebub began but was rudely interrupted by a bunch of drunkards.
"You think you can beat the empire do you, when strong men like us kill men like you who plot treason?" one of the drunkards laughed.
That would be the last time he ever laughed.
"You seem to enjoy drinking" began Beelzebub as he stood up out of his chair and walked towards the fool.
"Yeah I do"
"Keep drinking... Forever. It won't be an instantaneous demise" Beelzebub commanded him whilst he grabbing his shoulder. He was also wearing a black glove with the symbol of a pig on it.
"You pulled a fast one on me Beelzebub!" shouted Mammon. Mammon also wearing a pair of black gloves with a white frog touched the man and told him he could be greedy.
The pair walked out of the bar joyfully as the best of friends as the man drank himself to death behind them.
"How long do you think he has until his until his stomach explodes?" Mammon asked Beelzebub. "I think 3 hours"
"No, I believe it will take 5-7, he was pretty large" Beelzebub replied "We will know when his soul comes to us"
"By the way..." Mammon began with slight ferocity "Who gets the soul, we both did something to him"
"Mammon, you were slow, you cursed him after I did. The soul belongs to me, after all I love to eat, especially souls"
"Really? Well I love to keep souls, we both know I am a very greedy individual"
"Fine, you can have it. Just wait here a second I left something" Beelzebub said heading back to the bar.
After 5 minutes, Mammon realised what Beelzebub had done.
"You thought you could get one over on me didn't you!" Mammon raged as he ran back to the bar.
When he arrived everywhere was filled with blood, everyone other than the man who had been condemned to drinking until death was on the floor missing arms, legs and even stomachs.
"Ah, Mammon you came back. I realised I left the souls of the bar behind, since you left without thinking about them and you really wanted the fool drinking I took everyone else" Beelzebub explained
"You pulled another fast one Beelzebub!" Mammon responded.
"Fast one, no I did nothing of the sort. You claimed that soul over there" Beelzebub stated pointing to the man drowning in beer "Everyone else was unclaimed, so I took one. If you also claimed these guys it would be a different story"
"So that is why you just gave up on that soul. You let me think I won because there was more to be had that I forgot about! Well I really do have myself to blame for this, fine you win"
The walked out of the bar satisfied with the mayhem they had caused.
Even though the final 20 of the Necrosis tournament were to fight random opponents in the year they weren't in. That was a lie. During the tournament, the 1st years who became the new members of Dix were power scaled by the teachers. They were then given a 'random' opponent that they couldn't beat amongst the 2nd years, the stronger the 1st year was, the stronger their opponent. The final battles amongst the tournament after all were not meant to be battles but a one sided battering where the 2nd years emerged victorious.
With the final 20 members being decided the match was as follows:
Raymond vs #10 Dix member
Lilith vs #9 Dix member
Bella and Alex vs #8 Dix member(Their matches would be done individually)
Fosig vs #7 Dix member
Lyon vs #6 Dix member
Lynx vs #5 Dix member
Colt vs #4 Dix member
Aiden vs #3 Dix member
Liliana vs #2 Dix member
Kami vs #1 Dix member
The Dix members corresponded to the seats they had received in Dix. These were staged impossible matches that none of them could win. All the Dix members were overpowered in terms of strength.
With this listing being read out the day had concluded and everyone was transported home to their dorms. The battles would happen on school grounds. These matches were battles to dangerous to be done in a coliseum as it could result in damage that the school would rather not have to pay for.
The battle was scheduled for a week from now. All remaining participants were told that it was recommended they spent the next week training and all classes for them could be skipped until their matches. They were free to do what they wanted on school grounds for a week basically. They all heeded the words of their teachers and spent their time training to get stronger as they knew that their opponents had spent an extra year training in aura and could do stuff that they couldn't.
Kami and Liliana understood the most that even though they had huge amounts of aura, if they couldn't utilise it to its fullest extent then it was just extra aura for them to burn.
The new Dix members began their training.
Author kun here. I decided that this story is a draft and simple version of the real story. I WILL CONTINUE WRITING IT DAILY THOUGH DON'T WORRY. I know I can make this better so I will. Dw, if you are enjoying this I'm not gonna suddenly stop to think about how to make it. This is basically the first draft and it's my first book so I'm learning on the job. I'm grateful for all the support, reviews and help people have given me to make this better. I am going to redo this and begin to post in maybe a months time. It's going to be called The sword of Asura. The story will be the same but the way I tell it and flesh it out as well as the pacing will be Far Faar better. If you like how fast the pacing is then you probably will continue to like this. In the new version I will just be adding more stuff so the characters don't feel so 2D. I'll also be slotting in more people and adding more arcs, and in general introduce some people earlier than I did. It's chapter 13, you have gone through 2-3 arcs already. That is bad. I'm gonna fix stuff like that as this is my draft the pacing won't change but it will be fixed in the better version. I'm going to make you guys really love this so I'm trying please enjoy the rest of this it seems it will be 1000 chapters or very close(the draft not the new one this is still going to continue dw dw).
Just remember months time The sword of asura, better pacing, characters, character development and story arcs. As well as more story arcs. If you read all that I love you Author kun signing out.
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