《The Man Who Became a God》Chapter 12: Battles For Power
The twins Bella and Alex had great love for the other. They worked together to achieve new unseen heights. There was a problem, both hated losing. This constant drive and tenacity to become the best led to them arriving at Helix the school of aura. When they were on par with the students in their class it wasn't enough for them, they wanted to be unmatched at the top of the class.
That's where the problem started. Both wanted a title that can only belong to one and there could only be one. The previously inseparable twins that worked together to reach the top fell out and began working against the other. Once they did both capable of being the best in the class, the teacher had to pick who was at the top. This rivalry was heated and violent and he knew this, he refused to pick between the two seeing them as equals. In a fit of anger, the man was battered by the twins.
It resulted in them being separated from the other and moved to different classes. They both got their goal of being the top of their class but deep inside they knew that wasn't the real reason they did this. They did this to be better than the other and used becoming the strongest student in the class as an excuse. They wanted to prove to the other that they were stronger.
The quickest way Bella and Alex could do this was at the Necrosis tournament, they knew that considering how big the tournament was, it would be very unlikely they didn't fight the other. And that is exactly what happened at the very start. They isolated each other from the rest of the fighters during the free for all and started an all out fight against the other, it ended in a tie. Other than them 8 remained and they were part of the finishing 10 of their section. They had to be pulled apart after they both continued fighting regardless.
Bella rose up to her current position taking on powerful foes and taking out a Dix member whilst Alex did the same all to reach where they are, right now.
The pair walk onto the battle grounds of the coliseum with arms twitching excitedly. Sweat ran down their hands in the warmth of their clenched fists. There was a countdown yet their ears were surrounded in silence. They rushed at each other enveloped in a dark red aura. The punch they threw at each other sent shock waves in all directions. These two were strong. This was the power of a clash between two country calamities.
The crowd forgot to cheer whilst heavy wind hit their faces roughly. Bella copied Alex's attacks and Alex did the same. Kicks and punches were being blocked by moves of the same quality and of the same type each sending a very distinct shock wave throughout the structure of the coliseum which were felt in the crowds seats.
They were so heated up that neither dropped their guard, lowered their aura quality or changed it. They didn't even back away, they just had a complete physical brawl with aura. They could not hear or see anything other than the sibling right in front of them.
Alex finally landed a heavy kick on Bella sending her flying into the walls of the coliseum except Bella had done the except same to Alex and they were flung to opposite sides of the coliseum walls and peeled themselves off. They got out of the walls and quickly continued the fight.
They were finally landing blows, a punch to the face was imitated by the other pushing them back. They were releasing their auras at maximum output, it didn't take long for them to run out. They ran out at the exact same time and were now taking damage.
A foot swipe followed by a punch to the face by Bella was blocked by Alex at the last moment who grabbed her hand and threw her down to the ground with him. They both stood up and headbutted the other and began throwing a volley of punches at the others ribs. They pushed each other away tired, the first time they did that in the whole match.
Who was going to win? Who was truly stronger?
These were the questions the crowd wanted answered, they could tell the next attack would be the last.
They sprinted towards the middle of the coliseum hands raised for a punch, arms no longer able to guard and punched. They both landed a punch on the others forehead.
They both staggered backwards.
"A-ah, is that all you had in you Bella, no wonder I won" said Alex
"Y-yeah, I could say the same to you, that punch won't bring me down" she replied
Regardless of what they said the match had concluded, they both fell on their backs unconscious straight after. Neither side lost, they both won. How this was going to be dealt with for the following match was unclear but they now shared a seat on Dix together.
Unintentionally they had not shown their true power since they only used the same aura at the maximum possible output they could. The crowd started murmuring about what would've happened if they used all the skills they had to fight. People started picking which of the two twins they thought would win based off previous battles with them so far.
When they had woke, they decided to stop their rivalry, there was no need. They were strong and they realised that that was all that mattered even if they couldn't beat the other.
During their reconciliation, Colt and Jacob had moved to the battle grounds of the coliseum prepared to clash for a seat in Dix.
Jacob was going to be a tough challenger for Colt. Colt's strength is unknown, he had hidden it for the entirety of the day so far so his victory looked rather bleak as he couldn't be scaled properly, the same with the rest of the tournaments dark horses actually.
As the battle started Jacob ran towards Colt but he soon stopped. Colt stood still, he didn't even walk towards Jacob. Jacob felt a bit shaken up and decided to walk towards him. He was right in front of him, Colt had no guard and was looking at the floor, his aura wasn't even out.
Jacob wasted no time and decided to attack. Miss. Colt moved one hand through the inner side of Jacob's punching arm and the other through the outside in parallel. Before touching any part of Jacob he released a green aura opposing the blue aura of Jacob and wrapped the hand inside Jacob's arm around his head and forced him down resulting in him being in a position bending over and at the same time placed his other hand on his back and he launched his knee up to his stomach at full force winding Jacob. His knee was felt by Jacob multiple times, he had no time to react.
Colt had isolated his aura only toward where he was touching Jacob. The problem lied in Jacob dropping his guard when Colt originally looked unfocused leading to his head lock and only one use of an arm that he couldn't even use as he was being winded repeatedly. Jacob didn't have as much refined control over his aura as his attacker. Colt was focusing his aura around his right arm, left hand, a bit of his chest and his knee. 4 different places, Jacob could do this at maximum 2 parts of his body so there was nothing he could do except take the volley of attacks.
Jacob changed his aura repeatedly but it had no effect on Colt, Colt was prepared for such precautions and changed his aura to oppose Jacob's every time. He continued to drain his aura and deal damage uninterrupted. Before long Jacob was out of aura. When this happened Colt moved every part of his aura to his knee cap and dealt the finishing blow.
The crowd watched shocked as Colt released Jacob and he staggered back to show a huge amount of blood on the floor where he was once being held. Jacob leaned up and coughed his last bit of blood up before collapsing on the ground under the rain of his own blood. Colt had just made light work of one of the strongest people of their year like he was nothing.
Colt crushed his small and large intestines and ruptured his colon. He was the undisputed victor. The crowd originally thought that the only reason he one was because he caught Jacob off guard but that was wrong and they eventually realised that it didn't matter. Colt would've done this to him eventually anyway, there was that big of a difference in skill and power.
Colt had actually done Jacob a blessing, by catching off guard sooner rather than later he could end the fight faster and save his pride. It was an act of kindness.
Next was the battle between Kami and Rhys.
"Rhys was it, I'm going to use you to attempt to gain new power" Kami shouted from across the coliseum.
"Don't mistake me for some weakling" he responded
The battle begun and Kami took out Asura. He had asked Asura if it was possible to achieve what he wanted prior to the match starting, now it was just down to whether he was successful or not. He was attempting an extremely advanced skill only taught to 2nd years but he didn't know this at the time.
"Come" Rhys shouted after quickly cycling through all the main auras.
Kami didn't move, he stayed where he was with Asura in both his hands. He began to tremble.
"Are you shaking?" laughed Rhys "You scared of me"
He ignored the words and continued to shake, his aura began to slightly move. Rhys went straight towards Kami and began to attack him. Kami began to dodge whilst he trembled
"Will you leave me alone for a second?!" Kami shouts and pushes Rhys away.
Rhys comes back and continues his attack. Kami dodges and flies up into the air with Asura in his hands.
"Look he's in the sky!" said someone amongst the crowd
"Is he going to do the wind slash thing again?" said another
Kami was focusing. Hard. He closed his eyes and some of his aura began to move towards his hands. It then moved as if it was trying to leave Kami's body.
"What are you doing! Come back down and face me" screamed Rhys.
The aura around Kami's hand began to move, it slowly encircled Asura until the wooden Katana was completely enveloped in his aura.
"That was hard, this is going to take some getting used to" he pointed out.
Kami began to slowly descend with Asura now only in his right hand. The crowd were amazed by what Kami had done, the 2nd years were impressed and the 1st years were amazed not even knowing this was possible.
"You see, I remembered the story about the god of the aura pool" Kami began as he touched the ground. "He could remove aura from his body, after trying this I realise what he must've done to try and escape the aura pool was very advanced but. It meant that there was the possibility to put your aura elsewhere, such as a weapon"
Although Kami had successfully managed to put aura somewhere other than himself, he still needed to supply that area with aura continuously from his body. The god was able to put his aura out of his body and have it stay that way permanently. Putting his aura on an object was extremely draining even for him so Kami saw a lot of space for growth.
Rhys realised what had happened, Kami found a way to use his weapon weapon against someone with aura. Rhys realised how dangerous Kami had become.
Kami rushed Rhys and began a horizontal attack with one hand on him. Rhys knowing what happened to Zelphar put all of his aura onto his hand and attempted to catch the sword.
He lost. Kami broke through all of the aura on his hands dealing excessive amounts of damage. The wind from his attacks was normal wind, it had no aura so it could be blocked but Rhys being scared of the initial strike forgot about the the after effects of the strike. In his mind he thought that if the wind slashes led to Zelphar's defeat then the actual attacks from the sword dealt way more damage. He initially wanted to dodge and run but it was too fast so he could only guard. He forgot about the wind slashes and prioritised only the strike. Since there was only aura on his hands unlike Zelphar he felt the full force of the wind slash. Killing him instantly.
The sword strike coated in aura sliced straight through Rhys' hands coated in Aura as well as going as far as his head. The wind slash cut his torso in horizontally in half. His head went flying into the air and his torso flopped off. His legs spurted blood onto Kami's face and dropped. The first death of the tournament had occured.
There was no punishment, death in the tournament was uncommon but happened. It was only legal when the opponent hadn't forfeited or become unconscious. Kami was safe. Vast amounts of aura is needed to combat a weapon coated in aura, this would be taught to the 2nd years as well as how to coat a weapon in aura. The technique was so dangerous that if you was to go against someone who could do this whilst you could not, escape would be the best course of action, or forfeiting if in a competition.
Rhys like Kami was a first year and was unaware of how dangerous the technique was. The rules forbade teachers from interferring in the middle of a match, they could only shout at Rhys to surrender but by then, he was already dead.
Kami dropped Asura, all the Aura from it dissipated. He got down on his knees and stared up into the sky with the scarlet blood of Rhys still splattered on his face. He had just killed a man. The warm hearted, kind and helpful Kami who the locals even regarded as a saint just killed a man.
Laws on murder were different in the world Kami was in. In wartime on a battlefield it was allowed and if it happened in a situation such as this in a tournament or during training, it was considered an accidental death and not punishable. Kami had committed no crime and sins were decreed differently by the gods. He was prepared to kill on the battlefield but his first had come early.
Holding onto his sword Kami was dragged of the battlefield by the teachers a winner and the cleanup crew dealt with the body. Due to Kami's reactions, the natives of this fantasy world who even saw this as a normal occurrence felt empathy towards Kami and sympathy towards the dead Rhys.
But in the end Kami was stronger, Rhys knew this yet continued to fight. It was his own fault he had passed on.
This feat scared the Kythrede wondering how strong he had become.
He had previously beaten the #10 Zelphar with the wind from his strikes alone. Rhys was someone strong enough to qualify a seat on Dix, he and Kythrede had climbed the the tournament, Rhys had taken out other Dix members on the way yet he was one shot. He felt more at ease knowing he was fighting Liliana and not him but even her. He knew she hadn't shown the true extent of her skills and she had drunk from the aura pool the same as Kami.
Kythrede began to fear she had a way of killing him as he stared at her from the opposite side of the coliseum battle grounds.
Liliana had been waiting for this. The moment she could fight Kythrede, she trained relentlessly and received training tips on how to deal with her vast amounts of aura from Kami. She learnt advanced techniques that were hard to counter all so she could dent his smug face.
Her anger was clearly visible on her face from the coliseum stands. This was her moment to pay back the man who kidnapped her for his own goals. She couldn't lose she wasn't allowed to, she needed to make him pay.
Kythrede was a calculating man, his calculations had gone awry when Kami an unpredictable wild card joined the school and threatened his position. Thinking he could get him to leave he kidnapped Liliana. Thinking he could embarrass him in the tournament he allowed him to stay. He didn't forsee him drinking the entire aura pool nor his accelerated growth. Even if he factored it in it would be for naught. Thanks to Kami's wishes he learnt to control things faster than a normal human. He felt relief when he heard the rumours of Kami and Liliana had attempted to drink the aura pool and died, then he felt anguish when he learnt they were both alive and well.
Kami didn't follow normal rules of the world, he has seen that now and regrets his foolish attempt at saving face as it may lead to his demise and not even by Kami himself but what he had used to get at Kami Liliana.
He wasn't sure how strong she was but he was sure she was strong enough to fight Kythrede on equal terms, he was just glad he was lucky enough not to have to be in the position of Rhys in 3rds on the floor shortly after challenging Kami.
Kythrede knew Styx were strong but was unaware how strong they were. He knew that they were a team of 4 elites who conquered a dungeon but he laughed it off when he heard only Major Tama could use aura. He assumed she did all the work. He learnt he was mistaken.
These series of miscalculations may lead to his early demise he thought as he equipped his body in aura and took a stance ready for Liliana's charge of anger.
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