《The Man Who Became a God》Chapter 10: Soul Of a God
They both on the spot remembered what had happened. Liliana was slightly blushing but Kami was completely focused on the aura pool. The last thing he remembered was a vortex over his stomach before he went into the coma.
Kami asked Asura about the situation so far, he lost a wish for the day to learn the full story. They were in trouble, the aura pool was looked at as being divine yet they both absorbed it. Kami was to blame so there was nothing he could do. But since he was supposed to have received 'great power' he tried to release his aura and nothing happened.
He couldn't use aura anymore. He told Liliana to try, same results.
"Asura why can't we use Aura?"
"You each absorbed half the soul, body and aura of a powerful god. Your physical strength has increased greatly and if you were to venture off this continent you would show to have basic continental capabilities, but your aura capacity could not handle the sudden increase. Imagine filling a balloon to the maximum with water. The balloon can handle that. This was your aura capacity. When your bodies absorbed the new aura it was similar to adding more water to an already full water balloon, your aura tank as such burst. It is currently healing itself and adapting its size to contain the aura that has been added, but this aura is more than 5 times the size of your previous aura capacity. It will take another month to heal, after that training must be done from scratch to control the vast aura reserves you will have by then"
Kami explained what he just learnt to Liliana. After the month passed they would only have 3 months to train and get stronger than Kythrede. This sort of seemed simpler for them to achieve but they had to learn how to control the vast amount of aura they now had. It took some aura users 3 months to learn how to release any and now they both had at least 7 times the amount of a normal person. This seemed rather impossible. But they knew the basic and advanced applications of aura that was taught to the 1st years, all they had to do was train effectively.
The nurse walked in on the latter part of their conversation and immediately notified Lynsiria that they were awake. She rushed to them with interrogation deep in her mind. They explained what had happened excluding the kiss in great detail. Lynsiria wanted to reprimand them badly but couldn't, many had died attempting to drink the golden aura pool, if they were successful then it just proved how good they were.
Lynsiria explained this and also added that the aura pool had absorbed a few souls of people who were in the pool and drank from it. Kami understood this as the weak failed to handle the aura and were absorbed like the god himself and the strong were able to absorb the aura pool. Absorb or be absorbed.
The nurse was shocked to learn that they couldn't produce any aura was because they couldn't contain the new aura within their aura reserves and it exploded. She told them that they were extremely lucky to be alive and that they went into a coma because of the shock of their aura reserves breaking.
It was a spiritual thing and didn't have a physical form but it could still be used and felt by the brain which is how aura is even usable. Their aura reserves exploded, their brain was notified and shut the body down to focus on recovery. The burning sensation they felt whilst they were absorbing the aura was their aura reserves bloating. Since they didn't feel anymore than that the nurse summarised that their bodies shut down before their aura reserves exploded. This might have been the deciding factor between life and death.
They couldn't leave the nurses office for the next month until they recovered. This was the obvious next chain of events, they needed rest, anything could cause recovery to slow or even stop which could kill them. Their only company was each other and the nurse at times.
Liliana had a full month to talk to Kami about the kiss, day and night yet not a single word was mentioned. The month passed and Kami was already better practising generating aura half way through. He wasn't allowed to leave though as the nurse assumed he was just saying this because he wanted to leave but he wasn't lying.
Asura wasn't wrong but Kami asked how long both him and Liliana would take to recover, although a wish was used it was only needed for information that only the teachers knew regarding Kami, Liliana just happened to be involved. The recovery speed wasn't part of the wish so he could receive full knowledge about both. Asura did the most logical thing and gave a rough average of time needed for recovery. Liliana needed about a month and a half, due to a fast recovery wish Kami had asked for previously he only needed half about month. This was averaged at around a month. Asura is always right no ifs buts or alsos.
The recovery time difference further confused the nurse, Liliana by the end of the month still clearly needed rest but Kami could almost produce fire aura again, naturally after seeing this Kami was freed. She couldn't keep someone resting because their aura reserves had burst if they were able to use aura. The only possible reason for this was because their aura reserves had healed.
She made the right choice, Kami was planning on sneaking back to his dorm if he had to stay against his will fully recovered for another day.
Kami felt free after being returned to general population. When people saw him they confirmed their theories, Kami and Liliana had drank from the aura pool and the school didn't want them to know about it. Or at least that is what they thought, he almost happily disclosed what had happened. The rumours became truth and fixed itself.
Kami was in class the next day being told about the fated end of year tournament called Necrosis. It was held in a large coliseum starting off as a free for all amongst students and evolving into a 100 man 1v1 elimination tournament. 1st year students were working hard to try and rank in the top 20 of the final finishers and join Dix. Naturally it was going to be to no avail but that didn't break their optimistic minds.
Two weeks passed and mid day Liliana was out. She was given the rest of the day to herself and she used it to diligently regain and control her aura. Kami with his 2 week head start could produce his main element fire again and was working towards learning water. He had learnt from his mistakes from before and wanted to make his most recessive element the 2nd one he learnt. It was going to take hard work and dedication but he was working towards it. In the past weeks Kami has grown faster than was expected. Originally when he released aura it was either to weak and was barely any armour or too thick and drained his aura supply in seconds.
He could change the thickness of the aura at will now and was already moving onto the next element.
Another 2 weeks and Kami was able to use water aura and was working towards learning wind and steam aura. Liliana was dragging her feet behind, she could now use aura but that was it, she had somewhat been able to control her aura now but didn't show enough skill to move onto another element. There was only 2 months left until Necrosis and she could barely release water aura. This was nothing to scoff at however, she was learning to use and control her aura better at a faster rate than most Helix students who had to control way less aura, it was just Kami was exceptional. She could see she was buried in his shadow and wanted to walk alongside him, as an equal. Only knowing one of the main auras was problematic because of how close the tournament was.
She decided to switch her approach to something that could result in a difficult life from Dix if she failed. What Dix told the two was no empty threat either, within Dix were many nobles and people connected to influential people. They could make life difficult for them even after they graduate from Helix and after graduation the difficulties could potentially rise to assassinations.
She was not allowed to fail.
The final months had passed and Kami looked rather confident whilst Liliana seemed slightly depressed. Regardless of how prepared they were the Necrosis tournament had begun. The tournament was split between 10 divisions with 1st years being pushed around between 5. In each division was 50 students but only 10 could remain standing to qualify. The tournament took place in a giant coliseum off school grounds, if you surrendered, were thrown into the crowd or out of the coliseum or unconscious you had lost. Yes people have been thrown out of the coliseum before.
Liliana was in the 1st division and Kami was in the 3rd, the divisions are done randomly but Dix members are split evenly in pairs in their years division, Kythrede and the stronger majority of Dix were in divisions 2, 4 and 5 luckily for the pair.
Liliana's division was up first. Within the coliseum grounds with limited space Kami wondered how she was going to use a bow. The fight started and she ran to a corner and waited. She wasted no time and peacefully watched the blood of her opponents were sprayed across the arena. A few people noticed her but she dealt with them swiftly. She was booed by the crowd as she was announced as one of the surviving ten with the other members of Dix standing amongst her but she didn't care. Kami realised her tactic, the rest of Dix know that they have absorbed the aura pool and probably want to gauge their strength, by acting like a coward they would either think she is still weak or she was hiding her strength, preferably for them they thought she was weak.
The 2nd division were led down to the coliseum grounds and prepared for their free for all. Kami recognised Aiden one of his roommates and one of the people he travelled to Helix with amongst the couple dozen combatants. Kami noticed that most people didn't bring their weapons. Including Aiden. Aiden released an Aura of lightning and quickly charged into the onslaught, he ignored anyone holding a weapon. A tall man appeared in front of him and slashed at him with a large axe, the blade burnt and broke and the electricity from his body rendered the man completely immobile and he fell over quickly, he headed towards a few average students one at a time and attacked relentlessly and repeatedly until their aura dropped in quality, he then moved some of his aura over to his hands and performed a double punch that sent the students flying one by one completely draining their auras and leaving their central nervous system fried and unconscious. Lightning was a truly deadly form of aura.
Eventually the top ten were announced which included Aiden and it was finally Kami's turn.
His body twitched in excitement as he was lead down to the fighting grounds. He remembered to show constraint in both his capabilities and strength, he didn't plan on accidentally murdering anyone today with the amount of aura he could release.
Things didn't go as planned. He was ignored. Completely. Kami was already viewed as one of the strongest 1st years after he defeated Zelphar with the pressure from his wind of his strikes, it got worse when he learnt aura and when the majority of the student body learnt that he absorbed the aura pool. He was feared.
Whenever he tried to mix himself into the free for all anyone who was fighting nearby dispersed and ran away. It was like watching ants run from fire. He eventually gave up and walked off into a corner kicking dirt until the rest of the match was over. The crowd had no qualms, the last time Kami fought he created strong gusts of winds that was even felt and almost pushed back onlookers. All the spectators were glad they didn't have to see what happens when he fights with aura.
The matches in the next divisions went strangely too, the members of Dix were telling people who could and couldn't advance. They only selected the strongest people even though it looked like they were just removing challenging threats, they wanted the person who took the 10th seat to be worthy, Zelphar was in these divisions and was instantly told to surrender. Colt and Lyon the other roommates of Kami were excepted though.
This left a bad taste in everyone's mouth though, they came to see a free for all not a selection match. The battles between the 2nd years were completely different.
People just dropped out, the 1st years were expecting to see a great match as they were more skilled in aura but the only thing that happened were people surrendering the second the match started. They had already done this before and all the 2nd years that were weak knew there was no point in continuing since they weren't going to make it past the free for all heats so the 50 members who participated last year for the 2nd years was the exact same now.
Although this showed greats amount of despair for what had been done to the 2nd years last year it showed strength. The ones who got through were just that strong.
Regardless the 100 hundred people who were participating had been selected, amongst them was all of Dix, Kami and his roommates, Liliana and the rest of the power players of the school.
There was 2 divisions split between 1st and 2nd years. In each division was a 1v1 to between someone to get to the top 10 of your division, the final 20 overall were mixed regardless of year and the 1v1s continued until someone became the champion.
There was a slight problem with this, since both Kami and Liliana had to defeat Kythrede and that was made impossible in the tournament, Kythrede changed the rules and said that if they went against him or anyone from the 2nd year of Dix, they would win. This actually only made the rules harder as the weakest 2nd year member of Dix was stronger than Kythrede but he hoped they didn't remember as the lots for the tournament were drawn.
The first match was between Colt and a power player named Vanet.
Colt was facing off a large man with huge muscles who was known as a hard hitter even without his strong aura. Colt took out his swords and dug them deep into the ground behind him. He let off a strong red aura that burnt the ground he was on.
"Oh, so its fire" Vanet pointed out.
"He released an aura of water as they began to walk towards each other, then they ran at each other with less than 10 metres to spare, Vanet's huge swings were easily dodged by the nimble Colt. The match resembled a martial arts with the pair throwing punches and kicks for them only to be dodged or moved away. No attacks were being landed and the crowd was silent unable to look away. It might be that neither of them had landed anything on the other why the crowds eyes were stuck on the coliseum battle grounds.
Whoever landed a blow first would control the rest of the battle, the pair knew this.
Their battle continued on with a stand still for 10 minutes with both sides being pushed back evenly until colt's aura changed to match Vanet. Slightly caught off guard Colt noticed and through an attack at an opening. He through his full force at Vanet and moved all of his aura to his fist to make a punch deep into his solar plexus.
Vanet staggered back a bit and keeled over, whilst he was dropping to the floor Colt moved his aura to his shin and landed a clean hit on his chin. Colt was almost completely sure he had finished Vanet off but the uncertainty he had led to him moving half of his aura to his right elbow and he forced Vanet down to the ground from his head.
The moment Colt sure an opportunity he seized it and it ended in his victory. Vanet was carried off barely breathing on a stretcher as the loser. Colt made sure to hold back on his final blow, if he didn't Vanet could've died.
There was no reaction from the crowd, the sway of battle changed too quickly and ended too early for them to react. They just silently watched as he walked off the battle grounds. Vanet wasn't strong enough to take on such a challenger on equal terms.
Kami was shocked to see how strong Aiden and Colt had become since they joined Helix. The growth they had shown was vast but he knew they were both holding back. They both trained together and if one could use advanced aura manipulation and the other mixed 2 auras, it wouldn't be unbelievable if he saw more from them. Kami was completely certain they were holding back.
The next few matches were between power players. Kami showed no interest in the matches and almost completely ignored them, he only focused near the end when he wanted to observe any finishing moves that they did or techniques with aura that he wanted to experiment with in his own match.
Kami focused after these matches concluded and he was about to watch the battle between #5 Dix member Ayuin and Styx member Liliana.
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