《The Man Who Became a God》Chapter 9: Discord
"You have just challenged Styx, if you do not return her right now you will anger not only me but a Major within the military and neither of us will allow what you are trying to do go unpunished" Kami roared. He began to concentrate his aura around him "Free her or reap what you have just sown"
"Woah woah woah, is that anyway to talk to someone when your in a hostage situation, though we did not think about your connections within the military we assume your talking about Major Tama." Kythrede began "We wouldn't do this if we weren't sure we could get away safely which is part of the reason all members are gathered if you decide you want to go violent, but you won't. If you do her head will come clean off during the battle, you see we were told about the fight you had with our ex member Zel what ever his name wasl Liliana used up all of her aura fighting against us, she has no defence. Dix only has space for the strong and we the strong remain"
"Then why are you doing this" Kami said whilst removing his aura "Wouldn't you want me to join you not become an enemy?"
"Whilst it is true we only have need for the strong in Dix, that is true only amongst people who can use aura. Zel's defeat has tarnished the name of Dix and we do not want you in this school any longer getting a big head thinking you can beat us all. When you leave we will free Liliana and she can stay. You have 7 days to get out."
Kami could kind of see where they were coming from but to him their true intentions were unclear. There was one thing he did know for sure and that was, they didn't want to fight him.
"I see, so you want me gone from this school because I am too strong Kethrede was it? Since you are the #1 1st year you must be scared of the thought of someone like me coming and completely taking your throne" Kami stated
"What?" Kythrede shouted "I am not scared of someone as weak as you are and my name is not ke its said like key, Kythrede. In fact fine, you know about the end of year tournament right? If you rank higher than us all I won't get in your way again"
Kami was pleased, he noticed some of why Liliana was captured and used it against him. Kythrede untied Liliana and she ran over to Kami.
"However, this applies to both of you" Kythrede stated smuggly "If you both fail there will be more problems than just a simple kidnapping"
The 9 men left the room leaving Kami and Liliana alone. They had 7 months to both be stronger than the strongest 1st year who was still getting stronger. Effectively they both had to grow at a speed that is at least double Kythrede's for the next 7 months
The aura tournament was a physical fight with the use of aura, they had to get better with their weapons as well as their aura.
Their was a place in the school that accelerates aura training for a month and the best student of each class was given a month inside to grow their aura alone, Liliana was in a class with a Dix member so they didn't think she could get in but the person who gets to to this place known as AT(aura trainer) could invite one other student to train with them. Kami was the best in his class and was going to be able to train in AT, he was bringing Liliana with him.
Kami was selected as expected and he took Liliana wit him. It wasn't what he was expecting. He wondered why the teachers had told them to change into something they could swim in but this mystery was solved after they were brought in the room.
It was a 10 metre by 10 metre square swimming pool with a light gold liquid within it. The teachers explained that the liquid was the special aura from a god who died. He was trapped in a prison until he died, the god had the special power of being able to remove his aura from his body, he removed his aura from his body and planned on using it so swim out of his prison but he was not fed and eventually starved to death. The aura he had removed absorbed his body turning him into aura and completely filling the prison resembling a deep pool.
This pool that everyone was staring at was the prison of the god. His aura can bestow stronger power when it is swam in and gets absorbed into the body. The teachers warned against trying to drink the aura, it wasn't normal aura and contained the soul of a god. A soul let alone one of a god is powerful and is a surefire way to end up dead if you can't handle it. The pool was commonly known as the poison pool.
After being briefed by the teachers that the room sped up aura recovery and that the deeper they went in the pool the better the results, they began their training. Liliana's class hasn't been selected for this yet so she was hoping to try and get stronger than the seventh member of Dix so they could return for another month.
There was no specific training needed to be done in the room, they could either just do the training they have been doing since they joined Helix out of the pool with faster recovery or jump in the pool and do it so they grow faster. There was a reason why students had to bring someone else with them when they were training in the AT and that is because of the pool.
When in the pool, your aura reserves drop fast as the gold aura tries to absorb whoever is in the pool and over the course of a month they get stronger but if they have no more aura left, there is no defence against the aura and problems arise, to prevent this only one person is allowed in the pool at a time and the other person cannot use up all their aura in case they need to save the person in the pool. Pretty simple to deal with, stay in the pool until you are almost out of aura.
Liliana went in the pool first. She released all of her aura at the maximum she could The goal wasn't to last long in the pool with the amount of aura you had but to diminish all the aura you have as quickly as possible at max output. Only then would you notice fast growth. She got out and began recovering.
Kami jumped in and did the same but with an orange aura that was distinctively the mix between fire wind and earth. Magma. Liliana was unaware that Kami was growing so fast but she knew he put in effort to achieve this. The more elements mixed into a persons aura the faster their aura is drained. Kami was efficiently training for his results like Liliana.
They were both receiving massive results from the training. Kami could maintain his magma aura for sustained periods of time and Kami taught Liliana how to get the rest of the main auras.
The days pasted and everything was going smoothly.
Kami out of curiosity began to stare at the golden pool his friend was in.
"What is it?" Liliana asked
"Nothing, I'm just wondering what would happen if I tried to drink this" he replied as he walked into the pool.
"Don't do it, you might die"
"Correction, WE might die. I am probably strong enough to take out Kythrede however since you only have the basic forms of aura, you do not, we kinda have to drink this. We are half way through the month, by the end of the month you will probably be as strong as me at the start, this is the only option"
Kami continued to try and persuade Liliana into drinking it with him. After realising he was getting nowhere, he made a bold decision.
Kami dived into the pool and collected as much of the gold fluid as he could and grabbed Liliana by the waist. He kissed her and pushed all the liquid in his mouth into hers, he then collected more and swallowed it.
"W-w-whatt" she blushed.
She didn't have time to even reprimand him for putting the gold aura in her mouth. She nor him had time to talk about what happened as their hearts began to pound and their aura disappeared. It hurt so much they couldn't move and sank to the bottom of the pool.
They had just done the one thing the teachers had warned them not to do, they were undergoing a change. If they lived they would receive vast power, if they failed it would end in death. This was also paired with the warning about the gold aura, without their own aura to protect them the aura could have its way with them.
They both felt intense heat as the aura began to burn them but it showed no signs of burning it felt as if they were being burnt alive. The only thing on both of their minds as they lay on the bottom of the pool was to survive, their natural fight or flight mechanisms had kicked in but being unable to run they had a fight with the aura as it crushed on their souls.
Their strong wills to live made it hard for the aura to win. Two vortexes of the aura began to swirl with Kami and Liliana at the epicentre. The pool of aura began to shrink slowly. The aura was drained by the vortexes until all that was left was the pair unconscious at the bottom of the pool.
A bizarre phenomenon began to happen in a field at the same time as this. Dust particles swirled around in a location as a man was built from the ground up wearing a suit. This man was feared greatly with the horns that protuded from both sides of his skull coiling around like a goat's. Asmodeus had finally resurrected.
"That guy took my key, dammit!" shouted Asmodeus. "Oh well, not like he can get the rest, now which labyrinth was my power sealed in?"
The lust king closed his eyes and began to concentrate.
"Beneath me I see, it hasn't risen out yet" he said whilst patting the ground. "Then I will just force it out!"
Asmodeus dug into the ground a bit until the ground started to shake. He jumped backwards and watched as the labyrinth rose up.
"Tried to put my power in a labyrinth so I couldn't skip any floors but that is gonna work in my favor" he laughed.
The demon lord stormed the first floor of the labyrinth and absorbed the life energy of the monsters.
"This much should do it" he voiced. He then laid one knee on the floor and punched it several times until the crack turned into a whole. He crossed his arms on his shoulders and jumped down and landed.
He was familiar with how dungeons and labyrinths worked. In a labyrinth you have to clear every floor to get to the bottom level but the floors staircase downwards. He created a hole in a spot that would lead to him landing on the bottom floor.
He landed on his back and broke threw the floor by accident unexpectedly. He was completely fine, he dusted off his suit nonchalantly and walked towards a chest and searched through it until he found a blue demon mask with lust written on the forehead.
Different to a dungeon, the final boss of a labyrinth is outside of the final room. Asmodeus had exploited this.
"Perfect, now I can leave" he said satisfied. He placed the mask on his face and large amounts of a pure black and pure gold aura surged out of the mask and began to enter Asmodeus.
"My true power has returned" he said happily. "But my gloves, they should be here somewhere"
He began to search the chest again frantically.
"Yes, here you are!"
He pulled out a pair of white gloves with the goat symbol on it. He quickly put it on.
"I am truly the king of lust again!"
Asmodeus climbed out of the room through the whole he had come through. Walking on the ceilings of the rooms he dashed up back to the first floor. Even Asmodeus couldn't break the metal bars that block the entrance but that wasn't his goal. He went from floor to floor and massacred every monster in this S class 150 floor labyrinth and ended the lives of the twin titans that guarded the final floor quickly. He absorbed the energy of every monster in the labyrinth and after being teleported to the surface walked off.
The demon king had regained his peak strength and was now even stronger from the high grade monsters he had absorbed.
"Hmm, think I will go free my friends and take over the rest of the world. I'll allow Kami to protect this continent until I'm back. So that leaves 7 more continents, that's enough for all of us to have one. I doubt this will go as planned but oh well. Havoc is where a demon thrives"
Asmodeus went to each continent and began freeing each sin one by one. There was a single sin on almost every continent. After being freed by Asmodeus they set off to retrieve their sealed power.
"Belphegor like I said to the others we can all have one continent. To free you I am going to have to kill you as whilst your in this dungeon you are technically the final boss so you won't be able to get your power back straight away but when you do. Take over this continent" he explained
"Nah, I'm good. All that seems like it will take effort. But free me." Belphegor responded
"I plan on taking someone out so I am going to need your cooperation. Also we can watch this planet burn"
"I don't think I care. I'm going to sit in a tree or something and watch uninvolved, we can leave my power I don't need it"
"Don't you want revenge, on the people who were responsible for putting and sealed us here"
"Kinda, yeah I guess I can help you, do it"
Asmodeus swiftly chopped off Belphegor's head. He had the rest of the sin keys in his hands from when they all died. He returned them when the demon lord came back to life a few months later.
After the resurrection of Asmodeus, him gaining his power and freeing each demon lord was done in the space of a day.
On Helix school grounds 14 days after the freeing of the deadly sins and Kami and Liliana had collapsed, Lynsiria the deputy head of the school came to see a sight she had never seen before in all her time as a teacher.
After entering the AT room she saw a deep hole where the aura pool once was with two students who were given permission to train Kami and Liliana at the bottom of the pool. They were quickly brought to the nurses office.
After about an hour the nurse updated Lynsiria on the situation. The two had a pulse and were only in a slight coma, the nurse believes that they had somehow managed to absorb the entire pool of aura. No one was sure how this was done but after a bit of discussing they came to the conclusion that the two had absorbed the entire pool of aura a feet none before them were successful in.
However the two students were going to have to explain how this happened as well as why they tried to drink it. They were both laying in beds and the nurse said that they had lost all of their aura.
Lynsiria assumed that there was a reason for this and a way around the predicament. The nurse informed her that the coma was done on purpose by the body to protect it and that they would've died otherwise.
The news of what happened spread throughout the school easily and quickly. It was originally a rumour but it accidentally revealed the truth with constant changes being made. It grew like this:
Kami and Liliana are missing.
They won't leave the AT room.
Something happened to one of them whilst training.
Something happened to both of them whilst training.
They died after swallowing the aura pool.
They died and the school doesn't want us to know.
They successfully drank the aura pool and the school doesn't want us to know.
All in the space of a few days and everyone already knew the truth, the teachers thought the information was leaked but when it was tracked back to the source, they were saying they spread Kami and Liliana were missing. The students built and destroyed the rumour until it was brought to the most likely scenarios and they both involved the aura pool being drank.
When the students learnt that the teachers did an investigation it solidified the final theories. Now all the students were waiting to see if Kami and Liliana would return so they knew what was correct and what wasn't.
A week after they were found and 3 weeks after they fell into their heavy slumber, Kami and Liliana's eyes had opened.
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