《The Dark Veil》Part 19: November 7


November 7

I just couldn’t shake the mixed feelings of confusion of how I will tell Kyo, or if I should. I have a mixture of feelings of questionable dread in hope that they made it safely, hate for myself, and anger at the beasts roaming this once beautiful village.

I hooked The Dark Veil on my back, next to my bow. The force of each step as I ran as fast as I could towards my destination left foot prints deep but quiet enough to barely disturb a sleeping child.

The village seems almost too quiet but the flames still roared proudly as if they had something to tell me. Maybe they are trying to prove something to our group, just to mock us. I don’t know and I do not want to. I just want it to stop.

Almost halfway to the small building, my ears picked up on something underneath the crackling of the flames. The sound of an almost subtle, distinct sound of wire being plucked rang out.

My body dove forward on instinct once more. Halfway through, I heard a whistling fly by the back of my head, almost grazing it.

Then, it started.

On cue of a slight roar, over forty arrows flew back and forth in random patterns in front, behind, and currently where I was standing.

I rolled back on to the now loosened soles of my feet and attempted my best impression of a fluid dancer to avoid the arrows. My feet did not stop.

Almost as if another being had taken control of my body and attempted full control but failed, my moves must look random but elegant from the onlooker’s vision.

I took one quick look to the right but it wouldn’t have looked any better. One of the arrows seemed to sense this as insecurity or doubt since it flew directly towards my right forearm and landed in the center of the bone.


The feeling of impact had passed through me as if nothing had truly happened but the pain was enough to throw my balance for a spin as I tilted a little too forward and the next arrow impacted my left shoulder. I felt the strength leave it but my senses were left intact.

How… How… will I make it?

One wrong placed arrow and my legs could be next.

Damn, Damn, Damn.

My feet did not stop despite that thought but my morale was slowly fading.

I knew my left is now unable to be moved but my right is still workable, if not hindered. This gave me two options:

One, pull out the arrow in my left and allow my arm the time it needs to heal to be able to use The Dark Veil to block most of the incoming arrows. This will give me a better chance of making it but it takes more time that I truly don’t have.

Two, use my dagger to deflect some arrows and hope that it will be enough. This will take less time but it will be based more on luck.


I had about one second to decide as my senses picked up the sound of the draw of two bows aimed at either side of me.

Think fast… Think fast…

I heard the arrows disengage and start their path to take my last chances away.

My decision seems to be the only one possible, the dagger. This gave me enough time to hit the arrow flying in from the right but the left struck the hinge of my shoulder blade. The pain was immense, which threw my balance off even more and my vision from before did not get any better.

I felt my body become heavier and heavier as I wore on but I started to see the building in front of me. Can… I make it?

I tried my best to make a sprint towards the building but the heaviness seemed to wear down my legs enough to make them almost stop all together.

Damn it, work… work! We can make it.

My legs were not in my control anymore as they gave way and my body collapsed with them to the cold, hard ground. No matter if my body can heal itself; it still takes pain normally and at large.

Heh… heh heh heh… I guess I can give in; my body isn’t immortal, now I know. I felt the strength start to leave my arms and head as my vision starts to blur as well.

“Aster… I’m sorry. Shia… I’m sorry. Elsa… I’m sorry. Last but not least, Kyoko, I’m sorry. I would love to see your face once more. I’m sorry; I don’t think I will make it back. But I will keep trying until my body won’t let me.”

I tried to pull any strength in my arms as I reached as far as I could in front of me to grasp the earth blindly. What I grabbed was not

crumbling or distressed rubble but was of a hardened material like cloth or leather.

The grasping of my hand slowly stopped as I transferred all of my energy into my hearing to get some sort of grasp on what was happening.

I heard something familiar but unfamiliar, calm yet hostile all at once.

“Fuck… What did…get yourself... to? No choice.” I felt a slight tug on my arms as I was hoisted onto something. It felt kind, in the lowest sense of the word but I could tell it was not an enemy.

The voice sounded distressed but also eerily calm. It kept calling my name, “Denny… Denny,” as if I would respond. It was calming though.

My hearing faded along with the rest of my senses, my grip released and I gave way to the shaking and swaying of the world around me.

The impact of some sort of soft surface underneath me brought me back to my senses. I don’t know what to feel besides the pain surrounding my body.

Was it good or bad? I have no idea.

The noises around me did not feel faked, broken, angry, but saddening and heartbreaking. I heard two higher pitched voices yelling as ramblings.


Are they crying? Is that what it is?

My ears started to hone in on the sounds surrounding me and I wish they hadn’t.

The voice that I had heard from before said some quiet words to one of the women and their crying seemed to slow down a little.

The silence was almost unbearable but the atmosphere was not awkward. I felt a slow graceful sense run up my arm and it slowly made its way to my head where it stayed. I couldn’t really grasp what was going on but from the way that they were touching me, I knew who it could be.

My eyes started to come back into my power but I knew it wouldn’t be easy to open them. I needed to see her, to show me that I am still here, that I am still me.

I let the sound echo around me and let my body rest as I tried my best to lift the lids that were surprisingly hard to feel.

The light filtered in that left an imprint on my eyelids and moved closer to the source of my curiosity. My eyes drew into focus the eerie darkness in front of me as my reality snapped back into life.

Reality can be harsh it seems. Even though I should be panicking, I feel safe and calm.

The light entering my vision, more focused than before. They drew the image of sad but excited, angry but calm eyes. They were blood red and emerald green respectively with sore red marks underneath them. Her quicksilver and midday sun yellow hair still seemed to keep its respective color and beauty even with the events that are occurring. Her face had a little bit of dirt on it but that is to be expected.

I still wasn’t able to speak and I didn’t have to because she understood what I wanted to say, even if I didn’t have anything to say.

I attempted to sit up but the pain pierced my body as if I had no skin to protect it.

Again, no groan, sound, or yell rang out.

“I have removed the arrows and bandaged the wounds but they may take longer than normal to heal. They were deep and you may be able to heal ten times faster than normal but you are still human.” Aster said from across the room, clinking of glasses can be heard as well.

I closed my eyes to try to center my energy on my wounds but nothing was making it heal faster.

I heard a soft, calm voice enter my ear saying, “Don’t worry. Everything will be all right, Shia is here and feeling a little better. She

will do her best to assist you.”

‘Assist me?’ Tell me that doesn’t mean…

“I know this might not be the best plan but it is the only one we have.” Aster came over to the side of the bed and handed me a glass of water.

“Kyoko, Elsa, and I will have to head back to the manor. I know that no one wants to go there willingly but there are a few items that we need if we are to save the village and escape with our lives. Shia will be here to help with any problems that you may run into, whether it is a health problem or a combat one, she is capable.”

I knew he saw the distress on my face but he did not address it. I knew that he was capable of keeping them safe, Kyo is more than capable, and Elsa is the most adept at magic. But I still felt that something was off.

I felt a kiss on my forehead and a quick hug for a brief minute before Kyoko stepped away. Elsa decided this was her chance to put a word in but only to me.

You could feel the meaning behind her words due to the near silence as they left her red lips.

“I may have looked playful before and maybe came onto you a bit too strong. I am sorry for that. I also can see that you are risking your life for the group and that last battle took a lot out of you, as I can plainly see.” She let out a shy chuckle. “But please… don’t push yourself too hard while we are gone and in the near future. Don’t feel entitled to save the ‘damsels in distress,’ we can handle ourselves just fine, okay?”

She put her hand on my still numb shoulder as she pushed herself up and I could see a smile and blushing on her small, tanned face.

“Got all of the weapons and supplies ready, Kyoko?” Aster said as he walked across the room to grab his Glistening Shot bow. A bow of glimmering white with Ruby and Amethyst stones emblazoned on to the side with a strong

gold string going down the center.

“Yes.” Kyoko picked up a leather back pack that was loaded to the brim, full of various bows and small swords.

“Then we are ready. Kyoko, you are the most equipped with a sword, you should lead the way. Elsa, you go second and I will protect from the side and back.” He opened the door and Kyoko gave me one last full look before heading through the door. Her face flashed a smile of happiness that I was safe but also of worry that there were only two of us in the store alone with the

enemies still roaming outside.

The door shut relatively quiet behind them. The sound of slashing, thumping, and crackling from the flames only made my worries more apparent.

Aster, Elsa, and Kyoko. Please come back safely.

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