《Protect Humanity Project》9. Make public


Peiji turned to look at the crowd gathered behind him. They all had bloodthirsty smiles on their faces, all of them. They were the kind of people who wouldn’t like team five, but when the rules weren’t in place, they let loose and showed their true colors.

The leader, Montgomery, his face still bruised from last night, had a heavy axe in his hand, with a cruel smile on his lips, “Our captain Pei, some people have seen you with a short man in and out, no one knows, I now suspect that your fifth squad is secretly harbouring a mutant degenerate. ”

“Are you trying to kill everyone? ! ”

“Hand over the degenerate and kill him! ”

“I say none of these ex-officers is a good thing! ”

The men shouted, and Tours and Guerin stepped back, nervously covering the iron door of the warehouse. The Peiji swept round the ruddy-eyed men, his face heavy as water: “I only say once, no is no. who dares to come up, I Chop Who. ”

“The Devil will be afraid of You! ! ! ” The words fall, a rough-faced, very straight-headed man brandished weapons rushed up, the next second, directly by the Peiji kicked the whole person to fly out.

Montgomery had long hated him, and the depravity was no more than an excuse to kill. When he saw the Peiji attack, he let out a loud roar and swung his huge axe.

All the Moyan in the warehouse heard was a loud thud, as if something heavy had hit the steel door, and then a gap had been cut in the thick back of the door. The blade of half the AX was still wedged in the crack of the door, creaking, and the hairs on her back stood up.

But the next moment the axe was pulled out, and Peiji, with his right hand poised on the handle of the axe, struck Montgomery in the chest with his elbow, sending the bear like man back two steps. He turns again, pulls forward with the handle of the AX, swings it out like a fist, adds a few more colors to the wounded face, and Montgomery stumbles to the ground.

The prisoners were not in their right minds. They saw a fight, and all of a sudden, everyone jumped on them. Old Hatreds and new hatreds, for no apparent reason at all, the fight in all of us is amplified by our animal genes.




That’s all the Moyan can feel.

As soon as the iron gate was split, Murphy hid her in a large closet in the warehouse, and without hesitation, he removed his only weapon and placed it in her hand.

“Foam face, don’t be afraid, I will protect you. ” The youth’s face is still young, he looked at her hard, and the Moyan can only see his face gradually disappear behind the closed door, into darkness.


Outside the door the scuffle continued, a one sided crush with more than one enemy, the clatter of limbs, the thud of wings against the walls, the sound of wild animals biting, the cracking of furniture by the tail, and occasionally the sound of gunfire, through the broken iron gate.

After hiding the Moyan, Murphy fell to the ground on all fours, hunched his back, bared his teeth, let out a canine warning, and drooled over his sharp canine teeth, the hair growing rapidly on his face, it even grew a tail.

A dozen seconds later, the door was kicked in from the outside, and at the same time, Murphy barked and leaped up, scuffling with the advancing enemy, all sorts of odds and ends clattering to the ground, and a knife flew through the door and stung the wall.

Moyan felt her breath stop, she looked through the closet door, too many, half human, half animal, half animal, half human, half human, half animal, half human, half human, half human, half human, half animal, half human, half human, half human, half human, half human, half human, half human, half human, half human, half human, half human, half human, scuffling with Murphy.

The members of Team 5 were very strong, but they could not stand up to so many people. A man with a long knife stepped into the warehouse and glanced around. He immediately stared at the only large cabinet that could hide people. He sneered, raised his knife and threw it.

“I’ll beat you to death, you degenerate! ”

Peiji was caught up by Montgomery’s team, as were several others, and when Murphy saw the knife coming, he jumped without hesitation, its point piercing his shoulder.

Blood spurted on the door, and Murphy fell, clinging to it, with so many wounds from the fight that he had no strength to stand.

The man next to him tried to subdue him, but someone kicked him out of the closet.

With a bang.

Louis was about to punch Murphy in the face, and he’d been annoyed by Team 5 for a long time, but his fist froze in the air and he froze.

The old cupboard door was opened, and the light rushed down on the man inside.

It was a girl in a man’s dress.

She held a dagger in her hand, the point of the knife forward, dark eyes staring at him, a firm voice: “Stop, stay away from him! ”

No one knew Moyan was trembling, but fear was no longer the answer, and she took a step forward, walked over to the man who seemed to be standing still, and shivered to protect the badly wounded Murphy.

The three men who had broken into the warehouse stopped, thinking to themselves, it’s a woman.

Oh, it’s a woman.

Women? ? ?

With a twitch of his pupil, Louis sprang to his feet and shouted, “My god, they are hiding a woman... ”


He hadn’t had a girl yet, but Murphy, his teeth bared with pain, snapped and took the man to one side with his paw. His eyes were red, and he seemed to be struggling with all his strength. Even his canine teeth were dripping blood, but he didn’t seem to care about the wound.

Louis got up in pain and cried in horror, “You must leave him, he’s going to turn! He’s Dangerous! ”

When Moyan realized he was talking to her, she looked at Murphy, who was hunched over her, her tail sweeping anxiously across the floor, but always with his back to her -- a protective gesture.

“Murphy? ”

There was no response, as if the teenager really lost his mind, he issued from the throat of the real beast as the “Hector” sound, saliva mixed with blood, along the chin dripping, he began to more and more prototype transformation. It is not that the human beings of this world can not be fully prototyped, but that it is easy to lose one’s mind and become a degenerate.

At this time, the people outside the door finally found the inside of the strange, Peiji a neat fly kick will kick a person away, tours green several people to guard the door, and the people outside the confrontation.

The wounded men had no time to deal with their wounds and surrounded the small warehouse door like ghosts.

“Holy Shit, you’re really hiding a woman! ”

“Where’d you get the girl? ”

“The boy’s going to turn. He’s going to eat her! ”

Even Montgomery, who had been blindfolded, stared at the wall with his huge fist and howled, “How dare you hide women! ! ”

“How dare team five. ”

“Fuck you, Peiji... ”

“Where’s the ATP? Give it to me! ”

In the confusion, Louis stood at the front of the line, his eyes fixed on Moyan and Murphy, and he slowly drew a pistol from his arms, thinking that if anything went wrong, he would shoot Murphy to save the girl, but he didn’t move, before the Moyan found out.

“Don’t move! ” She Cried, and all the noise was heard, and dozens of eyes looked in through the crevices of the crowd, at the man standing among the debris.

No one dared to speak for fear of provoking him.

In the silence, Moyan tentatively grasped Murphy’s arm, and with a shake of his body, he unconsciously turned and gave a low growl to her teeth, which were only an inch from her face, and as they watched his movements, they gasped and held their breath, for fear that the next moment, the man would snap the girl’s neck.

But Murphy just hissed with red eyes and didn’t move. The Moyan collected himself and patted his forearm, his voice soothing and soothing. “Calm down. Your shoulder is bleeding. Does it hurt? Let me help you. ”

Once people enter into a state of alienation, until completely become degenerate species, will gradually lose consciousness, loss of language communication ability. But if the injection of ATP is blocked at this point, there is a chance of redemption.

In such an emergency, no one went looking for medicine, and everyone thought Murphy was doomed, and not too many men died each year from the mutation.

So the crowd was stunned as Murphy’s gaze gradually receded to its primary color and his teeth retreated.

Louis’s gun was on the ground, his mouth open, and Montgomery’s fist, still aimed at the Peiji, just stopped in mid air.

Shocked, everyone apparently forgot they were in a fight.

Moyan had no energy for anyone else, and she felt as if she were touching a magical force, cold, that she had consciously directed toward Murphy as she gazed into his eyes.

And then the next minute, Murphy’s eyes were closed, and Bam, he fell asleep.

Moyan felt his head, his fever was down, his animal instincts were fading away, and he seemed to be sleeping soundly, and she thought he was out of danger.

It’s just... I don’t think it’s safe yet.

Moyan looked again at all the men who had stopped at the door, all of them looking this way with a look of horror on their faces as if they had seen a ghost.

Glancing at the glazed Peiji, she considered her words and said slowly, “Put down your weapon. ”

“Ping-pong” a pile of weapons was thrown to the ground, and some even raised their hands spontaneously.

The Moyan took a step forward and said tentatively, “Everyone back to the gate. ”

The words just fell, “Shua” of a, the men who had been playing hard to separate suddenly stepped in unison, brush back to the rest of the hall outside, but they do not leave, a few heads squeezed in the crack in the door, looking at her eagerly.


Louis was already feeling a little dizzy, and the thought that he had just thrown a knife at the young lady, and that it was about to strike her, made him want to shave his big ears.

At first, everyone thought the Peiji was just hiding a girl, and for whatever reason, they would just call her a psycho, but -- after seeing what this girl can do, everyone went nuts, because the only thing, only the purifier.

They don’t want to say anything. They want to get down on their knees.

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