《Broken》Chapter 6.4 Aurora


They did not just do that!

Aurora sprinted at the people and managed to evade the arrows. She kicked one of them as hard as she could and sent him flying. She was surprised by how strong she had become. She aimed for the head on her next target. She managed to knock the person out instantly. She was able to keep fighting until an arrow hit her arm. She screamed in pain and leaned against a tree. Only a few people remained. She saw a small black sphere hit the people. They fell screaming and went limp.

"Don't touch those" Lucius had recovered.

He crawled over to her and pick the pill up.

"Just wait here" Said Lucius limping away.

He came back with a numbing cream and a sewing kit. She was unable to feel her arm in seconds. She placed a second substance that healed her arm in seconds. He tied everyone up and tended to their wounds. She had the girl in a chair.

"What are we going to do with them?" Said Aurora.

"Interrogate" Said Lucius sitting down.

He woke the girl up and began to talk to her in a language she did not understand. She sat near by looking at the people. She tossed seeds at them. She looked over at Lucius and noticed the girl looked scared to death.

The girl was paralyzed by fear. She couldn't even breath. Her body wanted nothing more than to run away. His eyes were the doors to eternal agony.

Maybe...that's too much?

Aurora walked over and tapped his shoulder.

"Lucius she seems really scared. Just let her calm down for a moment" Said Aurora.

She wanted to punch her face in for trying to steal Lucius's present but didn't like holding in hate. Aurora brought her food and fed everyone else. Lucius was able to talk to her and relayed the information to Aurora. Aurora wonder how he had learned to speak their language.

"They have been following us for months, and want to know what we are" Said Lucius.

"Human of course" Said Aurora.

She realized how stupid it was. "They have never seen anything like us before. They feared we would soon come in mass groups. They were especially interested in you and thought I was a beast of darkness. Like like angels and demons" Said Lucius.

"So should we let them go?" Asked Aurora.

"Of course not, I'm going to kill them all" Said Lucius pulling a gun out.

She felt terror crush her. He was about to execute all those people.

"Just kidding, we can let them go" Said Lucius untying the rope.

"You had me for a moment their" Said Aurora.

They let the people go and went back to their daily routines.

"Hey Lucius, mind if I ask you something?" Asked Aurora popping through the door.

"Go for it" Said Lucius taking a drink of water.

"What would you name you baby if you had one?" Said Aurora.

Lucius spit his water out and took a moment.

"What?" Said Lucius with a red face.

"Like an adopted baby" Said Aurora backing away from the door slightly.

Unless you would want to do anything else...

"Well it depends if the baby is male or female" Said Lucius.

"Male" Said Aurora taking a step forward.

"I would name it whatever you wanted to name it" Said Lucius.

"And a girl?" Said Aurora.

"Jane or Calypso" Said Lucius with a half hearted smile.


"What would you name your kid?" Said Lucius.

She felt like he might just like her.

"It depends" Said Aurora.

"On what?" Asked Lucius.

"Male or female" She asked.

"A daughter".

She smiled not just with her lips but with her heart.

"Still depends" Said Aurora taking a step forward.

"On?" Asked Lucius.

"If you decided Jane or Calypso" Said Aurora leaning within inches of Lucius.

He turned away from her and she felt worried.

"Jane" Said Lucius as he covered his face.

When night came she had only him on her mind. She could imagine small tubby baby in a white cradle with a teddy bear in the corner. His eyes and her brown gold wavy hair. A fragile small hand reaching out for love that she would never stop giving.

She dreamt of spending every day with him and their little one. She could only imagine the joy she would feel when the best of both of them would call her mommy. She rolled in bed and hugged her pillow. It felt unusual even in her sleep. When she woke they lay side by side. She felt sadness knowing they would only be able to spend so much more time together. His eyes flutter open and she kissed his forehead. She knew they had only know each other for about ten months but she felt like it was right.

"You, you kissed me?" Lucius wondered in an exasperated voice.

She was able to hear his heart and see the absolute starstruck look in his eyes. He picked up one of his pills and the beast was gone along with the look in his eyes. She didn't like what the pills did to him but knew he had to take them.

As months passed the river grew smaller and smaller. She was out in the garden and he walked up behind her. She felt it like the calm before the storm.

"Today's the day" Said Lucius.

She put her flower down and looked over at where she had been keeping the gift. She had been waiting to give it to him on Valentine's day. And she wanted to keep waiting here.

"Yeah it is isn't it?" Aurora was doing her best to keep her tears away.

"I have everything ready"

She took his hand and they walked to the boat. It was more like a ship considering its size. He drove the ship across the river. Their final day together. They only had a few hours walk to reach the massive tower. A library was what it was. It had a shield around it but Lucius knew how to get through. She Walked with him to where he had his supplies.

"I need to send you first" Said Lucius.


Don’t leave me

"You need to repair the transport on the other side. Athena will know what to do. Just find her as fast as you can and tell her it's damaged" Said Lucius.

"Why can't we both go?" Said Aurora.

"I wouldn't make it to the other side alive. You are a lot tougher than me and I just don't stand a chance of living if it's not perfect. You will pass through and feel a little light headed but that's all"

Wait, but time flows differently here. That means-

"I can't leave you" Aurora blurted out.

"I know that why you are standing where you are" Said Lucius activating the transport.

She felt light cover her and she was back on Earth.


Athena! I have to get Athena!

She sprinted faster than she ever had before and looked in Athena's room. She began to cry when she didn't see her their. She left like she had just died inside. She found a phone and called Athena.

"Athena!" She screamed as burning tears filled and fell for her eyes "Lucius is trapped, the... the transport. Get over here now!!".

She felt her heart began to pound harder and harder. She only heard the phone hit the floor.

Athena didn't even open the doors. She ran straight through them and at that point about three minutes had passed. Athena knew by how desperate she sounded that it was not just a slight time difference. She looked like a blur as she fixed the transport in just under two seconds. She activated it and he appeared. Before he could say a word Aurora wrapped her arms around him crying.

"Are you okay?" Asked Lucius.

"I'm sorry!" Said Aurora.

"Don't worry about out it. I was asleep nearly the entire time. I woke up yesterday" Said Lucius.

He was lying. He had spent over two hundred and sixty years waiting. Isolated but he spent time reading.

"I'm sorry" Aurora kept repeating.

"Don't be" Said Lucius. He meant it.

Aurora felt like she hadn't seen him in years.

"Well if you don't mean me, I'm going to take a bath" Said Lucius. He still had his pill box.

He walked away and left Aurora and Athena standing alone.

"You two didn't you know..." Said Aurora making a circle with her thumb and index finger.

"What? No. Why would you think that?" Asked Aurora.

But it’s not like I wouldn’t let him…

"It's just that you two seemed oddly affectionate. How long were you in their?" Said Athena.

"About ten months" Said Aurora placing her index finger on her chin.

I wish it were longer though.

"Just saying it seems like he is become accustomed to you" Athena looked at her and smiled.

Finally, she sighed "Want to watch a movie?"

" Sure" Aurora nodded. She wanted to spend time with all her friends as well.

"I'm calling everyone so see if they want to hang out" Said Athena as she took out her phone. Aurora had pizza with every

"Hey Athena, is Lucius here " Morrie said after examining the house interior and taking notes.

Aurora had changed into her usually clothing and noticed that Morry had a similar skirt. Both skirts reached halfway down their legs.

"I think he's in his room" Athena replied.

Aurora ate more pizza until Morrie walked back into the room.

"He left a note"

Athena walked over and picked it up. She looked angry as she read the contents.

"Well he will be at school tomorrow but he won't be here tonight " She looked even more peeved as she said it.

Maybe I should ask why… Strange, I feel like I it would be a bad idea to ask.

As the day went by they got board.

"Who wants to play truth or dare?" Asked Hex. Aurora noticed the smile she had. It said she had a reason.

Hmmmm. She’s planning something isn't she…

"Why not" Said Athena taking a seat.

Eventually everyone joined in.

"Who wants to go first?" Said Hex.

There was a knock at the door.

"Just a moment" Said Athena.

She walked back with Raven under her arm like a handbag.

"This is demeaning" Said Raven with her head slumped down.

"Hey it's the angry child" Said Hex.

Aurora giggled at that point.

"Why did you bring a child?" Asked Havana.

"She is older than most of us, she's just short" Said Athena.

"I'm not short. I'm just fun size" Said Raven.

Aurora knew it was inevitable and looked over at Hex.

"I really doubt anyone will be having fun with you any time soon” Said Hex pointing in her general direction.

"Let's get started, I'll ask first" Said Aurora.

"Wait, to make thing interesting I got this from Lucius room. It's a truth serums" Said Athena.

She poured it into a bowl of apple juice.

"Drink up" Said Athena.

They all had some dispute not truly wanting to.

"We can't lie!" Said Athena.

As long as they don't ask anything about Lucias.

Athena placed a bottle on the table and said "Who ever it lands on has to go first".

Aurora spun the bottle and it stopped on Hex.

"Hex," Said Aurora as she thought of what to say "Truth or dare".

"Truth!" Said Hex with a grin.

"Have you ever kissed anyone?" Asked Aurora.

"No..." Said Hex with a flat tone.

"Hex it's your turn" Said Athena.

Hex looked like the devil with that smile of hers. She spun it and it stopped on Allison.

She's gonna do something bad isn't she...

"It landed on Allison" Said Athena.

"Truth or dare" Said Hex.

"I'm afraid you will ask something personal so I choose dare" Said Allison.

"I dare you to tell me if you have ever had a fantasy about someone" Said Hex.

"Yes..." Said Allison slowly.

Allison spun the bottle and it stopped on Athena.

“Was it L-” Athena cleared her throat indicating that is wasn't Hex's turn.

"Truth or dare?" Asked Allison.

"Truth" Said Athena eating some chips. She seemed far to calm compared to everyone else.

"What is the name of your first love" Said Allison. She smiled with her flawless smile.

"Lucius" Said Athena.

"Aww that's cute. I'm happy you're his sister because if you weren't none of us would stand a chance" Said Scarlet.

"Your turn" Said Hex.

The bottle stopped on her. Aurora felt her heart as it began to beat louder.

"Truth or dare" Said Athena.

"Truth" Said Aurora fearing the worst.

"Do you like..."

Their was a knock at the door and Aurora yelled "got it!".

She walked to the door and the odd girl stood their.

"Why are you here?" Said the girl.

"I followed Lucius home to say sorry and things got out of hand" Said Aurora.

"Well is he home?" Said the girl.

"No" Said Aurora.

She walked away without another word. She walked back to the group and sat down.

"So have you kissed my brother?" Asked Athena.

"No" Said Aurora in a calm tone.

She feared that Athena would have asked her she liked Lucius.

She landed on Raven. Raven had a sinister look on her face.

"Truth" Said Raven.

"Do you like Lucius?" Said Aurora.

"Of course I do. I want him to have my babies" Said Raven.

Raven spun the bottle and it landed on her.

"Truth or dare" Raven and Aurora knew what they had in mind.

"Truth" Said Aurora.

"Do you like Lucius?" Said Raven.

She knew she could not hold out forever


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