《Broken》chapter 3.4 Scarlet


"Ow," Said Scarlet as she placed pressure on her foot.

"Don't worry I will carry you," Said Lucius "It's the only thing I'm physically good at". Scarlet wrapped her arms around him.

"Hold me close" Said Lucius with a smile.

"Why is this the only thing you're physically good at?" Asked Scarlet.

"Because my baby sisters would always ask me to carry them. I didn't want to disappoint them so I worked out. It took a few months but I can hold two hundred pounds for half an hour if needed"

"You spent all that time just to make them happy?"

"No, I spent a lot more. I learned to cook so I could make food for them any time they wanted. I also memorized hundreds of stories for them and learned how to play several instruments"

"So you you do have a heart" Said Scarlet kissing his cheek.

Allison interrupted "I'M HURT TOO!"

"Athena is right outside she can carry you" Said Lucius.

Allison didn't exactly seem happy at that news.

"Hey" Said Athena stepping in.

She picked Allison up and started walking.

"So we are taking a limo I rented for today" Said Lucius.

"A limo?" Said Scarlet with confusion.

"Yeah, a limo" Replied Lucius as Scarlet pressed closer against him.

They got to the front of the school and saw everyone else waiting.

"Hey Lucius" Said Aurora blowing a kiss and giving a twirl in her blue dress. She looked almost as beautiful as Athena and that was saying something.

"Morrie will be joining us at the beach" Said Lucius.

They all got in the car and Scarlet took a seat next to Lucius. Aurora also had a seat next to him.

"There are drinks in the cooler if any of you want any" Said Lucius.

Everyone grabbed a different drink from the cooler except for Lucius.

"Don't you want one?" Asked Scarlet.

"No they have a zero point five percent alcohol content and that is more than my body can handle" Said Lucius.

"You're joking?" Said Allison.

"Why would I be?" Said Lucius.

"Trust me it's true. He gets it from our mom" Said Athena.

Hex laughed.

They all enjoyed how she was so accepting of being blind. She was born that way. It was more than just her eyes. The part of her brain responsible for sight had never developed. No surgery could repair the damage, at least not yet.

"What's that in the corner?" Said Aurora.

"That's Raven, she's sleeping" Said Lucius.

"Lolicon" Said Athena with a smile.

"I am not, we are just acquaintances" Said Lucius.

"Whats a lolicon?" Said Scarlet with deep interest.

"Care to explain Lucius?" Said Athena with joy bursting from her lips.

"Fine but don't get the wrong idea" Said Lucius taking a breath.

"It's basically being attracted to young girls or child-like girls that look young" Said Lucius.

"So are you into her? Or are you IN to her" Hex had her wicked grin on.

"That's disgusting and I am not a lolicon, my sister just likes to make fun of me" Said Lucius.

Scarlet found it funny that Lucius had invited a nine year old to the beach as well.

"Lucius" Groaned Raven.

Lucius walked over to her and said "What's up tiny?"

"I'm cold" Said Raven.

"Don't worry about it" Said Lucius picking her up and holding her.

You could almost hold the about of envy and confusion in the air.

She wrapped her arms around him and kissed his cheek "I like this"


Scarlet wanted to push her out of his hand. She felt wrong that she even thought about it.

"How old are you?" Said Allison.

"Fifteen" Replied Raven.

Everyone with the exception of Hex seemed surprised.

"Your older than all of us!" Said Aurora.

"Let's just say Lucius is into older girls" Said Raven with a wink.

Oh he does does he?

"We have arrived" Said the driver.

Everyone walked out still confused by Raven. She was holding his hand. Scarlet wasn't going to lose to a child.

"Ow, it still hurts! Lucius can you carry me?" Said Scarlet.

"Of course" Lucius picked her up.


When only Raven was looking she stuck her tongue out at her. They got on the soft smooth sand and Raven pushed her. Lucius re-positioned himself to keep them from falling. Scarlet felt his hand shift and move back.

"I didn't mean to do that" Said Lucius.

He quickly moved his hand away. Scarlet was bright red and glaring at Raven. She knew just what to do to get back at her. Athena was setting up beach towels and a few ice boxes. Once the towels were on the floor Lucius set Scarlet down.

"Lucius" Said Aurora in a shy tone.

If the word beautiful had a body it would envy Aurora's. Everything about her seemed perfect. Her hair, her eyes, her voice, why now of all moments did she chose to show just how perfect she really is.

"Could you teach me how to swim" Said Aurora looking right into his eyes.

"I will be right back" Said Lucius.

He walked away and reached into his backpack. He grabbed the pill with tongs. He ate a small black pill from a silver jar. He seemed to gag. He was shaking for just a moment and walked back.

"I can teach you" Said Lucius in a voice void of life.

His voice scent chill tearing through her spine. His eyes seemed cold enough to freeze a star from the inside out. He walked to the water without a second though. Scarlet felt like something was wrong with those black pills. They just looked wrong for some reason.

"Hey Athena what are those pills your brother just ate" Said Scarlet.

"Those are pills to keep him calm and stuff. He has to eat one every day. But whatever you do don't touch them if he drops one" Said Athena.

Scarlet noticed lots of people were looking at Athena and Aurora. Hundreds of people were playing in the water and sand. She didn't understand why she felt alone.

How do they not notice the people starring? It's like they don't even realize that they are attractive.

Scarlet noticed a girl that looked familiar. She had dark hair that seemed to be almost purple. She ran up to Lucius and hugged him from behind. He was still teaching Aurora how to swim. She kissed his cheek and Lucius seemed frozen. He didn't move for short moment and fell into the water. She yelped and pulled him up.

Scarlet ran over and the rest of the group.

"Who are you and what did you do to him!" Said Athena at the girl.

"It's me, Morrie"

Everyone was completely confused but turned back to Lucius. He was gone.

"What the, where did he go I just saw him" Said Aurora.

They looked around but couldn't find him. Athena call the life guards and they had everyone get out of the water. They couldn't find him anywhere. He had vanished into the air. They were unable to find him.


Athena called their guardian and explained what had happened. She drove over and was worried beyond belief. They told her what had happened and she seemed only confused.

"I don't know what to say" Said Evelynn as she soothed Athena.

Athena was about to cry but Evelynn kept her from doing so.

"Did he take his pills?" Said Evelynn.

"He did" Said Athena.

"How many?" Asked Evelynn.

"Two" Said Scarlet.

"Why would he do that" Said Evelynn.

Her tone suggested that it was something dangerous or at least stupid.

"What is going on?" Said Lucius.

Everyone was looking at him and Aurora was the first to hold him. He seemed surprised but smiled his half smile of all things.

Since when was Aurora able to get that smile out of him? Well it doesn't matter since I'll be the first to get a whole one.

He held her and he asked "What's the big deal?"

Aurora replied with joy and anger "You scared me you big dummy"

Athena hugged him as well. After the initial shock passed they told the lifeguards they had found him.

"Lucius can you teach me to swim to?" Asked Scarlet.

"Of course, you still up for learning Aurora?" Asked Lucius to Aurora who was standing next to Evelynn.

"Wait a second you already... Ow!" Evelynn Yelped.

"Let's go" Said Aurora.

Scarlet ran after them and felt a little better.

"I'm going to start with you" Said Lucius.

"I like the sound of that" Said Scarlet.

"I am going to place my hands near your chest and start with the normal strokes" Said Lucius.

She already knew how but enjoyed that he was willing to show her. He was so gentle and calm she felt like she could fall asleep in his hands. She woke up on a beach towel with her head resting on his leg.

"You fell asleep" Said Lucius.

Raven and Aurora were also sleeping but they were leaning against him. She felt his soft hand brush her bangs out of her face.

"Did you sleep well?" Asked Lucius setting Aurora and Raven down on the beach towel.

She was wonderstruck when he took her hand and walked to the edge of the water. The sun was setting and the beautiful pink sky had painted clouds in the air.

"Scarlet, I want to tell you that I..." Scarlet stopped him with a kiss.

His arms wrapped around her and she was overwhelmed with joy. At that instant she felt more than she had in the majority of her life.

"Scarlet, Scarlet" Said a voice as her body began to shake slightly.

She woke up.

"You fell asleep and you bit me" Said Lucius.

"Sorry" Said Scarlet with more embarrassment than she had ever felt before.

Aurora was sleeping on his right. She was leaned against him. She waited for a moment hoping her dream would come true. She felt an explosion of joy once he sat Aurora down for her leaning position. He grabbed a pillow and placed it under her head.

"I'll be right back" Said Lucius taking Morrie's hand.

"You won the bet so I will dance with you" Said Lucius.

"I choose the song and style too" Said Morrie.

He nodded and they held hands.

A slow song began to play and they began to slow dance. They held each other close and she spun out then back into his arms.

It's like he's was born to be able to do whatever he set his mind to. He's a natural at everything.

She thought for a moment and remembered their date. She could only imagine how jealous they would have been. He had even call her beautiful, kind of.

She waited until the song ended and asked Lucius "Who do you love?"

He seemed to truly be pondering the question.

"My family I guess" Said Lucius seeming uncertain.

She wondered if this meant he didn't know if he care about them or if he was considering if he loved someone else. She didn't believe he could be so heartless as to not be certain if he loved his family.

"Where did you live before you came here?" She asked.

"L.A,California" he replied.

"Is that where those terrorists attacked the school?" Said Morrie.

Athena ran up to them smiling.

"What you guys talking about?" Said Athena swaying side to side as she hopped from one foot to another.

"Nothing just go back to playing in the sand" Said Lucius.

"Wait how old are you Athena?" Said Raven popping out from behind Lucius.

"Thirteen, and my brother is available just so you all know" Said Athena with a wink.

"I am not" Said Lucius in his flat tone.

"Who are you with then?" Said Scarlet.

She didn't want him to be with anyone even if she just kinda liked him. She noticed at that same moment a beautiful necklace hidden between Athena's curves.

"What's that?" Scarlet pointed.

"Um, boobs?"

"I'm surprised Raven didn't ask because she doesn't have any" Said Hex.

"I'm not flat chested!!!" Screamed Raven.

"Yeah and I'm not blind"

Scarlet began to laugh and Raven began to pout. The sun was finally going to rest.

"So who is your girlfriend if you aren't available?" Said Scarlet.

"That's not public information" Said Lucius.

"Who is she?" Asked everyone attempting to find out who his heart belonged to.

"I'll tell one of you if you can do something. This does not include you" Said Lucius pointing at Athena.

"Well what is it?" Said Scarlet.

He walked over to his backpack and pulled his book out. He copied a single sentence from the book and walked over. Simply looking at the words was more than enough to make her feel sick. She had a overwhelming fear crush her very ability to understand, like her mind didn't want to. The way the words were shaped made her sick.

Are those even words? I can't read a single one and just looking makes me woozy…

"How the hell am I supposed to play" Said Hex.

"I will make a game for you to play on your own" Said Lucius taking a seat next to her.

They all looked at paper and seemed utterly sick.

"So what does Hex have to do?" Said Scarlet.

"All she has to do is not blush" Said Lucius in a flat tone.

He leaned over and kissed her cheek. Her entire face was red and she attempted to hid her face.

"That's not fair you didn't tell me what you would do!" Said Hex.

Scarlet was jealous and wished she could have been in her place.

"Fine this time the lips" Said Lucius.

"No!" Screamed Scarlet, Aurora, Raven, Morrie, and Allison.

"Fine" Said Hex.

Scarlet wanted to tackle him. He leaned in and used his left hand to guide her. It was easy to tell she closed her eyes despite being hidden behind sunglasses. He used his left hand and used to fingers as lips. She kissed his hand and blushed regardless. If he hadn't showed them that he had used his hand as a barrier they would have believed it was a real kiss.

"None of you won" Said Lucius as he stood up.

Raven jumped on Lucius and a crunch filled the air.

"All of you close your eyes!" Said Lucius.

Everyone pretended to close their eyes. They were able to see his bone nearly popping through his skin. His arm had snapped in the wrong direction. Scarlet felt light headed and passed out.

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