《Broken》chapter 3.3 Scarlet


They screamed and turned towards him. They had not seen him appear. He was there and nothing else.

"I won't ask again" Said Lucius.

"I just didn't think I should" Said Aurora.

"I want you to go" Said Lucius taking her hand.

Scarlet felt envy like she had never known before. She felt like she had just caught him cheating on her. She knew they weren't together but she didn't like that was happening. She knew just what to do.

She wrapped her arms around him and said "I really enjoyed our date".

The Aurora's expression said it all. Scarlet grabbed Lucius and pulled him in.

"I like you as a good friend" Said Scarlet.

He stood still for a moment and walked away. He didn't say anything or so much as blink. He just walked away.

A few moments later Athena walked over "Something is up with Lucius. Did something happen?".

Scarlet pointed at Aurora "She kissed him"

"No I didn't!" Yelled Aurora.

Athena picked them both up "We will be right back Hex".

She walked outside gathering glances from everyone. Athena looked at the crowded and slammed her hands together causing a boom like the crack of lightning.

"Beat it or I'll beat you" Said Athena turning back towards them. She took a deep breath and looked at them. "Listen Lucius is special" Said Athena.

"Of course he is" Said Scarlet and Aurora in unison.

"You really don't understand. He is not able to live a normal life because of some complications. His heart is to weak to survive any strain. Running too quickly could kill him. Being frightened could hurt him but he is kinda messed up so that doesn't work. And his heart rate could reach dangerous levels if, he is you, know stimulated" Said Athena.

"Are you saying if he likes anyone he will die?" Asked Scarlet.

"Pretty much"

"Why doesn't he just get a heart transplant?" Said Aurora.

"It's complicated. Lucius told me it worked a little like this: his body would reject any and all foreign tissue other than someone who is in our immediate family. But that isn't the only problem. His body goes into shock very easily and he has deathly reactions to any kind of painkillers and sedatives. If we wanted to transplant his heart he would need to be awake during the entire process"


"Why are there so many things wrong with him" Said Aurora.

"If only I knew. But my mom said it had something to do with how we were born but I'll tell you all about that later. For now just try not to do anything that will make his heart go crazy" Said Athena walking away.

It seemed like the universe wanted him dead. Everything that could go wrong for him was going wrong.

"We should go get Hex" Said Scarlet.

They walked to the cafeteria and saw Allison talking with Hex.

"Hey Allison" Said Scarlet with a hint of displeasure in her tone.

"I heard you were all going to the beach" Said Allison.

"So what if we are" Said Scarlet.

"Well I will be joining you" Said Allison.

"Did someone invite you?" Asked Scarlet.

"I didn't say anyone did you worthless bitch" Said Allison.

Scarlet slapped her. She stood still for just an instant before she attacked. Scarlet and Allison started throwing punches at each other. They were doing all they could to hurt each other. They hadn't even noticed Morrie before they were both knocked unconscious. They woke up in the nurse's office beside each other.

"How did it feel being unconscious?" Asked Morrie.

"Why did you knock me out?" Asked Scarlet.

"I needed to and do you mind if I place these sensors on you" Said Morrie.

"Go ahead I'm not afraid" Said Scarlet.

She had no idea why she added the part about not being afraid but Allison responded "Neither am I, place a few on me to".

Morrie placed the sensor over their bodies and Said "By the way Lucius and I are together so back off". She felt her heart drop.

"That was a lie I needed to examine your reaction to such information" Morrie scribbled down notes.

Scarlet wanted to yell at her but knew they would get suspicious if she did. Lucius walked in with roses and chocolate. Scarlet felt warmth cover her body. He walked up to her in a way so calmly it soothed her.

"I brought you roses and chocolate" Said Lucius with a intense look in his eyes. He sat the flowers in a vase and handed her a box of chocolates. She could feel envy crashing on her from everyone in the room. Morrie's facial expression looked like she was hungry and was watching someone eat the food she had been saving all day. Her sleeves were up to her shoulders probably in fists.


"And this if for you" Said Lucius handing Allison roses and a box of chocolates as well.

Everyone now had their eyes on Allison. They didn't know what to think but Scarlet knew what she was thinking and it was nothing good. Morrie grabbed Lucius and pulled him out of the room. Scarlet nearly fainted when she saw the price tag on the box of chocolates. The roses were of a breed she had never seen before. They seemed to shimmer in the light. She opened the box of chocolates like a safe.

Lucius walked in as she did this and said "Wait".

He didn't really raise his voice but it seemed to have the slightest bit of urgency. "You're hurt," Lucius walked over "Let me do it".

She didn't know what to say so she just nodded. He looked into her your and said "Which one do you want".


"Interesting choice, Ue chocolate is intended to be good, but not too good in order to complement the other chocolates in the box" Said Lucius as he picked up a chocolate and placed it in her mouth.

She was disappointed that he didn't get the hint. Morrie was no longer in the room. It was just her and Allison. Her mouth watered at the smell of the chocolate. But when she finally tasted it she couldn't hold back.

Lucius leaned in and whispered "That sounds familiar".

She punched him in the shoulder and turned away with a smile.

"I'm hurt too" Said Allison.

Scarlet wanted to tell her to shut her mouth but didn't want to say something so rude in front of Lucius. He stood up and she felt her heart break.

He walked over and asked "What would you like?"

"How about a kiss" Said Allison.

"A-kiss is a very flavorful chocolate. The cocoa seeds that they use are made from are meant to be the most flavorful humanly possible" Said Lucius. Scarlet could feel Allison's disappointment. He picked the chocolate up and she ate the chocolate. She managed to wrap her lips around his index finger for just a second.

"Your lips are soft" Was his response.

She had no idea someone could be so smart and stupid.

"Lucius can I have another" Said Scarlet.

"Of course" Said Lucius walking over.

"See anything you like?" Asked Lucius.

"I see you and I don't mean the chocolate"

"I too like you as an acquaintance" Replied Lucius.

Shit I'm in the friend zone

"Can you kiss me Lucius" Said Scarlet.

"I don't see a reason why" Said Lucius.

"Kisses make me feel better" Said Scarlet.

"If it makes you feel better I will kiss your cheek" Said Lucius.

He leaned in. She was going to turn at the last second and kiss his lips.

"Whats going on here" The nurse entered the room.

"Hello Fiona, thank you for taking such good care of my friends. Here is a gift to show my appreciation" Said Lucius pulling a box out of his backpack.

"Why thank you Lucius" Said Fiona with a smile.

"Well school just let out so if you are still hurt we can reschedule the beach party" Said Lucius.

"No!" Screamed Scarlet and Allison in unison.

Scarlet got up "Let's go".

Allison got up as well. Scarlet knew just what to do.

I'll pretend I've hurt my foot so he'll carry me.

"Ow," Said Scarlet as she placed pressure on her foot.

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